Certification Testing
Certificate verification on the Internet Computer is the process of verifying that a canister's response to a query call has gone through consensus with other replicas hosting the same canister.
This package provides a set of utilities to create these certificates for the purpose of testing in any Javascript client with wasm
support that may need to verify them.
First, a hash tree must be created containing the data that needs to be certified. This can be done using the @dfinity/agent library. The root hash of this tree is then used to create the certificate.
The @dfinity/certificate-verification library can then be used to decode the certificate and verify it.
import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest';
import { HashTree, reconstruct, Cbor } from '@dfinity/agent';
import { CertificateBuilder } from '@dfinity/certification-testing';
import { verifyCertification } from '@dfinity/certificate-verification';
import { Principal } from '@dfinity/principal';
import { createHash } from 'node:crypto';
const userId = '1234';
const username = 'testuser';
const usernameHash = new Uint8Array(
const hashTree: HashTree = [
new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(userId)),
[3, usernameHash],
const rootHash = await reconstruct(hashTree);
const cborEncodedTree = Cbor.encode(hashTree);
const canisterId = Principal.fromUint8Array(
new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]),
const time = BigInt(Date.now());
const MAX_CERT_TIME_OFFSET_MS = 300_000;
let certificate = new CertificateBuilder(
new Uint8Array(rootHash),
const decodedHashTree = await verifyCertification({
encodedCertificate: certificate.cborEncodedCertificate,
encodedTree: cborEncodedTree,
maxCertificateTimeOffsetMs: MAX_CERT_TIME_OFFSET_MS,
rootKey: certificate.rootKey,