TypeScript Standard Endpoints

Declarative, strongly typed, reusable network definitions for networking libraries.
1) Take any class and async functions
export class Todo {
id = 0;
userId = 0;
title = '';
completed = false;
export const getTodo = (id: string) =>
fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/${id}`).then(res => res.json());
export const getTodoList = () =>
fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos').then(res => res.json());
export const updateTodo = (id: string, body: Partial<Todo>) =>
fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/${id}`, {
method: 'PUT',
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(res => res.json());
2) Turn them into Resources
import { EntityMixin, Endpoint } from '@data-client/endpoint';
import { Todo, getTodoList, updateTodo } from './existing';
export const TodoEntity = EntityMixin(Todo, { key: 'Todo' });
export const TodoResource = {
get: new Endpoint(getTodo, {
schema: TodoEntity,
getList: new Endpoint(getTodoList, {
schema: [TodoEntity],
update: new Endpoint(updateTodo, {
schema: TodoEntity,
sideEffect: true,
3) Reuse with different hooks
import { useSuspense, useController } from '@data-client/react';
function TodoEdit() {
const todo = useSuspense(TodoResource.get, '5');
const ctrl = useController();
const updateTodo = (data) => ctrl.fetch(TodoResource.update, id, data);
return <TodoForm todo={todo} onSubmit={updateTodo} />
4) Or call directly in node
const todo = await TodoResource.get('5')
There is a distinction between
- What are networking API is
- How to make a request, expected response fields, etc.
- How it is used
- Binding data, polling, triggering imperative fetch, etc.
Thus, there are many benefits to creating a distinct seperation of concerns between
these two concepts.
With TypeScript Standard Endpoints
, we define a standard for declaring in
TypeScript the definition of a networking API.
- Allows API authors to publish npm packages containing their API interfaces
- Definitions can be consumed by any supporting library, allowing easy consumption across libraries like Vue, React, Angular
- Writing codegen pipelines becomes much easier as the output is minimal
- Product developers can use the definitions in a multitude of contexts where behaviors vary
- Product developers can easily share code across platforms with distinct behaviors needs like React Native and React Web
What's in an Endpoint
- A function that resolves the results
- A function to uniquely store those results
- Optional: information about how to store the data in a normalized cache
- Optional: whether the request could have side effects - to prevent repeat calls
defines a standard interface
interface EndpointInterface {
(params?: any, body?: any): Promise<any>;
key(parmas?: any): string;
schema?: Readonly<S>;
sideEffects?: true;
as well as a helper class
to make construction easier.
class Endpoint<F extends () => Promise<any>> {
constructor(fetchFunction: F, options: EndpointOptions);
key(...args: Parameters<F>): string;
readonly sideEffect?: true;
readonly schema?: Schema;
fetch: F;
extend(options: EndpointOptions): Endpoint;
export interface EndpointOptions extends EndpointExtraOptions {
key?: (params: any) => string;
sideEffect?: true | undefined;
schema?: Schema;
key: (params) => string
Serializes the parameters. This is used to build a lookup key in global stores.
`${this.fetch.name} ${JSON.stringify(params)}`
sideEffect: true | undefined
Disallows usage in hooks like useSuspense()
since they might call fetch
an unpredictable number of times. Use this for APIs with mutation side-effects like update, create, deletes.
Defaults to undefined meaning no side effects.
schema: Schema
Declarative definition of where Entities
appear in the fetch response.
Not providing this option means no entities will be extracted.
import { Entity } from '@data-client/normalizr';
import { Endpoint } from '@data-client/endpoint';
class User extends Entity {
id = '';
username = '';
const getUser = new Endpoint(
({ id }) ⇒ fetch(`/users/${id}`),
{ schema: User }
extend(EndpointOptions): Endpoint
Can be used to further customize the endpoint definition
const UserDetail = new Endpoint(({ id }) ⇒ fetch(`/users/${id}`));
const UserDetailNormalized = UserDetail.extend({ schema: User });
Networking definition: Endpoints