Dispatch JavaScript SDK
High- and low-level libraries for interacting with the Dispatch API.
$ npm install --save dispatch-node-sdk
Client SDK
The client SDK is meant for use on the browser. It assumes that there is only one active bearer token at a time - for server-level use, please use the raw Client
Create a new instance of the client with your client_id
and client_secret
import Dispatch from 'dispatch-node-sdk';
const dispatchClient = new Dispatch(clientID, clientSecret, 'https://api.dispatch.me');
Set the Bearer Token
You can manually set the API bearer token if it came from an external source:
client.setBearerToken(bearerToken, refreshToken);
Log in with username/password
client.loginEmailPassword(email, password).then(token => {
return client.identifyUser()
}).then(user => {
console.log('Current user is', user);
}).catch(err => console.error('Failed to log in:', err));
Log in with phone + verification code
client.requestVerificationCode('+15555555555').then(() => {
alert('Verification code will be sent to your phone!');
}).catch(err => alert('Error getting verification code'));
client.loginPhoneNumber('+15555555555', verificationCode).then(token => {
alert('Got bearer token: ' + token);
}).catch(err => alert('Error logging in!'));
Interacting with Data
By default, the SDK wraps each entity in a Model
class, (very similar to a Backbone model), which exposes methods like refresh
, set
, get
, and save
Get a list of models
For example, get a list of unscheduled jobs:
client.getCollection('/v1/jobs', {
status_eq: 'unscheduled'
}).then(jobs => {
jobs.forEach(job => console.log('Got job ID ' + job.get('id')));
}).catch(err => alert('Error loading jobs!'));
Updating a model
Once you have a model, you can modify it and save it:
model.set('status', 'scheduled');
model.save().then(() => {
}).catch(err => alert('Error saving job!'));
Retrieving a single model
Sometimes you may want to just get a single model instead of an entire collection. For example, to retrieve job #1:
client.getModel('/v1/jobs', 1)
.then(job => alert('Job 1 has status: ' + job.get('status')))
.catch(err => alert('Error loading job #1'));
Raw Client
Use the low-level raw client on the server-side for shared-key authentication:
import { RawClient, AUTH_MODE_HMAC } from 'dispatch-node-sdk';
const client = new RawClient({
hmacCredentials: {
userID: 10,
userType: 'user',
secret: '<secret key>',
host: 'https://api-sandbox.dispatch.me',
.then(jobs => console.log('Got %d jobs', jobs.length))
.catch(err => console.error(err));