Current Count
A chart for showing the current count of a space, and how full that space is expected to be. npm
Using this chart
This chart has a single default export. This exported function takes two arguments: a dom element,
and an object full of properties. When called, this chart will render the chart inside the given DOM
element. See the below example.
import currentCount from '@density/chart-current-count';
const element = document.getElementById('chart-container');
const props = {currentCount: 43};
currentCount(element, props);
In addition, if you'd like to render a chart in a context where the DOM is abstracted away from you,
such as a React or Angular app, then check out our companion helper library.
: An integer representing the current count in a space.
: (optional) An optional label to add to the upper left corner of the card.
: (optional) An optional integer representing the maximum capacity of the space. If
unspecified, hide capacity card features.
How this chart is structured
├── index.js # Contains main chart code. Other javascript files may be present.
├── package.json
├── story.js # Contains a react-storyboard story. Use it to present different states of your chart in the parent project.
└── styles.scss # Contains all chart styles.