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@@ -1,11 +0,26 @@

import { JssStyle, JssValue, Classes, Styles, StyleSheet } from 'jss';
import { ExtendableStyle } from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-extend';
import type { OptionalOrFalse, SingleOrArray, SingleOrDeepArray, ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray, ProductOrFactory, Dictionary, ValueOf, DictionaryOf } from '@cssfn/types';
import { Classes, Styles, StyleSheet } from 'jss';
import type { OptionalOrFalse, SingleOrDeepArray, ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray, ProductOrFactory, Dictionary, ValueOf, DictionaryOf } from '@cssfn/types';
import type { Prop, PropEx, Cust } from '@cssfn/css-types';
import { Combinator, SelectorList as SelectorModelList } from '@cssfn/css-selector';
import { Properties as CssProperties } from 'csstype';
import { pascalCase } from 'pascal-case';
import { camelCase } from 'camel-case';
export type { JssStyle, JssValue, Classes, Styles, StyleSheet };
export type { Classes, Styles, StyleSheet };
export type { Prop, PropEx, Cust };
export type { Dictionary, ValueOf, DictionaryOf };
export declare type Style = (ExtendableStyle & {});
export declare type KnownCssPropName = keyof CssProperties<string | number>;
export declare type KnownCssPropValue<PropName extends KnownCssPropName> = Exclude<CssProperties<string | number>[PropName], (undefined | null)>;
export declare type KnownCssProps = {
[PropName in keyof CssProperties<string | number>]?: (KnownCssPropValue<PropName> | [[KnownCssPropValue<PropName>], '!important'] | CssValue);
export declare type BasicCssValue = (string & {}) | (number & {}) | PropEx.Keyframes;
export declare type CssValue = undefined | null | BasicCssValue | BasicCssValue[] | (BasicCssValue | BasicCssValue[] | '!important')[];
export declare type CustomCssProps = {
[PropName: Exclude<string, KnownCssPropName>]: CssValue;
export declare type CssProps = KnownCssProps & CustomCssProps;
export declare type Rule = {
[PropName: symbol]: StyleCollection;
export declare type Style = CssProps & Rule;
export declare type StyleCollection = ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>;

@@ -19,17 +34,5 @@ export declare type ClassName = string;

export declare type OptionalString = OptionalOrFalse<string>;
export declare type UniversalSelector = ('*' & {});
export declare type RealElementSelector = (string & {});
export declare type PseudoElementSelector = (`::${string}` & {});
export declare type ElementSelector = RealElementSelector | PseudoElementSelector;
export declare type ClassSelector = (Class & {});
export declare type IdSelector = (`#${string}` & {});
export declare type SingleSelector = UniversalSelector | ElementSelector | ClassSelector | IdSelector;
export declare type Selector = SingleSelector | (`${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}` & {}) | (`${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}` & {}) | (`${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}` & {}) | (`${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}` & {});
export declare type Selector = (string & {});
export declare type SelectorCollection = SingleOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Selector>>;
export declare type NestedSelector = '&' | (`&${Selector}` & {}) | (`${Selector}&` & {});
export declare type RuleEntry = readonly [SelectorCollection, StyleCollection];
export declare type RuleEntrySource = ProductOrFactory<OptionalOrFalse<RuleEntry>>;
export declare type RuleList = RuleEntrySource[];
export declare type RuleCollection = SingleOrArray<RuleEntrySource | RuleList>;
export declare type PropList = Dictionary<JssValue>;
export declare type RuleCollection = ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Rule>>;
export declare const createJssSheet: <TClassName extends string = string>(styles: ProductOrFactory<Styles<TClassName, unknown, undefined>>, sheetId?: string | undefined) => StyleSheet<TClassName>;

@@ -39,7 +42,2 @@ export declare const createSheet: <TClassName extends string = string>(classes: ProductOrFactory<ClassList<TClassName>>, sheetId?: string | undefined) => StyleSheet<TClassName>;

* Defines the (sub) component's composition.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the (sub) component's composition.
export declare const composition: (styles: StyleCollection[]) => StyleCollection;
* Merges the (sub) component's composition to single `Style`.

@@ -51,2 +49,9 @@ * @returns A `Style` represents the merged (sub) component's composition

export declare const mergeStyles: (styles: StyleCollection) => Style | null;
export interface SelectorOptions {
groupSelectors?: boolean;
specificityWeight?: number | null;
minSpecificityWeight?: number | null;
maxSpecificityWeight?: number | null;
export declare const mergeSelectors: (selectorList: SelectorModelList, options?: SelectorOptions) => SelectorModelList;

@@ -56,3 +61,3 @@ * Defines the additional component's composition.

export declare const compositionOf: <TClassName extends string = string>(className: TClassName, styles: StyleCollection[]) => ClassEntry<TClassName>;
export declare const compositionOf: <TClassName extends string = string>(className: TClassName, ...styles: StyleCollection[]) => ClassEntry<TClassName>;

@@ -62,3 +67,3 @@ * Defines the main component's composition.

export declare const mainComposition: (styles: StyleCollection[]) => ClassEntry<"main">;
export declare const mainComposition: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => ClassEntry<"main">;

@@ -68,69 +73,80 @@ * Defines the global style applied to a whole document.

export declare const globalDef: (ruleCollection: RuleCollection) => ClassEntry<"">;
export declare const imports: (styles: StyleCollection[]) => StyleCollection;
export declare const globalDef: (...rules: RuleCollection[]) => ClassEntry<"">;
* @deprecated move to `style()`
* Defines the (sub) component's composition.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the (sub) component's composition.
export declare const composition: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
* Defines component's style.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's style.
export declare const style: (style: Style) => Rule;
* @deprecated move to `style()`
* Defines component's layout.
* @returns A `Style` represents the component's layout.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's layout.
export declare const layout: (style: Style) => Style;
export declare const layout: (style: Style) => Rule;
* Defines component's variable(s).
* @returns A `Style` represents the component's variable(s).
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's variable(s).
export declare const vars: (items: {
[name: string]: JssValue;
}) => Style;
export interface CombinatorOptions {
groupSelectors?: boolean;
export declare const combinators: (combinator: string, selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: CombinatorOptions) => PropList;
export declare const descendants: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: CombinatorOptions) => PropList;
export declare const children: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: CombinatorOptions) => PropList;
export declare const siblings: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: CombinatorOptions) => PropList;
export declare const nextSiblings: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: CombinatorOptions) => PropList;
export interface RuleOptions {
minSpecificityWeight?: number;
export declare const rules: (ruleCollection: RuleCollection, options?: RuleOptions) => StyleCollection;
[key: `--${string}`]: CssValue;
}) => Rule;
export declare const imports: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
* Defines component's `style(s)` that is applied when the specified `selector(s)` meet the conditions.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's rule.
export declare const rule: (rules: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: SelectorOptions) => Rule;
export declare const rules: (rules: RuleCollection, options?: SelectorOptions) => Rule;
* Defines component's variants.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the component's variants.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's variants.
export declare const variants: (variants: RuleCollection, options?: RuleOptions) => StyleCollection;
export declare const variants: (variants: RuleCollection, options?: SelectorOptions) => Rule;
export interface StateOptions extends SelectorOptions {
inherit?: boolean;
* Defines component's states.
* @param inherit `true` to inherit states from parent element -or- `false` to create independent states.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the component's states.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's states.
export declare const states: (states: RuleCollection | ((inherit: boolean) => RuleCollection), inherit?: boolean, options?: RuleOptions) => StyleCollection;
export declare const states: (states: RuleCollection | ((inherit: boolean) => RuleCollection), options?: StateOptions) => Rule;
export declare const keyframes: (name: string, items: PropEx.Keyframes) => Rule;
export declare const noRule: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const emptyRule: () => Rule;
export declare const fallbacks: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const fontFace: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const atGlobal: (...rules: RuleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const atRoot: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isFirstChild: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotFirstChild: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isLastChild: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotLastChild: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNthChild: (step: number, offset: number, ...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotNthChild: (step: number, offset: number, ...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNthLastChild: (step: number, offset: number, ...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotNthLastChild: (step: number, offset: number, ...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isActive: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotActive: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isFocus: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotFocus: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isFocusVisible: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotFocusVisible: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isHover: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotHover: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isEmpty: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const isNotEmpty: (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => Rule;
export declare const combinators: (combinator: Combinator, selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: SelectorOptions) => Rule;
export declare const descendants: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: SelectorOptions) => Rule;
export declare const children: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: SelectorOptions) => Rule;
export declare const siblings: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: SelectorOptions) => Rule;
export declare const nextSiblings: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options?: SelectorOptions) => Rule;
export declare const iif: <T extends CssProps | Rule | Style>(condition: boolean, content: T) => T;
* Defines component's `style(s)` that is applied when the specified `selector(s)` meet the conditions.
* @returns A `RuleEntry` represents the component's rule.
export declare const rule: (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const noRule: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const emptyRule: () => RuleEntry;
export declare const atRoot: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const atGlobal: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const fontFace: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isFirstChild: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotFirstChild: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isLastChild: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotLastChild: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNthChild: (step: number, offset: number, styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotNthChild: (step: number, offset: number, styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNthLastChild: (step: number, offset: number, styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotNthLastChild: (step: number, offset: number, styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isActive: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotActive: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isFocus: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotFocus: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isFocusVisible: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotFocusVisible: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isHover: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotHover: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isEmpty: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const isNotEmpty: (styles: StyleCollection) => RuleEntry;
export declare const iif: <T extends Style | PropList>(condition: boolean, content: T) => T;
* Escapes some sets of character in svg data, so it will be valid to be written in css.

@@ -137,0 +153,0 @@ * @param svgData The raw svg data to be escaped.

// jss:
import { create as createJss, } from 'jss'; // base technology of our cssfn components
// custom jss-plugins:
import jssPluginGlobal from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-global';
import { default as jssPluginExtend, mergeStyle, } from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-extend';
import jssPluginNested from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-nested';

@@ -10,3 +8,13 @@ import jssPluginShort from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-short';

import jssPluginVendor from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-vendor';
// others libs:
import {
// parses:
// creates & tests:
parentSelector, pseudoClassSelector, isSimpleSelector, isParentSelector, isClassOrPseudoClassSelector, isPseudoElementSelector, isNotPseudoElementSelector, isCombinator, createSelector, createSelectorList, isNotEmptySelectorEntry, isNotEmptySelector, isNotEmptySelectors,
// renders:
// transforms:
groupSelectors, groupSelector, ungroupSelector,
// measures:
calculateSpecificity, } from '@cssfn/css-selector';
import { pascalCase } from 'pascal-case'; // pascal-case support for jss

@@ -61,5 +69,3 @@ import { camelCase } from 'camel-case'; // camel-case support for jss

const customJss = createJss().setup({ createGenerateId, plugins: [
jssPluginNested((styles) => mergeStyles(styles)),

@@ -92,11 +98,94 @@ jssPluginCamelCase(),

.map(([className, styles]) => ({ [className || '@global']: mergeStyles(styles) })) // convert each `[className, styles]` to `{ className : mergeStyles(styles) | null }`
) ?? {});
) ?? emptyMergedStyle);
// compositions:
// processors:
const isStyle = (object) => object && (typeof (object) === 'object') && !Array.isArray(object);
const mergeLiteral = (style, newStyle) => {
for (const [propName, newPropValue] of [
...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(newStyle).map((sym) => [sym, newStyle[sym]]),
]) { // loop through `newStyle`'s props
if (!isStyle(newPropValue)) {
// `newPropValue` is not a `Style` => unmergeable => add/overwrite `newPropValue` into `style`:
delete style[propName]; // delete the old prop (if any), so the new prop always placed at the end of LiteralObject
style[propName] = newPropValue; // add/overwrite
else {
// `newPropValue` is a `Style` => possibility to merge with `currentPropValue`
const currentPropValue = style[propName];
if (!isStyle(currentPropValue)) {
// `currentPropValue` is not a `Style` => unmergeable => add/overwrite `newPropValue` into `style`:
delete style[propName]; // delete the old prop (if any), so the new prop always placed at the end of LiteralObject
style[propName] = newPropValue; // add/overwrite
else {
// both `newPropValue` & `currentPropValue` are `Style` => merge them recursively (deeply):
const currentValueClone = { ...currentPropValue }; // clone the `currentPropValue` to avoid side effect, because the `currentPropValue` is not **the primary object** we're working on
mergeLiteral(currentValueClone, newPropValue);
// merging style prop no need to rearrange the prop position
style[propName] = currentValueClone; // set the mutated `currentValueClone` back to `style`
} // if
} // if
} // for
const mergeNested = (style) => {
//#region group (nested) Rule(s) by selector name
const groupByNested = (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(style)
.reduce((accum, sym) => {
const nestedSelector = sym.description ?? '';
if (
// nested rules:
// conditional rules & globals:
['@media', '@supports', '@document', '@global'].some((at) => nestedSelector.startsWith(at))) {
let group = accum.get(nestedSelector); // get an existing collector
if (!group)
accum.set(nestedSelector, group = []); // create a new collector
} // if
return accum;
}, new Map()));
//#endregion group (nested) Rule(s) by selector name
//#region merge duplicates (nested) Rule(s) to unique ones
for (const group of Array.from(groupByNested.values())) {
if (group.length <= 1)
continue; // filter out groups with single/no member
const mergedStyles = mergeStyles( => style[sym]));
if (mergedStyles) {
// update last member
style[group[group.length - 1]] = mergedStyles; // merge all member's style to the last member
else {
// mergedStyles is empty => delete last member
delete style[group[group.length - 1]];
} // if
for (const sym of group.slice(0, -1))
delete style[sym]; // delete first member to second last member
} // for
//#endregion merge duplicates (nested) Rule to unique ones
//#region merge only_parentSelector into current style
const parentSelector = groupByNested.get('&')?.pop(); // remove & get the last member in parentSelector group
if (parentSelector) {
const parentStyles = style[parentSelector];
const mergedParentStyles = mergeStyles(parentStyles);
if (mergedParentStyles) {
mergeLiteral(style, mergedParentStyles); // merge into current style
delete style[parentSelector]; // merged => delete source
} // if
} // if
//#endregion merge only_parentSelector into current style
return style;
// prevents JSS to clone the CSSFN Style (because the symbol props are not copied)
class MergedStyle {
constructor(style) {
if (style)
Object.assign(this, style);
const emptyMergedStyle = new MergedStyle();
* Defines the (sub) component's composition.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the (sub) component's composition.
export const composition = (styles) => styles;
* Merges the (sub) component's composition to single `Style`.

@@ -123,10 +212,18 @@ * @returns A `Style` represents the merged (sub) component's composition

return null; // `null` or `undefined` => return `null`
return styleValue;
const mergedStyles = new MergedStyle(styleValue);
// do not return an empty style, instead return null:
if ((!Object.keys(mergedStyles).length) && (!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(mergedStyles).length))
return null; // an empty object => return `null`
// return non empty style:
return mergedStyles;
} // if
const mergedStyles = {};
for (const subStyles of styles) {
const mergedStyles = new MergedStyle();
for (const subStyles of styles) { // shallow iterating array
const subStyleValue = (Array.isArray(subStyles)
// deep iterating array
mergeStyles(subStyles) // an array => ProductOrFactoryDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Style>> => recursively `mergeStyles()`
// final element => might be a function or a product

@@ -142,8 +239,311 @@ // not an array => ProductOrFactory<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>

continue; // `null` or `undefined` => skip
mergeStyle(mergedStyles, subStyleValue);
// merge current style to single big style (string props + symbol props):
mergeLiteral(mergedStyles, subStyleValue);
} // for
if (Object.keys(mergedStyles).length === 0)
// do not return an empty style, instead return null:
if ((!Object.keys(mergedStyles).length) && (!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(mergedStyles).length))
return null; // an empty object => return `null`
// return non empty style:
return mergedStyles;
const nthChildNSelector = pseudoClassSelector('nth-child', 'n');
const adjustSpecificityWeight = (selectorList, minSpecificityWeight, maxSpecificityWeight) => {
if ((minSpecificityWeight == null)
(maxSpecificityWeight == null))
return selectorList; // nothing to adjust
const selectorListBySpecificityWeightStatus = => selector.filter(isNotEmptySelectorEntry)).reduce((accum, selector) => {
const [specificityWeight, weightStatus] = (() => {
const specificityWeight = calculateSpecificity(selector)[1];
if ((maxSpecificityWeight !== null) && (specificityWeight > maxSpecificityWeight)) {
return [specificityWeight, 1 /* TooBig */];
} // if
if ((minSpecificityWeight !== null) && (specificityWeight < minSpecificityWeight)) {
return [specificityWeight, 2 /* TooSmall */];
} // if
return [specificityWeight, 0 /* Fit */];
let group = accum.get(weightStatus); // get an existing collector
if (!group)
accum.set(weightStatus, group = []); // create a new collector
group.push({ selector, specificityWeight });
return accum;
}, new Map());
//#endregion group selectors by specificity weight status
const fitSelectors = selectorListBySpecificityWeightStatus.get(0 /* Fit */) ?? [];
const tooBigSelectors = selectorListBySpecificityWeightStatus.get(1 /* TooBig */) ?? [];
const tooSmallSelectors = selectorListBySpecificityWeightStatus.get(2 /* TooSmall */) ?? [];
return createSelectorList( => group.selector), ...tooBigSelectors.flatMap((group) => {
const reversedSelector = group.selector.reverse(); // reverse & mutate the current `group.selector` array
const { reducedSelector: reversedReducedSelector, remaining: remainingSpecificityWeight } = (reversedSelector.slice(0) // clone the `reversedSelector` because the `reduce()` uses `splice()` to break the iteration
.reduce((accum, selectorEntry, index, array) => {
if (accum.remaining <= 0) {
array.splice(1); // eject early by mutating iterated copy - it's okay to **mutate** the `array` because it already cloned at `slice(0)`
return accum;
} // if
if (isSimpleSelector(selectorEntry)) {
const [
selector tokens:
'&' = parent selector
'*' = universal selector
'[' = attribute selector
'' = element selector
'#' = ID selector
'.' = class selector
':' = pseudo class selector
'::' = pseudo element selector
selector name:
string = the name of [element, ID, class, pseudo class, pseudo element] selector
selector parameter(s):
string = the parameter of pseudo class selector, eg: nth-child(2n+3) => '2n+3'
array = [name, operator, value, options] of attribute selector, eg: [data-msg*="you & me" i] => ['data-msg', '*=', 'you & me', 'i']
SelectorList = nested selector(s) of pseudo class [:is(...), :where(...), :not(...)]
// selectorParams,
] = selectorEntry;
if (selectorToken === ':') {
switch (selectorName) {
case 'is':
case 'not':
case 'has':
const specificityWeight = calculateSpecificity([selectorEntry])[1];
accum.remaining -= specificityWeight; // reduce the counter
case 'where':
break; // don't reduce the counter
accum.remaining--; // reduce the counter
} // switch
else if (['.', '[',].includes(selectorToken)) {
accum.remaining--; // reduce the counter
} // if
} // if
return accum;
}, {
remaining: (group.specificityWeight - (maxSpecificityWeight ?? group.specificityWeight)),
reducedSelector: [],
const [whereSelector, ...pseudoElmSelectors] = groupSelector(reversedReducedSelector.reverse(), { selectorName: 'where' });
whereSelector.push(...(new Array((remainingSpecificityWeight < 0) ? -remainingSpecificityWeight : 0)).fill(nthChildNSelector // or use `nth-child(n)`
return createSelectorList(whereSelector, ...pseudoElmSelectors);
}), => createSelector(, ...(new Array((minSpecificityWeight ?? 1) - group.specificityWeight)).fill(group.selector
.filter(isClassOrPseudoClassSelector) // only interested to class selector -or- pseudo class selector
.filter((simpleSelector) => {
const [
selector tokens:
'&' = parent selector
'*' = universal selector
'[' = attribute selector
'' = element selector
'#' = ID selector
'.' = class selector
':' = pseudo class selector
'::' = pseudo element selector
// selectorToken
selector name:
string = the name of [element, ID, class, pseudo class, pseudo element] selector
// selectorName
selector parameter(s):
string = the parameter of pseudo class selector, eg: nth-child(2n+3) => '2n+3'
array = [name, operator, value, options] of attribute selector, eg: [data-msg*="you & me" i] => ['data-msg', '*=', 'you & me', 'i']
SelectorList = nested selector(s) of pseudo class [:is(...), :where(...), :not(...)]
selectorParams,] = simpleSelector;
return (selectorParams === undefined);
.pop() // repeats the last selector until minSpecificityWeight satisfied
nthChildNSelector // or use `nth-child(n)`
const defaultSelectorOptions = {
groupSelectors: true,
specificityWeight: null,
minSpecificityWeight: null,
maxSpecificityWeight: null,
export const mergeSelectors = (selectorList, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => {
const { groupSelectors: doGroupSelectors = defaultSelectorOptions.groupSelectors, specificityWeight, } = options;
const minSpecificityWeight = specificityWeight ?? options.minSpecificityWeight ?? null;
const maxSpecificityWeight = specificityWeight ?? options.maxSpecificityWeight ?? null;
if (!doGroupSelectors // do not perform grouping
(minSpecificityWeight === null) && (maxSpecificityWeight === null) // do not perform transform
return selectorList; // nothing to do
const normalizedSelectorList = (selectorList
.flatMap((selector) => ungroupSelector(selector))
if ((!doGroupSelectors || (normalizedSelectorList.length <= 1)) // do not perform grouping || only singular => nothing to group
(minSpecificityWeight === null) && (maxSpecificityWeight === null) // do not perform transform
return normalizedSelectorList; // nothing to do
// transform:
const adjustedSelectorList = adjustSpecificityWeight(normalizedSelectorList, minSpecificityWeight, maxSpecificityWeight);
if ((!doGroupSelectors || (adjustedSelectorList.length <= 1)) // do not perform grouping || only singular => nothing to group
return adjustedSelectorList; // nothing to do
const selectorListByParentPosition = => selector.filter(isNotEmptySelectorEntry)).reduce((accum, selector) => {
const position = (() => {
const hasFirstParent = (() => {
if (selector.length < 1)
return false; // at least 1 entry must exist, for the first_parent
const firstSelectorEntry = selector[0]; // take the first entry
return isParentSelector(firstSelectorEntry); // the entry must be ParentSelector
const onlyParent = hasFirstParent && (selector.length === 1);
if (onlyParent)
return 0 /* OnlyParent */;
const hasMiddleParent = (() => {
if (selector.length < 3)
return false; // at least 3 entry must exist, the first & last are already reserved, the middle one is the middle_parent
for (let index = 1, maxIndex = (selector.length - 2); index <= maxIndex; index++) {
const middleSelectorEntry = selector[index]; // take the 2nd_first_entry until the 2nd_last_entry
if (isParentSelector(middleSelectorEntry))
return true; // the entry must be ParentSelector, otherwise skip to next
} // for
return false; // ran out of iterator => not found
const hasLastParent = (() => {
const length = selector.length;
if (length < 2)
return false; // at least 2 entry must exist, the first is already reserved, the last one is the last_parent
const lastSelectorEntry = selector[length - 1]; // take the last entry
return isParentSelector(lastSelectorEntry); // the entry must be ParentSelector
const onlyBeginParent = hasFirstParent && !hasMiddleParent && !hasLastParent;
if (onlyBeginParent)
return 1 /* OnlyBeginParent */;
const onlyEndParent = !hasFirstParent && !hasMiddleParent && hasLastParent;
if (onlyEndParent)
return 2 /* OnlyEndParent */;
return 3 /* RandomParent */;
let group = accum.get(position); // get an existing collector
if (!group)
accum.set(position, group = []); // create a new collector
return accum;
}, new Map());
//#endregion group selectors by parent position
const onlyParentSelectorList = selectorListByParentPosition.get(0 /* OnlyParent */) ?? [];
const onlyBeginParentSelectorList = selectorListByParentPosition.get(1 /* OnlyBeginParent */) ?? [];
const onlyEndParentSelectorList = selectorListByParentPosition.get(2 /* OnlyEndParent */) ?? [];
const randomParentSelectorList = selectorListByParentPosition.get(3 /* RandomParent */) ?? [];
const createGroupByCombinator = (fetch) => (accum, selector) => {
const combinator = fetch(selector);
let group = accum.get(combinator); // get an existing collector
if (!group)
accum.set(combinator, group = []); // create a new collector
return accum;
const groupedSelectorList = createSelectorList(
// only ParentSelector
// &
!!onlyParentSelectorList.length && (onlyParentSelectorList[0] // just take the first one, the rest are guaranteed to be the same
// ParentSelector at beginning
// &aaa
// &:is(aaa, bbb, ccc)
...(() => {
if (onlyBeginParentSelectorList.length <= 1)
return onlyBeginParentSelectorList; // only contain one/no Selector, no need to group
//#region group selectors by combinator
const selectorListByCombinator = onlyBeginParentSelectorList.reduce(createGroupByCombinator((selector) => {
if (selector.length >= 2) { // at least 2 entry must exist, for the first_parent followed by combinator
const secondSelectorEntry = selector[1]; // take the first_second entry
if (isCombinator(secondSelectorEntry)) { // the entry must be the same as combinator
return secondSelectorEntry;
} // if
} // if
return null; // ungroupable
}), new Map());
//#endregion group selectors by combinator
return Array.from(selectorListByCombinator.entries()).flatMap(([combinator, selectors]) => {
if (selectors.length <= 1)
return selectors; // only contain one/no Selector, no need to group
if (selectors.filter((selector) => selector.every(isNotPseudoElementSelector)).length <= 1)
return selectors; // only contain one/no Selector without ::pseudo-element, no need to group
const [isSelector, ...pseudoElmSelectors] = groupSelectors(selectors
.filter(isNotEmptySelector) // remove empty Selector(s) in SelectorList
.map((selector) => selector.slice((combinator
2 // remove the first_parent & combinator
1 // remove the first_parent
(selector.some(isPseudoElementSelector) ? -1 : 0) // exception for ::pseudo-element => do not remove the first_parent
)), { selectorName: 'is' });
return createSelectorList(isNotEmptySelector(isSelector) && createSelector(parentSelector(), // add a ParentSelector before :is(...)
combinator, // add a Combinator (if any) before :is(...)
...isSelector), ...pseudoElmSelectors);
// ParentSelector at end
// aaa&
// :is(aaa, bbb, ccc)&
...(() => {
if (onlyEndParentSelectorList.length <= 1)
return onlyEndParentSelectorList; // only contain one/no Selector, no need to group
//#region group selectors by combinator
const selectorListByCombinator = onlyEndParentSelectorList.reduce(createGroupByCombinator((selector) => {
const length = selector.length;
if (length >= 2) { // at least 2 entry must exist, for the combinator followed by last_parent
const secondSelectorEntry = selector[length - 2]; // take the last_second entry
if (isCombinator(secondSelectorEntry)) { // the entry must be the same as combinator
return secondSelectorEntry;
} // if
} // if
return null; // ungroupable
}), new Map());
//#endregion group selectors by combinator
return Array.from(selectorListByCombinator.entries()).flatMap(([combinator, selectors]) => {
if (selectors.length <= 1)
return selectors; // only contain one/no Selector, no need to group
if (selectors.filter((selector) => selector.every(isNotPseudoElementSelector)).length <= 1)
return selectors; // only contain one/no Selector without ::pseudo-element, no need to group
const [isSelector, ...pseudoElmSelectors] = groupSelectors(selectors
.filter(isNotEmptySelector) // remove empty Selector(s) in SelectorList
.map((selector) => selector.slice(0, (combinator
-2 // remove the combinator & last_parent
-1 // remove the last_parent
(selector.some(isPseudoElementSelector) ? 1 : 0) // exception for ::pseudo-element => do not remove the last_parent
)), { selectorName: 'is' });
return createSelectorList(isNotEmptySelector(isSelector) && createSelector(...isSelector, // :is(...)
combinator, // add a Combinator (if any) after :is(...)
parentSelector()), ...pseudoElmSelectors);
// parent at random
// a&aa, bb&b, c&c&c
return groupedSelectorList;
// compositions:

@@ -153,3 +553,3 @@ * Defines the additional component's composition.

export const compositionOf = (className, styles) => [
export const compositionOf = (className, ...styles) => [

@@ -163,3 +563,3 @@ styles

export const mainComposition = (styles) => compositionOf('main', styles);
export const mainComposition = (...styles) => compositionOf('main', ...styles);

@@ -169,372 +569,233 @@ * Defines the global style applied to a whole document.

export const globalDef = (ruleCollection) => compositionOf('', [rules(ruleCollection)]);
export const imports = (styles) => composition(styles);
// layouts:
export const globalDef = (...rules) => compositionOf('', ...rules);
// styles:
* @deprecated move to `style()`
* Defines the (sub) component's composition.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the (sub) component's composition.
export const composition = (...styles) => noRule(...styles);
* Defines component's style.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's style.
export const style = (style) => noRule(style);
* @deprecated move to `style()`
* Defines component's layout.
* @returns A `Style` represents the component's layout.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's layout.
export const layout = (style) => style;
export const layout = (style) => noRule(style);
* Defines component's variable(s).
* @returns A `Style` represents the component's variable(s).
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's variable(s).
export const vars = (items) => items;
const defaultCombinatorOptions = {
groupSelectors: true,
export const vars = (items) => noRule(items);
export const imports = (...styles) => noRule(...styles);
// rules:
* Defines component's `style(s)` that is applied when the specified `selector(s)` meet the conditions.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's rule.
export const rule = (rules, styles, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => {
const rulesString = (flat(rules)
.filter((rule) => !!rule));
const rulesByTypes = rulesString.reduce((accum, rule) => {
let ruleType = (() => {
if (rule.startsWith('@'))
return 1 /* AtRule */;
if (rule.startsWith(' '))
return 2 /* PropRule */;
if (rule.includes('&'))
return 0 /* SelectorRule */;
return null;
switch (ruleType) {
case 2 /* PropRule */:
rule = rule.slice(1);
case null:
ruleType = 0 /* SelectorRule */;
rule = `&${rule}`;
} // switch
let group = accum.get(ruleType); // get an existing collector
if (!group)
accum.set(ruleType, group = []); // create a new collector
return accum;
}, new Map());
const selectorList = ((rulesByTypes.get(0 /* SelectorRule */) ?? [])
.flatMap((selector) => {
const selectorList = parseSelectors(selector);
if (!selectorList)
throw Error(`parse selector error: ${selector}`);
return selectorList;
const mergedSelectorList = mergeSelectors(selectorList, options);
return {
...(isNotEmptySelectors(mergedSelectorList) ? {
[Symbol(selectorsToString(mergedSelectorList))]: styles
} : {}),
...(rulesByTypes.get(1 /* AtRule */) ?? []),
...(rulesByTypes.get(2 /* PropRule */) ?? []),
].map((rule) => [
export const combinators = (combinator, selectors, styles, options = defaultCombinatorOptions) => {
const { groupSelectors = defaultCombinatorOptions.groupSelectors, } = options;
const withCombinator = `&${combinator}`;
const combiSelectors = flat(selectors).map((selector) => {
if (!selector)
selector = '*'; // empty selector => match any element
// if (selector === '&') return selector; // no children => the parent itself
if (selector.includes('&'))
return selector; // custom combinator
if (((combinator === ' ') || (combinator === '>')) && selector.startsWith('::'))
return `&${selector}`; // pseudo element => attach the parent itself (for descendants & children)
return `${withCombinator}${selector}`;
if (!combiSelectors.length)
return {}; // no selector => return empty
const mergedStyles = mergeStyles(styles); // merge the `styles` to single `Style`, for making JSS understand
if (!mergedStyles)
return {}; // no style => return empty
if (groupSelectors) {
if (combiSelectors.length === 1)
return {
[combiSelectors[0]]: mergedStyles,
const selectorsGroups = => {
const withCombi = selector.startsWith(withCombinator);
if (withCombi)
return { withCombi: selector };
const onlyBeginAmp = (selector.lastIndexOf('&') === 0);
if (onlyBeginAmp)
return { begAmp: selector };
const onlyEndAmp = (selector.indexOf('&') === (selector.length - 1));
if (onlyEndAmp)
return { endAmp: selector };
return { other: selector };
const withCombiSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.withCombi).map((group) => group.withCombi);
const begAmpSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.begAmp).map((group) => group.begAmp);
const endAmpSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.endAmp).map((group) => group.endAmp);
const ungroupableSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.other).map((group) => group.other);
return {
...(withCombiSelectors.length ? {
[(withCombiSelectors.length === 1)
`${withCombinator}:is(${ => selector.slice(withCombinator.length)).join(',')})`]: mergedStyles,
} : {}),
...(begAmpSelectors.length ? {
[(begAmpSelectors.length === 1)
`&:is(${ => selector.slice(1)).join(',')})`]: mergedStyles,
} : {}),
...(endAmpSelectors.length ? {
[(endAmpSelectors.length === 1)
`:is(${ => selector.slice(0, -1)).join(',')})&`]: mergedStyles,
} : {}),
...(ungroupableSelectors.length ? {
[ungroupableSelectors.join(',')]: mergedStyles,
} : {}),
else {
return Object.fromEntries(combiSelectors
.map((combiSelector) => [combiSelector, mergedStyles]));
} // if
// rule groups:
export const rules = (rules, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => {
const result = (flat(rules)
.filter((rule) => !!rule)
.flatMap((ruleProductOrFactory) => {
if (typeof (ruleProductOrFactory) === 'function')
return [ruleProductOrFactory()];
return [ruleProductOrFactory];
.filter((optionalRule) => !!optionalRule));
if (!options)
return Object.assign({}, ...result);
return Object.assign({}, ...result
.flatMap((rule) => Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(rule).map((sym) => [sym.description ?? '', rule[sym]]))
.map(([selectors, styles]) => rule(selectors, styles, options)));
export const descendants = (selectors, styles, options = defaultCombinatorOptions) => combinators(' ', selectors, styles, options);
export const children = (selectors, styles, options = defaultCombinatorOptions) => combinators('>', selectors, styles, options);
export const siblings = (selectors, styles, options = defaultCombinatorOptions) => combinators('~', selectors, styles, options);
export const nextSiblings = (selectors, styles, options = defaultCombinatorOptions) => combinators('+', selectors, styles, options);
const defaultRuleOptions = {
minSpecificityWeight: 0,
export const rules = (ruleCollection, options = defaultRuleOptions) => {
const { minSpecificityWeight = defaultRuleOptions.minSpecificityWeight, } = options;
return composition((() => {
const noSelectors = [];
return [
...(Array.isArray(ruleCollection) ? ruleCollection : [ruleCollection])
.flatMap((ruleEntrySourceList) => {
const isOptionalString = (value) => {
if (value === null)
return true; // optional `null`
if (value === undefined)
return true; // optional `undefined`
if (value === false)
return true; // optional `false`
return ((typeof value) === 'string');
const isOptionalStringDeepArr = (value) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value))
return false;
const nonOptionalStringItems = value.filter((v) => !isOptionalString(v));
if (nonOptionalStringItems.length === 0)
return true;
for (const nonOptionalStringItem of nonOptionalStringItems) {
if (!isOptionalStringDeepArr(nonOptionalStringItem))
return false;
} // for
return true;
const isOptionalSelector = (value) => isOptionalString(value);
const isOptionalSelectorDeepArr = (value) => isOptionalStringDeepArr(value);
const isOptionalStyleOrFactory = (value) => {
if (value === null)
return true; // optional `null`
if (value === undefined)
return true; // optional `undefined`
return (value
(((typeof (value) === 'object') && !Array.isArray(value)) // literal object => `Style`
(typeof (value) === 'function') // function => `Factory<Style>`
const isOptionalStyleOrFactoryDeepArr = (value) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value))
return false;
const nonStyleOrFactoryItems = value.filter((v) => !isOptionalStyleOrFactory(v));
if (nonStyleOrFactoryItems.length === 0)
return true;
for (const nonStyleOrFactoryItem of nonStyleOrFactoryItems) {
if (!isOptionalStyleOrFactoryDeepArr(nonStyleOrFactoryItem))
return false;
} // for
return true;
const isOptionalRuleEntry = (value) => {
if (value === null)
return true; // optional `null`
if (value === undefined)
return true; // optional `undefined`
if (value === false)
return true; // optional `false`
if (value.length !== 2)
return false; // not a tuple => not a `RuleEntry`
const [first, second] = value;
the first element must be `SelectorCollection`:
* `OptionalOrFalse<Selector>`
* DeepArrayOf< `OptionalOrFalse<Selector>` >
* empty array
// and
the second element must be `StyleCollection`:
* `OptionalOrFalse<Style>` | `Factory<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>`
* DeepArrayOf< `OptionalOrFalse<Style> | Factory<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>` >
* empty array
return ((isOptionalSelector(first)
if (typeof (ruleEntrySourceList) === 'function')
return [ruleEntrySourceList()];
if (isOptionalRuleEntry(ruleEntrySourceList))
return [ruleEntrySourceList];
return => (typeof (ruleEntrySource) === 'function') ? ruleEntrySource() : ruleEntrySource);
.filter((optionalRuleEntry) => !!optionalRuleEntry)
.map(([selectors, styles]) => {
let nestedSelectors = flat(selectors).filter((selector) => !!selector).map((selector) => {
if (selector.startsWith('@'))
return selector; // for `@media`
if (selector.includes('&'))
return selector; // &.foo .boo& .foo&.boo
// if (selector.startsWith('.') || selector.startsWith(':') || selector.startsWith('#') || (selector === '*')) return `&${selector}`;
return `&${selector}`;
if (minSpecificityWeight >= 2) {
nestedSelectors = => {
if (nestedSelector === '&')
return nestedSelector; // zero specificity => no change
// one/more specificities found => increase the specificity weight until reaches `minSpecificityWeight`
// calculate the specificity weight:
// `.realClassName` or `:pseudoClassName` (without parameters):
const classes = nestedSelector.match(/(\.|:(?!(is|not)(?![\w-])))[\w-]+/gmi); // count the `.RealClass` and `:PseudoClass` but not `:is` or `:not`
const specificityWeight = classes?.length ?? 0;
const missSpecificityWeight = minSpecificityWeight - specificityWeight;
// the specificity weight was meet the minimum specificity required => no change:
if (missSpecificityWeight <= 0)
return nestedSelector;
// the specificity weight is less than the minimum specificity required => increase the specificity:
return `${nestedSelector}${(new Array(missSpecificityWeight)).fill((() => {
const lastClass = classes?.[classes.length - 1];
if (lastClass) {
// the last word (without parameters):
if (nestedSelector.length === (nestedSelector.lastIndexOf(lastClass) + lastClass.length))
return lastClass; // `.RealClass` or `:PseudoClass` without parameters
} // if
// use a **hacky class name** to increase the specificity:
return ':not(._)';
} // if
if (nestedSelectors.includes('&')) { // contains one/more selectors with zero specificity
nestedSelectors = nestedSelectors.filter((nestedSelector) => (nestedSelector !== '&')); // filter out selectors with zero specificity
noSelectors.push(styles); // add styles with zero specificity
} // if
return [nestedSelectors, styles];
.filter(([nestedSelectors]) => (nestedSelectors.length > 0)) // filter out empty `nestedSelectors`
.map(([nestedSelectors, styles]) => [
mergeStyles(styles) // merge the `styles` to single `Style`, for making JSS understand
.filter((tuple) => !!tuple[1]) // filter out empty `mergedStyles`
.map(([nestedSelectors, mergedStyles]) => {
const selectorsGroups = => {
const onlyBeginAmp = (selector.lastIndexOf('&') === 0);
if (onlyBeginAmp)
return { begAmp: selector };
const onlyEndAmp = (selector.indexOf('&') === (selector.length - 1));
if (onlyEndAmp)
return { endAmp: selector };
return { other: selector };
const begAmpSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.begAmp).map((group) => group.begAmp);
const endAmpSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.endAmp).map((group) => group.endAmp);
const ungroupableSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.other).map((group) => group.other);
return {
...(begAmpSelectors.length ? {
[(begAmpSelectors.length === 1)
`&:is(${ => selector.slice(1)).join(',')})`]: mergedStyles,
} : {}),
...(endAmpSelectors.length ? {
[(endAmpSelectors.length === 1)
`:is(${ => selector.slice(0, -1)).join(',')})&`]: mergedStyles,
} : {}),
...(ungroupableSelectors.length ? {
[ungroupableSelectors.join(',')]: mergedStyles,
} : {}),
// shortcut rules:
* Defines component's variants.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the component's variants.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's variants.
export const variants = (variants, options = defaultRuleOptions) => rules(variants, options);
export const variants = (variants, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => rules(variants, options);
const defaultStateOptions = {
minSpecificityWeight: 3,
inherit: false,
* Defines component's states.
* @param inherit `true` to inherit states from parent element -or- `false` to create independent states.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the component's states.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's states.
export const states = (states, inherit = false, options = { ...defaultRuleOptions, minSpecificityWeight: 3 }) => {
export const states = (states, options = defaultStateOptions) => {
const { inherit = defaultStateOptions.inherit, } = options;
return rules((typeof (states) === 'function') ? states(inherit) : states, options);
// rule items:
* Defines component's `style(s)` that is applied when the specified `selector(s)` meet the conditions.
* @returns A `RuleEntry` represents the component's rule.
export const rule = (selectors, styles) => [selectors, styles];
// shortcut rule items:
export const noRule = (styles) => rule('&', styles);
// rule shortcuts:
export const keyframes = (name, items) => rule(`@keyframes ${name}`, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(items).map(([key, frame]) => [Symbol(key), frame])));
export const noRule = (...styles) => rule('&', styles);
export const emptyRule = () => rule(null, null);
export const atRoot = (styles) => rule(':root', styles);
export const atGlobal = (styles) => rule('@global', styles);
export const fontFace = (styles) => atGlobal(rules([
rule('@font-face', styles),
export const isFirstChild = (styles) => rule(':first-child', styles);
export const isNotFirstChild = (styles) => rule(':not(:first-child)', styles);
export const isLastChild = (styles) => rule(':last-child', styles);
export const isNotLastChild = (styles) => rule(':not(:last-child)', styles);
export const isNthChild = (step, offset, styles) => {
export const fallbacks = (...styles) => rule('@fallbacks', styles);
export const fontFace = (...styles) => rule('@font-face', styles);
export const atGlobal = (...rules) => rule('@global', rules);
export const atRoot = (...styles) => rule(':root', styles);
export const isFirstChild = (...styles) => rule(':first-child', styles);
export const isNotFirstChild = (...styles) => rule(':not(:first-child)', styles);
export const isLastChild = (...styles) => rule(':last-child', styles);
export const isNotLastChild = (...styles) => rule(':not(:last-child)', styles);
export const isNthChild = (step, offset, ...styles) => {
if (step === 0) { // no step
if (offset === 0)
return emptyRule(); // element indices are starting from 1 => never match => return empty style
return emptyRule(); // 0th => never => return empty rule
if (offset === 1)
return isFirstChild(styles);
return rule(`:nth-child(${offset})`, styles);
return isFirstChild(styles); // 1st
return rule(`:nth-child(${offset})`, styles); // 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...
else if (step === 1) { // 1 step
if (offset === 0)
return rule(`:nth-child(n)`, styles); // always match
return rule(`:nth-child(n+${offset})`, styles);
else { // 2+ steps
if (offset === 0)
return rule(`:nth-child(${step}n)`, styles);
return rule(`:nth-child(${step}n+${offset})`, styles);
} // if
export const isNotNthChild = (step, offset, styles) => {
export const isNotNthChild = (step, offset, ...styles) => {
if (step === 0) { // no step
// if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // element indices are starting from 1 => never match => return empty style
if (offset === 0)
return isNthChild(1, 0, styles); // not 0th => not never => always match
if (offset === 1)
return isNotFirstChild(styles);
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(${offset}))`, styles);
return isNotFirstChild(styles); // not 1st
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(${offset}))`, styles); // not 2nd, not 3rd, not 4th, not ...
else if (step === 1) { // 1 step
if (offset === 0)
return emptyRule(); // never match
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(n+${offset}))`, styles);
else { // 2+ steps
if (offset === 0)
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(${step}n))`, styles);
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(${step}n+${offset}))`, styles);
} // if
export const isNthLastChild = (step, offset, styles) => {
export const isNthLastChild = (step, offset, ...styles) => {
if (step === 0) { // no step
if (offset === 0)
return emptyRule(); // element indices are starting from 1 => never match => return empty style
return emptyRule(); // 0th => never => return empty rule
if (offset === 1)
return isLastChild(styles);
return rule(`:nth-last-child(${offset})`, styles);
return isLastChild(styles); // 1st
return rule(`:nth-last-child(${offset})`, styles); // 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...
else if (step === 1) { // 1 step
if (offset === 0)
return rule(`:nth-last-child(n)`, styles); // always match
return rule(`:nth-last-child(n+${offset})`, styles);
else { // 2+ steps
if (offset === 0)
return rule(`:nth-last-child(${step}n)`, styles);
return rule(`:nth-last-child(${step}n+${offset})`, styles);
} // if
export const isNotNthLastChild = (step, offset, styles) => {
export const isNotNthLastChild = (step, offset, ...styles) => {
if (step === 0) { // no step
// if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // element indices are starting from 1 => never match => return empty style
if (offset === 0)
return isNthChild(1, 0, styles); // not 0th last => not never => always match
if (offset === 1)
return isNotLastChild(styles);
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(${offset}))`, styles);
return isNotLastChild(styles); // not 1st last
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(${offset}))`, styles); // not 2nd last, not 3rd last, not 4th last, not ... last
else if (step === 1) { // 1 step
if (offset === 0)
return emptyRule(); // never match
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(n+${offset}))`, styles);
else { // 2+ steps
if (offset === 0)
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(${step}n))`, styles);
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(${step}n+${offset}))`, styles);
} // if
export const isActive = (styles) => rule(':active', styles);
export const isNotActive = (styles) => rule(':not(:active)', styles);
export const isFocus = (styles) => rule(':focus', styles);
export const isNotFocus = (styles) => rule(':not(:focus)', styles);
export const isFocusVisible = (styles) => rule(':focus-visible', styles);
export const isNotFocusVisible = (styles) => rule(':not(:focus-visible)', styles);
export const isHover = (styles) => rule(':hover', styles);
export const isNotHover = (styles) => rule(':not(:hover)', styles);
export const isEmpty = (styles) => rule(':empty', styles);
export const isNotEmpty = (styles) => rule(':not(:empty)', styles);
export const isActive = (...styles) => rule(':active', styles);
export const isNotActive = (...styles) => rule(':not(:active)', styles);
export const isFocus = (...styles) => rule(':focus', styles);
export const isNotFocus = (...styles) => rule(':not(:focus)', styles);
export const isFocusVisible = (...styles) => rule(':focus-visible', styles);
export const isNotFocusVisible = (...styles) => rule(':not(:focus-visible)', styles);
export const isHover = (...styles) => rule(':hover', styles);
export const isNotHover = (...styles) => rule(':not(:hover)', styles);
export const isEmpty = (...styles) => rule(':empty', styles);
export const isNotEmpty = (...styles) => rule(':not(:empty)', styles);
export const combinators = (combinator, selectors, styles, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => {
const combiSelectors = flat(selectors).filter((selector) => !!selector).map((selector) => {
// if (selector === '&') return selector; // no children => the parent itself
if (selector.includes('&'))
return selector; // custom combinator
if (((combinator === ' ') || (combinator === '>')) && selector.startsWith('::'))
return `&${selector}`; // pseudo element => attach the parent itself (for descendants & children)
return `&${combinator}${selector}`;
if (!combiSelectors.length)
return {}; // no selector => return empty
return rule(combiSelectors, styles, options);
export const descendants = (selectors, styles, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => combinators(' ', selectors, styles, options);
export const children = (selectors, styles, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => combinators('>', selectors, styles, options);
export const siblings = (selectors, styles, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => combinators('~', selectors, styles, options);
export const nextSiblings = (selectors, styles, options = defaultSelectorOptions) => combinators('+', selectors, styles, options);
// utilities:

@@ -555,14 +816,3 @@ /**

} // if
const merged = [];
for (const item of collection) {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
// an array => DeepArray<T> => recursively `flat()`
else {
// not an array => T
} // if
} // for
return merged;
return collection.flat(Infinity);

@@ -569,0 +819,0 @@ export const iif = (condition, content) => {

"name": "@cssfn/cssfn",
"version": "1.0.8",
"version": "1.0.9",
"description": "Writes CSS in javascript function.",

@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ "type": "module",

"dependencies": {
"@cssfn/css-types": "^1.0.2",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-camel-case": "^1.0.0",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-extend": "^1.0.1",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-global": "^1.0.3",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-nested": "^1.0.1",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-short": "^1.0.2",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-vendor": "^1.0.0",
"@cssfn/types": "^1.0.3",
"@cssfn/css-selector": "^1.0.4",
"@cssfn/css-types": "^1.0.4",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-camel-case": "^1.0.1",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-nested": "^1.0.2",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-short": "^1.0.3",
"@cssfn/jss-plugin-vendor": "^1.0.1",
"@cssfn/types": "^1.0.4",
"camel-case": "^4.1.2",
"csstype": "^3.0.10",
"jss": "^10.9.0",

@@ -42,0 +42,0 @@ "pascal-case": "^3.1.2",

// jss:
import {
// general types:

@@ -16,8 +14,2 @@ Styles,

// custom jss-plugins:
import jssPluginGlobal from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-global'
import {
default as jssPluginExtend,
} from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-extend'
import jssPluginNested from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-nested'

@@ -31,3 +23,2 @@ import jssPluginShort from '@cssfn/jss-plugin-short'


@@ -46,4 +37,55 @@ ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray,

} from '@cssfn/css-types' // ts defs support for cssfn
import {
// types:
SimpleSelector as SimpleSelectorModel,
Selector as SelectorModel,
SelectorList as SelectorModelList,
PureSelector as PureSelectorModel,
PureSelectorList as PureSelectorModelList,
// parses:
// creates & tests:
// renders:
// transforms:
// measures:
} from '@cssfn/css-selector'
// others libs:
import {
Properties as CssProperties,
} from 'csstype'
import { pascalCase } from 'pascal-case' // pascal-case support for jss

@@ -57,45 +99,43 @@ import { camelCase } from 'camel-case' // camel-case support for jss

export type { JssStyle, JssValue, Classes, Styles, StyleSheet }
export type { Classes, Styles, StyleSheet }
export type { Prop, PropEx, Cust }
export type { Dictionary, ValueOf, DictionaryOf }
export type Style = (ExtendableStyle & {})
export type StyleCollection = ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>
export type KnownCssPropName = keyof CssProperties<string|number>
export type KnownCssPropValue
<PropName extends KnownCssPropName> = Exclude<CssProperties<string|number>[PropName], (undefined|null)>
// comment docs disappears in TypeScript:
// export type KnownCssProps = { [PropName in KnownCssPropName] ?: (KnownCssPropValue<PropName>|[[KnownCssPropValue<PropName>], '!important']|CssValue) }
// comment docs preserves in TypeScript:
export type KnownCssProps = { [PropName in keyof CssProperties<string|number>] ?: (KnownCssPropValue<PropName>|[[KnownCssPropValue<PropName>], '!important']|CssValue) }
export type ClassName = string // not a really string: [A-Z_a-z-]+
export type RealClass = (`.${ClassName}` & {})
export type PseudoClass = (`:${ClassName}` & {})
export type Class = RealClass|PseudoClass
export type ClassEntry<TClassName extends ClassName = ClassName> = readonly [TClassName, StyleCollection]
export type ClassList <TClassName extends ClassName = ClassName> = ClassEntry<TClassName>[]
export type BasicCssValue = (string & {}) | (number & {}) | PropEx.Keyframes
export type CssValue = undefined | null | BasicCssValue | BasicCssValue[] | (BasicCssValue|BasicCssValue[]|'!important')[]
export type OptionalString = OptionalOrFalse<string>
export type CustomCssProps = { [PropName: Exclude<string, KnownCssPropName>] : CssValue }
export type UniversalSelector = ('*' & {})
export type RealElementSelector = (string & {}) // not a really string: [A-Z_a-z-]+
export type PseudoElementSelector = (`::${string}` & {}) // not a really string: [A-Z_a-z-]+
export type ElementSelector = RealElementSelector|PseudoElementSelector
export type ClassSelector = (Class & {})
export type IdSelector = (`#${string}` & {})
export type SingleSelector = UniversalSelector|ElementSelector|ClassSelector|IdSelector
export type Selector = | SingleSelector
| (`${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}` & {})
| (`${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}` & {})
| (`${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}` & {})
| (`${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}${SingleSelector}` & {})
export type SelectorCollection = SingleOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Selector>>
export type CssProps = KnownCssProps & CustomCssProps
export type Rule = { [PropName: symbol] : StyleCollection }
export type NestedSelector = | '&'
| (`&${Selector}` & {})
| (`${Selector}&` & {})
export type Style = CssProps & Rule
export type StyleCollection = ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>
export type RuleEntry = readonly [SelectorCollection, StyleCollection]
export type RuleEntrySource = ProductOrFactory<OptionalOrFalse<RuleEntry>>
export type RuleList = RuleEntrySource[]
export type RuleCollection = SingleOrArray<RuleEntrySource|RuleList>
export type ClassName = string // not a really string: [A-Z_a-z-]+
export type RealClass = (`.${ClassName}` & {})
export type PseudoClass = (`:${ClassName}` & {})
export type Class = RealClass|PseudoClass
export type ClassEntry
<TClassName extends ClassName = ClassName> = readonly [TClassName, StyleCollection]
export type ClassList
<TClassName extends ClassName = ClassName> = ClassEntry<TClassName>[]
export type PropList = Dictionary<JssValue>
export type OptionalString = OptionalOrFalse<string>
export type Selector = (string & {})
export type SelectorCollection = SingleOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Selector>>
export type RuleCollection = ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Rule>>
// utilities:

@@ -164,5 +204,3 @@

const customJss = createJss().setup({createGenerateId, plugins:[
jssPluginGlobal(), // requires to be placed before all other plugins
jssPluginNested((styles) => mergeStyles(styles as StyleCollection) as {}),
jssPluginShort(), // requires to be placed before `camelCase`

@@ -207,4 +245,4 @@ jssPluginCamelCase(),

.map(([className, styles]): Style => ({ [className || '@global'] : mergeStyles(styles) })) // convert each `[className, styles]` to `{ className : mergeStyles(styles) | null }`
) ?? {}) as Styles<TClassName>;
.map(([className, styles]): Style => ({ [className || '@global'] : mergeStyles(styles) as CssValue })) // convert each `[className, styles]` to `{ className : mergeStyles(styles) | null }`
) ?? emptyMergedStyle) as Styles<TClassName>;

@@ -214,9 +252,115 @@

// compositions:
// processors:
const isStyle = (object: any): object is Style => object && (typeof(object) === 'object') && !Array.isArray(object);
const mergeLiteral = (style: Style, newStyle: Style): void => {
for (const [propName, newPropValue] of [
...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(newStyle).map((sym) => [sym, newStyle[sym]] as const),
]) { // loop through `newStyle`'s props
if (!isStyle(newPropValue)) {
// `newPropValue` is not a `Style` => unmergeable => add/overwrite `newPropValue` into `style`:
delete style[propName]; // delete the old prop (if any), so the new prop always placed at the end of LiteralObject
style[propName] = newPropValue as any; // add/overwrite
else {
// `newPropValue` is a `Style` => possibility to merge with `currentPropValue`
const currentPropValue = style[propName];
if (!isStyle(currentPropValue)) {
// `currentPropValue` is not a `Style` => unmergeable => add/overwrite `newPropValue` into `style`:
delete style[propName]; // delete the old prop (if any), so the new prop always placed at the end of LiteralObject
style[propName] = newPropValue as any; // add/overwrite
else {
// both `newPropValue` & `currentPropValue` are `Style` => merge them recursively (deeply):
const currentValueClone = {...currentPropValue} as Style; // clone the `currentPropValue` to avoid side effect, because the `currentPropValue` is not **the primary object** we're working on
mergeLiteral(currentValueClone, newPropValue);
// merging style prop no need to rearrange the prop position
style[propName] = currentValueClone as any; // set the mutated `currentValueClone` back to `style`
} // if
} // if
} // for
const mergeNested = (style: Style): Style => {
//#region group (nested) Rule(s) by selector name
const groupByNested = (
.reduce((accum, sym) => {
const nestedSelector = sym.description ?? '';
if (
// nested rules:
// conditional rules & globals:
['@media', '@supports', '@document', '@global'].some((at) => nestedSelector.startsWith(at))
) {
let group = accum.get(nestedSelector); // get an existing collector
if (!group) accum.set(nestedSelector, group = []); // create a new collector
} // if
return accum;
}, new Map<string, symbol[]>()));
//#endregion group (nested) Rule(s) by selector name
//#region merge duplicates (nested) Rule(s) to unique ones
for (const group of Array.from(groupByNested.values())) {
if (group.length <= 1) continue; // filter out groups with single/no member
const mergedStyles = mergeStyles( => style[sym])
if (mergedStyles) {
// update last member
style[group[group.length - 1]] = mergedStyles; // merge all member's style to the last member
else {
// mergedStyles is empty => delete last member
delete style[group[group.length - 1]];
} // if
for (const sym of group.slice(0, -1)) delete style[sym]; // delete first member to second last member
} // for
//#endregion merge duplicates (nested) Rule to unique ones
//#region merge only_parentSelector into current style
const parentSelector = groupByNested.get('&')?.pop(); // remove & get the last member in parentSelector group
if (parentSelector) {
const parentStyles = style[parentSelector];
const mergedParentStyles = mergeStyles(parentStyles);
if (mergedParentStyles) {
mergeLiteral(style, mergedParentStyles); // merge into current style
delete style[parentSelector]; // merged => delete source
} // if
} // if
//#endregion merge only_parentSelector into current style
return style;
// prevents JSS to clone the CSSFN Style (because the symbol props are not copied)
class MergedStyle {
constructor(style?: Style) {
if (style) Object.assign(this, style);
const emptyMergedStyle = new MergedStyle();
* Defines the (sub) component's composition.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the (sub) component's composition.
export const composition = (styles: StyleCollection[]): StyleCollection => styles;
* Merges the (sub) component's composition to single `Style`.

@@ -227,3 +371,3 @@ * @returns A `Style` represents the merged (sub) component's composition

export const mergeStyles = (styles: StyleCollection): Style|null => {
export const mergeStyles = (styles: StyleCollection): Style|null => {

@@ -251,3 +395,12 @@ StyleCollection = ProductOrFactoryOrDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>

return styleValue;
const mergedStyles: Style = (new MergedStyle(styleValue) as Style);
// do not return an empty style, instead return null:
if ((!Object.keys(mergedStyles).length) && (!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(mergedStyles).length)) return null; // an empty object => return `null`
// return non empty style:
return mergedStyles;
} // if

@@ -257,9 +410,11 @@

const mergedStyles: Style = {}
for (const subStyles of styles) {
const mergedStyles: Style = (new MergedStyle() as Style);
for (const subStyles of styles) { // shallow iterating array
const subStyleValue: OptionalOrFalse<Style> = (
// deep iterating array
mergeStyles(subStyles) // an array => ProductOrFactoryDeepArray<OptionalOrFalse<Style>> => recursively `mergeStyles()`
// final element => might be a function or a product

@@ -279,7 +434,490 @@ // not an array => ProductOrFactory<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>

mergeStyle(mergedStyles, subStyleValue);
// merge current style to single big style (string props + symbol props):
mergeLiteral(mergedStyles, subStyleValue);
} // for
if (Object.keys(mergedStyles).length === 0) return null; // an empty object => return `null`
// do not return an empty style, instead return null:
if ((!Object.keys(mergedStyles).length) && (!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(mergedStyles).length)) return null; // an empty object => return `null`
// return non empty style:
return mergedStyles;
const nthChildNSelector = pseudoClassSelector('nth-child', 'n');
const adjustSpecificityWeight = (selectorList: PureSelectorModelList, minSpecificityWeight: number|null, maxSpecificityWeight: number|null): PureSelectorModelList => {
if (
(minSpecificityWeight == null)
(maxSpecificityWeight == null)
) return selectorList; // nothing to adjust
//#region group selectors by specificity weight status
const enum SpecificityWeightStatus {
type GroupBySpecificityWeightStatus = Map<SpecificityWeightStatus, { selector: PureSelectorModel, specificityWeight: number }[]>
const selectorListBySpecificityWeightStatus = => selector.filter(isNotEmptySelectorEntry) as PureSelectorModel).reduce(
(accum, selector): GroupBySpecificityWeightStatus => {
const [specificityWeight, weightStatus] = ((): readonly [number, SpecificityWeightStatus] => {
const specificityWeight = calculateSpecificity(selector)[1];
if ((maxSpecificityWeight !== null) && (specificityWeight > maxSpecificityWeight)) {
return [specificityWeight, SpecificityWeightStatus.TooBig];
} // if
if ((minSpecificityWeight !== null) && (specificityWeight < minSpecificityWeight)) {
return [specificityWeight, SpecificityWeightStatus.TooSmall];
} // if
return [specificityWeight, SpecificityWeightStatus.Fit];
let group = accum.get(weightStatus); // get an existing collector
if (!group) accum.set(weightStatus, group = []); // create a new collector
group.push({ selector, specificityWeight });
return accum;
new Map<SpecificityWeightStatus, { selector: PureSelectorModel, specificityWeight: number }[]>()
//#endregion group selectors by specificity weight status
const fitSelectors = selectorListBySpecificityWeightStatus.get(SpecificityWeightStatus.Fit ) ?? [];
const tooBigSelectors = selectorListBySpecificityWeightStatus.get(SpecificityWeightStatus.TooBig ) ?? [];
const tooSmallSelectors = selectorListBySpecificityWeightStatus.get(SpecificityWeightStatus.TooSmall ) ?? [];
return createSelectorList( => group.selector),
...tooBigSelectors.flatMap((group) => {
const reversedSelector = group.selector.reverse(); // reverse & mutate the current `group.selector` array
type SelectorAccum = { remaining: number, reducedSelector: SelectorModel }
const { reducedSelector: reversedReducedSelector, remaining: remainingSpecificityWeight } : SelectorAccum = (
reversedSelector.slice(0) // clone the `reversedSelector` because the `reduce()` uses `splice()` to break the iteration
.reduce((accum, selectorEntry, index, array): SelectorAccum => {
if (accum.remaining <= 0) {
array.splice(1); // eject early by mutating iterated copy - it's okay to **mutate** the `array` because it already cloned at `slice(0)`
return accum;
} // if
if (isSimpleSelector(selectorEntry)) {
const [
selector tokens:
'&' = parent selector
'*' = universal selector
'[' = attribute selector
'' = element selector
'#' = ID selector
'.' = class selector
':' = pseudo class selector
'::' = pseudo element selector
selector name:
string = the name of [element, ID, class, pseudo class, pseudo element] selector
selector parameter(s):
string = the parameter of pseudo class selector, eg: nth-child(2n+3) => '2n+3'
array = [name, operator, value, options] of attribute selector, eg: [data-msg*="you & me" i] => ['data-msg', '*=', 'you & me', 'i']
SelectorList = nested selector(s) of pseudo class [:is(...), :where(...), :not(...)]
// selectorParams,
] = selectorEntry;
if (selectorToken === ':') {
switch (selectorName) {
case 'is':
case 'not':
case 'has':
const specificityWeight = calculateSpecificity([selectorEntry])[1];
accum.remaining -= specificityWeight; // reduce the counter
case 'where':
break; // don't reduce the counter
accum.remaining--; // reduce the counter
} // switch
else if (['.', '[',].includes(selectorToken)) {
accum.remaining--; // reduce the counter
} // if
} // if
return accum;
}, ({
remaining : (group.specificityWeight - (maxSpecificityWeight ?? group.specificityWeight)),
reducedSelector : [],
} as SelectorAccum))
const [whereSelector, ...pseudoElmSelectors] = groupSelector(
{ selectorName: 'where' }
...(new Array<SimpleSelectorModel>((remainingSpecificityWeight < 0) ? -remainingSpecificityWeight : 0)).fill(
nthChildNSelector // or use `nth-child(n)`
return createSelectorList(
}), => createSelector(,
...(new Array<SimpleSelectorModel>((minSpecificityWeight ?? 1) - group.specificityWeight)).fill(
.filter(isClassOrPseudoClassSelector) // only interested to class selector -or- pseudo class selector
.filter((simpleSelector) => { // pseudo class selector without parameters
const [
selector tokens:
'&' = parent selector
'*' = universal selector
'[' = attribute selector
'' = element selector
'#' = ID selector
'.' = class selector
':' = pseudo class selector
'::' = pseudo element selector
// selectorToken
selector name:
string = the name of [element, ID, class, pseudo class, pseudo element] selector
// selectorName
selector parameter(s):
string = the parameter of pseudo class selector, eg: nth-child(2n+3) => '2n+3'
array = [name, operator, value, options] of attribute selector, eg: [data-msg*="you & me" i] => ['data-msg', '*=', 'you & me', 'i']
SelectorList = nested selector(s) of pseudo class [:is(...), :where(...), :not(...)]
] = simpleSelector;
return (selectorParams === undefined);
.pop() // repeats the last selector until minSpecificityWeight satisfied
nthChildNSelector // or use `nth-child(n)`
export interface SelectorOptions {
groupSelectors ?: boolean
specificityWeight ?: number|null
minSpecificityWeight ?: number|null
maxSpecificityWeight ?: number|null
const defaultSelectorOptions : Required<SelectorOptions> = {
groupSelectors : true,
specificityWeight : null,
minSpecificityWeight : null,
maxSpecificityWeight : null,
export const mergeSelectors = (selectorList: SelectorModelList, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions): SelectorModelList => {
const {
groupSelectors : doGroupSelectors = defaultSelectorOptions.groupSelectors,
} = options;
const minSpecificityWeight = specificityWeight ?? options.minSpecificityWeight ?? null;
const maxSpecificityWeight = specificityWeight ?? options.maxSpecificityWeight ?? null;
if (
!doGroupSelectors // do not perform grouping
(minSpecificityWeight === null) && (maxSpecificityWeight === null) // do not perform transform
) return selectorList; // nothing to do
const normalizedSelectorList = (
.flatMap((selector) => ungroupSelector(selector))
if (
(!doGroupSelectors || (normalizedSelectorList.length <= 1)) // do not perform grouping || only singular => nothing to group
(minSpecificityWeight === null) && (maxSpecificityWeight === null) // do not perform transform
) return normalizedSelectorList; // nothing to do
// transform:
const adjustedSelectorList = adjustSpecificityWeight(
if (
(!doGroupSelectors || (adjustedSelectorList.length <= 1)) // do not perform grouping || only singular => nothing to group
) return adjustedSelectorList; // nothing to do
//#region group selectors by parent position
const enum ParentPosition {
type GroupByParentPosition = Map<ParentPosition, PureSelectorModel[]>
const selectorListByParentPosition = => selector.filter(isNotEmptySelectorEntry) as PureSelectorModel).reduce(
(accum, selector): GroupByParentPosition => {
const position = ((): ParentPosition => {
const hasFirstParent = ((): boolean => {
if (selector.length < 1) return false; // at least 1 entry must exist, for the first_parent
const firstSelectorEntry = selector[0]; // take the first entry
return isParentSelector(firstSelectorEntry); // the entry must be ParentSelector
const onlyParent = hasFirstParent && (selector.length === 1);
if (onlyParent) return ParentPosition.OnlyParent;
const hasMiddleParent = ((): boolean => {
if (selector.length < 3) return false; // at least 3 entry must exist, the first & last are already reserved, the middle one is the middle_parent
for (let index = 1, maxIndex = (selector.length - 2); index <= maxIndex; index++) {
const middleSelectorEntry = selector[index]; // take the 2nd_first_entry until the 2nd_last_entry
if (isParentSelector(middleSelectorEntry)) return true; // the entry must be ParentSelector, otherwise skip to next
} // for
return false; // ran out of iterator => not found
const hasLastParent = ((): boolean => {
const length = selector.length;
if (length < 2) return false; // at least 2 entry must exist, the first is already reserved, the last one is the last_parent
const lastSelectorEntry = selector[length - 1]; // take the last entry
return isParentSelector(lastSelectorEntry); // the entry must be ParentSelector
const onlyBeginParent = hasFirstParent && !hasMiddleParent && !hasLastParent;
if (onlyBeginParent) return ParentPosition.OnlyBeginParent;
const onlyEndParent = !hasFirstParent && !hasMiddleParent && hasLastParent;
if (onlyEndParent) return ParentPosition.OnlyEndParent;
return ParentPosition.RandomParent;
let group = accum.get(position); // get an existing collector
if (!group) accum.set(position, group = []); // create a new collector
return accum;
new Map<ParentPosition, PureSelectorModel[]>()
//#endregion group selectors by parent position
const onlyParentSelectorList = selectorListByParentPosition.get(ParentPosition.OnlyParent ) ?? [];
const onlyBeginParentSelectorList = selectorListByParentPosition.get(ParentPosition.OnlyBeginParent ) ?? [];
const onlyEndParentSelectorList = selectorListByParentPosition.get(ParentPosition.OnlyEndParent ) ?? [];
const randomParentSelectorList = selectorListByParentPosition.get(ParentPosition.RandomParent ) ?? [];
type GroupByCombinator = Map<Combinator|null, PureSelectorModelList>
const createGroupByCombinator = (fetch: (selector: PureSelectorModel) => Combinator|null) => (accum: GroupByCombinator, selector: PureSelectorModel): GroupByCombinator => {
const combinator = fetch(selector);
let group = accum.get(combinator); // get an existing collector
if (!group) accum.set(combinator, group = []); // create a new collector
return accum;
const groupedSelectorList = createSelectorList(
// only ParentSelector
// &
!!onlyParentSelectorList.length && (
onlyParentSelectorList[0] // just take the first one, the rest are guaranteed to be the same
// ParentSelector at beginning
// &aaa
// &:is(aaa, bbb, ccc)
...((): SelectorModelList => {
if (onlyBeginParentSelectorList.length <= 1) return onlyBeginParentSelectorList; // only contain one/no Selector, no need to group
//#region group selectors by combinator
const selectorListByCombinator = onlyBeginParentSelectorList.reduce(
createGroupByCombinator((selector) => {
if (selector.length >= 2) { // at least 2 entry must exist, for the first_parent followed by combinator
const secondSelectorEntry = selector[1]; // take the first_second entry
if (isCombinator(secondSelectorEntry)) { // the entry must be the same as combinator
return secondSelectorEntry;
} // if
} // if
return null; // ungroupable
new Map<Combinator|null, PureSelectorModelList>()
//#endregion group selectors by combinator
return Array.from(selectorListByCombinator.entries()).flatMap(([combinator, selectors]) => {
if (selectors.length <= 1) return selectors; // only contain one/no Selector, no need to group
if (selectors.filter((selector) => selector.every(isNotPseudoElementSelector)).length <= 1) return selectors; // only contain one/no Selector without ::pseudo-element, no need to group
const [isSelector, ...pseudoElmSelectors] = groupSelectors(
.filter(isNotEmptySelector) // remove empty Selector(s) in SelectorList
.map((selector) => selector.slice(
2 // remove the first_parent & combinator
1 // remove the first_parent
(selector.some(isPseudoElementSelector) ? -1 : 0) // exception for ::pseudo-element => do not remove the first_parent
{ selectorName: 'is' }
return createSelectorList(
isNotEmptySelector(isSelector) && createSelector(
parentSelector(), // add a ParentSelector before :is(...)
combinator, // add a Combinator (if any) before :is(...)
...isSelector, // :is(...)
// ParentSelector at end
// aaa&
// :is(aaa, bbb, ccc)&
...((): SelectorModelList => {
if (onlyEndParentSelectorList.length <= 1) return onlyEndParentSelectorList; // only contain one/no Selector, no need to group
//#region group selectors by combinator
const selectorListByCombinator = onlyEndParentSelectorList.reduce(
createGroupByCombinator((selector) => {
const length = selector.length;
if (length >= 2) { // at least 2 entry must exist, for the combinator followed by last_parent
const secondSelectorEntry = selector[length - 2]; // take the last_second entry
if (isCombinator(secondSelectorEntry)) { // the entry must be the same as combinator
return secondSelectorEntry;
} // if
} // if
return null; // ungroupable
new Map<Combinator|null, PureSelectorModelList>()
//#endregion group selectors by combinator
return Array.from(selectorListByCombinator.entries()).flatMap(([combinator, selectors]) => {
if (selectors.length <= 1) return selectors; // only contain one/no Selector, no need to group
if (selectors.filter((selector) => selector.every(isNotPseudoElementSelector)).length <= 1) return selectors; // only contain one/no Selector without ::pseudo-element, no need to group
const [isSelector, ...pseudoElmSelectors] = groupSelectors(
.filter(isNotEmptySelector) // remove empty Selector(s) in SelectorList
.map((selector) => selector.slice(0,
-2 // remove the combinator & last_parent
-1 // remove the last_parent
(selector.some(isPseudoElementSelector) ? 1 : 0) // exception for ::pseudo-element => do not remove the last_parent
{ selectorName: 'is' }
return createSelectorList(
isNotEmptySelector(isSelector) && createSelector(
...isSelector, // :is(...)
combinator, // add a Combinator (if any) after :is(...)
parentSelector(), // add a ParentSelector after :is(...)
// parent at random
// a&aa, bb&b, c&c&c
return groupedSelectorList;
// compositions:

@@ -289,3 +927,3 @@ * Defines the additional component's composition.

export const compositionOf = <TClassName extends ClassName = ClassName>(className: TClassName, styles: StyleCollection[]): ClassEntry<TClassName> => [
export const compositionOf = <TClassName extends ClassName = ClassName>(className: TClassName, ...styles: StyleCollection[]): ClassEntry<TClassName> => [

@@ -299,3 +937,3 @@ styles

export const mainComposition = (styles: StyleCollection[]) => compositionOf('main' , styles);
export const mainComposition = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => compositionOf('main' , ...styles);

@@ -305,477 +943,291 @@ * Defines the global style applied to a whole document.

export const globalDef = (ruleCollection: RuleCollection) => compositionOf('' , [rules(ruleCollection)]);
export const imports = (styles: StyleCollection[]) => composition(styles);
export const globalDef = (...rules : RuleCollection[]) => compositionOf('' , ...rules );
// layouts:
// styles:
* @deprecated move to `style()`
* Defines the (sub) component's composition.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the (sub) component's composition.
export const composition = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => noRule(...styles);
* Defines component's style.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's style.
export const style = (style: Style) => noRule(style);
* @deprecated move to `style()`
* Defines component's layout.
* @returns A `Style` represents the component's layout.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's layout.
export const layout = (style: Style): Style => style;
export const layout = (style: Style) => noRule(style);
* Defines component's variable(s).
* @returns A `Style` represents the component's variable(s).
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's variable(s).
export const vars = (items: { [name: string]: JssValue }): Style => items;
export const vars = (items: { [key: Cust.Decl]: CssValue }) => noRule(items);
export const imports = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => noRule(...styles);
export interface CombinatorOptions {
groupSelectors? : boolean
const defaultCombinatorOptions : Required<CombinatorOptions> = {
groupSelectors : true,
export const combinators = (combinator: string, selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: CombinatorOptions = defaultCombinatorOptions): PropList => {
const {
groupSelectors = defaultCombinatorOptions.groupSelectors,
} = options;
// rules:
* Defines component's `style(s)` that is applied when the specified `selector(s)` meet the conditions.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's rule.
export const rule = (rules: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions): Rule => {
const rulesString = (
.filter((rule): rule is Selector => !!rule)
const enum RuleType {
SelectorRule, // &.foo .boo& .foo&.boo
AtRule, // for `@media`
PropRule, // for `from`, `to`, `25%`
type GroupByRuleTypes = Map<RuleType, Selector[]>
const rulesByTypes = rulesString.reduce(
(accum, rule): GroupByRuleTypes => {
let ruleType = ((): RuleType|null => {
if (rule.startsWith('@')) return RuleType.AtRule;
if (rule.startsWith(' ')) return RuleType.PropRule;
if (rule.includes('&')) return RuleType.SelectorRule;
return null;
switch (ruleType) {
case RuleType.PropRule:
rule = rule.slice(1);
case null:
ruleType = RuleType.SelectorRule;
rule = `&${rule}`;
} // switch
let group = accum.get(ruleType); // get an existing collector
if (!group) accum.set(ruleType, group = []); // create a new collector
return accum;
new Map<RuleType, Selector[]>()
const withCombinator = `&${combinator}`;
const combiSelectors = flat(selectors).map((selector) => {
if (!selector) selector = '*'; // empty selector => match any element
// if (selector === '&') return selector; // no children => the parent itself
if (selector.includes('&')) return selector; // custom combinator
if (((combinator === ' ') || (combinator === '>')) && selector.startsWith('::')) return `&${selector}`; // pseudo element => attach the parent itself (for descendants & children)
return `${withCombinator}${selector}`;
if (!combiSelectors.length) return {}; // no selector => return empty
const selectorList = (
(rulesByTypes.get(RuleType.SelectorRule) ?? [])
.flatMap((selector) => {
const selectorList = parseSelectors(selector);
if (!selectorList) throw Error(`parse selector error: ${selector}`);
return selectorList;
const mergedSelectorList = mergeSelectors(selectorList, options);
const mergedStyles = mergeStyles(styles); // merge the `styles` to single `Style`, for making JSS understand
if (!mergedStyles) return {}; // no style => return empty
if (groupSelectors) {
if (combiSelectors.length === 1) return {
[combiSelectors[0]]: (mergedStyles as JssValue),
return {
...(isNotEmptySelectors(mergedSelectorList) ? {
)] : styles
} : {}),
const selectorsGroups = => {
const withCombi = selector.startsWith(withCombinator);
if (withCombi) return { withCombi: selector };
const onlyBeginAmp = (selector.lastIndexOf('&') === 0);
if (onlyBeginAmp) return { begAmp: selector };
const onlyEndAmp = (selector.indexOf('&') === (selector.length - 1));
if (onlyEndAmp) return { endAmp: selector };
return { other: selector };
const withCombiSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.withCombi).map((group) => group.withCombi! );
const begAmpSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.begAmp ).map((group) => group.begAmp! );
const endAmpSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.endAmp ).map((group) => group.endAmp! );
const ungroupableSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.other ).map((group) => group.other! );
return {
...(withCombiSelectors.length ? {
(withCombiSelectors.length === 1)
`${withCombinator}:is(${ => selector.slice(withCombinator.length)).join(',')})`
]: (mergedStyles as JssValue),
} : {}),
...(begAmpSelectors.length ? {
(begAmpSelectors.length === 1)
`&:is(${ => selector.slice(1)).join(',')})`
]: (mergedStyles as JssValue),
} : {}),
...(endAmpSelectors.length ? {
(endAmpSelectors.length === 1)
`:is(${ => selector.slice(0, -1)).join(',')})&`
]: (mergedStyles as JssValue),
} : {}),
...(ungroupableSelectors.length ? {
[ungroupableSelectors.join(',')]: (mergedStyles as JssValue),
} : {}),
else {
return Object.fromEntries(
.map((combiSelector) => [combiSelector, (mergedStyles as JssValue)])
} // if
...(rulesByTypes.get(RuleType.AtRule ) ?? []),
...(rulesByTypes.get(RuleType.PropRule ) ?? []),
].map((rule) => [
export const descendants = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: CombinatorOptions = defaultCombinatorOptions) => combinators(' ', selectors, styles, options);
export const children = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: CombinatorOptions = defaultCombinatorOptions) => combinators('>', selectors, styles, options);
export const siblings = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: CombinatorOptions = defaultCombinatorOptions) => combinators('~', selectors, styles, options);
export const nextSiblings = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: CombinatorOptions = defaultCombinatorOptions) => combinators('+', selectors, styles, options);
// rules:
export interface RuleOptions {
minSpecificityWeight? : number
const defaultRuleOptions : Required<RuleOptions> = {
minSpecificityWeight : 0,
export const rules = (ruleCollection: RuleCollection, options: RuleOptions = defaultRuleOptions): StyleCollection => {
const {
minSpecificityWeight = defaultRuleOptions.minSpecificityWeight,
} = options;
// rule groups:
export const rules = (rules : RuleCollection, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions): Rule => {
const result = (
.filter((rule): rule is ProductOrFactory<OptionalOrFalse<Rule>> => !!rule)
.flatMap((ruleProductOrFactory: ProductOrFactory<OptionalOrFalse<Rule>>): OptionalOrFalse<Rule>[] => {
if (typeof(ruleProductOrFactory) === 'function') return [ruleProductOrFactory()];
return [ruleProductOrFactory];
.filter((optionalRule): optionalRule is Rule => !!optionalRule)
if (!options) return Object.assign({}, ...result);
return composition(
((): StyleCollection[] => {
const noSelectors: StyleCollection[] = [];
return [
...(Array.isArray(ruleCollection) ? ruleCollection : [ruleCollection])
.flatMap((ruleEntrySourceList: RuleEntrySource|RuleList): OptionalOrFalse<RuleEntry>[] => { // convert: Factory<RuleEntry>|RuleEntry|RuleList => [RuleEntry]|[RuleEntry]|[...RuleList] => [RuleEntry]
const isOptionalString = (value: any): value is OptionalString => {
if (value === null) return true; // optional `null`
if (value === undefined) return true; // optional `undefined`
if (value === false) return true; // optional `false`
return ((typeof value) === 'string');
const isOptionalStringDeepArr = (value: any): value is OptionalString[] => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) return false;
const nonOptionalStringItems = value.filter((v) => !isOptionalString(v));
if (nonOptionalStringItems.length === 0) return true;
for (const nonOptionalStringItem of nonOptionalStringItems) {
if (!isOptionalStringDeepArr(nonOptionalStringItem)) return false;
} // for
return true;
const isOptionalSelector = (value: any): value is OptionalOrFalse<Selector> => isOptionalString(value);
const isOptionalSelectorDeepArr = (value: any): value is OptionalOrFalse<Selector>[] => isOptionalStringDeepArr(value);
const isOptionalStyleOrFactory = (value: any): value is ProductOrFactory<Style> => {
if (value === null) return true; // optional `null`
if (value === undefined) return true; // optional `undefined`
return (
((typeof(value) === 'object') && !Array.isArray(value)) // literal object => `Style`
(typeof(value) === 'function') // function => `Factory<Style>`
const isOptionalStyleOrFactoryDeepArr = (value: any): value is Style[] => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) return false;
const nonStyleOrFactoryItems = value.filter((v) => !isOptionalStyleOrFactory(v));
if (nonStyleOrFactoryItems.length === 0) return true;
for (const nonStyleOrFactoryItem of nonStyleOrFactoryItems) {
if (!isOptionalStyleOrFactoryDeepArr(nonStyleOrFactoryItem)) return false;
} // for
return true;
const isOptionalRuleEntry = (value: any): value is OptionalOrFalse<RuleEntry> => {
if (value === null) return true; // optional `null`
if (value === undefined) return true; // optional `undefined`
if (value === false) return true; // optional `false`
if (value.length !== 2) return false; // not a tuple => not a `RuleEntry`
const [first, second] = value;
the first element must be `SelectorCollection`:
* `OptionalOrFalse<Selector>`
* DeepArrayOf< `OptionalOrFalse<Selector>` >
* empty array
// and
the second element must be `StyleCollection`:
* `OptionalOrFalse<Style>` | `Factory<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>`
* DeepArrayOf< `OptionalOrFalse<Style> | Factory<OptionalOrFalse<Style>>` >
* empty array
return (
if (typeof(ruleEntrySourceList) === 'function') return [ruleEntrySourceList()];
if (isOptionalRuleEntry(ruleEntrySourceList)) return [ruleEntrySourceList];
return => (typeof(ruleEntrySource) === 'function') ? ruleEntrySource() : ruleEntrySource);
.filter((optionalRuleEntry): optionalRuleEntry is RuleEntry => !!optionalRuleEntry)
.map(([selectors, styles]): readonly [NestedSelector[], StyleCollection] => {
let nestedSelectors = flat(selectors).filter((selector): selector is Selector => !!selector).map((selector): NestedSelector => {
if (selector.startsWith('@')) return (selector as NestedSelector); // for `@media`
if (selector.includes('&')) return (selector as NestedSelector); // &.foo .boo& .foo&.boo
// if (selector.startsWith('.') || selector.startsWith(':') || selector.startsWith('#') || (selector === '*')) return `&${selector}`;
return `&${selector}`;
if (minSpecificityWeight >= 2) {
nestedSelectors = NestedSelector): NestedSelector => {
if (nestedSelector === '&') return nestedSelector; // zero specificity => no change
// one/more specificities found => increase the specificity weight until reaches `minSpecificityWeight`
// calculate the specificity weight:
// `.realClassName` or `:pseudoClassName` (without parameters):
const classes = nestedSelector.match(/(\.|:(?!(is|not)(?![\w-])))[\w-]+/gmi); // count the `.RealClass` and `:PseudoClass` but not `:is` or `:not`
const specificityWeight = classes?.length ?? 0;
const missSpecificityWeight = minSpecificityWeight - specificityWeight;
// the specificity weight was meet the minimum specificity required => no change:
if (missSpecificityWeight <= 0) return nestedSelector;
// the specificity weight is less than the minimum specificity required => increase the specificity:
return `${nestedSelector}${(new Array(missSpecificityWeight)).fill(((): Selector => {
const lastClass = classes?.[classes.length - 1];
if (lastClass) {
// the last word (without parameters):
if (nestedSelector.length === (nestedSelector.lastIndexOf(lastClass) + lastClass.length)) return (lastClass as Selector); // `.RealClass` or `:PseudoClass` without parameters
} // if
// use a **hacky class name** to increase the specificity:
return ':not(._)';
})()).join('')}` as NestedSelector;
} // if
if (nestedSelectors.includes('&')) { // contains one/more selectors with zero specificity
nestedSelectors = nestedSelectors.filter((nestedSelector) => (nestedSelector !== '&')); // filter out selectors with zero specificity
noSelectors.push(styles); // add styles with zero specificity
} // if
return [nestedSelectors, styles];
.filter(([nestedSelectors]) => (nestedSelectors.length > 0)) // filter out empty `nestedSelectors`
.map(([nestedSelectors, styles]) => [
mergeStyles(styles) // merge the `styles` to single `Style`, for making JSS understand
] as const)
.filter((tuple): tuple is (readonly [typeof tuple[0], Style]) => !!tuple[1]) // filter out empty `mergedStyles`
.map(([nestedSelectors, mergedStyles]): Style => {
const selectorsGroups = => {
const onlyBeginAmp = (selector.lastIndexOf('&') === 0);
if (onlyBeginAmp) return { begAmp: selector };
const onlyEndAmp = (selector.indexOf('&') === (selector.length - 1));
if (onlyEndAmp) return { endAmp: selector };
return { other: selector };
const begAmpSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.begAmp ).map((group) => group.begAmp! );
const endAmpSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.endAmp ).map((group) => group.endAmp! );
const ungroupableSelectors = selectorsGroups.filter((group) => !!group.other ).map((group) => group.other! );
return {
...(begAmpSelectors.length ? {
(begAmpSelectors.length === 1)
`&:is(${ => selector.slice(1)).join(',')})`
]: (mergedStyles as JssValue),
} : {}),
...(endAmpSelectors.length ? {
(endAmpSelectors.length === 1)
`:is(${ => selector.slice(0, -1)).join(',')})&`
]: (mergedStyles as JssValue),
} : {}),
...(ungroupableSelectors.length ? {
[ungroupableSelectors.join(',')]: (mergedStyles as JssValue),
} : {}),
return Object.assign({},
.flatMap((rule) => Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(rule).map((sym) => [sym.description ?? '', rule[sym]] as const))
.map(([selectors, styles]) => rule(selectors, styles, options))
// shortcut rules:
* Defines component's variants.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the component's variants.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's variants.
export const variants = (variants: RuleCollection, options: RuleOptions = defaultRuleOptions): StyleCollection => rules(variants, options);
export const variants = (variants: RuleCollection, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions) => rules(variants, options);
export interface StateOptions extends SelectorOptions {
inherit ?: boolean
const defaultStateOptions : Required<StateOptions> = {
minSpecificityWeight: 3,
inherit : false,
* Defines component's states.
* @param inherit `true` to inherit states from parent element -or- `false` to create independent states.
* @returns A `StyleCollection` represents the component's states.
* @returns A `Rule` represents the component's states.
export const states = (states: RuleCollection|((inherit: boolean) => RuleCollection), inherit = false, options: RuleOptions = { ...defaultRuleOptions, minSpecificityWeight: 3 }): StyleCollection => {
export const states = (states : RuleCollection|((inherit: boolean) => RuleCollection), options: StateOptions = defaultStateOptions) => {
const {
inherit = defaultStateOptions.inherit,
} = options;
return rules((typeof(states) === 'function') ? states(inherit) : states, options);
// rule items:
* Defines component's `style(s)` that is applied when the specified `selector(s)` meet the conditions.
* @returns A `RuleEntry` represents the component's rule.
export const rule = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection): RuleEntry => [selectors, styles];
// shortcut rule items:
export const noRule = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule('&' , styles);
export const emptyRule = () => rule(null , null );
export const atRoot = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule(':root' , styles);
export const atGlobal = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule('@global' , styles);
export const fontFace = (styles: StyleCollection) => atGlobal(
rule('@font-face', styles),
export const isFirstChild = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule( ':first-child' , styles);
export const isNotFirstChild = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule(':not(:first-child)' , styles);
export const isLastChild = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule( ':last-child' , styles);
export const isNotLastChild = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule(':not(:last-child)' , styles);
export const isNthChild = (step: number, offset: number, styles: StyleCollection): RuleEntry => {
// rule shortcuts:
export const keyframes = (name: string, items: PropEx.Keyframes) => rule(`@keyframes ${name}`, (Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(items).map(([key, frame]) => [Symbol(key), frame])
) as Style));
export const noRule = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule('&' , styles);
export const emptyRule = () => rule(null , null );
export const fallbacks = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule('@fallbacks' , styles);
export const fontFace = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule('@font-face' , styles);
export const atGlobal = (...rules : RuleCollection[]) => rule('@global' , rules );
export const atRoot = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule(':root' , styles);
export const isFirstChild = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule( ':first-child' , styles);
export const isNotFirstChild = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule(':not(:first-child)' , styles);
export const isLastChild = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule( ':last-child' , styles);
export const isNotLastChild = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule(':not(:last-child)' , styles);
export const isNthChild = (step: number, offset: number, ...styles: StyleCollection[]): Rule => {
if (step === 0) { // no step
if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // element indices are starting from 1 => never match => return empty style
if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // 0th => never => return empty rule
if (offset === 1) return isFirstChild(styles);
if (offset === 1) return isFirstChild(styles); // 1st
return rule(`:nth-child(${offset})`, styles);
return rule(`:nth-child(${offset})`, styles); // 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...
else if (step === 1) { // 1 step
if (offset === 0) return rule(`:nth-child(n)`, styles); // always match
return rule(`:nth-child(n+${offset})`, styles);
else { // 2+ steps
if (offset === 0) return rule(`:nth-child(${step}n)`, styles);
return rule(`:nth-child(${step}n+${offset})`, styles);
} // if
export const isNotNthChild = (step: number, offset: number, styles: StyleCollection): RuleEntry => {
export const isNotNthChild = (step: number, offset: number, ...styles: StyleCollection[]): Rule => {
if (step === 0) { // no step
// if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // element indices are starting from 1 => never match => return empty style
if (offset === 0) return isNthChild(1, 0, styles); // not 0th => not never => always match
if (offset === 1) return isNotFirstChild(styles);
if (offset === 1) return isNotFirstChild(styles); // not 1st
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(${offset}))`, styles);
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(${offset}))`, styles); // not 2nd, not 3rd, not 4th, not ...
else if (step === 1) { // 1 step
if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // never match
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(n+${offset}))`, styles);
else { // 2+ steps
if (offset === 0) return rule(`:not(:nth-child(${step}n))`, styles);
return rule(`:not(:nth-child(${step}n+${offset}))`, styles);
} // if
export const isNthLastChild = (step: number, offset: number, styles: StyleCollection): RuleEntry => {
export const isNthLastChild = (step: number, offset: number, ...styles: StyleCollection[]): Rule => {
if (step === 0) { // no step
if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // element indices are starting from 1 => never match => return empty style
if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // 0th => never => return empty rule
if (offset === 1) return isLastChild(styles);
if (offset === 1) return isLastChild(styles); // 1st
return rule(`:nth-last-child(${offset})`, styles);
return rule(`:nth-last-child(${offset})`, styles); // 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...
else if (step === 1) { // 1 step
if (offset === 0) return rule(`:nth-last-child(n)`, styles); // always match
return rule(`:nth-last-child(n+${offset})`, styles);
else { // 2+ steps
if (offset === 0) return rule(`:nth-last-child(${step}n)`, styles);
return rule(`:nth-last-child(${step}n+${offset})`, styles);
} // if
export const isNotNthLastChild = (step: number, offset: number, styles: StyleCollection): RuleEntry => {
export const isNotNthLastChild = (step: number, offset: number, ...styles: StyleCollection[]): Rule => {
if (step === 0) { // no step
// if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // element indices are starting from 1 => never match => return empty style
if (offset === 0) return isNthChild(1, 0, styles); // not 0th last => not never => always match
if (offset === 1) return isNotLastChild(styles);
if (offset === 1) return isNotLastChild(styles); // not 1st last
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(${offset}))`, styles);
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(${offset}))`, styles); // not 2nd last, not 3rd last, not 4th last, not ... last
else if (step === 1) { // 1 step
if (offset === 0) return emptyRule(); // never match
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(n+${offset}))`, styles);
else { // 2+ steps
if (offset === 0) return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(${step}n))`, styles);
return rule(`:not(:nth-last-child(${step}n+${offset}))`, styles);
} // if
export const isActive = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule( ':active' , styles);
export const isNotActive = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule(':not(:active)' , styles);
export const isFocus = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule( ':focus' , styles);
export const isNotFocus = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule(':not(:focus)' , styles);
export const isFocusVisible = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule( ':focus-visible' , styles);
export const isNotFocusVisible = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule(':not(:focus-visible)', styles);
export const isHover = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule( ':hover' , styles);
export const isNotHover = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule(':not(:hover)' , styles);
export const isEmpty = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule( ':empty' , styles);
export const isNotEmpty = (styles: StyleCollection) => rule(':not(:empty)' , styles);
export const isActive = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule( ':active' , styles);
export const isNotActive = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule(':not(:active)' , styles);
export const isFocus = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule( ':focus' , styles);
export const isNotFocus = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule(':not(:focus)' , styles);
export const isFocusVisible = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule( ':focus-visible' , styles);
export const isNotFocusVisible = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule(':not(:focus-visible)', styles);
export const isHover = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule( ':hover' , styles);
export const isNotHover = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule(':not(:hover)' , styles);
export const isEmpty = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule( ':empty' , styles);
export const isNotEmpty = (...styles: StyleCollection[]) => rule(':not(:empty)' , styles);
export const combinators = (combinator: Combinator, selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions): Rule => {
const combiSelectors : Selector[] = flat(selectors).filter((selector): selector is Selector => !!selector).map((selector) => {
// if (selector === '&') return selector; // no children => the parent itself
if (selector.includes('&')) return selector; // custom combinator
if (((combinator === ' ') || (combinator === '>')) && selector.startsWith('::')) return `&${selector}`; // pseudo element => attach the parent itself (for descendants & children)
return `&${combinator}${selector}`;
if (!combiSelectors.length) return {}; // no selector => return empty
return rule(combiSelectors, styles, options);
export const descendants = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions) => combinators(' ', selectors, styles, options);
export const children = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions) => combinators('>', selectors, styles, options);
export const siblings = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions) => combinators('~', selectors, styles, options);
export const nextSiblings = (selectors: SelectorCollection, styles: StyleCollection, options: SelectorOptions = defaultSelectorOptions) => combinators('+', selectors, styles, options);
// utilities:

@@ -803,18 +1255,5 @@ /**

const merged: T[] = [];
for (const item of collection) {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
// an array => DeepArray<T> => recursively `flat()`
else {
// not an array => T
} // if
} // for
return merged;
return collection.flat(Infinity);
export const iif = <T extends PropList|Style>(condition: boolean, content: T): T => {
export const iif = <T extends CssProps|Rule|Style>(condition: boolean, content: T): T => {
return condition ? content : ({} as T);

@@ -821,0 +1260,0 @@ };

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