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@@ -167,3 +167,3 @@ /**

* @param signature the signatures on the signing digest of the transaction
* @returns The transaction hash as a byte array
* @returns The transaction hash as a hex-encoded string

@@ -683,2 +683,81 @@ sendAccountTransaction(transaction: v1.AccountTransaction, signature: v1.AccountTransactionSignature): Promise<HexString>;

findFirstFinalizedBlockNoLaterThan(time: Date, from?: v1.AbsoluteBlocksAtHeightRequest, to?: v1.AbsoluteBlocksAtHeightRequest): Promise<v1.BlockInfo | undefined>;
* Get the projected earliest time at which a particular baker will be required to bake a block.
* If the baker is not a baker for the current reward period, this returns a timestamp at the
* start of the next reward period. If the baker is a baker for the current reward period, the
* earliest win time is projected from the current round forward, assuming that each round after
* the last finalized round will take the minimum block time. (If blocks take longer, or timeouts
* occur, the actual time may be later, and the reported time in subsequent queries may reflect
* this.) At the end of an epoch (or if the baker is not projected to bake before the end of the
* epoch) the earliest win time for a (current) baker will be projected as the start of the next
* epoch. This is because the seed for the leader election is updated at the epoch boundary, and
* so the winners cannot be predicted beyond that. Note that in some circumstances the returned
* timestamp can be in the past, especially at the end of an epoch.
* @throws an `UNAVAILABLE` RPC error if the current consensus version is 0 (prior to protocol version 6), as the endpoint is only supported from consensus version 1 (from protocol version 6).
* @param {v1.BakerId} baker - The baker that should be queried for.
* @returns {v1.Timestamp} The projected earliest time at which a particular baker will be required to bake a block, as a unix timestamp in milliseconds.
getBakerEarliestWinTime(baker: v1.BakerId): Promise<v1.Timestamp>;
* For a non-genesis block, this returns the quorum certificate, a timeout
* certificate (if present) and epoch finalization entry (if present).
* @throws an `UNIMPLEMENTED` RPC error if the endpoint is not enabled by the node.
* @throws an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if the block being pointed to is not a product of ConcordiumBFT
* @param blockHash optional block hash to get the cryptographic parameters at, otherwise retrieves from last finalized block.
* @returns the requested block certificates.
getBlockCertificates(blockHash?: HexString): Promise<v1.BlockCertificates>;
* Get all bakers in the reward period of a block.
* This endpoint is only supported for protocol version 6 and onwards.
* @throws an `IllegalArgument` RPC error if the protocol does not support the endpoint.
* @param blockHash optional block hash to get the cryptographic parameters at, otherwise retrieves from last finalized block.
* @returns All bakers in the reward period of a block
getBakersRewardPeriod(blockHash?: HexString): AsyncIterable<v1.BakerRewardPeriodInfo>;
* Get the list of bakers that won the lottery in a particular historical epoch (i.e. the
* last finalized block is in a later epoch). This lists the winners for each round in the
* epoch, starting from the round after the last block in the previous epoch, running to
* the round before the first block in the next epoch. It also indicates if a block in each
* round was included in the finalized chain.
* The following error cases are possible:
* @throws a `NOT_FOUND` RPC error if the query specifies an unknown block.
* @throws an `UNAVAILABLE` RPC error if the query is for an epoch that is not finalized in the current genesis index, or is for a future genesis index.
* @throws an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` RPC error if the query is for an epoch that is not finalized for a past genesis index.
* @throws an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` RPC error if the query is for a genesis index at consensus version 0.
* @throws an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` RPC error if the input `EpochRequest` is malformed.
* @throws an `UNAVAILABLE` RPC error if the endpoint is disabled on the node.
* @param {HexString | v1.RelativeEpochRequest } epochRequest - Consists of either a hex-encoded block hash or a relative epoch request consisting of a genesis index and an epoch. If none is passed, it queries the last finalized block.
* @returns {v1.WinningBaker} A stream of winning bakers for a given epoch.
getWinningBakersEpoch(epochRequest?: HexString | v1.RelativeEpochRequest): AsyncIterable<v1.WinningBaker>;
* Get the block hash of the first finalized block in a specified epoch.
* The following error cases are possible:
* @throws - a `NOT_FOUND` RPC error if the query specifies an unknown block.
* @throws - an `UNAVAILABLE` RPC error if the query is for an epoch that is not finalized in the current genesis index, or is for a future genesis index.
* @throws - an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` RPC error if the query is for an epoch with no finalized blocks for a past genesis index.
* @throws - an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` RPC error if the input `EpochRequest` is malformed.
* @throws - an `UNAVAILABLE` RPC error if the endpoint is disabled on the node.
* @param {HexString | v1.RelativeEpochRequest } epochRequest - Consists of either a hex-encoded block hash or a relative epoch request consisting of a genesis index and an epoch. If none is passed, it queries the last finalized block.
* @returns {HexString} The block hash as a hex encoded string.
getFirstBlockEpoch(epochRequest?: HexString | v1.RelativeEpochRequest): Promise<HexString>;
private getConsensusHeight;

@@ -685,0 +764,0 @@ /**

@@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ import * as v1 from './types';

export declare function blockFinalizationSummary(finalizationSummary: v2.BlockFinalizationSummary): v1.BlockFinalizationSummary;
export declare function blockCertificates(certs: v2.BlockCertificates): v1.BlockCertificates;
export declare function quorumCertificate(cert: v2.QuorumCertificate): v1.QuorumCertificate;
export declare function timeoutCertificate(cert: v2.TimeoutCertificate): v1.TimeoutCertificate;
export declare function epochFinalizationEntry(cert: v2.EpochFinalizationEntry): v1.EpochFinalizationEntry;
export declare function finalizerRound(round: v2.FinalizerRound): v1.FinalizerRound;
export declare function bakerRewardPeriodInfo(bakerRewardPeriod: v2.BakerRewardPeriodInfo): v1.BakerRewardPeriodInfo;
export declare function bakerInfo(bakerInfo: v2.BakerInfo): v1.BakerInfo;
export declare function winningBaker(winningBaker: v2.WinningBaker): v1.WinningBaker;
export declare function accountTransactionSignatureToV2(signature: v1.AccountTransactionSignature): v2.AccountTransactionSignature;
export declare function BlocksAtHeightRequestToV2(request: v1.BlocksAtHeightRequest): v2.BlocksAtHeightRequest;

@@ -28,3 +28,26 @@ /**

export declare type JsonString = string;
/** A smart contract module reference. This is always 32 bytes long. */
export declare type ModuleRef = HexString;
/** The signature of a 'QuorumCertificate'. the bytes have a fixed length of 48 bytes. */
export declare type QuorumSignature = HexString;
/** The signature of a 'TimeoutCertificate'. the bytes have a fixed length of 48 bytes. */
export declare type TimeoutSignature = HexString;
* A proof that establishes that the successor block of
* a 'EpochFinalizationEntry' is the immediate successor of
* the finalized block.
* The bytes have a fixed length of 32 bytes.
export declare type SuccessorProof = HexString;
/** Baker's public key used to check whether they won the lottery or not. */
export declare type BakerElectionVerifyKey = HexString;
/** Baker's public key used to check that they are indeed the ones who produced the block. */
export declare type BakerSignatureVerifyKey = HexString;
* Baker's public key used to check signatures on finalization records.
* This is only used if the baker has sufficient stake to participate in
* finalization.
export declare type BakerAggregationVerifyKey = HexString;
/** A number of milliseconds */

@@ -39,2 +62,9 @@ export declare type Duration = bigint;

* The number of chain restarts via a protocol update. An effected
* protocol update instruction might not change the protocol version
* specified in the previous field, but it always increments the genesis
* index.
export declare type GenesisIndex = number;
* Makes keys of type optional

@@ -639,3 +669,3 @@ *

genesisIndex: number;
genesisIndex: GenesisIndex;
/** The height of this block relative to the (re)genesis block of its era */

@@ -668,3 +698,3 @@ eraBlockHeight: number;

export interface RelativeBlocksAtHeightRequest {
genesisIndex: number;
genesisIndex: GenesisIndex;
height: bigint;

@@ -736,3 +766,3 @@ restrict: boolean;

genesisIndex: number;
genesisIndex: GenesisIndex;
/** Currently active protocol version. */

@@ -933,2 +963,3 @@ protocolVersion: bigint;

delegatedCapital: Amount;
commissionRates: CommissionRates;

@@ -1550,2 +1581,211 @@ export declare enum BakerPoolPendingChangeType {

} | SmartContractTypeValues[] | number | string | boolean;
* Certificates for a block for protocols supporting
* ConcordiumBFT.
export interface BlockCertificates {
* The quorum certificate. Is present if and only if the block is
* not a genesis block.
quorumCertificate?: QuorumCertificate;
* The timeout certificate. Is present only if the round prior to the
* round of the block timed out.
timeoutCertificate?: TimeoutCertificate;
* The epoch finalization entry. Is present only if the block initiates
* a new epoch.
epochFinalizationEntry?: EpochFinalizationEntry;
* A quorum certificate is the certificate that the
* finalization comittee issues in order to certify a block.
* A block must be certified before it will be part of the
* authorative part of the chain.
export interface QuorumCertificate {
* The hash of the block that the quorum certificate refers to.
blockHash: HexString;
* The round of the block.
round: Round;
* The epoch of the block.
epoch: Epoch;
* The aggregated signature by the finalization committee on the block.
aggregateSignature: QuorumSignature;
* A list of the finalizers that formed the quorum certificate
* i.e., the ones who have contributed to the 'aggregateSignature'.
* The finalizers are identified by their baker id as this is stable
* across protocols and epochs.
signatories: BakerId[];
* A timeout certificate is the certificate that the
* finalization committee issues when a round times out,
* thus making it possible for the protocol to proceed to the
* next round.
export interface TimeoutCertificate {
* The round that timed out.
round: Round;
* The minimum epoch of which signatures are included
* in the 'aggregate_signature'.
minEpoch: Epoch;
* The rounds of which finalizers have their best
* quorum certificates in the 'minEpoch'.
qcRoundsFirstEpoch: FinalizerRound[];
* The rounds of which finalizers have their best
* quorum certificates in the epoch 'minEpoch' + 1.
qcRoundsSecondEpoch: FinalizerRound[];
* The aggregated signature by the finalization committee that witnessed
* the 'round' timed out.
aggregateSignature: TimeoutSignature;
* The finalizer round is a map from a 'Round'
* to the list of finalizers (identified by their 'BakerId') that signed
* off the round.
export interface FinalizerRound {
* The round that was signed off.
round: Round;
* The finalizers (identified by their 'BakerId' that
* signed off the in 'round'.
finalizers: BakerId[];
* The epoch finalization entry is the proof that
* makes the protocol able to advance to a new epoch.
* I.e. the 'EpochFinalizationEntry' is present if and only if
* the block is the first block of a new 'Epoch'.
export interface EpochFinalizationEntry {
* The quorum certificate for the finalized block.
finalizedQc: QuorumCertificate;
* The quorum certificate for the block that finalizes
* the block that 'finalizedQc' points to.
successorQc: QuorumCertificate;
* A proof that the successor block is an immediate
* successor of the finalized block.
successorProof: SuccessorProof;
* Information about a particular baker with respect to
* the current reward period.
export interface BakerRewardPeriodInfo {
* The baker id and public keys for the baker.
baker: BakerInfo;
* The effective stake of the baker for the consensus protocol.
* The returned amount accounts for delegation, capital bounds and leverage bounds.
effectiveStake: Amount;
* The effective commission rate for the baker that applies for the reward period.
commissionRates: CommissionRates;
* The amount staked by the baker itself.
equityCapital: Amount;
* The total amount of capital delegated to this baker pool.
delegatedCapital: Amount;
* Whether the baker is a finalizer or not.
isFinalizer: boolean;
* Information about a baker.
export interface BakerInfo {
* Identity of the baker. This is actually the account index of
* the account controlling the baker.
bakerId: BakerId;
* Baker's public key used to check whether they won the lottery or not.
electionKey: BakerElectionVerifyKey;
* Baker's public key used to check that they are indeed the ones who
* produced the block.
signatureKey: BakerSignatureVerifyKey;
* Baker's public key used to check signatures on finalization records.
* This is only used if the baker has sufficient stake to participate in
* finalization.
aggregationKey: BakerAggregationVerifyKey;
* Request an epoch by number at a given genesis index.
export interface RelativeEpochRequest {
* The genesis index to query at. The query is restricted to this genesis index, and
* will not return results for other indices even if the epoch number is out of bounds.
genesisIndex: GenesisIndex;
* The epoch number to query at.
epoch: Epoch;
* Details of which baker won the lottery in a given round in consensus version 1.
export interface WinningBaker {
* The round number.
round: Round;
* The baker that won the round.
winner: BakerId;
* True if the baker produced a block in this round on the finalized chain, and False otherwise.
present: boolean;
export declare type HealthCheckResponse = {

@@ -1552,0 +1792,0 @@ isHealthy: true;


"name": "@concordium/common-sdk",
"version": "9.4.0",
"version": "9.5.0",
"license": "Apache-2.0",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "engines": {

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Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display