5.0.0-alpha.11 (2020-04-29)
Bug Fixes
- core: no top margin if no label for field (a2d0bad)
Code Refactoring
- core: move fields to widgets (3b763fa)
- core: reimplement Field (fbdafb8)
- move to more explicit final-form api (a76da00)
- core: Relocate all *Field components to @dhis2/ui-widgets.
They can be accessed from
using named exports.
- core: Field has been reimplemented to compose a field
control, it now adds the Label, Help, Validation components instead of
being a simple div wrapper, which allows us to avoid the code
duplication in each *Field component.
- core: ToggleGroup has been removed. Use a FieldSet for
grouping form controls.
BREKING CHANGE: ToggleGroupField has been renamed to FieldSetField,
which adds the necessary Label, Help, and Validation components to an
entire group of components.
- Field now provides a composition to provide all
necessary things for a *Field component.
- RadioGroup has been deleted.
- CheckboxGroup has been deleted.
- CheckboxGroupControl has been deleted.
- RadioGroupControl has been deleted.