Port of @mafintosh's flat-tree functions to map a binary tree to a list.
The datkt.flattree
package an be installed with NPM.
$ npm install @datkt/flat-tree
- Kotlin/Native and the
command line program. @datkt/konanc-config
$ konanc main.kt $(konanc-config -clr @datkt/flat-tree) -o main.kexe
$ ./main.kexe
where main.kt
might be
import datkt.flattree.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val tree = Tree()
tree.parent(0L, null)
tree.parent(2L, null)
tree.parent(1L, null)
index = ftIndex(depth: Long, offset: Long): Long
Returns an array index for the tree element at the given depth and offset
parentIndex = tree.parent(index: Long, depth: Long?): Long
Returns the index of the parent element in tree
siblingIndex = tree.sibling(index: Long, depth: Long?): Long
Returns the index of this elements sibling
children = tree.children(index: Long, depth: Long?): Array<Long>
Returns an array [leftChild, rightChild]
with the indexes of this elements children.
If this element does not have any children it returns null
range = tree.spans(index: Long, depth: Long?): Array<Long>
Returns the range (inclusive) the tree root at index
For example tree.spans(3)
would return [0, 6]
(see the usage example).
index = tree.leftSpan(index: Long, depth: Long?): Long
Returns the left spanning in index in the tree index
index = tree.rightSpan(index: Long, depth: Long?): Long
Returns the right spanning in index in the tree index
count = tree. count(index: Long, depth: Long?): Long
Returns how many nodes (including parent nodes) a tree contains
depth = ftDepth(index: Long): Long
Returns the depth of an element
offset = ftOffset(index: Long, depth: Long?): Long
Returns the relative offset of an element
roots = tree.fullRoots(index: Long, result: Array<Long>?): Array<Long>
Returns a list of all the full roots (subtrees where all nodes have either 2 or 0 children) <
For example fullRoots(8)
returns [3]
since the subtree rooted at 3
spans 0 -> 6
and the tree
rooted at 7
has a child located at 9
which is >= 8
index = iterator.next(): Long
Move the iterator the next item in the tree.
index = iterator.prev(): Long
Move the iterator the prev item in the tree.
iterator.seek(index: Long)
Move the iterator the this specific tree index.
index = iterator.parent(): Long
Move the iterator to the current parent index
index = iterator.leftChild(): Long
Move the iterator to the current left child index.
index = iterator.rightChild(): Long
Move the iterator to the current right child index.
index = iterator.leftSpan(): Long
Move the iterator to the current left span index.
index = iterator.rightSpan(): Long
Move the iterator to the current right span index.
bool = iterator.isLeft(): Boolean
Is the iterator at a left sibling?
bool = iterator.isRight(): Boolean
Is the iterator at a right sibling?
index = iterator.sibling(): Long
Move the iterator to the current sibling
See Also