What is @deck.gl/json?
@deck.gl/json is a package that allows you to create and configure deck.gl visualizations using JSON. This package is particularly useful for dynamically generating visualizations from JSON configurations, making it easier to integrate with various data sources and user interfaces.
What are @deck.gl/json's main functionalities?
Creating Deck.gl Layers from JSON
This feature allows you to define deck.gl layers using JSON. The example shows how to create a ScatterplotLayer with data points and their respective sizes.
{"layers": [{"type": "ScatterplotLayer", "data": [{"position": [-122.45, 37.78], "size": 100}], "getPosition": "d => d.position", "getRadius": "d => d.size"}]}
Configuring Deck.gl Views from JSON
This feature allows you to configure deck.gl views using JSON. The example shows how to create a MapView with a controller enabled.
{"views": [{"type": "MapView", "controller": true}]}
Using JSON to Define Deck.gl Props
This feature allows you to define various deck.gl properties using JSON. The example shows how to set the initial view state of the map.
{"initialViewState": {"longitude": -122.45, "latitude": 37.78, "zoom": 12, "pitch": 0, "bearing": 0}}
Other packages similar to @deck.gl/json
Kepler.gl is a powerful open-source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating complex visualizations without writing code. Compared to @deck.gl/json, kepler.gl offers a more comprehensive UI for data exploration and visualization.
React-map-gl is a React wrapper for Mapbox GL JS, providing a set of React components for integrating Mapbox maps into React applications. While it doesn't offer JSON-based configuration like @deck.gl/json, it provides a more React-centric approach to building map-based applications.
JSON support for deck.gl. Provides deck.gl classes that support specifying deck.gl layers and views (and their props) using a JSON format.
See deck.gl for documentation.
PoC: JSON layer browser built on new @deck.gl/json module.