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A simple reddit api wrapper/cli to make fetching reddit posts easier

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This package aims to make using reddit's api easier for the average user. It includes a package which is used in code, and a cli to be used in the command line It can be used in both js and ts



npm i @cxllm/reddit


npm i -g @cxllm/reddit

Package documentation

The package currently has 5 methods, 4 of which work in the same way and return the same data format


Importing/Requring the package is easy, and you can pull specific methods also

Import all methods:
const Reddit = require("@cxllm/reddit");
import Reddit from "@cxllm/reddit";
Import specific methods:
const {random, top, rising, newPost} = require("@cxllm/reddit") //in this context, "newPost" must be used as new collides with the constructor
import {random, top, rising, newPost} from "@cxllm/reddit";


I am going to group 4 methods into one in this documentation as they all return the same data and all work in the same way

random, top, rising and new/newPost:

All the methods must be treated as async (await or .then) as they make web requested In this example, I will use r/memes as my subreddit:

const sub = "memes"; //you can also use r/memes as it slices it in the function
(async () => {
    try {
        await Reddit.random(sub) //fetches a random post from r/memes
        await //fetches a random top post from r/memes
        await //fetches a random new post from r/memes
        await Reddit.newPost(sub) //same as above
        await Reddit.rising(sub) //fetches a random rising post from r/memes
    } catch { //catches the error if a subreddit doesn't exist
        console.log("Subreddit does not exist")

All these methods return the data format below with different data:

  upvotes: 894,
  downvotes: 0,
  author: 'adithya17',
  title: '*Soviet Union anthem intensifies*',
  url: '',
  subreddit: 'memes',
  image: '',
  score: 894,
  edited: false,
  nsfw: false,
  video: false,
  created: 2020-08-25T15:19:25.000Z

The "created" parameter is an instance of the Date class If the subreddit does not exist, an error is thrown


In this package, I have included an exists method to tell you if a subreddit exists or not. This method must be treated as an async (await, .then) as it is making web requests Below is an example of usage

(async () => {
    await Reddit.exists("memes") //true
    await Reddit.exists("iwjfiahfksdagukashgiaerjgkaeflaguaksgyguskfpok") //false

CLI documentation

The cli is very simple and easy to use, and it can be called from reddit reddit help shows all the commands and how to use them reddit new <subreddit> gets a random new post from a subreddit reddit rising <subreddit> gets a random rising post from a subreddit reddit top <subreddit> gets a random top post from a subreddit reddit random <subreddit> gets a random post from a subreddit and that's currently all it has to offer. It will let you know if you have entered an invalid subreddit

I hope this package aids you in using reddit's api

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Last updated on 11 Oct 2020

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