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@devexpress/utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.0 to 1.2.1


export declare class Browser {
static UserAgent: string;
static Edge: boolean;
static MSTouchUI: boolean;
static WebKitTouchUI: boolean;
static MacOSMobilePlatform: boolean;
static MacOSPlatform: boolean;
static NetscapeFamily: boolean;
static Opera: boolean;
static Safari: boolean;
static IE: boolean;
static WebKitFamily: boolean;
static Firefox: boolean;
static AndroidDefaultBrowser: boolean;
static AndroidChromeBrowser: boolean;
static WindowsPlatform: boolean;
static AndroidMobilePlatform: boolean;
static WindowsPhonePlatform: boolean;
static Chrome: boolean;
static Netscape: boolean;
static Mozilla: boolean;
static HardwareAcceleration: boolean;
static TouchUI: boolean;
static MobileUI: boolean;
static SamsungAndroidDevice: boolean;
static VirtualKeyboardSupported: boolean;
static Info: string;
static MajorVersion: number;
static PlaformMajorVersion: string;
static Version: number;
static IdentUserAgent(userAgent: string, ignoreDocumentMode?: boolean): void;
static GetBrowserVersion(userAgent: string, matches: RegExpExecArray, tridentPattern: string, ieCompatibleVersionString: string): number;
private static getIECompatibleVersionString;
static isTouchEnabled(): boolean;
static fillUserAgentInfo(browserTypesOrderedList: string[], browserType: string, version: number, platform: string, isSamsungAndroidDevice?: boolean | null): void;
private static indentPlatformMajorVersion;
private static getVersionFromMatches;
private static getVersionFromTrident;
static fillDocumentElementBrowserTypeClassNames(browserTypesOrderedList: string[]): void;
static _foo: void;
static UserAgent: string;
static Edge: boolean;
static MSTouchUI: boolean;
static WebKitTouchUI: boolean;
static MacOSMobilePlatform: boolean;
static MacOSPlatform: boolean;
static NetscapeFamily: boolean;
static Opera: boolean;
static Safari: boolean;
static IE: boolean;
static WebKitFamily: boolean;
static Firefox: boolean;
static AndroidDefaultBrowser: boolean;
static AndroidChromeBrowser: boolean;
static WindowsPlatform: boolean;
static AndroidMobilePlatform: boolean;
static WindowsPhonePlatform: boolean;
static Chrome: boolean;
static Netscape: boolean;
static Mozilla: boolean;
static HardwareAcceleration: boolean;
static TouchUI: boolean;
static MobileUI: boolean;
static SamsungAndroidDevice: boolean;
static VirtualKeyboardSupported: boolean;
static Info: string;
static MajorVersion: number;
static PlaformMajorVersion: string;
static Version: number;
static IdentUserAgent(userAgent: string, ignoreDocumentMode?: boolean): void;
static GetBrowserVersion(userAgent: string, matches: RegExpExecArray, tridentPattern: string, ieCompatibleVersionString: string): number;
private static getIECompatibleVersionString;
static isTouchEnabled(): boolean;
static fillUserAgentInfo(browserTypesOrderedList: string[], browserType: string, version: number, platform: string, isSamsungAndroidDevice?: boolean | null): void;
private static indentPlatformMajorVersion;
private static getVersionFromMatches;
private static getVersionFromTrident;
static fillDocumentElementBrowserTypeClassNames(browserTypesOrderedList: string[]): void;
static _foo: void;
export interface IBatchUpdatableObject {
beginUpdate(): void;
endUpdate(): void;
beginUpdate(): void;
endUpdate(): void;
export interface IBatchUpdatableObjectExtend extends IBatchUpdatableObject {
suspendUpdate(): void;
continueUpdate(): void;
isUpdateLocked(): boolean;
onUpdateLocked(): void;
suspendUpdate(): void;
continueUpdate(): void;
isUpdateLocked(): boolean;
onUpdateLocked(): void;
export declare abstract class BatchUpdatableObject implements IBatchUpdatableObjectExtend {
private suspendUpdateCount;
private occurredEvents;
beginUpdate(): void;
endUpdate(): void;
suspendUpdate(): void;
continueUpdate(): void;
isUpdateLocked(): boolean;
abstract onUpdateUnlocked(occurredEvents: number): void;
onUpdateLocked(): void;
registerOccurredEvent(eventMask: number): void;
resetOccurredEvents(): void;
isLocked(): boolean;
private suspendUpdateCount;
private occurredEvents;
beginUpdate(): void;
endUpdate(): void;
suspendUpdate(): void;
continueUpdate(): void;
isUpdateLocked(): boolean;
abstract onUpdateUnlocked(occurredEvents: number): void;
onUpdateLocked(): void;
registerOccurredEvent(eventMask: number): void;
resetOccurredEvents(): void;
isLocked(): boolean;
export declare class EmptyBatchUpdatableObject implements IBatchUpdatableObject {
beginUpdate(): void;
endUpdate(): void;
beginUpdate(): void;
endUpdate(): void;
export declare class ChunkedText {
protected maxChunkSize: number;
protected chunks: string[];
protected chunkIndex: number;
protected chunk: string;
protected chunkLength: number;
protected posInChunk: number;
protected _currPos: number;
protected _textLength: number;
constructor(text: string, maxChunkSize?: number);
resetToStart(): void;
resetToEnd(): void;
addText(text: string): void;
getText(): string;
moveToNextChar(): boolean;
moveToPrevChar(): boolean;
setPositionTo(position: number): void;
private setChunk;
private pushText;
readonly currChar: string;
readonly currPos: number;
readonly textLength: number;
protected maxChunkSize: number;
protected chunks: string[];
protected chunkIndex: number;
protected chunk: string;
protected chunkLength: number;
protected posInChunk: number;
protected _currPos: number;
protected _textLength: number;
constructor(text: string, maxChunkSize?: number);
resetToStart(): void;
resetToEnd(): void;
addText(text: string): void;
getText(): string;
moveToNextChar(): boolean;
moveToPrevChar(): boolean;
setPositionTo(position: number): void;
private setChunk;
private pushText;
readonly currChar: string;
readonly currPos: number;
readonly textLength: number;
export declare class DelayedActionManager {
private actionTimeout;
private actionTimeoutId;
private actionStartTime;
private action;
constructor(action: () => void);
reset(): void;
start(timeout: number): void;
executeIfTimerExpired(): void;
executeAction(): void;
stop(): void;
readonly actionExecuted: boolean;
private actionTimeout;
private actionTimeoutId;
private actionStartTime;
private action;
constructor(action: () => void);
reset(): void;
start(timeout: number): void;
executeIfTimerExpired(): void;
executeAction(): void;
stop(): void;
readonly actionExecuted: boolean;
export declare class DomEventHandlersHolder {
private handlers;
addListener(element: Element | Document, eventName: string, handler: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addListenerToWindow(eventName: string, handler: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addListenerToDocument(eventName: string, handler: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
removeAllListeners(): void;
private handlers;
addListener(element: Element | Document, eventName: string, handler: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addListenerToWindow(eventName: string, handler: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addListenerToDocument(eventName: string, handler: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
removeAllListeners(): void;
import { ICloneable } from '../types';
export declare class Flag implements ICloneable<Flag> {
private value;
constructor(initValue?: number);
get(enumVal: number): boolean;
set(enumVal: number, newValue: boolean): this;
add(value: number): void;
anyOf(...flags: number[]): boolean;
getValue(): number;
clone(): Flag;
private value;
constructor(initValue?: number);
get(enumVal: number): boolean;
set(enumVal: number, newValue: boolean): this;
add(value: number): void;
anyOf(...flags: number[]): boolean;
getValue(): number;
clone(): Flag;
export declare class Initializer {
set<TProp extends Exclude<keyof this, 'set'>>(property: TProp, value: this[TProp]): this;
set<TProp extends Exclude<keyof this, 'set'>>(property: TProp, value: this[TProp]): this;
export declare function Initialize<TOptions>(options: TOptions): {
set: <TProperty extends keyof TOptions>(property: TProperty, value: TOptions[TProperty]) => {
set: any;
result: TOptions;
result: TOptions;
set: <TProperty extends keyof TOptions>(property: TProperty, value: TOptions[TProperty]) => {
set: any;
result: TOptions;
result: TOptions;
export declare class MinMax<T> {
minElement: T;
maxElement: T;
constructor(minElement: T, maxElement: T);
minElement: T;
maxElement: T;
constructor(minElement: T, maxElement: T);
export declare class MinMaxNumber extends MinMax<number> {
readonly length: number;
readonly length: number;
export declare class ExtendedMin<T> {
minElement: T;
minValue: number;
constructor(minElement: T, minValue: number);
minElement: T;
minValue: number;
constructor(minElement: T, minValue: number);
export declare class ExtendedMax<T> {
maxElement: T;
maxValue: number;
constructor(maxElement: T, maxValue: number);
maxElement: T;
maxValue: number;
constructor(maxElement: T, maxValue: number);
export declare class ExtendedMinMax<T> extends MinMax<T> {
minValue: number;
maxValue: number;
constructor(minElement: T, minValue: number, maxElement: T, maxValue: number);
minValue: number;
maxValue: number;
constructor(minElement: T, minValue: number, maxElement: T, maxValue: number);
import { CmpFunc } from '../types';
export declare class OrderedList<T> {
list: T[];
private comparer;
constructor(comparer: CmpFunc<T>);
add(elem: T): this;
sort(): void;
findIndex(elem: T): number;
findElement(elem: T): T | null;
list: T[];
private comparer;
constructor(comparer: CmpFunc<T>);
add(elem: T): this;
sort(): void;
findIndex(elem: T): number;
findElement(elem: T): T | null;
export declare class Pair<firstT, secondT> {
first: firstT;
second: secondT;
constructor(first: firstT, second: secondT);
first: firstT;
second: secondT;
constructor(first: firstT, second: secondT);
export declare class Stack<T> {
private list;
private _count;
last: T | undefined;
push(val: T): void;
pop(): T | undefined;
peek(): T | undefined;
getPrevious(): T;
readonly count: number;
private list;
private _count;
last: T | undefined;
push(val: T): void;
pop(): T | undefined;
peek(): T | undefined;
getPrevious(): T;
readonly count: number;
export declare class UnitConverter {
static DPI: number;
static CENTIMETERS_PER_INCH: number;
static PICAS_PER_INCH: number;
static hundredthsOfMillimeterToTwipsRound(value: number): number;
static documentsToTwips(value: number): number;
static pixelsToTwips(value: number): number;
static pixelsToTwipsCustomDpi(value: number, dpi: number): number;
static inchesToTwips(value: number): number;
static pointsToTwips(value: number): number;
static picasToTwips(value: number): number;
static centimetersToTwips(value: number): number;
static pixelsToTwipsF(value: number): number;
static pixelsToTwipsFCustomDpi(value: number, dpi: number): number;
static inchesToTwipsF(value: number): number;
static pointsToTwipsF(value: number): number;
static centimetersToTwipsF(value: number): number;
static twipsToDegrees(value: number): number;
static twipsToRadians(value: number): number;
static degreesToTwips(value: number): number;
static radiansToTwips(value: number): number;
static radiansToDegrees(value: number): number;
static twipsToFD(value: number): number;
static fdToTwips(value: number): number;
static emuToTwips(val: number): number;
static twipsToPixels(value: number): number;
static inchesToPixels(value: number): number;
static centimeterToPixel(value: number): number;
static millimetersToPixel(value: number): number;
static pointsToPixels(value: number): number;
static pointsToPixelsF(value: number): number;
static twipsToPixelsF(value: number): number;
static pixelsToPoints(value: number): number;
static pixelsToPointsF(value: number): number;
static twipsToPoints(value: number): number;
static twipsToPointsF(value: number): number;
static twipsToInches(value: number): number;
static pixelsToInches(value: number): number;
static twipsToCentimeters(value: number): number;
static pixelToCentimeters(value: number): number;
static twipsToHundredthsOfMillimeter(value: number): number;
static pixelsToHundredthsOfMillimeter(value: number): number;
static hundredthsOfMillimeterToTwips(value: number): number;
static twipsToEmu(val: number): number;
static twipsToDegree(value: number): number;
static DPI: number;
static CENTIMETERS_PER_INCH: number;
static PICAS_PER_INCH: number;
static hundredthsOfMillimeterToTwipsRound(value: number): number;
static documentsToTwips(value: number): number;
static pixelsToTwips(value: number): number;
static pixelsToTwipsCustomDpi(value: number, dpi: number): number;
static inchesToTwips(value: number): number;
static pointsToTwips(value: number): number;
static picasToTwips(value: number): number;
static centimetersToTwips(value: number): number;
static pixelsToTwipsF(value: number): number;
static pixelsToTwipsFCustomDpi(value: number, dpi: number): number;
static inchesToTwipsF(value: number): number;
static pointsToTwipsF(value: number): number;
static centimetersToTwipsF(value: number): number;
static twipsToDegrees(value: number): number;
static twipsToRadians(value: number): number;
static degreesToTwips(value: number): number;
static radiansToTwips(value: number): number;
static radiansToDegrees(value: number): number;
static twipsToFD(value: number): number;
static fdToTwips(value: number): number;
static emuToTwips(val: number): number;
static twipsToPixels(value: number): number;
static inchesToPixels(value: number): number;
static centimeterToPixel(value: number): number;
static millimetersToPixel(value: number): number;
static pointsToPixels(value: number): number;
static pointsToPixelsF(value: number): number;
static twipsToPixelsF(value: number): number;
static pixelsToPoints(value: number): number;
static pixelsToPointsF(value: number): number;
static twipsToPoints(value: number): number;
static twipsToPointsF(value: number): number;
static twipsToInches(value: number): number;
static pixelsToInches(value: number): number;
static twipsToCentimeters(value: number): number;
static pixelToCentimeters(value: number): number;
static twipsToHundredthsOfMillimeter(value: number): number;
static pixelsToHundredthsOfMillimeter(value: number): number;
static hundredthsOfMillimeterToTwips(value: number): number;
static twipsToEmu(val: number): number;
static twipsToDegree(value: number): number;
export declare class Constants {
static MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
static MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
static MAX_BYTE: number;
static MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
static MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
static MAX_BYTE: number;
export declare class Int32Constants {
static MIN_VALUE: number;
static MAX_VALUE: number;
static MIN_VALUE: number;
static MAX_VALUE: number;
export declare class Errors {
static NotImplemented: string;
static InternalException: string;
static ValueCannotBeNull: string;
static internalExceptionTemplate(str: string): string;
static NotImplemented: string;
static InternalException: string;
static ValueCannotBeNull: string;
static internalExceptionTemplate(str: string): string;
import { IDateFormatterOptions } from './options';
export declare class DateTimeFieldFormatter {
private date;
private formatString;
private result;
private AMPMKeyword;
private readonly options;
constructor(options: IDateFormatterOptions);
format(date: Date, formatString: string): string;
private formatNext;
private isKeyword;
private processAsAMPMKeyword;
private processAsEmbedText;
private processAsSingleCharacter;
private processAsFormattingItem;
private getCharacterSequenceLength;
private tryCreateFormattingItem;
private charsAreEqual;
private charsAreNotEqual;
private date;
private formatString;
private result;
private AMPMKeyword;
private readonly options;
constructor(options: IDateFormatterOptions);
format(date: Date, formatString: string): string;
private formatNext;
private isKeyword;
private processAsAMPMKeyword;
private processAsEmbedText;
private processAsSingleCharacter;
private processAsFormattingItem;
private getCharacterSequenceLength;
private tryCreateFormattingItem;
private charsAreEqual;
private charsAreNotEqual;
export declare class DateUtils {
static fixTimezoneGap(oldDate: Date, newDate: Date): void;
static expandTwoDigitYear(value: number, options: {
twoDigitYearMax: number;
}): number;
static toUtcTime(date: Date): Date;
private static getTimeZoneOffset;
static fixTimezoneGap(oldDate: Date, newDate: Date): void;
static expandTwoDigitYear(value: number, options: {
twoDigitYearMax: number;
}): number;
static toUtcTime(date: Date): Date;
private static getTimeZoneOffset;
import { IDateFormatterOptions } from './options';
export declare class DateFormatter {
readonly options: IDateFormatterOptions;
private date;
private mask;
private specifiers;
private spPositions;
private parserKeys;
private savedYear;
private isYearParsed;
private parsedMonth;
private strToParse;
private hasAmPm;
private dayMonthNameReplacePattern;
private parseNumbers;
private currentParseNumber;
private readonly knownSpecifiers;
private readonly replacers;
private readonly parsers;
constructor(options: IDateFormatterOptions);
setFormatString(mask: string): void;
format(date: Date): string;
parse(str: string, rememberParserKeys: boolean): Date | boolean;
hasYear(): boolean;
hasMonth(): boolean;
hasDay(): boolean;
hasHours(): boolean;
hasMinutes(): boolean;
hasSeconds(): boolean;
hasMilliseconds(): boolean;
private hasParserKey;
static expandPredefinedFormat(format: string, options: IDateFormatterOptions): string;
private applyMonth;
private registerSpecifier;
private replaceDay;
private replaceMonth;
private replaceYear;
private replaceHours23;
private replaceHours12;
private replaceMinutes;
private replaceSeconds;
private replaceMsTrimmed;
private replaceMs;
private replaceEra;
private replaceAmPm;
private catchNumbers;
private popParseNumber;
private findAbbrMonth;
private findFullMonth;
private findMonthCore;
private parseDay;
private parseMonth;
private parseYear;
private parseHours;
private parseMinutes;
private parseSeconds;
private parseMs;
private parseEra;
private parseAmPm;
private parseDecInt;
private padLeft;
private formatMs;
private parseMinSecCore;
private fixHours;
private getAmPmState;
private getDayMonthNameReplacePattern;
private createDayMonthNameReplacePattern;
private createReplacePattern;
private isNumericSpecifier;
private isKnownSpecifier;
readonly options: IDateFormatterOptions;
private date;
private mask;
private specifiers;
private spPositions;
private parserKeys;
private savedYear;
private isYearParsed;
private parsedMonth;
private strToParse;
private hasAmPm;
private dayMonthNameReplacePattern;
private parseNumbers;
private currentParseNumber;
private readonly knownSpecifiers;
private readonly replacers;
private readonly parsers;
constructor(options: IDateFormatterOptions);
setFormatString(mask: string): void;
format(date: Date): string;
parse(str: string, rememberParserKeys: boolean): Date | boolean;
hasYear(): boolean;
hasMonth(): boolean;
hasDay(): boolean;
hasHours(): boolean;
hasMinutes(): boolean;
hasSeconds(): boolean;
hasMilliseconds(): boolean;
private hasParserKey;
static expandPredefinedFormat(format: string, options: IDateFormatterOptions): string;
private applyMonth;
private registerSpecifier;
private replaceDay;
private replaceMonth;
private replaceYear;
private replaceHours23;
private replaceHours12;
private replaceMinutes;
private replaceSeconds;
private replaceMsTrimmed;
private replaceMs;
private replaceEra;
private replaceAmPm;
private catchNumbers;
private popParseNumber;
private findAbbrMonth;
private findFullMonth;
private findMonthCore;
private parseDay;
private parseMonth;
private parseYear;
private parseHours;
private parseMinutes;
private parseSeconds;
private parseMs;
private parseEra;
private parseAmPm;
private parseDecInt;
private padLeft;
private formatMs;
private parseMinSecCore;
private fixHours;
private getAmPmState;
private getDayMonthNameReplacePattern;
private createDayMonthNameReplacePattern;
private createReplacePattern;
private isNumericSpecifier;
private isKnownSpecifier;

@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import { DateFormatter } from './date';

export declare class SimpleFormattersManager {
stringFormatter: StringFormatter;
dateFormatter: DateFormatter;
numberFormatter: NumberFormatter;
options: IFormattersOptions;
constructor(options: IFormattersOptions);
formatString(pattern: string, ...args: any[]): string;
formatDate(format: string, date: Date): string;
formatNumber(format: string, value: number): string;
stringFormatter: StringFormatter;
dateFormatter: DateFormatter;
numberFormatter: NumberFormatter;
options: IFormattersOptions;
constructor(options: IFormattersOptions);
formatString(pattern: string, ...args: any[]): string;
formatDate(format: string, date: Date): string;
formatNumber(format: string, value: number): string;
import { INumberFormatterOptions } from './options';
export declare class NumberFormatter {
private positive;
private digits;
private pointPos;
private spec;
private prec;
private upper;
private custom;
private readonly options;
constructor(options: INumberFormatterOptions);
format(format: string, value: number): string;
private formatCurrency;
private formatDecimal;
private formatExp;
private formatExpCore;
private formatFixed;
private formatGeneral;
private formatNumber;
private formatPercent;
private formatHex;
private formatCustom;
private static getCustomFormatSections;
private selectCustomFormatSection;
private static createCustomFormatInfo;
private static parseCustomFormatSection;
private createCustomFormatLists;
private formatCustomCore;
private fillDigitInfo;
private fillFormatInfo;
private round;
private appendGroupedInteger;
private appendDigits;
private positive;
private digits;
private pointPos;
private spec;
private prec;
private upper;
private custom;
private readonly options;
constructor(options: INumberFormatterOptions);
format(format: string, value: number): string;
private formatCurrency;
private formatDecimal;
private formatExp;
private formatExpCore;
private formatFixed;
private formatGeneral;
private formatNumber;
private formatPercent;
private formatHex;
private formatCustom;
private static getCustomFormatSections;
private selectCustomFormatSection;
private static createCustomFormatInfo;
private static parseCustomFormatSection;
private createCustomFormatLists;
private formatCustomCore;
private fillDigitInfo;
private fillFormatInfo;
private round;
private appendGroupedInteger;
private appendDigits;
export interface IDateFormatterOptions {
twoDigitYearMax: number;
ts: string;
ds: string;
am: string;
pm: string;
monthNames: string[];
genMonthNames: string[];
abbrMonthNames: string[];
abbrDayNames: string[];
dayNames: string[];
shortTime: string;
longTime: string;
shortDate: string;
longDate: string;
monthDay: string;
yearMonth: string;
twoDigitYearMax: number;
ts: string;
ds: string;
am: string;
pm: string;
monthNames: string[];
genMonthNames: string[];
abbrMonthNames: string[];
abbrDayNames: string[];
dayNames: string[];
shortTime: string;
longTime: string;
shortDate: string;
longDate: string;
monthDay: string;
yearMonth: string;
export interface INumberFormatterOptions {
numDecimalPoint: string;
numPrec: number;
numGroupSeparator: string;
numGroups: number[];
numNegPattern: number;
numPosInf: string;
numNegInf: string;
numNan: string;
currency: string;
currDecimalPoint: string;
currPrec: number;
currGroupSeparator: string;
currGroups: number[];
currPosPattern: number;
currNegPattern: number;
percentPattern: number;
numDecimalPoint: string;
numPrec: number;
numGroupSeparator: string;
numGroups: number[];
numNegPattern: number;
numPosInf: string;
numNegInf: string;
numNan: string;
currency: string;
currDecimalPoint: string;
currPrec: number;
currGroupSeparator: string;
currGroups: number[];
currPosPattern: number;
currNegPattern: number;
percentPattern: number;
export interface IFormattersOptions extends IDateFormatterOptions, INumberFormatterOptions {
clone(): IFormattersOptions;
clone(): IFormattersOptions;
import { DateFormatter } from './date';
import { NumberFormatter } from './number';
export declare class StringFormatter {
private readonly dateFormatter;
private readonly numberFormatter;
private activeDateFormat;
constructor(dateFormatter: DateFormatter, numberFormatter: NumberFormatter);
format(pattern: string, ...args: any[]): string;
private parseSpec;
private readonly dateFormatter;
private readonly numberFormatter;
private activeDateFormat;
constructor(dateFormatter: DateFormatter, numberFormatter: NumberFormatter);
format(pattern: string, ...args: any[]): string;
private parseSpec;
export interface IPoint {
x: number;
y: number;
x: number;
y: number;
export interface ISize {
width: number;
height: number;
width: number;
height: number;

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export interface IRectangle extends IPoint, ISize {

export interface IOffsets {
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
bottom: number;
import { IPoint } from './interfaces';
import { Point } from './point';
export declare class LineEquation {
private aParam;
private bParam;
private cParam;
constructor(aParam: number, bParam: number, cParam: number);
equals(obj: LineEquation): boolean;
getIntersection(equation: LineEquation): Point | null;
static fromPoints(pointA: IPoint, pointB: IPoint): LineEquation;
static getIntersection(a: LineEquation, b: LineEquation): Point | null;
static equals(a: LineEquation, b: LineEquation): boolean;
private aParam;
private bParam;
private cParam;
constructor(aParam: number, bParam: number, cParam: number);
equals(obj: LineEquation): boolean;
getIntersection(equation: LineEquation): Point | null;
static fromPoints(pointA: IPoint, pointB: IPoint): LineEquation;
static getIntersection(a: LineEquation, b: LineEquation): Point | null;
static equals(a: LineEquation, b: LineEquation): boolean;
import { ICloneable, IEquatable, ISupportConverting, ISupportCopyFrom } from '../types';
import { Offsets } from './offsets';
export declare class Margins extends Offsets implements IEquatable<Margins>, ICloneable<Margins>, ISupportCopyFrom<Margins>, ISupportConverting<number> {
static empty(): Margins;
clone(): Margins;
static empty(): Margins;
clone(): Margins;
import { IPoint } from './interfaces';
export declare class Metrics {
static euclideanDistance(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number;
static manhattanDistance(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number;
static euclideanDistance(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number;
static manhattanDistance(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number;
import { IEquatable, ISupportConverting, ISupportCopyFrom, SimpleConverter } from '../types';
import { IOffsets } from './interfaces';
export declare class Offsets implements IEquatable<Offsets>, ISupportCopyFrom<Offsets>, ISupportConverting<number>, IOffsets {
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
bottom: number;
static empty(): Offsets;
constructor(left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number);
static fromNumber(offset: number): Offsets;
static fromOffsets(offsets: IOffsets): Offsets;
static fromSide(horizontal: number, vertical: number): Offsets;
normalize(): this;
toString(): string;
isEmpty(): boolean;
offset(offset: IOffsets): this;
multiply(mult: number): this;
multiply(multHoriz: number, multVert: number): this;
multiply(multLeft: number, multRight: number, multTop: number, multBottom: number): this;
clone(): Offsets;
copyFrom(obj: IOffsets): void;
equals(obj: IOffsets): boolean;
applyConverter(converter: SimpleConverter): this;
readonly horizontal: number;
readonly vertical: number;
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
bottom: number;
static empty(): Offsets;
constructor(left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number);
static fromNumber(offset: number): Offsets;
static fromOffsets(offsets: IOffsets): Offsets;
static fromSide(horizontal: number, vertical: number): Offsets;
normalize(): this;
toString(): string;
isEmpty(): boolean;
offset(offset: IOffsets): this;
multiply(mult: number): this;
multiply(multHoriz: number, multVert: number): this;
multiply(multLeft: number, multRight: number, multTop: number, multBottom: number): this;
clone(): Offsets;
copyFrom(obj: IOffsets): void;
equals(obj: IOffsets): boolean;
applyConverter(converter: SimpleConverter): this;
readonly horizontal: number;
readonly vertical: number;
import { ICloneable, IEquatable, ISupportConverting, ISupportCopyFrom } from '../types';
import { Offsets } from './offsets';
export declare class Paddings extends Offsets implements IEquatable<Paddings>, ICloneable<Paddings>, ISupportCopyFrom<Paddings>, ISupportConverting<number> {
static empty(): Paddings;
clone(): Paddings;
static empty(): Paddings;
clone(): Paddings;

@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ import { ICloneable, IEquatable, ISupportConverting, ISupportCopyFrom, SimpleConverter } from '../types';

export declare class Point implements IPoint, ICloneable<Point>, ISupportCopyFrom<Point>, IEquatable<Point>, ISupportConverting<number> {
x: number;
y: number;
static zero(): Point;
constructor(x: number, y: number);
static fromNumber(num: number): Point;
isZero(): boolean;
toString(): string;
copyFrom(obj: Point): void;
clone(): Point;
equals(obj: IPoint): boolean;
offset(offsetX: number, offsetY: number): this;
offsetByPoint(offset: IPoint): this;
multiply(multiplierX: number, multiplierY: number): this;
negative(): this;
applyConverter(converter: SimpleConverter): this;
static plus(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): Point;
static minus(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): Point;
static xComparer(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number;
static yComparer(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number;
static equals(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): boolean;
x: number;
y: number;
static zero(): Point;
constructor(x: number, y: number);
static fromNumber(num: number): Point;
isZero(): boolean;
toString(): string;
copyFrom(obj: Point): void;
clone(): Point;
equals(obj: IPoint): boolean;
offset(offsetX: number, offsetY: number): this;
offsetByPoint(offset: IPoint): this;
multiply(multiplierX: number, multiplierY: number): this;
negative(): this;
applyConverter(converter: SimpleConverter): this;
static plus(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): Point;
static minus(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): Point;
static xComparer(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number;
static yComparer(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number;
static equals(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): boolean;

@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import { IRectangle } from './interfaces';

export declare class Polygon<T extends Point = Point> extends PolygonalChain<T> {
static fromRectangle(rect: IRectangle): Polygon<Point>;
getEdge(edgeIndex: number): Segment;
static collision<T1 extends Point, T2 extends Point>(a: Polygon<T1>, b: Polygon<T2>): CollisionResult;
readonly numEdges: number;
static fromRectangle(rect: IRectangle): Polygon<Point>;
getEdge(edgeIndex: number): Segment;
static collision<T1 extends Point, T2 extends Point>(a: Polygon<T1>, b: Polygon<T2>): CollisionResult;
readonly numEdges: number;
export declare enum CollisionResult {
None = 0,
Intersect = 1,
Contact = 2
None = 0,
Intersect = 1,
Contact = 2

@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import { ExtendedMinMax } from '../class/min-max';

export declare class PolygonalChain<T extends Point = Point> {
points: T[];
constructor(points: T[]);
getSegment(edgeIndex: number): Segment;
rotateAround(point: IPoint, angle: number, rightSC?: boolean, byClockwise?: boolean): this;
changeCoordinateCenterTo(p: IPoint): this;
projection(axis: Vector): ExtendedMinMax<T>;
readonly bounds: Rectangle;
points: T[];
constructor(points: T[]);
getSegment(edgeIndex: number): Segment;
rotateAround(point: IPoint, angle: number, rightSC?: boolean, byClockwise?: boolean): this;
changeCoordinateCenterTo(p: IPoint): this;
projection(axis: Vector): ExtendedMinMax<T>;
readonly bounds: Rectangle;

@@ -8,69 +8,69 @@ import { Flag } from '../class/flag';

export declare class Rectangle implements IRectangle, IEquatable<Rectangle>, ICloneable<Rectangle>, ISupportCopyFrom<Rectangle> {
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
constructor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number);
createRectangle(): Rectangle;
createSize(): Size;
createPosition(): Point;
createVerticalInterval(): FixedInterval;
createHorizontalInterval(): FixedInterval;
static fromGeometry(point: IPoint, size: ISize): Rectangle;
static fromPoints(pointA: IPoint, pointB: IPoint): Rectangle;
static fromPositions(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Rectangle;
static fromCenter(center: Point, minRadius: number): Rectangle;
isCollapsed(): boolean;
isEmpty(): boolean;
toString(): string;
setPosition(pos: IPoint): this;
setSize(size: ISize): this;
setGeomerty(rect: IRectangle): this;
moveRectangle(offsetX: number, offsetY: number): this;
moveRectangleByPoint(offset: IPoint): this;
resize(deltaX: number, deltaY: number): this;
nonNegativeSize(): this;
multiply(multiplierX: number, multiplierY: number): this;
equals(obj: IRectangle): boolean;
clone(): Rectangle;
copyFrom(obj: IRectangle): void;
containsPoint(point: IPoint): boolean;
containsRectangle(rectangle: Rectangle): boolean;
inflate(deltaX: number, deltaY?: number): this;
applyOffsetsInside(offsets: IOffsets): this;
applyNormalizedOffsetsInside(offsets: IOffsets): this;
applyOffsetsOutside(offsets: IOffsets): this;
applyConverter(converter: SimpleConverter<number>): this;
static getHorizIntersection(objA: IRectangle, objB: IRectangle): FixedInterval | null;
static getVertIntersection(objA: IRectangle, objB: IRectangle): FixedInterval | null;
static getIntersection(objA: IRectangle, objB: IRectangle): Rectangle | null;
static getHorNonCollapsedIntersection(objA: Rectangle, objB: Rectangle): FixedInterval | null;
static getVertNonCollapsedIntersection(objA: Rectangle, objB: Rectangle): FixedInterval | null;
static getNonCollapsedIntersection(objA: Rectangle, objB: Rectangle): Rectangle | null;
static areIntersected(rectA: IRectangle, rectB: IRectangle): boolean;
static union(rectA: IRectangle, rectB: IRectangle): Rectangle;
static equals(a: IRectangle, b: IRectangle): boolean;
static center(rect: IRectangle): Point;
static containsPoint(rect: IRectangle, point: IPoint): boolean;
readonly right: number;
readonly bottom: number;
readonly center: Point;
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
constructor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number);
createRectangle(): Rectangle;
createSize(): Size;
createPosition(): Point;
createVerticalInterval(): FixedInterval;
createHorizontalInterval(): FixedInterval;
static fromGeometry(point: IPoint, size: ISize): Rectangle;
static fromPoints(pointA: IPoint, pointB: IPoint): Rectangle;
static fromPositions(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Rectangle;
static fromCenter(center: Point, minRadius: number): Rectangle;
isCollapsed(): boolean;
isEmpty(): boolean;
toString(): string;
setPosition(pos: IPoint): this;
setSize(size: ISize): this;
setGeomerty(rect: IRectangle): this;
moveRectangle(offsetX: number, offsetY: number): this;
moveRectangleByPoint(offset: IPoint): this;
resize(deltaX: number, deltaY: number): this;
nonNegativeSize(): this;
multiply(multiplierX: number, multiplierY: number): this;
equals(obj: IRectangle): boolean;
clone(): Rectangle;
copyFrom(obj: IRectangle): void;
containsPoint(point: IPoint): boolean;
containsRectangle(rectangle: Rectangle): boolean;
inflate(deltaX: number, deltaY?: number): this;
applyOffsetsInside(offsets: IOffsets): this;
applyNormalizedOffsetsInside(offsets: IOffsets): this;
applyOffsetsOutside(offsets: IOffsets): this;
applyConverter(converter: SimpleConverter<number>): this;
static getHorizIntersection(objA: IRectangle, objB: IRectangle): FixedInterval | null;
static getVertIntersection(objA: IRectangle, objB: IRectangle): FixedInterval | null;
static getIntersection(objA: IRectangle, objB: IRectangle): Rectangle | null;
static getHorNonCollapsedIntersection(objA: Rectangle, objB: Rectangle): FixedInterval | null;
static getVertNonCollapsedIntersection(objA: Rectangle, objB: Rectangle): FixedInterval | null;
static getNonCollapsedIntersection(objA: Rectangle, objB: Rectangle): Rectangle | null;
static areIntersected(rectA: IRectangle, rectB: IRectangle): boolean;
static union(rectA: IRectangle, rectB: IRectangle): Rectangle;
static equals(a: IRectangle, b: IRectangle): boolean;
static center(rect: IRectangle): Point;
static containsPoint(rect: IRectangle, point: IPoint): boolean;
readonly right: number;
readonly bottom: number;
readonly center: Point;
export declare enum HitTestDeviation {
None = 0,
Top = 1,
Bottom = 2,
Left = 4,
Right = 8
None = 0,
Top = 1,
Bottom = 2,
Left = 4,
Right = 8
export declare class RectangleDeviation {
initRectangle: Rectangle;
initPoint: Point;
deviation: Flag;
offsetToInside: Point;
insidePoint: Point;
constructor(initRectangle: Rectangle, initPoint: Point);
calcDeviation(): this;
calcAdditionalParams(): this;
initRectangle: Rectangle;
initPoint: Point;
deviation: Flag;
offsetToInside: Point;
insidePoint: Point;
constructor(initRectangle: Rectangle, initPoint: Point);
calcDeviation(): this;
calcAdditionalParams(): this;
import { IPoint, IRectangle } from './interfaces';
import { Point } from './point';
export declare class Segment<T extends Point = Point> {
startPoint: T;
endPoint: T;
constructor(startPoint: T, endPoint: T);
isIntersected<AnotherT extends Point>(segment: Segment<AnotherT>): boolean;
containsPoint(point: IPoint, accuracy?: number): boolean;
isIntersectedByRect(rect: IRectangle): boolean;
private intersectCore;
readonly length: number;
readonly xLength: number;
readonly yLength: number;
readonly center: Point;
startPoint: T;
endPoint: T;
constructor(startPoint: T, endPoint: T);
isIntersected<AnotherT extends Point>(segment: Segment<AnotherT>): boolean;
containsPoint(point: IPoint, accuracy?: number): boolean;
isIntersectedByRect(rect: IRectangle): boolean;
private intersectCore;
readonly length: number;
readonly xLength: number;
readonly yLength: number;
readonly center: Point;
import { ICloneable, IEquatable, ISupportCopyFrom, SimpleConverter } from '../types';
import { ISize } from './interfaces';
export declare class Size implements ISize, ICloneable<Size>, ISupportCopyFrom<Size>, IEquatable<ISize> {
width: number;
height: number;
static empty(): Size;
constructor(width: number, height: number);
static fromNumber(num: number): Size;
static initByCommonAction(action: (directAdp: (s: ISize) => number, reverseAdp: (s: ISize) => number) => number): Size;
isEmpty(): boolean;
toString(): string;
nonNegativeSize(): this;
offset(offsetWidth: number, offsetHeight: number): this;
multiply(multiplierW: number, multiplierH: number): this;
equals(obj: ISize): boolean;
clone(): Size;
copyFrom(obj: Size): void;
applyConverter(conv: SimpleConverter): this;
static equals(a: ISize, b: ISize): boolean;
width: number;
height: number;
static empty(): Size;
constructor(width: number, height: number);
static fromNumber(num: number): Size;
static initByCommonAction(action: (directAdp: (s: ISize) => number, reverseAdp: (s: ISize) => number) => number): Size;
isEmpty(): boolean;
toString(): string;
nonNegativeSize(): this;
offset(offsetWidth: number, offsetHeight: number): this;
multiply(multiplierW: number, multiplierH: number): this;
equals(obj: ISize): boolean;
clone(): Size;
copyFrom(obj: Size): void;
applyConverter(conv: SimpleConverter): this;
static equals(a: ISize, b: ISize): boolean;
import { Point } from './point';
import { Segment } from './segment';
export declare class Vector {
x: number;
y: number;
constructor(x?: number, y?: number);
static fromPoints(begin: Point, end: Point): Vector;
static fromSegment(segment: Segment): Vector;
normalize(): Vector;
negative(): this;
static angleBetween(a: Vector, b: Vector): number;
static scalarProduct(a: Point | Vector, b: Point | Vector): number;
readonly length: number;
readonly axisX: Vector;
readonly axisY: Vector;
x: number;
y: number;
constructor(x?: number, y?: number);
static fromPoints(begin: Point, end: Point): Vector;
static fromSegment(segment: Segment): Vector;
normalize(): Vector;
negative(): this;
static angleBetween(a: Vector, b: Vector): number;
static scalarProduct(a: Point | Vector, b: Point | Vector): number;
readonly length: number;
readonly axisX: Vector;
readonly axisY: Vector;

@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@ import { ConstInterval } from './const';

export declare class IntervalAlgorithms {
static oneConstainsOtherArraysOfInterval(mergedIntervalsA: FixedInterval[], intervalsB: FixedInterval[]): boolean;
static getIntersection<T extends ConstInterval>(intervalA: T & IReproducibleInterval<T>, intervalB: T): T | null;
static getIntersectionTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends ConstInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>>(intervalA: ConstInterval, intervalB: ConstInterval, template: TemplateT): ResultIntervalT | null;
static getIntersectionNonNullLength<T extends ConstInterval>(intervalA: T & IReproducibleInterval<T>, intervalB: ConstInterval): T | null;
static getIntersectionNonNullLengthTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends ConstInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>>(intervalA: ConstInterval, intervalB: ConstInterval, template: TemplateT): ResultIntervalT | null;
static getIntersectionsTwoArraysOfInterval<T extends MutableInterval>(intervalsA: (T & IReproducibleInterval<T>)[], intervalsB: ConstInterval[]): T[];
static getIntersectionsTwoArraysOfIntervalTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends MutableInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>>(intervalsA: ConstInterval[], intervalsB: ConstInterval[], template: TemplateT): ResultIntervalT[];
static getAffectedObjects<T extends MutableInterval, TObj extends {
interval: T;
}>(objects: TObj[], intervals: (T & IReproducibleInterval<T>)[], getFirstIndex?: (start: number, objects: TObj[]) => number, conflictResolver?: (objectInterval: ConstInterval, touchingIntervalLength: number, touchPoint: number) => boolean): SparseIntervals<T>;
static getAffectedObjectsTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends MutableInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>, TObj extends {
interval: ConstInterval;
}>(objects: TObj[], intervals: ConstInterval[], template: TemplateT, getFirstIndex?: (start: number, objects: TObj[]) => number, conflictResolver?: (objectInterval: ConstInterval, touchingIntervalLength: number, touchPoint: number) => boolean): SparseIntervals<ResultIntervalT>;
static handleAffectedObjects<IntervalT extends ConstInterval, TObj extends {
interval: ConstInterval;
}>(objects: TObj[], intervals: IntervalT[], callback: (obj: TObj, index: number, interval: IntervalT, intersection: ConstInterval) => void, getFirstIndex?: (start: number, objects: TObj[]) => number): void;
static getMergedIntervals<T extends ConstInterval>(intervals: (T & IReproducibleInterval<T>)[], needSort: boolean): T[];
static getMergedIntervalsTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends ConstInterval>(intervals: ConstInterval[], needSort: boolean, template: IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>): ResultIntervalT[];
static reflectIntervals<T extends ConstInterval>(intervals: T[], bounds: (T & IReproducibleInterval<T>)): T[];
static reflectIntervalsTemplate<ResultT extends ConstInterval>(intervals: ConstInterval[], bounds: ConstInterval, template: IReproducibleInterval<ResultT>): ResultT[];
static reflectionOfPointOnInterval(value: number, valInterval: FixedInterval, targetInterval: FixedInterval): number;
static oneConstainsOtherArraysOfInterval(mergedIntervalsA: FixedInterval[], intervalsB: FixedInterval[]): boolean;
static getIntersection<T extends ConstInterval>(intervalA: T & IReproducibleInterval<T>, intervalB: T): T | null;
static getIntersectionTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends ConstInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>>(intervalA: ConstInterval, intervalB: ConstInterval, template: TemplateT): ResultIntervalT | null;
static getIntersectionNonNullLength<T extends ConstInterval>(intervalA: T & IReproducibleInterval<T>, intervalB: ConstInterval): T | null;
static getIntersectionNonNullLengthTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends ConstInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>>(intervalA: ConstInterval, intervalB: ConstInterval, template: TemplateT): ResultIntervalT | null;
static getIntersectionsTwoArraysOfInterval<T extends MutableInterval>(intervalsA: (T & IReproducibleInterval<T>)[], intervalsB: ConstInterval[]): T[];
static getIntersectionsTwoArraysOfIntervalTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends MutableInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>>(intervalsA: ConstInterval[], intervalsB: ConstInterval[], template: TemplateT): ResultIntervalT[];
static getAffectedObjects<T extends MutableInterval, TObj extends {
interval: T;
}>(objects: TObj[], intervals: (T & IReproducibleInterval<T>)[], getFirstIndex?: (start: number, objects: TObj[]) => number, conflictResolver?: (objectInterval: ConstInterval, touchingIntervalLength: number, touchPoint: number) => boolean): SparseIntervals<T>;
static getAffectedObjectsTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends MutableInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>, TObj extends {
interval: ConstInterval;
}>(objects: TObj[], intervals: ConstInterval[], template: TemplateT, getFirstIndex?: (start: number, objects: TObj[]) => number, conflictResolver?: (objectInterval: ConstInterval, touchingIntervalLength: number, touchPoint: number) => boolean): SparseIntervals<ResultIntervalT>;
static handleAffectedObjects<IntervalT extends ConstInterval, TObj extends {
interval: ConstInterval;
}>(objects: TObj[], intervals: IntervalT[], callback: (obj: TObj, index: number, interval: IntervalT, intersection: ConstInterval) => void, getFirstIndex?: (start: number, objects: TObj[]) => number): void;
static getMergedIntervals<T extends ConstInterval>(intervals: (T & IReproducibleInterval<T>)[], needSort: boolean): T[];
static getMergedIntervalsTemplate<ResultIntervalT extends ConstInterval>(intervals: ConstInterval[], needSort: boolean, template: IReproducibleInterval<ResultIntervalT>): ResultIntervalT[];
static reflectIntervals<T extends ConstInterval>(intervals: T[], bounds: (T & IReproducibleInterval<T>)): T[];
static reflectIntervalsTemplate<ResultT extends ConstInterval>(intervals: ConstInterval[], bounds: ConstInterval, template: IReproducibleInterval<ResultT>): ResultT[];
static reflectionOfPointOnInterval(value: number, valInterval: FixedInterval, targetInterval: FixedInterval): number;

@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@ import { ICloneable, IEquatable, ISupportCopyFrom } from '../types';

export declare class BoundaryInterval extends MutableInterval implements IEquatable<BoundaryInterval>, ICloneable<BoundaryInterval>, ISupportCopyFrom<BoundaryInterval>, IReproducibleInterval<BoundaryInterval> {
start: number;
end: number;
constructor(start: number, end: number);
static normalized(pointA: number, pointB: number): BoundaryInterval;
copyFrom(obj: BoundaryInterval): void;
equals(obj: BoundaryInterval): boolean;
clone(): BoundaryInterval;
makeByStartEnd(start: number, end: number): BoundaryInterval;
makeByStartLength(start: number, length: number): BoundaryInterval;
makeByLengthEnd(length: number, end: number): BoundaryInterval;
static makeByConstInterval(interval: ConstInterval): BoundaryInterval;
expand(interval: BoundaryInterval): this;
length: number;
readonly center: number;
start: number;
end: number;
constructor(start: number, end: number);
static normalized(pointA: number, pointB: number): BoundaryInterval;
copyFrom(obj: BoundaryInterval): void;
equals(obj: BoundaryInterval): boolean;
clone(): BoundaryInterval;
makeByStartEnd(start: number, end: number): BoundaryInterval;
makeByStartLength(start: number, length: number): BoundaryInterval;
makeByLengthEnd(length: number, end: number): BoundaryInterval;
static makeByConstInterval(interval: ConstInterval): BoundaryInterval;
expand(interval: BoundaryInterval): this;
length: number;
readonly center: number;
export declare abstract class ConstInterval {
isNormalized(): boolean;
isCollapsed(): boolean;
equals(obj: ConstInterval): boolean;
static isCollapsed(intervals: ConstInterval[]): boolean;
containsInterval(interval: ConstInterval): boolean;
containsIntervalWithoutEnd(interval: ConstInterval): boolean;
contains(pos: number): boolean;
containsWithIntervalEnd(val: number): boolean;
containsWithoutIntervalEndAndStart(pos: number): boolean;
readonly start: number;
readonly length: number;
readonly end: number;
readonly center: number;
isNormalized(): boolean;
isCollapsed(): boolean;
equals(obj: ConstInterval): boolean;
static isCollapsed(intervals: ConstInterval[]): boolean;
containsInterval(interval: ConstInterval): boolean;
containsIntervalWithoutEnd(interval: ConstInterval): boolean;
contains(pos: number): boolean;
containsWithIntervalEnd(val: number): boolean;
containsWithoutIntervalEndAndStart(pos: number): boolean;
readonly start: number;
readonly length: number;
readonly end: number;
readonly center: number;

@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@ import { ICloneable, IEquatable, ISupportCopyFrom } from '../types';

export declare class FixedInterval extends MutableInterval implements IEquatable<FixedInterval>, ICloneable<FixedInterval>, ISupportCopyFrom<FixedInterval>, IReproducibleInterval<FixedInterval> {
start: number;
length: number;
constructor(start: number, length: number);
copyFrom(obj: FixedInterval): void;
equals(obj: FixedInterval): boolean;
clone(): FixedInterval;
makeByStartEnd(start: number, end: number): FixedInterval;
makeByStartLength(start: number, length: number): FixedInterval;
makeByLengthEnd(length: number, end: number): FixedInterval;
static fromPositions(start: number, end: number): FixedInterval;
static makeByConstInterval(interval: ConstInterval): FixedInterval;
expand(interval: FixedInterval): this;
end: number;
readonly center: number;
start: number;
length: number;
constructor(start: number, length: number);
copyFrom(obj: FixedInterval): void;
equals(obj: FixedInterval): boolean;
clone(): FixedInterval;
makeByStartEnd(start: number, end: number): FixedInterval;
makeByStartLength(start: number, length: number): FixedInterval;
makeByLengthEnd(length: number, end: number): FixedInterval;
static fromPositions(start: number, end: number): FixedInterval;
static makeByConstInterval(interval: ConstInterval): FixedInterval;
expand(interval: FixedInterval): this;
end: number;
readonly center: number;
import { ConstInterval } from './const';
export declare abstract class MutableInterval extends ConstInterval {
abstract expand(interval: ConstInterval): this;
normalizeLength(): this;
start: number;
length: number;
end: number;
abstract expand(interval: ConstInterval): this;
normalizeLength(): this;
start: number;
length: number;
end: number;
import { ConstInterval } from './const';
export interface IReproducibleInterval<T extends ConstInterval> {
makeByStartEnd(start: number, end: number): T;
makeByStartLength(start: number, length: number): T;
makeByLengthEnd(length: number, end: number): T;
makeByStartEnd(start: number, end: number): T;
makeByStartLength(start: number, length: number): T;
makeByLengthEnd(length: number, end: number): T;

@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import { MutableInterval } from '../mutable';

export declare class SparseIntervalsCollector<IntervalT extends MutableInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<IntervalT>> {
private intervals;
private curr;
private template;
constructor(template: TemplateT);
add(index: number): void;
getIntervals(): SparseIntervals<IntervalT>;
private intervals;
private curr;
private template;
constructor(template: TemplateT);
add(index: number): void;
getIntervals(): SparseIntervals<IntervalT>;

@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import { ConstInterval } from '../const';

export declare class SparseIntervals<T extends ConstInterval> {
private list;
private _count;
private _numIntervals;
constructor(list?: T[]);
getInterval(index: number): T;
getNativeIterator(): SparseIntervalsIterator<T>;
getObjectsIterator<ObjT extends any>(objects: ObjT[]): SparseObjectsIterator<T, ObjT>;
readonly count: number;
readonly numIntervals: number;
private list;
private _count;
private _numIntervals;
constructor(list?: T[]);
getInterval(index: number): T;
getNativeIterator(): SparseIntervalsIterator<T>;
getObjectsIterator<ObjT extends any>(objects: ObjT[]): SparseObjectsIterator<T, ObjT>;
readonly count: number;
readonly numIntervals: number;
import { ConstInterval } from '../const';
import { SparseIntervals } from './intervals';
export declare class SparseIntervalsIterator<T extends ConstInterval> {
index: number;
private sparseIntervals;
private curr;
private intervalIndex;
private posInInterval;
constructor(sparseIntervals: SparseIntervals<T>);
moveNext(): boolean;
movePrev(): boolean;
protected initObject(): void;
readonly isStarted: boolean;
index: number;
private sparseIntervals;
private curr;
private intervalIndex;
private posInInterval;
constructor(sparseIntervals: SparseIntervals<T>);
moveNext(): boolean;
movePrev(): boolean;
protected initObject(): void;
readonly isStarted: boolean;

@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import { CmpFunc } from '../../types';

export declare class SparseIntervalsMapCollector<IntervalT extends MutableInterval, TemplateT extends IReproducibleInterval<IntervalT>, ObjT> {
private valMap;
private intervals;
private curr;
private currVal;
private cmp;
private template;
constructor(cmp: CmpFunc<ObjT>, template: TemplateT);
add(index: number, value: ObjT): void;
getIterator(): SparseIntervalsMapIterator<IntervalT, ObjT>;
private valMap;
private intervals;
private curr;
private currVal;
private cmp;
private template;
constructor(cmp: CmpFunc<ObjT>, template: TemplateT);
add(index: number, value: ObjT): void;
getIterator(): SparseIntervalsMapIterator<IntervalT, ObjT>;
import { ConstInterval } from '../const';
export declare class SparseIntervalsMapIterator<T extends ConstInterval, ObjT> {
private valMap;
private sparseIntervals;
position: number;
object: ObjT;
interval: T;
intervalIndex: number;
posInInterval: number;
constructor(intervals: T[], valMap: Record<number, ObjT>);
moveToNextPosition(): boolean;
moveToNextInterval(): boolean;
readonly numIntervals: number;
private valMap;
private sparseIntervals;
position: number;
object: ObjT;
interval: T;
intervalIndex: number;
posInInterval: number;
constructor(intervals: T[], valMap: Record<number, ObjT>);
moveToNextPosition(): boolean;
moveToNextInterval(): boolean;
readonly numIntervals: number;

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { ConstInterval } from '../const';

export declare class SparseObjectsIterator<T extends ConstInterval, ObjT> extends SparseIntervalsIterator<T> {
objects: ObjT[];
obj: ObjT;
constructor(sparseIntervals: SparseIntervals<T>, objects: ObjT[]);
protected initObject(): void;
objects: ObjT[];
obj: ObjT;
constructor(sparseIntervals: SparseIntervals<T>, objects: ObjT[]);
protected initObject(): void;
export declare class PdfHelperFrame {
private readonly container;
private readonly frameClassName;
private helperFrame;
private helperFrameName;
constructor(container: HTMLElement, frameClassName: string);
dispose(): void;
showPrintDialog(resourceUrl: string): void;
private getHelperFrame;
private removeHelperFrame;
private createHelperFrame;
private getNewName;
private readonly container;
private readonly frameClassName;
private helperFrame;
private helperFrameName;
constructor(container: HTMLElement, frameClassName: string);
dispose(): void;
showPrintDialog(resourceUrl: string): void;
private getHelperFrame;
private removeHelperFrame;
private createHelperFrame;
private getNewName;
export declare class PdfPluginHelper {
private static plugin;
static isInstalled(): boolean;
static getPdfPlugin(): any;
static getActiveXObject(name: string): ActiveXObject | null;
static getNavigatorPlugin(name: string): Plugin | null;
static getVersion(): number | null;
private static plugin;
static isInstalled(): boolean;
static getPdfPlugin(): any;
static getActiveXObject(name: string): ActiveXObject | null;
static getNavigatorPlugin(name: string): Plugin | null;
static getVersion(): number | null;
export declare enum SesType {
Delete = -1,
Common = 0,
Add = 1
Delete = -1,
Common = 0,
Add = 1
export interface ISequenceComparatorItertor<T> {
length: number;
getComparer(): ((a: T, b: T) => boolean);
getByIndex(index: number): T;
length: number;
getComparer(): ((a: T, b: T) => boolean);
getByIndex(index: number): T;
export declare class SesElem<T> {
elem: T;
type: SesType;
constructor(elem: T, type: SesType);
toString(): string;
elem: T;
type: SesType;
constructor(elem: T, type: SesType);
toString(): string;
export declare class SequenceComparator<T> {
editDistance: number | null;
lcs: string;
ses: SesElem<T>[];
private readonly reverse;
private readonly offset;
private readonly path;
private readonly pathposi;
private readonly comparer;
private a;
private b;
private m;
private n;
constructor(a: ISequenceComparatorItertor<T>, b: ISequenceComparatorItertor<T>);
calculate(): SesElem<T>[];
toString(): string;
protected snake(k: number, p: number, pp: number): number;
protected recordSeq(epc: PathElem[]): void;
editDistance: number | null;
lcs: string;
ses: SesElem<T>[];
private readonly reverse;
private readonly offset;
private readonly path;
private readonly pathposi;
private readonly comparer;
private a;
private b;
private m;
private n;
constructor(a: ISequenceComparatorItertor<T>, b: ISequenceComparatorItertor<T>);
calculate(): SesElem<T>[];
toString(): string;
protected snake(k: number, p: number, pp: number): number;
protected recordSeq(epc: PathElem[]): void;
declare class PathElem {
x: number;
y: number;
k: number | null;
constructor(x: number, y: number, k: number | null);
x: number;
y: number;
k: number | null;
constructor(x: number, y: number, k: number | null);
export {};
import { ISequenceComparatorItertor, SesType } from './common';
export declare class StringSequenceComparator {
editDistance: number | null;
lcs: string;
ses: StringSesElem[];
private readonly reverse;
private readonly offset;
private readonly path;
private readonly pathposi;
private a;
private b;
private m;
private n;
constructor(a: string, b: string);
calculate(): StringSesElem[];
toString(): string;
protected snake(k: number, p: number, pp: number): number;
protected recordSeq(epc: PathElem[]): void;
editDistance: number | null;
lcs: string;
ses: StringSesElem[];
private readonly reverse;
private readonly offset;
private readonly path;
private readonly pathposi;
private a;
private b;
private m;
private n;
constructor(a: string, b: string);
calculate(): StringSesElem[];
toString(): string;
protected snake(k: number, p: number, pp: number): number;
protected recordSeq(epc: PathElem[]): void;
declare class PathElem {
x: number;
y: number;
k: number | null;
constructor(x: number, y: number, k: number | null);
x: number;
y: number;
k: number | null;
constructor(x: number, y: number, k: number | null);
export declare class StringSesElem {
elem: string;
type: SesType;
constructor(elem: string, type: SesType);
toString(): string;
elem: string;
type: SesType;
constructor(elem: string, type: SesType);
toString(): string;
export declare class StringSequenceComparatorItertor implements ISequenceComparatorItertor<string> {
str: string;
constructor(str: string);
getComparer(): ((a: string, b: string) => boolean);
getByIndex(index: number): string;
readonly length: number;
str: string;
constructor(str: string);
getComparer(): ((a: string, b: string) => boolean);
getByIndex(index: number): string;
readonly length: number;
export {};

@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ export declare type EqualFunc<T> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean;

export interface ICloneable<T> {
clone(): T;
clone(): T;
export interface ISupportCopyFrom<T> {
copyFrom(obj: T): void;
copyFrom(obj: T): void;
export interface IDisposable {
dispose(): any;
dispose(): any;
export interface IEquatable<T> {
equals(obj: T): boolean;
equals(obj: T): boolean;
export interface ISupportConverting<T> {
applyConverter(converter: SimpleConverter<T>): this;
applyConverter(converter: SimpleConverter<T>): this;
export declare class AttrUtils {
private static readonly emptyObject;
static setElementAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string, value: string): void;
static setStyleAttribute(obj: CSSStyleDeclaration, attrName: string, value: string): void;
static getElementAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string): string | null;
static getStyleAttribute(obj: CSSStyleDeclaration, attrName: string): string | null;
static removeElementAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string): void;
static removeStyleAttribute(obj: CSSStyleDeclaration, attrName: string): void;
static changeElementStyleAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string, newValue: string): void;
static restoreElementStyleAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string): boolean;
private static saveStyleAttributeInElement;
private static isExistsAttributeInElement;
private static isAttributeExists;
private static readonly emptyObject;
static setElementAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string, value: string): void;
static setStyleAttribute(obj: CSSStyleDeclaration, attrName: string, value: string): void;
static getElementAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string): string | null;
static getStyleAttribute(obj: CSSStyleDeclaration, attrName: string): string | null;
static removeElementAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string): void;
static removeStyleAttribute(obj: CSSStyleDeclaration, attrName: string): void;
static changeElementStyleAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string, newValue: string): void;
static restoreElementStyleAttribute(obj: HTMLElement, attrName: string): boolean;
private static saveStyleAttributeInElement;
private static isExistsAttributeInElement;
private static isAttributeExists;
import { DxMimeType } from './mime-type';
export declare class Base64Utils {
static dataUrl: RegExp;
static normalizeToDataUrl(base64: string, mimeType: string): string;
static prependByDataUrl(base64: string, mimeType: string): string;
static checkPrependDataUrl(base64: string): boolean;
static deleteDataUrlPrefix(base64DataUrl: string): string;
static getUint8Array(base64: string): Uint8Array;
static fromArrayBuffer(buffer: ArrayBuffer): string;
static getFileFromBase64(base64: string, fileName?: string, options?: FilePropertyBag): File;
static getMimeTypeAsString(base64: string): string | null;
static getKnownMimeType(base64: string): DxMimeType;
static fromBlobAsArrayBuffer(blob: Blob, callback: (base64: string) => void): void;
static fromBlobAsDataUrl(blob: Blob, callback: (base64: string) => void): void;
static dataUrl: RegExp;
static normalizeToDataUrl(base64: string, mimeType: string): string;
static prependByDataUrl(base64: string, mimeType: string): string;
static checkPrependDataUrl(base64: string): boolean;
static deleteDataUrlPrefix(base64DataUrl: string): string;
static getUint8Array(base64: string): Uint8Array;
static fromArrayBuffer(buffer: ArrayBuffer): string;
static getFileFromBase64(base64: string, fileName?: string, options?: FilePropertyBag): File;
static getMimeTypeAsString(base64: string): string | null;
static getKnownMimeType(base64: string): DxMimeType;
static fromBlobAsArrayBuffer(blob: Blob, callback: (base64: string) => void): void;
static fromBlobAsDataUrl(blob: Blob, callback: (base64: string) => void): void;
export declare type Color = number;
export declare class ColorUtils {
static readonly DARK_COLOR: any;
static readonly LIGHT_COLOR: any;
static getAlpha(color: Color): number;
static getRed(color: Color): number;
static getGreen(color: Color): number;
static getBlue(color: Color): number;
static redPartToString(color: Color): string;
static greenPartToString(color: Color): string;
static bluePartToString(color: Color): string;
static fromArgbNumber(alpha: number, red: number, green: number, blue: number): Color;
static fromRgbaString(color: string, alpha?: number): Color | null;
static fromHashString(hash: string, alpha?: number): Color | null;
static fromColorName(color: string, alpha?: number): Color | null;
static fromString(color: string, alpha?: number): Color | null;
static colorToHash(color: Color): string;
static stringToHash(color: string): string | null;
static isHashColorString(color: string): boolean;
static isKnownColorName(color: string): boolean;
static isGray(color: number): boolean;
static colorNames: Record<string, string>;
static readonly DARK_COLOR: any;
static readonly LIGHT_COLOR: any;
static getAlpha(color: Color): number;
static getRed(color: Color): number;
static getGreen(color: Color): number;
static getBlue(color: Color): number;
static redPartToString(color: Color): string;
static greenPartToString(color: Color): string;
static bluePartToString(color: Color): string;
static fromArgbNumber(alpha: number, red: number, green: number, blue: number): Color;
static fromRgbaString(color: string, alpha?: number): Color | null;
static fromHashString(hash: string, alpha?: number): Color | null;
static fromColorName(color: string, alpha?: number): Color | null;
static fromString(color: string, alpha?: number): Color | null;
static colorToHash(color: Color): string;
static stringToHash(color: string): string | null;
static isHashColorString(color: string): boolean;
static isKnownColorName(color: string): boolean;
static isGray(color: number): boolean;
static colorNames: Record<string, string>;
import { IEquatable } from '../types';
export declare class Comparers {
static number(a: number, b: number): number;
static string(a: string, b: string): number;
static stringIgnoreCase(a: string, b: string): number;
static number(a: number, b: number): number;
static string(a: string, b: string): number;
static stringIgnoreCase(a: string, b: string): number;
export declare class Equals {
static simpleType<T extends number | boolean | string>(a: T, b: T): boolean;
static object<T extends IEquatable<T>>(a: T, b: T): boolean;
static simpleType<T extends number | boolean | string>(a: T, b: T): boolean;
static object<T extends IEquatable<T>>(a: T, b: T): boolean;
export declare class DataTransferUtils {
private static isBrowserSupportExtendedClientBuffer;
static getPlainTextItem(items: DataTransferItemList): DataTransferItem | null;
static getRtfTextItem(items: DataTransferItemList): DataTransferItem | null;
static getImageItem(items: DataTransferItemList): File | null;
static getTransferItemByType(items: DataTransferItemList, type: string): DataTransferItem | null;
private static isBrowserSupportExtendedClientBuffer;
static getPlainTextItem(items: DataTransferItemList): DataTransferItem | null;
static getRtfTextItem(items: DataTransferItemList): DataTransferItem | null;
static getImageItem(items: DataTransferItemList): File | null;
static getTransferItemByType(items: DataTransferItemList, type: string): DataTransferItem | null;
import { IPoint, IRectangle, ISize } from '../geometry/interfaces';
export declare class DomUtils {
private static html2PlainTextFilter;
private static verticalScrollBarWidth;
static clearInnerHtml(element: HTMLElement): void;
static setStylePosition(style: CSSStyleDeclaration, point: IPoint): void;
static setStyleSize(style: CSSStyleDeclaration, size: ISize): void;
static setStyleSizeAndPosition(style: CSSStyleDeclaration, rectangle: IRectangle): void;
static hideNode(node: Node | null | undefined): void;
static isHTMLElementNode(node: Node): node is HTMLElement;
static isTextNode(node: Node): boolean;
static isElementNode(node: Node): node is Element;
static isHTMLTableRowElement(element: Element): element is HTMLTableRowElement;
static isItParent(parentElement: Node, element: HTMLElement): boolean;
static getParentByTagName(element: HTMLElement, tagName: string): HTMLElement | null;
static getDocumentScrollTop(): number;
static getDocumentScrollLeft(): number;
static getCurrentStyle(element: HTMLElement): CSSStyleDeclaration;
static setFocus(element: HTMLElement): void;
static hasClassName(element: Element, className: string): boolean;
static addClassName(element: Element, className: string): void;
static removeClassName(element: Element, className: string): void;
static toggleClassName(element: Element, className: string, toggle?: boolean): void;
static pxToInt(px: string): number;
static pxToFloat(px: string): number;
static getAbsolutePositionY(element: HTMLElement): number;
static getAbsolutePositionX(element: HTMLElement): number;
static isInteractiveControl(element: HTMLElement): boolean;
static getClearClientHeight(element: HTMLElement): number;
static getTopBottomPaddings(element: HTMLElement, style?: CSSStyleDeclaration): number;
static getVerticalBordersWidth(element: HTMLElement, style?: CSSStyleDeclaration): number;
static getNodes(parent: Element, predicate: (e: Element) => boolean): Element[];
static getChildNodes(parent: Element, predicate: (e: ChildNode) => boolean): ChildNode[];
static getNodesByClassName(parent: Element, className: string): Element[];
static getChildNodesByClassName(parent: Element, className: string): Element[];
static getVerticalScrollBarWidth(): number;
static getHorizontalBordersWidth(element: HTMLElement, style?: CSSStyleDeclaration): number;
static getFontFamiliesFromCssString(cssString: string): string[];
static getInnerText(container: HTMLElement): string | null;
private static html2PlainTextFilter;
private static verticalScrollBarWidth;
static clearInnerHtml(element: HTMLElement): void;
static setStylePosition(style: CSSStyleDeclaration, point: IPoint): void;
static setStyleSize(style: CSSStyleDeclaration, size: ISize): void;
static setStyleSizeAndPosition(style: CSSStyleDeclaration, rectangle: IRectangle): void;
static hideNode(node: Node | null | undefined): void;
static isHTMLElementNode(node: Node): node is HTMLElement;
static isTextNode(node: Node): boolean;
static isElementNode(node: Node): node is Element;
static isHTMLTableRowElement(element: Element): element is HTMLTableRowElement;
static isItParent(parentElement: Node, element: HTMLElement): boolean;
static getParentByTagName(element: HTMLElement, tagName: string): HTMLElement | null;
static getDocumentScrollTop(): number;
static getDocumentScrollLeft(): number;
static getCurrentStyle(element: HTMLElement): CSSStyleDeclaration;
static setFocus(element: HTMLElement): void;
static hasClassName(element: Element, className: string): boolean;
static addClassName(element: Element, className: string): void;
static removeClassName(element: Element, className: string): void;
static toggleClassName(element: Element, className: string, toggle?: boolean): void;
static pxToInt(px: string): number;
static pxToFloat(px: string): number;
static getAbsolutePositionY(element: HTMLElement): number;
static getAbsolutePositionX(element: HTMLElement): number;
static isInteractiveControl(element: HTMLElement): boolean;
static getClearClientHeight(element: HTMLElement): number;
static getTopBottomPaddings(element: HTMLElement, style?: CSSStyleDeclaration): number;
static getVerticalBordersWidth(element: HTMLElement, style?: CSSStyleDeclaration): number;
static getNodes(parent: Element, predicate: (e: Element) => boolean): Element[];
static getChildNodes(parent: Element, predicate: (e: ChildNode) => boolean): ChildNode[];
static getNodesByClassName(parent: Element, className: string): Element[];
static getChildNodesByClassName(parent: Element, className: string): Element[];
static getVerticalScrollBarWidth(): number;
static getHorizontalBordersWidth(element: HTMLElement, style?: CSSStyleDeclaration): number;
static getFontFamiliesFromCssString(cssString: string): string[];
static getInnerText(container: HTMLElement): string | null;
export declare class EncodeUtils {
static encodeHtml(text: string): string;
static decodeHtml(text: string): string;
static prepareTextForRequest(text: string): string;
static prepareTextForCallBackRequest(text: string): string;
static decodeViaTextArea(html: string): string;
static encodeHtml(text: string): string;
static decodeHtml(text: string): string;
static prepareTextForRequest(text: string): string;
static prepareTextForCallBackRequest(text: string): string;
static decodeViaTextArea(html: string): string;
export declare class EnumUtils {
static forEach(enumObject: Record<string, unknown>, callback: (value: number) => void): void;
static isAnyOf(value: number, ...params: number[]): boolean;
static forEach(enumObject: Record<string, unknown>, callback: (value: number) => void): void;
static isAnyOf(value: number, ...params: number[]): boolean;
export declare class EvtUtils {
static preventEvent(evt: Event): void;
static getEventSource(evt: Event): HTMLElement | null;
static getEventSourceByPosition(evt: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): HTMLElement | null;
static getMouseWheelEventName(): string;
static isLeftButtonPressed(evt: Event): boolean;
static preventEventAndBubble(evt: Event): void;
private static clientEventRequiresDocScrollCorrection;
static getEventX(evt: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): number;
static getEventY(evt: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): number;
static cancelBubble(evt: Event): void;
static getWheelDelta(evt: WheelEvent): number;
static preventEvent(evt: Event): void;
static getEventSource(evt: Event): HTMLElement | null;
static getEventSourceByPosition(evt: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): HTMLElement | null;
static getMouseWheelEventName(): string;
static isLeftButtonPressed(evt: Event): boolean;
static preventEventAndBubble(evt: Event): void;
private static clientEventRequiresDocScrollCorrection;
static getEventX(evt: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): number;
static getEventY(evt: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): number;
static cancelBubble(evt: Event): void;
static getWheelDelta(evt: WheelEvent): number;
export declare class FileUtils {
static loadJavascriptFile(srcUri: string, callback: () => void): {
htmlScriptElement: HTMLScriptElement;
static startDownloadFileLocal(content: File | Blob | ArrayBuffer | string, fileName: string): void;
static loadJavascriptFile(srcUri: string, callback: () => void): {
htmlScriptElement: HTMLScriptElement;
static startDownloadFileLocal(content: File | Blob | ArrayBuffer | string, fileName: string): void;
export interface IFontFaceDescriptors {
style?: 'normal' | 'italic' | string;
weight?: 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900' | string | number;
stretch?: string;
unicodeRange?: string;
variant?: string;
featureSettings?: string;
variationSettings?: string;
display?: string;
style?: 'normal' | 'italic' | string;
weight?: 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900' | string | number;
stretch?: string;
unicodeRange?: string;
variant?: string;
featureSettings?: string;
variationSettings?: string;
display?: string;
export interface IFontFace extends IFontFaceDescriptors {
family: string;
readonly status: 'unloaded' | 'loading' | 'loaded' | 'error';
family: string;
readonly status: 'unloaded' | 'loading' | 'loaded' | 'error';

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ export declare function fontWebApiAvailable(): boolean;

export declare class JsonUtils {
static isValid(json: string): boolean;
static isValid(json: string): boolean;
export declare class KeyUtils {
static getKeyModifiers(evt: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent): number;
static getShortcutCode(keyCode: number, isCtrlKey: boolean, isShiftKey: boolean, isAltKey: boolean, isMetaKey: boolean): number;
static getShortcutCodeByEvent(evt: KeyboardEvent): number;
static getEventKeyCode(evt: KeyboardEvent): number;
static parseShortcutString(shortcutString: string): number;
static getKeyModifiers(evt: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent): number;
static getShortcutCode(keyCode: number, isCtrlKey: boolean, isShiftKey: boolean, isAltKey: boolean, isMetaKey: boolean): number;
static getShortcutCodeByEvent(evt: KeyboardEvent): number;
static getEventKeyCode(evt: KeyboardEvent): number;
static parseShortcutString(shortcutString: string): number;
export declare enum ModifierKey {
None = 0,
Ctrl = 65536,
Shift = 262144,
Alt = 1048576,
Meta = 16777216
None = 0,
Ctrl = 65536,
Shift = 262144,
Alt = 1048576,
Meta = 16777216
export declare enum KeyCode {
Backspace = 8,
Tab = 9,
Enter = 13,
Pause = 19,
CapsLock = 20,
Esc = 27,
Space = 32,
PageUp = 33,
PageDown = 34,
End = 35,
Home = 36,
Left = 37,
Up = 38,
Right = 39,
Down = 40,
Insert = 45,
Delete = 46,
Key_0 = 48,
Key_1 = 49,
Key_2 = 50,
Key_3 = 51,
Key_4 = 52,
Key_5 = 53,
Key_6 = 54,
Key_7 = 55,
Key_8 = 56,
Key_9 = 57,
Key_a = 65,
Key_b = 66,
Key_c = 67,
Key_d = 68,
Key_e = 69,
Key_f = 70,
Key_g = 71,
Key_h = 72,
Key_i = 73,
Key_j = 74,
Key_k = 75,
Key_l = 76,
Key_m = 77,
Key_n = 78,
Key_o = 79,
Key_p = 80,
Key_q = 81,
Key_r = 82,
Key_s = 83,
Key_t = 84,
Key_u = 85,
Key_v = 86,
Key_w = 87,
Key_x = 88,
Key_y = 89,
Key_z = 90,
Windows = 91,
ContextMenu = 93,
Numpad_0 = 96,
Numpad_1 = 97,
Numpad_2 = 98,
Numpad_3 = 99,
Numpad_4 = 100,
Numpad_5 = 101,
Numpad_6 = 102,
Numpad_7 = 103,
Numpad_8 = 104,
Numpad_9 = 105,
Multiply = 106,
Add = 107,
Subtract = 109,
Decimal = 110,
Divide = 111,
F1 = 112,
F2 = 113,
F3 = 114,
F4 = 115,
F5 = 116,
F6 = 117,
F7 = 118,
F8 = 119,
F9 = 120,
F10 = 121,
F11 = 122,
F12 = 123,
NumLock = 144,
ScrollLock = 145,
Semicolon = 186,
Equals = 187,
Comma = 188,
Dash = 189,
Period = 190,
ForwardSlash = 191,
GraveAccent = 192,
OpenBracket = 219,
BackSlash = 220,
CloseBracket = 221,
SingleQuote = 222
Backspace = 8,
Tab = 9,
Enter = 13,
Pause = 19,
CapsLock = 20,
Esc = 27,
Space = 32,
PageUp = 33,
PageDown = 34,
End = 35,
Home = 36,
Left = 37,
Up = 38,
Right = 39,
Down = 40,
Insert = 45,
Delete = 46,
Key_0 = 48,
Key_1 = 49,
Key_2 = 50,
Key_3 = 51,
Key_4 = 52,
Key_5 = 53,
Key_6 = 54,
Key_7 = 55,
Key_8 = 56,
Key_9 = 57,
Key_a = 65,
Key_b = 66,
Key_c = 67,
Key_d = 68,
Key_e = 69,
Key_f = 70,
Key_g = 71,
Key_h = 72,
Key_i = 73,
Key_j = 74,
Key_k = 75,
Key_l = 76,
Key_m = 77,
Key_n = 78,
Key_o = 79,
Key_p = 80,
Key_q = 81,
Key_r = 82,
Key_s = 83,
Key_t = 84,
Key_u = 85,
Key_v = 86,
Key_w = 87,
Key_x = 88,
Key_y = 89,
Key_z = 90,
Windows = 91,
ContextMenu = 93,
Numpad_0 = 96,
Numpad_1 = 97,
Numpad_2 = 98,
Numpad_3 = 99,
Numpad_4 = 100,
Numpad_5 = 101,
Numpad_6 = 102,
Numpad_7 = 103,
Numpad_8 = 104,
Numpad_9 = 105,
Multiply = 106,
Add = 107,
Subtract = 109,
Decimal = 110,
Divide = 111,
F1 = 112,
F2 = 113,
F3 = 114,
F4 = 115,
F5 = 116,
F6 = 117,
F7 = 118,
F8 = 119,
F9 = 120,
F10 = 121,
F11 = 122,
F12 = 123,
NumLock = 144,
ScrollLock = 145,
Semicolon = 186,
Equals = 187,
Comma = 188,
Dash = 189,
Period = 190,
ForwardSlash = 191,
GraveAccent = 192,
OpenBracket = 219,
BackSlash = 220,
CloseBracket = 221,
SingleQuote = 222

@@ -5,55 +5,55 @@ import { ExtendedMin, ExtendedMinMax, MinMax, ExtendedMax } from '../class/min-max';

export declare class ListUtils {
static remove<T>(list: T[], element: T): void;
static removeBy<T>(list: T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean): T | null;
static shallowCopy<T>(list: T[]): T[];
static deepCopy<T extends ICloneable<T>>(list: readonly T[]): T[];
static initByValue<T>(numElements: number, initValue: T): T[];
static initByCallback<T>(numElements: number, initCallback: (index: number) => T): T[];
static forEachOnInterval(interval: ConstInterval, callback: (index: number) => void): void;
static reverseForEachOnInterval(interval: ConstInterval, callback: (index: number) => void): void;
static reducedMap<T, TRes>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => TRes | null, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TRes[];
static filter<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T[];
static map<T, TRes>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => TRes, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TRes[];
static indexBy<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): number;
static reverseIndexBy<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): number;
static elementBy<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static reverseElementBy<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static last<T>(list: readonly T[]): T;
static setLast<T>(list: T[], newVal: T): T;
static incLast(list: number[]): number;
static decLast(list: number[]): number;
static equals<T extends IEquatable<T>>(a: T[], b: T[]): boolean;
static equalsByReference(a: any[], b: any[]): boolean;
static unique<T>(list: T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, equal?: CmpFunc<T>, finalizeObj?: (obj: T) => void): T[];
static uniqueNumber(list: number[]): number[];
static forEach<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (value: T, index: number) => void, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): void;
static forEach2<TA, TB>(listA: readonly TA[], listB: readonly TB[], callback: (valueA: TA, valueB: TB, index: number) => void, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): void;
static reverseForEach<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (value: T, index: number) => void, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): void;
static reverseIndexOf<T>(list: readonly T[], element: T, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): number;
static accumulate<T, TAcc>(list: readonly T[], initAccValue: TAcc, callback: (acc: TAcc, currVal: T, index: number) => TAcc, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TAcc;
static accumulateNumber<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number, acc: number) => number, initAccValue?: number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): number;
static anyOf<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static unsafeAnyOf<T, TRes>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => TRes | null | undefined, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TRes | null;
static reverseAnyOf<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static unsafeReverseAnyOf<T, TRes>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => TRes | null | undefined, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TRes | null;
static anyOf2<TA, TB>(listA: readonly TA[], listB: TB[], callback: (currValA: TA, currValB: TB, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static allOf<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static allOf2<TA, TB>(listA: readonly TA[], listB: TB[], callback: (currValA: TA, currValB: TB, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static allOfOnInterval(interval: ConstInterval, callback: (index: number) => boolean): boolean;
static addListOnTail<T>(resultList: T[], addedList: readonly T[]): T[];
static joinLists<T, TRes>(converter: (list: T[]) => TRes[], ...lists: T[][]): TRes[];
static push<T>(list: T[], element: T): T[];
static countIf<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean): number;
static clear<T>(list: T[]): void;
static merge<T>(list: T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, shouldMerge: (a: T, b: T) => boolean, merge: (toMerge: T, fromMerge: T) => void, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T[];
static min<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static max<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static minMax<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): MinMax<T> | null;
static minExtended<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): ExtendedMin<T> | null;
static maxExtended<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): ExtendedMax<T> | null;
static minMaxExtended<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): ExtendedMinMax<T> | null;
static minByCmp<T>(list: readonly T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static maxByCmp<T>(list: readonly T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static minMaxByCmp<T>(list: readonly T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): MinMax<T> | null;
static remove<T>(list: T[], element: T): void;
static removeBy<T>(list: T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean): T | null;
static shallowCopy<T>(list: T[]): T[];
static deepCopy<T extends ICloneable<T>>(list: readonly T[]): T[];
static initByValue<T>(numElements: number, initValue: T): T[];
static initByCallback<T>(numElements: number, initCallback: (index: number) => T): T[];
static forEachOnInterval(interval: ConstInterval, callback: (index: number) => void): void;
static reverseForEachOnInterval(interval: ConstInterval, callback: (index: number) => void): void;
static reducedMap<T, TRes>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => TRes | null, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TRes[];
static filter<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T[];
static map<T, TRes>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => TRes, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TRes[];
static indexBy<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): number;
static reverseIndexBy<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): number;
static elementBy<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static reverseElementBy<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static last<T>(list: readonly T[]): T;
static setLast<T>(list: T[], newVal: T): T;
static incLast(list: number[]): number;
static decLast(list: number[]): number;
static equals<T extends IEquatable<T>>(a: T[], b: T[]): boolean;
static equalsByReference(a: any[], b: any[]): boolean;
static unique<T>(list: T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, equal?: CmpFunc<T>, finalizeObj?: (obj: T) => void): T[];
static uniqueNumber(list: number[]): number[];
static forEach<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (value: T, index: number) => void, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): void;
static forEach2<TA, TB>(listA: readonly TA[], listB: readonly TB[], callback: (valueA: TA, valueB: TB, index: number) => void, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): void;
static reverseForEach<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (value: T, index: number) => void, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): void;
static reverseIndexOf<T>(list: readonly T[], element: T, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): number;
static accumulate<T, TAcc>(list: readonly T[], initAccValue: TAcc, callback: (acc: TAcc, currVal: T, index: number) => TAcc, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TAcc;
static accumulateNumber<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number, acc: number) => number, initAccValue?: number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): number;
static anyOf<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static unsafeAnyOf<T, TRes>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => TRes | null | undefined, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TRes | null;
static reverseAnyOf<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static unsafeReverseAnyOf<T, TRes>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => TRes | null | undefined, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): TRes | null;
static anyOf2<TA, TB>(listA: readonly TA[], listB: TB[], callback: (currValA: TA, currValB: TB, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static allOf<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currVal: T, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static allOf2<TA, TB>(listA: readonly TA[], listB: TB[], callback: (currValA: TA, currValB: TB, index: number) => boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): boolean;
static allOfOnInterval(interval: ConstInterval, callback: (index: number) => boolean): boolean;
static addListOnTail<T>(resultList: T[], addedList: readonly T[]): T[];
static joinLists<T, TRes>(converter: (list: T[]) => TRes[], ...lists: T[][]): TRes[];
static push<T>(list: T[], element: T): T[];
static countIf<T>(list: readonly T[], callback: (currElement: T, index: number) => boolean): number;
static clear<T>(list: T[]): void;
static merge<T>(list: T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, shouldMerge: (a: T, b: T) => boolean, merge: (toMerge: T, fromMerge: T) => void, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T[];
static min<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static max<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static minMax<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): MinMax<T> | null;
static minExtended<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): ExtendedMin<T> | null;
static maxExtended<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): ExtendedMax<T> | null;
static minMaxExtended<T>(list: readonly T[], getValue: (val: T) => number, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): ExtendedMinMax<T> | null;
static minByCmp<T>(list: readonly T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static maxByCmp<T>(list: readonly T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): T | null;
static minMaxByCmp<T>(list: readonly T[], cmp: CmpFunc<T>, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): MinMax<T> | null;
import { CmpFunc, ICloneable } from '../../types';
import { MinMax, ExtendedMin, ExtendedMax, ExtendedMinMax } from '../../class/min-max';
export declare class NumberMapUtils {
static forEach<TValue>(map: Record<number, TValue>, callback: (element: TValue, key: number) => void): void;
static map<TValue, TRes>(map: Record<number, TValue>, callback: (element: TValue, key: number) => TRes): Record<number, TRes>;
static reducedMap<T, TRes>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: number) => TRes | null): Record<number, TRes>;
static clear<T>(map: Record<number, T>): void;
static shallowCopy<T>(map: Record<number, T>): Record<number, T>;
static deepCopy<T extends ICloneable<T>>(map: Record<number, T>): Record<number, T>;
static isEmpty<T>(map: Record<number, T>): boolean;
static accumulate<T, TAcc>(map: Record<number, T>, initAccValue: TAcc, callback: (acc: TAcc, currVal: T, key: number) => TAcc): TAcc;
static keyBy<T>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (element: T, key: number) => boolean): number | null;
static elementBy<T>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (element: T, key: number) => boolean): T | null;
static containsBy<T>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (element: T, key: number) => boolean): boolean;
static toList<T>(map: Record<number, T>): T[];
static toListBy<T, TRes>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (elem: T, key: number) => TRes, maxElements?: number): TRes[];
static anyOf<T, TRes>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: number) => TRes | null): TRes | null;
static unsafeAnyOf<T, TRes>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: number) => TRes | null | undefined): TRes | null;
static allOf<T>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: number) => boolean): boolean;
static mapLength<T>(map: Record<number, T>): number;
static min<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): T | null;
static max<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): T | null;
static minMax<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): MinMax<T> | null;
static minExtended<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): ExtendedMin<T> | null;
static maxExtended<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): ExtendedMax<T> | null;
static minMaxExtended<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): ExtendedMinMax<T> | null;
static maxByCmp<T>(map: Record<number, T>, cmp: CmpFunc<T>): T | null;
static minByCmp<T>(map: Record<number, T>, cmp: CmpFunc<T>): T | null;
static forEach<TValue>(map: Record<number, TValue>, callback: (element: TValue, key: number) => void): void;
static map<TValue, TRes>(map: Record<number, TValue>, callback: (element: TValue, key: number) => TRes): Record<number, TRes>;
static reducedMap<T, TRes>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: number) => TRes | null): Record<number, TRes>;
static clear<T>(map: Record<number, T>): void;
static shallowCopy<T>(map: Record<number, T>): Record<number, T>;
static deepCopy<T extends ICloneable<T>>(map: Record<number, T>): Record<number, T>;
static isEmpty<T>(map: Record<number, T>): boolean;
static accumulate<T, TAcc>(map: Record<number, T>, initAccValue: TAcc, callback: (acc: TAcc, currVal: T, key: number) => TAcc): TAcc;
static keyBy<T>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (element: T, key: number) => boolean): number | null;
static elementBy<T>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (element: T, key: number) => boolean): T | null;
static containsBy<T>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (element: T, key: number) => boolean): boolean;
static toList<T>(map: Record<number, T>): T[];
static toListBy<T, TRes>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (elem: T, key: number) => TRes, maxElements?: number): TRes[];
static anyOf<T, TRes>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: number) => TRes | null): TRes | null;
static unsafeAnyOf<T, TRes>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: number) => TRes | null | undefined): TRes | null;
static allOf<T>(map: Record<number, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: number) => boolean): boolean;
static mapLength<T>(map: Record<number, T>): number;
static min<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): T | null;
static max<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): T | null;
static minMax<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): MinMax<T> | null;
static minExtended<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): ExtendedMin<T> | null;
static maxExtended<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): ExtendedMax<T> | null;
static minMaxExtended<T>(map: Record<number, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: number) => number): ExtendedMinMax<T> | null;
static maxByCmp<T>(map: Record<number, T>, cmp: CmpFunc<T>): T | null;
static minByCmp<T>(map: Record<number, T>, cmp: CmpFunc<T>): T | null;
import { ExtendedMax, ExtendedMin, ExtendedMinMax, MinMax } from '../../class/min-max';
import { CmpFunc, ICloneable } from '../../types';
export declare class StringMapUtils {
static forEach<TValue>(map: Record<string, TValue>, callback: (element: TValue, key: string) => void): void;
static map<TValue, TRes>(map: Record<string, TValue>, callback: (element: TValue, key: string) => TRes): Record<string, TRes>;
static reducedMap<T, TRes>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: string) => TRes | null): Record<string, TRes>;
static clear<T>(map: Record<string, T>): void;
static shallowCopy<T>(map: Record<string, T>): Record<string, T>;
static deepCopy<T extends ICloneable<T>>(map: Record<string, T>): Record<string, T>;
static isEmpty<T>(map: Record<string, T>): boolean;
static accumulate<T, TAcc>(map: Record<string, T>, initAccValue: TAcc, callback: (acc: TAcc, currVal: T, key: string) => TAcc): TAcc;
static keyBy<T>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (element: T, key: string) => boolean): string | null;
static elementBy<T>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (element: T, key: string) => boolean): T | null;
static containsBy<T>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (element: T, key: string) => boolean): boolean;
static toList<T>(map: Record<string, T>): T[];
static toListBy<T, TRes>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (elem: T, key: string) => TRes, maxElements?: number): TRes[];
static anyOf<T, TRes>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: string) => TRes | null): TRes | null;
static unsafeAnyOf<T, TRes>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: string) => TRes | null | undefined): TRes | null;
static allOf<T>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: string) => boolean): boolean;
static mapLength<T>(map: Record<string, T>): number;
static min<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): T | null;
static max<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): T | null;
static minMax<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): MinMax<T> | null;
static minExtended<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): ExtendedMin<T> | null;
static maxExtended<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): ExtendedMax<T> | null;
static minMaxExtended<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): ExtendedMinMax<T> | null;
static maxByCmp<T>(map: Record<string, T>, cmp: CmpFunc<T>): T | null;
static minByCmp<T>(map: Record<string, T>, cmp: CmpFunc<T>): T | null;
static forEach<TValue>(map: Record<string, TValue>, callback: (element: TValue, key: string) => void): void;
static map<TValue, TRes>(map: Record<string, TValue>, callback: (element: TValue, key: string) => TRes): Record<string, TRes>;
static reducedMap<T, TRes>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: string) => TRes | null): Record<string, TRes>;
static clear<T>(map: Record<string, T>): void;
static shallowCopy<T>(map: Record<string, T>): Record<string, T>;
static deepCopy<T extends ICloneable<T>>(map: Record<string, T>): Record<string, T>;
static isEmpty<T>(map: Record<string, T>): boolean;
static accumulate<T, TAcc>(map: Record<string, T>, initAccValue: TAcc, callback: (acc: TAcc, currVal: T, key: string) => TAcc): TAcc;
static keyBy<T>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (element: T, key: string) => boolean): string | null;
static elementBy<T>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (element: T, key: string) => boolean): T | null;
static containsBy<T>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (element: T, key: string) => boolean): boolean;
static toList<T>(map: Record<string, T>): T[];
static toListBy<T, TRes>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (elem: T, key: string) => TRes, maxElements?: number): TRes[];
static anyOf<T, TRes>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: string) => TRes | null): TRes | null;
static unsafeAnyOf<T, TRes>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: string) => TRes | null | undefined): TRes | null;
static allOf<T>(map: Record<string, T>, callback: (currVal: T, key: string) => boolean): boolean;
static mapLength<T>(map: Record<string, T>): number;
static min<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): T | null;
static max<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): T | null;
static minMax<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): MinMax<T> | null;
static minExtended<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): ExtendedMin<T> | null;
static maxExtended<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): ExtendedMax<T> | null;
static minMaxExtended<T>(map: Record<string, T>, getValue: (val: T, key: string) => number): ExtendedMinMax<T> | null;
static maxByCmp<T>(map: Record<string, T>, cmp: CmpFunc<T>): T | null;
static minByCmp<T>(map: Record<string, T>, cmp: CmpFunc<T>): T | null;
export declare class MathUtils {
private static powFactor;
static somePrimes: number[];
static round(value: number, digits?: number): number;
static numberCloseTo(num: number, to: number, accuracy?: number): boolean;
static restrictValue(val: number, minVal: number, maxVal: number): number;
static getRandomInt(min: number, max: number): number;
static generateGuid(): string;
private static powFactor;
static somePrimes: number[];
static round(value: number, digits?: number): number;
static numberCloseTo(num: number, to: number, accuracy?: number): boolean;
static restrictValue(val: number, minVal: number, maxVal: number): number;
static getRandomInt(min: number, max: number): number;
static generateGuid(): string;

@@ -15,28 +15,28 @@ export declare const OpenXmlMimeType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document";

export declare enum DxMimeType {
Unknown = 0,
OpenXml = 1,
Rtf = 2,
PlainText = 3,
Docm = 4,
Png = 5,
Gif = 6,
Jpeg = 7,
Pjpeg = 8,
Svg = 9,
Tiff = 10,
Ico = 11,
Wbmp = 12,
Webp = 13
Unknown = 0,
OpenXml = 1,
Rtf = 2,
PlainText = 3,
Docm = 4,
Png = 5,
Gif = 6,
Jpeg = 7,
Pjpeg = 8,
Svg = 9,
Tiff = 10,
Ico = 11,
Wbmp = 12,
Webp = 13
export declare class MimeTypeUtils {
static stringTypeToTypeMap: Record<string, DxMimeType | undefined>;
static typeToStringTypeMap: Record<DxMimeType, string | undefined>;
static typeToExtensionMap: Record<DxMimeType, string | undefined>;
static extensionToTypeMap: Record<string, DxMimeType | undefined>;
static stringTypeToExtension(mimeTypeAsStr: string): string;
static typeToExtension(mimeType: DxMimeType): string;
static extensionToType(extension: string): DxMimeType;
static typeToStringType(mimeType: DxMimeType): string;
static stringTypeToType(mimeTypeAsStr: string): DxMimeType;
static stringTypeToTypeMap: Record<string, DxMimeType | undefined>;
static typeToStringTypeMap: Record<DxMimeType, string | undefined>;
static typeToExtensionMap: Record<DxMimeType, string | undefined>;
static extensionToTypeMap: Record<string, DxMimeType | undefined>;
static stringTypeToExtension(mimeTypeAsStr: string): string;
static typeToExtension(mimeType: DxMimeType): string;
static extensionToType(extension: string): DxMimeType;
static typeToStringType(mimeType: DxMimeType): string;
static stringTypeToType(mimeTypeAsStr: string): DxMimeType;
export declare class PopupUtils {
static preventContextMenu(evt: MouseEvent): void;
static preventContextMenu(evt: MouseEvent): void;
export declare class SearchUtils {
static binaryIndexOf<T>(array: T[], comparer: (a: T) => number, minIndex?: number, maxIndex?: number): number;
static normedBinaryIndexOf<T>(array: T[], comparer: (a: T) => number, minIndex?: number, maxIndex?: number): number;
static binaryIndexNormalizator(index: number): number;
static normedInterpolationIndexOf<T>(array: T[], getValue: (obj: T) => number, toFind: number, lowIndex?: number, highIndex?: number): number;
static binaryIndexOf<T>(array: T[], comparer: (a: T) => number, minIndex?: number, maxIndex?: number): number;
static normedBinaryIndexOf<T>(array: T[], comparer: (a: T) => number, minIndex?: number, maxIndex?: number): number;
static binaryIndexNormalizator(index: number): number;
static normedInterpolationIndexOf<T>(array: T[], getValue: (obj: T) => number, toFind: number, lowIndex?: number, highIndex?: number): number;
export declare class StringUtils {
static isAlpha(ch: string): boolean;
static isDigit(ch: string): boolean;
static stringHashCode(str: string): number;
static endsAt(str: string, template: string): boolean;
static startsAt(str: string, template: string): boolean;
static stringInLowerCase(str: string): boolean;
static stringInUpperCase(str: string): boolean;
static atLeastOneSymbolInUpperCase(str: string): boolean;
static getSymbolFromEnd(text: string, posFromEnd: number): string;
static trim(str: string, trimChars?: string[]): string;
static trimStart(str: string, trimChars?: string[]): string;
static trimEnd(str: string, trimChars?: string[]): string;
static getDecimalSeparator(): string;
static repeat(str: string, count: number): string;
static isNullOrEmpty(str: string | null | undefined): boolean;
static padLeft(str: string, totalWidth: number, paddingChar: string): string;
private static trimInternal;
static isAlpha(ch: string): boolean;
static isDigit(ch: string): boolean;
static stringHashCode(str: string): number;
static endsAt(str: string, template: string): boolean;
static startsAt(str: string, template: string): boolean;
static stringInLowerCase(str: string): boolean;
static stringInUpperCase(str: string): boolean;
static atLeastOneSymbolInUpperCase(str: string): boolean;
static getSymbolFromEnd(text: string, posFromEnd: number): string;
static trim(str: string, trimChars?: string[]): string;
static trimStart(str: string, trimChars?: string[]): string;
static trimEnd(str: string, trimChars?: string[]): string;
static getDecimalSeparator(): string;
static repeat(str: string, count: number): string;
static isNullOrEmpty(str: string | null | undefined): boolean;
static padLeft(str: string, totalWidth: number, paddingChar: string): string;
private static trimInternal;
export declare class TouchUtils {
static touchMouseDownEventName: string;
static touchMouseUpEventName: string;
static touchMouseMoveEventName: string;
static msTouchDraggableClassName: string;
static documentTouchHandlers: Record<string, EventListenerOrEventListenerObject[]>;
static documentEventAttachingAllowed: boolean;
static onEventAttachingToDocument(eventName: string, func: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): boolean;
static isTouchEventName(eventName: string): boolean;
static isTouchEvent(evt: Event): evt is TouchEvent;
static getEventX(evt: TouchEvent): number;
static getEventY(evt: TouchEvent): number;
static touchMouseDownEventName: string;
static touchMouseUpEventName: string;
static touchMouseMoveEventName: string;
static msTouchDraggableClassName: string;
static documentTouchHandlers: Record<string, EventListenerOrEventListenerObject[]>;
static documentEventAttachingAllowed: boolean;
static onEventAttachingToDocument(eventName: string, func: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): boolean;
static isTouchEventName(eventName: string): boolean;
static isTouchEvent(evt: Event): evt is TouchEvent;
static getEventX(evt: TouchEvent): number;
static getEventY(evt: TouchEvent): number;
export declare class Url {
static containsClientScript(url: string): boolean;
static navigate(url: string, target?: string): void;
private static navigateTo;
private static openInNewWindow;
private static openInNewWindowViaIframe;
private static getFrame;
static containsClientScript(url: string): boolean;
static navigate(url: string, target?: string): void;
private static navigateTo;
private static openInNewWindow;
private static openInNewWindowViaIframe;
private static getFrame;
"name": "@devexpress/utils",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.2.1",
"description": "DevExpress utils",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "DevExpress Inc.",

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