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@date-io/date-fns - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.10.6 to 2.10.7



@@ -12,58 +12,58 @@ import { IUtils, DateIOFormats, Unit } from "@date-io/core/IUtils";

is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale(): boolean;
getFormatHelperText(format: string): string;
getCurrentLocaleCode(): string;
addSeconds(value: Date, count: number): Date;
addMinutes(value: Date, count: number): Date;
addHours(value: Date, count: number): Date;
addDays(value: Date, count: number): Date;
addWeeks(value: Date, count: number): Date;
addMonths(value: Date, count: number): Date;
isValid(value: any): boolean;
getDiff(value: Date, comparing: Date | string, unit?: Unit): number;
isAfter(value: Date, comparing: Date): boolean;
isBefore(value: Date, comparing: Date): boolean;
startOfDay(value: Date): Date;
endOfDay(value: Date): Date;
getHours(value: Date): number;
setHours(value: Date, count: number): Date;
setMinutes(value: Date, count: number): Date;
getSeconds(value: Date): number;
setSeconds(value: Date, count: number): Date;
isSameDay(value: Date, comparing: Date): boolean;
isSameMonth(value: Date, comparing: Date): boolean;
isSameYear(value: Date, comparing: Date): boolean;
isSameHour(value: Date, comparing: Date): boolean;
startOfMonth(value: Date): Date;
endOfMonth(value: Date): Date;
startOfWeek(value: Date): Date;
endOfWeek(value: Date): Date;
getYear(value: Date): number;
setYear(value: Date, count: number): Date;
date(value?: any): Date;
toJsDate(value: Date): Date;
parse(value: string, formatString: string): Date;
format(date: Date, formatKey: keyof DateIOFormats): string;
formatByString(date: Date, formatString: string): string;
isEqual(date: any, comparing: any): boolean;
isNull(date: Date): boolean;
isAfterDay(date: Date, value: Date): boolean;
isBeforeDay(date: Date, value: Date): boolean;
isBeforeYear(date: Date, value: Date): boolean;
isAfterYear(date: Date, value: Date): boolean;
isWithinRange(date: Date, [start, end]: [Date, Date]): boolean;
formatNumber(numberToFormat: string): string;
getMinutes(date: Date): number;
getMonth(date: Date): number;
getDaysInMonth(date: Date): number;
setMonth(date: Date, count: number): Date;
getMeridiemText(ampm: "am" | "pm"): "AM" | "PM";
getNextMonth(date: Date): Date;
getPreviousMonth(date: Date): Date;
getMonthArray(date: Date): Date[];
mergeDateAndTime(date: Date, time: Date): Date;
getWeekdays(): string[];
getWeekArray(date: Date): Date[][];
getYearRange(start: Date, end: Date): Date[];
is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale: () => boolean;
getFormatHelperText: (format: string) => string;
getCurrentLocaleCode: () => string;
addSeconds: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
addMinutes: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
addHours: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
addDays: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
addWeeks: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
addMonths: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
isValid: (value: any) => boolean;
getDiff: (value: Date, comparing: Date | string, unit?: Unit) => number;
isAfter: (value: Date, comparing: Date) => boolean;
isBefore: (value: Date, comparing: Date) => boolean;
startOfDay: (value: Date) => Date;
endOfDay: (value: Date) => Date;
getHours: (value: Date) => number;
setHours: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
setMinutes: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
getSeconds: (value: Date) => number;
setSeconds: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
isSameDay: (value: Date, comparing: Date) => boolean;
isSameMonth: (value: Date, comparing: Date) => boolean;
isSameYear: (value: Date, comparing: Date) => boolean;
isSameHour: (value: Date, comparing: Date) => boolean;
startOfMonth: (value: Date) => Date;
endOfMonth: (value: Date) => Date;
startOfWeek: (value: Date) => Date;
endOfWeek: (value: Date) => Date;
getYear: (value: Date) => number;
setYear: (value: Date, count: number) => Date;
date: (value?: any) => Date;
toJsDate: (value: Date) => Date;
parse: (value: string, formatString: string) => Date;
format: (date: Date, formatKey: keyof DateIOFormats) => string;
formatByString: (date: Date, formatString: string) => string;
isEqual: (date: any, comparing: any) => boolean;
isNull: (date: Date) => boolean;
isAfterDay: (date: Date, value: Date) => boolean;
isBeforeDay: (date: Date, value: Date) => boolean;
isBeforeYear: (date: Date, value: Date) => boolean;
isAfterYear: (date: Date, value: Date) => boolean;
isWithinRange: (date: Date, [start, end]: [Date, Date]) => boolean;
formatNumber: (numberToFormat: string) => string;
getMinutes: (date: Date) => number;
getMonth: (date: Date) => number;
getDaysInMonth: (date: Date) => number;
setMonth: (date: Date, count: number) => Date;
getMeridiemText: (ampm: "am" | "pm") => "AM" | "PM";
getNextMonth: (date: Date) => Date;
getPreviousMonth: (date: Date) => Date;
getMonthArray: (date: Date) => Date[];
mergeDateAndTime: (date: Date, time: Date) => Date;
getWeekdays: () => string[];
getWeekArray: (date: Date) => Date[][];
getYearRange: (start: Date, end: Date) => Date[];
export {};

@@ -37,2 +37,3 @@ import addDays from 'date-fns/addDays';

import setMonth from 'date-fns/setMonth';
import getDay from 'date-fns/getDay';
import getDaysInMonth from 'date-fns/getDaysInMonth';

@@ -81,258 +82,263 @@ import setSeconds from 'date-fns/setSeconds';

function DateFnsUtils(_a) {
var _this = this;
var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, locale = _b.locale, formats = _b.formats;
this.lib = "date-fns";
// Note: date-fns input types are more lenient than this adapter, so we need to expose our more
// strict signature and delegate to the more lenient signature. Otherwise, we have downstream type errors upon usage.
this.is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale = function () {
if (_this.locale) {
return /a/.test(_this.locale.formatLong.time());
// By default date-fns is using en-US locale with am/pm enabled
return true;
this.getFormatHelperText = function (format) {
// @see
var longFormatRegexp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;
var locale = _this.locale || defaultLocale;
return format
.map(function (token) {
var firstCharacter = token[0];
if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") {
var longFormatter = longFormatters[firstCharacter];
return longFormatter(token, locale.formatLong, {});
return token;
.replace(/(aaa|aa|a)/g, "(a|p)m")
this.getCurrentLocaleCode = function () {
var _a;
return ((_a = _this.locale) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.code) || "en-US";
this.addSeconds = function (value, count) {
return addSeconds(value, count);
this.addMinutes = function (value, count) {
return addMinutes(value, count);
this.addHours = function (value, count) {
return addHours(value, count);
this.addDays = function (value, count) {
return addDays(value, count);
this.addWeeks = function (value, count) {
return addWeeks(value, count);
this.addMonths = function (value, count) {
return addMonths(value, count);
this.isValid = function (value) {
return isValid(;
this.getDiff = function (value, comparing, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case "years":
return differenceInYears(value,;
case "quarters":
return differenceInQuarters(value,;
case "months":
return differenceInMonths(value,;
case "weeks":
return differenceInWeeks(value,;
case "days":
return differenceInDays(value,;
case "hours":
return differenceInHours(value,;
case "minutes":
return differenceInMinutes(value,;
case "seconds":
return differenceInSeconds(value,;
default: {
return differenceInMilliseconds(value,;
this.isAfter = function (value, comparing) {
return isAfter(value, comparing);
this.isBefore = function (value, comparing) {
return isBefore(value, comparing);
this.startOfDay = function (value) {
return startOfDay(value);
this.endOfDay = function (value) {
return endOfDay(value);
this.getHours = function (value) {
return getHours(value);
this.setHours = function (value, count) {
return setHours(value, count);
this.setMinutes = function (value, count) {
return setMinutes(value, count);
this.getSeconds = function (value) {
return getSeconds(value);
this.setSeconds = function (value, count) {
return setSeconds(value, count);
this.isSameDay = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameDay(value, comparing);
this.isSameMonth = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameMonth(value, comparing);
this.isSameYear = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameYear(value, comparing);
this.isSameHour = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameHour(value, comparing);
this.startOfMonth = function (value) {
return startOfMonth(value);
this.endOfMonth = function (value) {
return endOfMonth(value);
this.startOfWeek = function (value) {
return startOfWeek(value, { locale: _this.locale });
this.endOfWeek = function (value) {
return endOfWeek(value, { locale: _this.locale });
this.getYear = function (value) {
return getYear(value);
this.setYear = function (value, count) {
return setYear(value, count);
}; = function (value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
return new Date();
if (value === null) {
return null;
return new Date(value);
this.toJsDate = function (value) {
return value;
this.parse = function (value, formatString) {
if (value === "") {
return null;
return dateFnsParse(value, formatString, new Date(), { locale: _this.locale });
this.format = function (date, formatKey) {
return _this.formatByString(date, _this.formats[formatKey]);
this.formatByString = function (date, formatString) {
return format(date, formatString, { locale: _this.locale });
this.isEqual = function (date, comparing) {
if (date === null && comparing === null) {
return true;
return isEqual(date, comparing);
this.isNull = function (date) {
return date === null;
this.isAfterDay = function (date, value) {
return isAfter(date, endOfDay(value));
this.isBeforeDay = function (date, value) {
return isBefore(date, startOfDay(value));
this.isBeforeYear = function (date, value) {
return isBefore(date, startOfYear(value));
this.isAfterYear = function (date, value) {
return isAfter(date, endOfYear(value));
this.isWithinRange = function (date, _a) {
var start = _a[0], end = _a[1];
return isWithinInterval(date, { start: start, end: end });
this.formatNumber = function (numberToFormat) {
return numberToFormat;
this.getMinutes = function (date) {
return date.getMinutes();
this.getMonth = function (date) {
return date.getMonth();
this.getDaysInMonth = function (date) {
return getDaysInMonth(date);
this.setMonth = function (date, count) {
return setMonth(date, count);
this.getMeridiemText = function (ampm) {
return ampm === "am" ? "AM" : "PM";
this.getNextMonth = function (date) {
return addMonths(date, 1);
this.getPreviousMonth = function (date) {
return addMonths(date, -1);
this.getMonthArray = function (date) {
var firstMonth = startOfYear(date);
var monthArray = [firstMonth];
while (monthArray.length < 12) {
var prevMonth = monthArray[monthArray.length - 1];
return monthArray;
this.mergeDateAndTime = function (date, time) {
return _this.setSeconds(_this.setMinutes(_this.setHours(date, _this.getHours(time)), _this.getMinutes(time)), _this.getSeconds(time));
this.getWeekdays = function () {
var now = new Date();
return eachDayOfInterval({
start: startOfWeek(now, { locale: _this.locale }),
end: endOfWeek(now, { locale: _this.locale }),
}).map(function (day) { return _this.formatByString(day, "EEEEEE"); });
this.getWeekArray = function (date) {
var start = startOfWeek(startOfMonth(date), { locale: _this.locale });
var end = endOfWeek(endOfMonth(date), { locale: _this.locale });
var count = 0;
var current = start;
var nestedWeeks = [];
var lastDay = null;
while (isBefore(current, end)) {
var weekNumber = Math.floor(count / 7);
nestedWeeks[weekNumber] = nestedWeeks[weekNumber] || [];
var day = getDay(current);
if (lastDay !== day) {
lastDay = day;
count += 1;
current = addDays(current, 1);
return nestedWeeks;
this.getYearRange = function (start, end) {
var startDate = startOfYear(start);
var endDate = endOfYear(end);
var years = [];
var current = startDate;
while (isBefore(current, endDate)) {
current = addYears(current, 1);
return years;
this.locale = locale;
this.formats = Object.assign({}, defaultFormats, formats);
// Note: date-fns input types are more lenient than this adapter, so we need to expose our more
// strict signature and delegate to the more lenient signature. Otherwise, we have downstream type errors upon usage.
DateFnsUtils.prototype.is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale = function () {
if (this.locale) {
return /a/.test(this.locale.formatLong.time());
// By default date-fns is using en-US locale with am/pm enabled
return true;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getFormatHelperText = function (format) {
// @see
var longFormatRegexp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;
var locale = this.locale || defaultLocale;
return format
.map(function (token) {
var firstCharacter = token[0];
if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") {
var longFormatter = longFormatters[firstCharacter];
return longFormatter(token, locale.formatLong, {});
return token;
.replace(/(aaa|aa|a)/g, "(a|p)m")
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getCurrentLocaleCode = function () {
var _a;
return ((_a = this.locale) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.code) || "en-US";
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addSeconds = function (value, count) {
return addSeconds(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addMinutes = function (value, count) {
return addMinutes(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addHours = function (value, count) {
return addHours(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addDays = function (value, count) {
return addDays(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addWeeks = function (value, count) {
return addWeeks(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addMonths = function (value, count) {
return addMonths(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isValid = function (value) {
return isValid(;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getDiff = function (value, comparing, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case "years":
return differenceInYears(value,;
case "quarters":
return differenceInQuarters(value,;
case "months":
return differenceInMonths(value,;
case "weeks":
return differenceInWeeks(value,;
case "days":
return differenceInDays(value,;
case "hours":
return differenceInHours(value,;
case "minutes":
return differenceInMinutes(value,;
case "seconds":
return differenceInSeconds(value,;
default: {
return differenceInMilliseconds(value,;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isAfter = function (value, comparing) {
return isAfter(value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isBefore = function (value, comparing) {
return isBefore(value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.startOfDay = function (value) {
return startOfDay(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.endOfDay = function (value) {
return endOfDay(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getHours = function (value) {
return getHours(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setHours = function (value, count) {
return setHours(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setMinutes = function (value, count) {
return setMinutes(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getSeconds = function (value) {
return getSeconds(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setSeconds = function (value, count) {
return setSeconds(value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isSameDay = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameDay(value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isSameMonth = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameMonth(value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isSameYear = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameYear(value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isSameHour = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameHour(value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.startOfMonth = function (value) {
return startOfMonth(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.endOfMonth = function (value) {
return endOfMonth(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.startOfWeek = function (value) {
return startOfWeek(value, { locale: this.locale });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.endOfWeek = function (value) {
return endOfWeek(value, { locale: this.locale });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getYear = function (value) {
return getYear(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setYear = function (value, count) {
return setYear(value, count);
}; = function (value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
return new Date();
if (value === null) {
return null;
return new Date(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.toJsDate = function (value) {
return value;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.parse = function (value, formatString) {
if (value === "") {
return null;
return dateFnsParse(value, formatString, new Date(), { locale: this.locale });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.format = function (date, formatKey) {
return this.formatByString(date, this.formats[formatKey]);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.formatByString = function (date, formatString) {
return format(date, formatString, { locale: this.locale });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isEqual = function (date, comparing) {
if (date === null && comparing === null) {
return true;
return isEqual(date, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isNull = function (date) {
return date === null;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isAfterDay = function (date, value) {
return isAfter(date, endOfDay(value));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isBeforeDay = function (date, value) {
return isBefore(date, startOfDay(value));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isBeforeYear = function (date, value) {
return isBefore(date, startOfYear(value));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isAfterYear = function (date, value) {
return isAfter(date, endOfYear(value));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isWithinRange = function (date, _a) {
var start = _a[0], end = _a[1];
return isWithinInterval(date, { start: start, end: end });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.formatNumber = function (numberToFormat) {
return numberToFormat;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getMinutes = function (date) {
return date.getMinutes();
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getMonth = function (date) {
return date.getMonth();
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getDaysInMonth = function (date) {
return getDaysInMonth(date);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setMonth = function (date, count) {
return setMonth(date, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getMeridiemText = function (ampm) {
return ampm === "am" ? "AM" : "PM";
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getNextMonth = function (date) {
return addMonths(date, 1);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getPreviousMonth = function (date) {
return addMonths(date, -1);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getMonthArray = function (date) {
var firstMonth = startOfYear(date);
var monthArray = [firstMonth];
while (monthArray.length < 12) {
var prevMonth = monthArray[monthArray.length - 1];
return monthArray;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.mergeDateAndTime = function (date, time) {
return this.setSeconds(this.setMinutes(this.setHours(date, this.getHours(time)), this.getMinutes(time)), this.getSeconds(time));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getWeekdays = function () {
var _this = this;
var now = new Date();
return eachDayOfInterval({
start: startOfWeek(now, { locale: this.locale }),
end: endOfWeek(now, { locale: this.locale }),
}).map(function (day) { return _this.formatByString(day, "EEEEEE"); });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getWeekArray = function (date) {
var start = startOfWeek(startOfMonth(date), { locale: this.locale });
var end = endOfWeek(endOfMonth(date), { locale: this.locale });
var count = 0;
var current = start;
var nestedWeeks = [];
while (isBefore(current, end)) {
var weekNumber = Math.floor(count / 7);
nestedWeeks[weekNumber] = nestedWeeks[weekNumber] || [];
current = addDays(current, 1);
count += 1;
return nestedWeeks;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getYearRange = function (start, end) {
var startDate = startOfYear(start);
var endDate = endOfYear(end);
var years = [];
var current = startDate;
while (isBefore(current, endDate)) {
current = addYears(current, 1);
return years;
return DateFnsUtils;

@@ -339,0 +345,0 @@ }());

@@ -39,2 +39,3 @@ 'use strict';

var setMonth = require('date-fns/setMonth');
var getDay = require('date-fns/getDay');
var getDaysInMonth = require('date-fns/getDaysInMonth');

@@ -90,2 +91,3 @@ var setSeconds = require('date-fns/setSeconds');

var setMonth__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(setMonth);
var getDay__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(getDay);
var getDaysInMonth__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(getDaysInMonth);

@@ -134,258 +136,263 @@ var setSeconds__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(setSeconds);

function DateFnsUtils(_a) {
var _this = this;
var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, locale = _b.locale, formats = _b.formats;
this.lib = "date-fns";
// Note: date-fns input types are more lenient than this adapter, so we need to expose our more
// strict signature and delegate to the more lenient signature. Otherwise, we have downstream type errors upon usage.
this.is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale = function () {
if (_this.locale) {
return /a/.test(_this.locale.formatLong.time());
// By default date-fns is using en-US locale with am/pm enabled
return true;
this.getFormatHelperText = function (format) {
// @see
var longFormatRegexp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;
var locale = _this.locale || defaultLocale__default['default'];
return format
.map(function (token) {
var firstCharacter = token[0];
if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") {
var longFormatter = longFormatters__default['default'][firstCharacter];
return longFormatter(token, locale.formatLong, {});
return token;
.replace(/(aaa|aa|a)/g, "(a|p)m")
this.getCurrentLocaleCode = function () {
var _a;
return ((_a = _this.locale) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.code) || "en-US";
this.addSeconds = function (value, count) {
return addSeconds__default['default'](value, count);
this.addMinutes = function (value, count) {
return addMinutes__default['default'](value, count);
this.addHours = function (value, count) {
return addHours__default['default'](value, count);
this.addDays = function (value, count) {
return addDays__default['default'](value, count);
this.addWeeks = function (value, count) {
return addWeeks__default['default'](value, count);
this.addMonths = function (value, count) {
return addMonths__default['default'](value, count);
this.isValid = function (value) {
return isValid__default['default'](;
this.getDiff = function (value, comparing, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case "years":
return differenceInYears__default['default'](value,;
case "quarters":
return differenceInQuarters__default['default'](value,;
case "months":
return differenceInMonths__default['default'](value,;
case "weeks":
return differenceInWeeks__default['default'](value,;
case "days":
return differenceInDays__default['default'](value,;
case "hours":
return differenceInHours__default['default'](value,;
case "minutes":
return differenceInMinutes__default['default'](value,;
case "seconds":
return differenceInSeconds__default['default'](value,;
default: {
return differenceInMilliseconds__default['default'](value,;
this.isAfter = function (value, comparing) {
return isAfter__default['default'](value, comparing);
this.isBefore = function (value, comparing) {
return isBefore__default['default'](value, comparing);
this.startOfDay = function (value) {
return startOfDay__default['default'](value);
this.endOfDay = function (value) {
return endOfDay__default['default'](value);
this.getHours = function (value) {
return getHours__default['default'](value);
this.setHours = function (value, count) {
return setHours__default['default'](value, count);
this.setMinutes = function (value, count) {
return setMinutes__default['default'](value, count);
this.getSeconds = function (value) {
return getSeconds__default['default'](value);
this.setSeconds = function (value, count) {
return setSeconds__default['default'](value, count);
this.isSameDay = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameDay__default['default'](value, comparing);
this.isSameMonth = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameMonth__default['default'](value, comparing);
this.isSameYear = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameYear__default['default'](value, comparing);
this.isSameHour = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameHour__default['default'](value, comparing);
this.startOfMonth = function (value) {
return startOfMonth__default['default'](value);
this.endOfMonth = function (value) {
return endOfMonth__default['default'](value);
this.startOfWeek = function (value) {
return startOfWeek__default['default'](value, { locale: _this.locale });
this.endOfWeek = function (value) {
return endOfWeek__default['default'](value, { locale: _this.locale });
this.getYear = function (value) {
return getYear__default['default'](value);
this.setYear = function (value, count) {
return setYear__default['default'](value, count);
}; = function (value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
return new Date();
if (value === null) {
return null;
return new Date(value);
this.toJsDate = function (value) {
return value;
this.parse = function (value, formatString) {
if (value === "") {
return null;
return dateFnsParse__default['default'](value, formatString, new Date(), { locale: _this.locale });
this.format = function (date, formatKey) {
return _this.formatByString(date, _this.formats[formatKey]);
this.formatByString = function (date, formatString) {
return format__default['default'](date, formatString, { locale: _this.locale });
this.isEqual = function (date, comparing) {
if (date === null && comparing === null) {
return true;
return isEqual__default['default'](date, comparing);
this.isNull = function (date) {
return date === null;
this.isAfterDay = function (date, value) {
return isAfter__default['default'](date, endOfDay__default['default'](value));
this.isBeforeDay = function (date, value) {
return isBefore__default['default'](date, startOfDay__default['default'](value));
this.isBeforeYear = function (date, value) {
return isBefore__default['default'](date, startOfYear__default['default'](value));
this.isAfterYear = function (date, value) {
return isAfter__default['default'](date, endOfYear__default['default'](value));
this.isWithinRange = function (date, _a) {
var start = _a[0], end = _a[1];
return isWithinInterval__default['default'](date, { start: start, end: end });
this.formatNumber = function (numberToFormat) {
return numberToFormat;
this.getMinutes = function (date) {
return date.getMinutes();
this.getMonth = function (date) {
return date.getMonth();
this.getDaysInMonth = function (date) {
return getDaysInMonth__default['default'](date);
this.setMonth = function (date, count) {
return setMonth__default['default'](date, count);
this.getMeridiemText = function (ampm) {
return ampm === "am" ? "AM" : "PM";
this.getNextMonth = function (date) {
return addMonths__default['default'](date, 1);
this.getPreviousMonth = function (date) {
return addMonths__default['default'](date, -1);
this.getMonthArray = function (date) {
var firstMonth = startOfYear__default['default'](date);
var monthArray = [firstMonth];
while (monthArray.length < 12) {
var prevMonth = monthArray[monthArray.length - 1];
return monthArray;
this.mergeDateAndTime = function (date, time) {
return _this.setSeconds(_this.setMinutes(_this.setHours(date, _this.getHours(time)), _this.getMinutes(time)), _this.getSeconds(time));
this.getWeekdays = function () {
var now = new Date();
return eachDayOfInterval__default['default']({
start: startOfWeek__default['default'](now, { locale: _this.locale }),
end: endOfWeek__default['default'](now, { locale: _this.locale }),
}).map(function (day) { return _this.formatByString(day, "EEEEEE"); });
this.getWeekArray = function (date) {
var start = startOfWeek__default['default'](startOfMonth__default['default'](date), { locale: _this.locale });
var end = endOfWeek__default['default'](endOfMonth__default['default'](date), { locale: _this.locale });
var count = 0;
var current = start;
var nestedWeeks = [];
var lastDay = null;
while (isBefore__default['default'](current, end)) {
var weekNumber = Math.floor(count / 7);
nestedWeeks[weekNumber] = nestedWeeks[weekNumber] || [];
var day = getDay__default['default'](current);
if (lastDay !== day) {
lastDay = day;
count += 1;
current = addDays__default['default'](current, 1);
return nestedWeeks;
this.getYearRange = function (start, end) {
var startDate = startOfYear__default['default'](start);
var endDate = endOfYear__default['default'](end);
var years = [];
var current = startDate;
while (isBefore__default['default'](current, endDate)) {
current = addYears__default['default'](current, 1);
return years;
this.locale = locale;
this.formats = Object.assign({}, defaultFormats, formats);
// Note: date-fns input types are more lenient than this adapter, so we need to expose our more
// strict signature and delegate to the more lenient signature. Otherwise, we have downstream type errors upon usage.
DateFnsUtils.prototype.is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale = function () {
if (this.locale) {
return /a/.test(this.locale.formatLong.time());
// By default date-fns is using en-US locale with am/pm enabled
return true;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getFormatHelperText = function (format) {
// @see
var longFormatRegexp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;
var locale = this.locale || defaultLocale__default['default'];
return format
.map(function (token) {
var firstCharacter = token[0];
if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") {
var longFormatter = longFormatters__default['default'][firstCharacter];
return longFormatter(token, locale.formatLong, {});
return token;
.replace(/(aaa|aa|a)/g, "(a|p)m")
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getCurrentLocaleCode = function () {
var _a;
return ((_a = this.locale) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.code) || "en-US";
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addSeconds = function (value, count) {
return addSeconds__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addMinutes = function (value, count) {
return addMinutes__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addHours = function (value, count) {
return addHours__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addDays = function (value, count) {
return addDays__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addWeeks = function (value, count) {
return addWeeks__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.addMonths = function (value, count) {
return addMonths__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isValid = function (value) {
return isValid__default['default'](;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getDiff = function (value, comparing, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case "years":
return differenceInYears__default['default'](value,;
case "quarters":
return differenceInQuarters__default['default'](value,;
case "months":
return differenceInMonths__default['default'](value,;
case "weeks":
return differenceInWeeks__default['default'](value,;
case "days":
return differenceInDays__default['default'](value,;
case "hours":
return differenceInHours__default['default'](value,;
case "minutes":
return differenceInMinutes__default['default'](value,;
case "seconds":
return differenceInSeconds__default['default'](value,;
default: {
return differenceInMilliseconds__default['default'](value,;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isAfter = function (value, comparing) {
return isAfter__default['default'](value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isBefore = function (value, comparing) {
return isBefore__default['default'](value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.startOfDay = function (value) {
return startOfDay__default['default'](value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.endOfDay = function (value) {
return endOfDay__default['default'](value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getHours = function (value) {
return getHours__default['default'](value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setHours = function (value, count) {
return setHours__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setMinutes = function (value, count) {
return setMinutes__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getSeconds = function (value) {
return getSeconds__default['default'](value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setSeconds = function (value, count) {
return setSeconds__default['default'](value, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isSameDay = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameDay__default['default'](value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isSameMonth = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameMonth__default['default'](value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isSameYear = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameYear__default['default'](value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isSameHour = function (value, comparing) {
return isSameHour__default['default'](value, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.startOfMonth = function (value) {
return startOfMonth__default['default'](value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.endOfMonth = function (value) {
return endOfMonth__default['default'](value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.startOfWeek = function (value) {
return startOfWeek__default['default'](value, { locale: this.locale });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.endOfWeek = function (value) {
return endOfWeek__default['default'](value, { locale: this.locale });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getYear = function (value) {
return getYear__default['default'](value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setYear = function (value, count) {
return setYear__default['default'](value, count);
}; = function (value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
return new Date();
if (value === null) {
return null;
return new Date(value);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.toJsDate = function (value) {
return value;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.parse = function (value, formatString) {
if (value === "") {
return null;
return dateFnsParse__default['default'](value, formatString, new Date(), { locale: this.locale });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.format = function (date, formatKey) {
return this.formatByString(date, this.formats[formatKey]);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.formatByString = function (date, formatString) {
return format__default['default'](date, formatString, { locale: this.locale });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isEqual = function (date, comparing) {
if (date === null && comparing === null) {
return true;
return isEqual__default['default'](date, comparing);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isNull = function (date) {
return date === null;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isAfterDay = function (date, value) {
return isAfter__default['default'](date, endOfDay__default['default'](value));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isBeforeDay = function (date, value) {
return isBefore__default['default'](date, startOfDay__default['default'](value));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isBeforeYear = function (date, value) {
return isBefore__default['default'](date, startOfYear__default['default'](value));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isAfterYear = function (date, value) {
return isAfter__default['default'](date, endOfYear__default['default'](value));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.isWithinRange = function (date, _a) {
var start = _a[0], end = _a[1];
return isWithinInterval__default['default'](date, { start: start, end: end });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.formatNumber = function (numberToFormat) {
return numberToFormat;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getMinutes = function (date) {
return date.getMinutes();
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getMonth = function (date) {
return date.getMonth();
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getDaysInMonth = function (date) {
return getDaysInMonth__default['default'](date);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.setMonth = function (date, count) {
return setMonth__default['default'](date, count);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getMeridiemText = function (ampm) {
return ampm === "am" ? "AM" : "PM";
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getNextMonth = function (date) {
return addMonths__default['default'](date, 1);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getPreviousMonth = function (date) {
return addMonths__default['default'](date, -1);
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getMonthArray = function (date) {
var firstMonth = startOfYear__default['default'](date);
var monthArray = [firstMonth];
while (monthArray.length < 12) {
var prevMonth = monthArray[monthArray.length - 1];
return monthArray;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.mergeDateAndTime = function (date, time) {
return this.setSeconds(this.setMinutes(this.setHours(date, this.getHours(time)), this.getMinutes(time)), this.getSeconds(time));
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getWeekdays = function () {
var _this = this;
var now = new Date();
return eachDayOfInterval__default['default']({
start: startOfWeek__default['default'](now, { locale: this.locale }),
end: endOfWeek__default['default'](now, { locale: this.locale }),
}).map(function (day) { return _this.formatByString(day, "EEEEEE"); });
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getWeekArray = function (date) {
var start = startOfWeek__default['default'](startOfMonth__default['default'](date), { locale: this.locale });
var end = endOfWeek__default['default'](endOfMonth__default['default'](date), { locale: this.locale });
var count = 0;
var current = start;
var nestedWeeks = [];
while (isBefore__default['default'](current, end)) {
var weekNumber = Math.floor(count / 7);
nestedWeeks[weekNumber] = nestedWeeks[weekNumber] || [];
current = addDays__default['default'](current, 1);
count += 1;
return nestedWeeks;
DateFnsUtils.prototype.getYearRange = function (start, end) {
var startDate = startOfYear__default['default'](start);
var endDate = endOfYear__default['default'](end);
var years = [];
var current = startDate;
while (isBefore__default['default'](current, endDate)) {
current = addYears__default['default'](current, 1);
return years;
return DateFnsUtils;

@@ -392,0 +399,0 @@ }());

"name": "@date-io/date-fns",
"version": "2.10.6",
"version": "2.10.7",
"description": "Abstraction over common javascript date management libraries",

@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@ "main": "build/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"@date-io/core": "^2.10.6"
"@date-io/core": "^2.10.7"

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ "devDependencies": {

"gitHead": "3082a238a35ec86f0ba6a2fd410a2d69a88e48d3"
"gitHead": "9c5e30787db67c9a9729c3cf26f584499366270e"

@@ -37,2 +37,3 @@ import addDays from "date-fns/addDays";

import setMonth from "date-fns/setMonth";
import getDay from "date-fns/getDay";
import getDaysInMonth from "date-fns/getDaysInMonth";

@@ -98,3 +99,3 @@ import setSeconds from "date-fns/setSeconds";

// strict signature and delegate to the more lenient signature. Otherwise, we have downstream type errors upon usage.
public is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale() {
public is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale = () => {
if (this.locale) {

@@ -106,5 +107,5 @@ return /a/.test(this.locale.formatLong.time());

return true;
public getFormatHelperText(format: string) {
public getFormatHelperText = (format: string) => {
// @see

@@ -126,37 +127,37 @@ const longFormatRegexp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;

public getCurrentLocaleCode() {
public getCurrentLocaleCode = () => {
return this.locale?.code || "en-US";
public addSeconds(value: Date, count: number) {
public addSeconds = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return addSeconds(value, count);
public addMinutes(value: Date, count: number) {
public addMinutes = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return addMinutes(value, count);
public addHours(value: Date, count: number) {
public addHours = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return addHours(value, count);
public addDays(value: Date, count: number) {
public addDays = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return addDays(value, count);
public addWeeks(value: Date, count: number) {
public addWeeks = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return addWeeks(value, count);
public addMonths(value: Date, count: number) {
public addMonths = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return addMonths(value, count);
public isValid(value: any) {
public isValid = (value: any) => {
return isValid(;
public getDiff(value: Date, comparing: Date | string, unit?: Unit) {
public getDiff = (value: Date, comparing: Date | string, unit?: Unit) => {
switch (unit) {

@@ -183,81 +184,81 @@ case "years":

public isAfter(value: Date, comparing: Date) {
public isAfter = (value: Date, comparing: Date) => {
return isAfter(value, comparing);
public isBefore(value: Date, comparing: Date) {
public isBefore = (value: Date, comparing: Date) => {
return isBefore(value, comparing);
public startOfDay(value: Date) {
public startOfDay = (value: Date) => {
return startOfDay(value);
public endOfDay(value: Date) {
public endOfDay = (value: Date) => {
return endOfDay(value);
public getHours(value: Date) {
public getHours = (value: Date) => {
return getHours(value);
public setHours(value: Date, count: number) {
public setHours = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return setHours(value, count);
public setMinutes(value: Date, count: number) {
public setMinutes = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return setMinutes(value, count);
public getSeconds(value: Date) {
public getSeconds = (value: Date) => {
return getSeconds(value);
public setSeconds(value: Date, count: number) {
public setSeconds = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return setSeconds(value, count);
public isSameDay(value: Date, comparing: Date) {
public isSameDay = (value: Date, comparing: Date) => {
return isSameDay(value, comparing);
public isSameMonth(value: Date, comparing: Date) {
public isSameMonth = (value: Date, comparing: Date) => {
return isSameMonth(value, comparing);
public isSameYear(value: Date, comparing: Date) {
public isSameYear = (value: Date, comparing: Date) => {
return isSameYear(value, comparing);
public isSameHour(value: Date, comparing: Date) {
public isSameHour = (value: Date, comparing: Date) => {
return isSameHour(value, comparing);
public startOfMonth(value: Date) {
public startOfMonth = (value: Date) => {
return startOfMonth(value);
public endOfMonth(value: Date) {
public endOfMonth = (value: Date) => {
return endOfMonth(value);
public startOfWeek(value: Date) {
public startOfWeek = (value: Date) => {
return startOfWeek(value, { locale: this.locale });
public endOfWeek(value: Date) {
public endOfWeek = (value: Date) => {
return endOfWeek(value, { locale: this.locale });
public getYear(value: Date) {
public getYear = (value: Date) => {
return getYear(value);
public setYear(value: Date, count: number) {
public setYear = (value: Date, count: number) => {
return setYear(value, count);
public date(value?: any) {
public date = (value?: any) => {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {

@@ -272,9 +273,9 @@ return new Date();

return new Date(value);
public toJsDate(value: Date) {
public toJsDate = (value: Date) => {
return value;
public parse(value: string, formatString: string) {
public parse = (value: string, formatString: string) => {
if (value === "") {

@@ -285,13 +286,13 @@ return null;

return dateFnsParse(value, formatString, new Date(), { locale: this.locale });
public format(date: Date, formatKey: keyof DateIOFormats) {
public format = (date: Date, formatKey: keyof DateIOFormats) => {
return this.formatByString(date, this.formats[formatKey]);
public formatByString(date: Date, formatString: string) {
public formatByString = (date: Date, formatString: string) => {
return format(date, formatString, { locale: this.locale });
public isEqual(date: any, comparing: any) {
public isEqual = (date: any, comparing: any) => {
if (date === null && comparing === null) {

@@ -302,61 +303,61 @@ return true;

return isEqual(date, comparing);
public isNull(date: Date) {
public isNull = (date: Date) => {
return date === null;
public isAfterDay(date: Date, value: Date) {
public isAfterDay = (date: Date, value: Date) => {
return isAfter(date, endOfDay(value));
public isBeforeDay(date: Date, value: Date) {
public isBeforeDay = (date: Date, value: Date) => {
return isBefore(date, startOfDay(value));
public isBeforeYear(date: Date, value: Date) {
public isBeforeYear = (date: Date, value: Date) => {
return isBefore(date, startOfYear(value));
public isAfterYear(date: Date, value: Date) {
public isAfterYear = (date: Date, value: Date) => {
return isAfter(date, endOfYear(value));
public isWithinRange(date: Date, [start, end]: [Date, Date]) {
public isWithinRange = (date: Date, [start, end]: [Date, Date]) => {
return isWithinInterval(date, { start, end });
public formatNumber(numberToFormat: string) {
public formatNumber = (numberToFormat: string) => {
return numberToFormat;
public getMinutes(date: Date) {
public getMinutes = (date: Date) => {
return date.getMinutes();
public getMonth(date: Date) {
public getMonth = (date: Date) => {
return date.getMonth();
public getDaysInMonth(date: Date) {
public getDaysInMonth = (date: Date) => {
return getDaysInMonth(date);
public setMonth(date: Date, count: number) {
public setMonth = (date: Date, count: number) => {
return setMonth(date, count);
public getMeridiemText(ampm: "am" | "pm") {
public getMeridiemText = (ampm: "am" | "pm") => {
return ampm === "am" ? "AM" : "PM";
public getNextMonth(date: Date) {
public getNextMonth = (date: Date) => {
return addMonths(date, 1);
public getPreviousMonth(date: Date) {
public getPreviousMonth = (date: Date) => {
return addMonths(date, -1);
public getMonthArray(date: Date) {
public getMonthArray = (date: Date) => {
const firstMonth = startOfYear(date);

@@ -371,5 +372,5 @@ const monthArray = [firstMonth];

return monthArray;
public mergeDateAndTime(date: Date, time: Date) {
public mergeDateAndTime = (date: Date, time: Date) => {
return this.setSeconds(

@@ -379,5 +380,5 @@ this.setMinutes(this.setHours(date, this.getHours(time)), this.getMinutes(time)),

public getWeekdays() {
public getWeekdays = () => {
const now = new Date();

@@ -388,5 +389,5 @@ return eachDayOfInterval({

}).map((day) => this.formatByString(day, "EEEEEE"));
public getWeekArray(date: Date) {
public getWeekArray = (date: Date) => {
const start = startOfWeek(startOfMonth(date), { locale: this.locale });

@@ -398,15 +399,18 @@ const end = endOfWeek(endOfMonth(date), { locale: this.locale });

const nestedWeeks: Date[][] = [];
let lastDay = null;
while (isBefore(current, end)) {
const weekNumber = Math.floor(count / 7);
nestedWeeks[weekNumber] = nestedWeeks[weekNumber] || [];
const day = getDay(current);
if (lastDay !== day) {
lastDay = day;
count += 1;
current = addDays(current, 1);
count += 1;
return nestedWeeks;
public getYearRange(start: Date, end: Date) {
public getYearRange = (start: Date, end: Date) => {
const startDate = startOfYear(start);

@@ -423,3 +427,3 @@ const endDate = endOfYear(end);

return years;
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