npx @date-fns/upgrade-codemod <path> [...options]
files or directory to transform
option for a dry-run
option to print the output for comparison
npx @date-fns/upgrade-codemod src/
Codemods applied
N.B. At the moment this codemod applies fixes ONLY for first 3 points of
2.0 date-fns CHANGELOG
You'll have to take care of all the other breaking changes.
Codemod imports required tools from @date-fns/upgrade
(you will have to add it as dependency in your project if required) and wraps
function call arguments accordingly.
+import { legacyParse, legacyParseMap, convertTokens } from '@date-fns/upgrade/v2'
const dateIs = '2019-07-01'
const someToken = 'MM-DD';
-const format = importedFormat('2019-07-01', someToken)
-const closestIndex = closestToIndex(new Date(2015, 8, 6), [
- new Date(2015, 0, 1),
- new Date(2016, 0, 1),
- new Date(2017, 0, 1)
-const addSecondsPlease = addSeconds(dateIs, 999)
-const isoDay = getThatDay(new Date())
+const format = importedFormat(
+ legacyParse('2019-07-01'),
+ convertTokens(someToken)
+const closestIndex = closestToIndex(
+ legacyParse(new Date(2015, 8, 6)),
+ legacyParseMap([
+ new Date(2015, 0, 1),
+ new Date(2016, 0, 1),
+ new Date(2017, 0, 1)
+ ])
+const addSecondsPlease = addSeconds(legacyParse(dateIs), 999)
+const isoDay = getThatDay(legacyParse(new Date()))
Codemod also changes import locations
import * as importedFormat from 'date-fns/format'
-import closestToIndex from 'date-fns/closest_to_index'
-import addSeconds from 'date-fns/add_seconds'
-import getThatDay from 'date-fns/get_iso_day'
+import closestToIndex from 'date-fns/closestToIndex'
+import addSeconds from 'date-fns/addSeconds'
+import getThatDay from 'date-fns/getISODay'
PRs welcome!