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[v9.7.1] 2021-12-08 [Backport]
Please note changes in 9.7.0 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport and patch release on the 9.7.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases. Fixed
[v9.9.0] 2021-11-03
to check if a given file object is an ISO filegranuleToCmrFileObject
and granulesToCmrFileObjects
now take a
's default value is isCMRFile
, so the previous behavior is
maintained if no value is given for this argumentMoveGranules
passes a custom filter function to
to check for isISOFile
in addition to
, so that metadata from .iso.xml
files can be used in the
tfvars to the archive and cumulus terraform modules.default_s3_multipart_chunksize_mb
setting to the move-granules
lambda function.default_s3_multipart_chunksize_mb
tfvars to the cumulus and ingest terraform modules.chunkSize
to @cumulus/aws-client/S3.moveObject
to set the chunk size of the S3 multipart uploads.maxChunkSize
to chunkSize
version 2.0.1
to correctly retrieve
certificate from launchpad IdP metadata with and without namespace prefix.Changelog
[v9.8.0] 2021-10-19
of cumuluss/async-operation
to Docker Hub for compatibility with
upgrades to knex
package and to address security vulnerabilities.Added @cumulus/db/createRejectableTransaction()
to handle creating a Knex transaction that will throw an error if the transaction rolls back. As of Knex 0.95+, promise rejection on transaction rollback is no longer the default behavior.
string map variable for cumulus
module to accept a
version from 0.23.11 to 0.95.11 to address security vulnerabilitiescumuluss/async-operation:36
when scheduling the granule.buckets.json
out of the
directory into
[v9.7.0] 2021-10-01
task now updates granule status to queued
when a granule is queued. In order to prevent issues with the private API endpoint and Lambda API request and concurrency limits, this functionality runs with limited concurrency, which may increase the task's overall runtime when large numbers of granules are being queued. If you are facing Lambda timeout errors with this task, we recommend converting your queue-granules
task to an ECS activity. This concurrency is configurable via the task config's concurrency
task has been updated to limit concurrency on checks to identify and skip already ingested granules in order to prevent issues with the private API endpoint and Lambda API request and concurrency limits. This may increase the task's overall runtime when large numbers of granules are discovered. If you are facing Lambda timeout errors with this task, we recommend converting your discover-granules
task to an ECS activity. This concurrency is configurable via the task config's concurrency
Lambda to 1024MB@cumulus/queue-granules
to respect a new config parameter: preferredQueueBatchSize
. Queue-granules will respect this batchsize as best as it can to batch granules into workflow payloads. As workflows generally rely on information such as collection and provider expected to be shared across all granules in a workflow, queue-granules will break batches up by collection, as well as provider if there is a provider
field on the granule. This may result in batches that are smaller than the preferred size, but never larger ones. The default value is 1, which preserves current behavior of queueing 1 granule per workflow.DiscoverGranulesToThrottledQueue
that discovers and writes
granules to a throttled background queue. This allows discovery and ingest
of larger numbers of granules without running into limits with lambda
from 8 to 5 to use fewer reserved lambda
functions. If you see throttling errors on the <stack>-apiEndpoints
should increase this value.archive_api_reserved_concurrency
from 8 to 15 to prevent throttling on
the dashboard for default deployments.api/endpoints/execution-status.js
method to include associated granules, as
an array, for the provided execution.getExecutionArnsByGranuleCumulusId
returning a list of executionArns sorted by most recent first,
for an input Granule Cumulus ID in support of the move of translatePostgresGranuleToApiGranule
from RDS-Phase2
feature branchgetApiExecutionCumulusIds
returning cumulus IDs for a given list of executionseraseDynamoTables()
. Changed the call Promise.all()
to Promise.allSettled()
to ensure all dynamo records (provider records in particular) are deleted prior to reseeding.Changelog
[v9.6.0] 2021-09-20
PUT /granules
API endpoint to update a granuleupdateGranule
to @cumulus/api-client/granules
POST /granules/{granuleId}/executions
API endpoint to associate an execution with a granuleassociateExecutionWithGranule
to @cumulus/api-client/granules
as option for granule's status
fieldMoved ssh2
package from @cumulus/common
to @cumulus/sftp-client
upgraded package from ^0.8.7
to ^1.0.0
to address security vulnerability
issue in previous version.
task now updates granule status to queued
once it is added to the queue.CUMULUS-2617
header for CMR Launchpad authentication instead of the deprecated Echo-Token
header.Added missing permission for <prefix>_ecs_cluster_instance_role
IAM role (used when running ECS services/tasks)
to allow kms:Decrypt
on the KMS key used to encrypt provider credentials. Adding this permission fixes the sync-granule
task when run as an ECS activity in a Step Function, which previously failed trying to decrypt credentials for providers.
[v9.5.0] 2021-09-07
record type from mappings from Elasticsearch. This change should not have
any adverse impact on existing deployments, even those which still contain logs
but technically it is a breaking change to the Elasticsearch mappings.@cumulus/api-client/asyncOperations.getAsyncOperation
to return parsed JSON body
of response and not the raw API endpoint responsecumulus
module to take lambda_timeouts string map variable that allows timeouts of ingest tasks to be configurable. Allowed properties for the mapping include:POST /granules
API endpoint to create a granulecreateGranule
to @cumulus/api-client
POST /executions
endpoint to create an executionPUT /executions
endpoint to update an executiondelete
method for granules-executions.ts
implemented as part of CUMULUS-2306
from the RDS-Phase-2 feature branch in support of CUMULUS-2644.erasePostgresTables
method in serve.js
implemented as part of CUMULUS-2644,
and CUMULUS-2306 from the RDS-Phase-2 feature branch in support of CUMULUS-2644resetPostgresDb
method to support resetting between integration test suite runsUpdated processDeadLetterArchive
Lambda to return an object where
is an array of the S3 keys for successfully
processed objects and processingFailedKeys
is an array of S3 keys
for objects that could not be processed
Updated async operations to handle writing records to the databases
when output of the operation is undefined
directory from the db-migration-lambda
to the db
package and
updated unit test references to migrationDir to be pulled from @cumulus/db
to write records to PostgreSQL tablesCUMULUS-2575
functions get
and exists
enforce parameter checking so that requests include either (granule_id
and collection_cumulus_id) or (cumulus_id) to prevent incorrect results.@cumulus/message/src/Collections.deconstructCollectionId
has been
modified to throw a descriptive error if the input collectionId
undefined rather than TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
. This function has also been updated to throw descriptive errors
if an incorrectly formatted collectionId is input.Changelog
[v9.4.0] 2021-08-16
task should now properly handle
syncing files from HTTP/HTTPS providers where basic auth is
required and involves a redirect to a different host (e.g.
downloading files protected by Earthdata Login)failedExecutionStepName
to failed execution's jsonb error records.
This is the name of the Step Function step for the last failed event in the
execution's event history.allowed_redirects
field to PostgreSQL providers
field to DynamoDB <prefix>-providers
to handle uploading the contents
of a readable stream to S3 and returning a promisereplaySqsMessages
lambda to replay archived incoming SQS
messages from S3./replays/sqs
endpoint to trigger an async operation for
the replaySqsMessages
to ingest/sqs
package to get prefix
for an archived message.async_operation
type SQS Replay
/executions/workflows-by-granules for retrieving workflow names common to a set of granulesworkflowsByGranules
to @cumulus/api-client/executions
properly handle basic auth when redirecting to a different
host and/or host with a different portexecution
to migrate PDRs before migrating granules.data-migration2
unit tests testing granules migration to reference
PDR records to better model the DB schema.migratePdrRecord
to use translateApiPdrToPostgresPdr
in ingest/sqs
to store SQS messages
by queueName
from 2 to 8 to prevent throttling with
the dashboard.