Advanced tools
10.1.0 (2022-11-07) (Features and Bug Fixes)
- spacing and borders between layers and groups.@dlr-eoc/layer-control:
and LayerGroup.expanded
Issue #139](https://github.com/dlr-eoc/ukis-frontend-libraries/issues/139).@dlr-eoc/services-layers:
and LayerGroup
to allow configuration of an expanded user interface to show or hide some details at startup Issue #139.@dlr-eoc/services-map-state:
from last state when `setExtent Issue #148.@dlr-eoc/map-ol:
change on OpenLayers v6.15.0.time
from last state when `setExtent Issue #148.map
and crosshair
from the map div. If the map is used multiple times the ids are no longer unique and for styling classes are already there.setExtent
from MapStateService
after map init. Due to responsive map size it takes some time till the map has reached its full size and view.fit
can calculate the correct extent.Changelog
10.0.0 (2022-10-13) (Update to angular 14, Features and Bug Fixes)
from clr-main-container
, this is now set on content-container
e.g. in a route component @HostBinding('class') class = 'content-container floating';
to ^14.0.2
automatic migrations are made by ng update and forms use types now.generateResourceFromLayer
for this layer!!! - If you pass inputs.description to IDynamicComponent
it will try to take this).@dlr-eoc/core-ui:
<label for>
with <input id>
to prevent binding to the same element for duplicate IDs.layerentry-group
when creating a dynamic component from the group.layerentry
when creating a dynamic component from the layer.legendImg
, description
, action
, actions
or styles
as array to show a style switch).@dlr-eoc/services-map-state:
on state initialization Issue #133.@dlr-eoc/map-ol:
for vector tile style update.Params
and Source
for baselayers
angular 45263.tms
services where no tilejson is available. Then set the url of the sourceId in your style file to "url": ""
and add "tiles": []
. This skips the request to tilejson.Changelog
9.0.0 (2022-05-20) (Update dependencies and documentation)
to ^13.3.5
to ^8.0.7
. All modules which use @dlr-eoc/utils-maps
(which makse use of OffscreenCanvas) have to include offscreencanvas
in there tsconfig types array. We cannot set this once at the main tsconfig because the types array in tsconfig.spec already overrides the main config.Changelog
8.1.0 (2022-04-04) (Type for CustomLayer and bug fixes)
trigger margin.clr-vertical-nav.right
icon direction.Changelog
8.0.0 (2021-12-09) (services-ogc and angular update)
@dlr-eoc/owc-control: This package is removed. Use owcSvc.generateOwsContextFrom(id, currentLayers, currentExtent)
and downloadJson
from @dlr-eoc/utils-browser
and MapOlService.layers_on_pointermove(evt)
-> replace them by MapOlService.layersOnMapEvent(evt)
.MapOlService.layers_on_click_move(evt, layerFilter)
-> MapOlService.layersOnMapEvent(evt)
layer filtering is now done later.MapOlService.layer_on_click(evt, layer, color?)
-> MapOlService.layerOnEvent(evt, layer, color?)
.MapOlService.raster_on_click(evt, layer, color?)
-> MapOlService.rasterOnEvent(evt, layer, color?)
-> MapOlService.vectorOnEvent(evt)
and isRasterLayer()
can both be raster and vector for CustomLayertype
and TmsLayertype
which was forgotten to do at breaking version 6.0.0
to popupFunction
to asyncPopup
with getResourceFolder()
- and a private function to get folders which should be a LayerGroup
and getIconUrl()
- use IOwsResource
as layers.createTmsLayerFromOffering()
to private createVectorTileLayerFromOffering()
and private createTmsRasterLayerFromOffering()
from IEocOwsResourceProperties
because this is is already in IOwsResourceProperties.links.previews
and IEocOwsWmtsOffering
for them you can use the generall IEocOwsOffering
and check for the code WMS_Offering
or WMTS_Offering
is removed.IEocOwsResourceDimension
is changed.IEocOwsResourceProperties.dimensions?: IEocOwsResourceDimension[]
is changed. Before it was IEocOwsResourceProperties.dimensions?: IEocOwsResourceDimensions
is removed.OwcJsonService.getLayers()
returns now Observable<(Layer | LayerGroup)[]>
.IOwsContext.properties.creator?: IOwsCreator
corrected to schema IOwsContext.properties.generator?: IOwsGenerator;
.IOwsContext.properties.links: IOwsLinks[]
corrected to schema IOwsContext.properties.links.profiles
, IOwsCategory
and IOwsOperation
corrected to schema.convertOwcTimeToIsoTimeAndPeriodicity
. Has been replaced by getTimeDimensions
const TmsLayertype = 'tms'
and integrate this in TLayertype
to filter out layers in map.forEachLayerAtPixel
and map.forEachFeatureAtPixel
can now overwrite crossOrigin
property if used with a OpenLayers Layer.Layer.params.TILED == false
,VectorLayer.type = tms
for VetrorTile Layers with VectorLayer.options.style
as the OpenMapStyle obj and VectorLayer.options.styleSource
for the style SourceKey.VectorLayer.type = kml
(For WFS you can already pass the full url).Baselayers/<layerName>
. For legendImg
the image furthest down is used.getElevationDimension()
and IEocOWsResource
- getGroupResources(), getSingleResources(), getResourceMinMaxZoom()
and IEocOwsElevationDimension
and isIOwsVectorOperation()
, WMTS_Code
, WFS_Code
, TMS_Code
and XYZ_Code
(new dependency)OwcJsonService.createLayerFromDefaultOffering()
now also exports WFS-layers.GlobalProgressComponent
for Baselayers.IOwsContext
- getLayers()
did not work properly with WFS'es: only a substring of the GetFeature
-operation.href had been used. Now fixed.OwcJsonService.createVectorLayerFromOffering
did not work properly with GeoJson-layers: GeoJson data had been incorrectly stringified (and parsed again).OwcJsonService.getTimeDimensions
: period
only added to dimension if actually given in IEocOwsResourceDimension
: now respects STYLES
property either via offering.styles
or via GetMap
operation. All WMS-paras only set when actually present.olTileJSON
on olSource
(olImageSource | olTileImageSource | olTileSource) for all layers with Layer.popup
as default to anonymousmove
are rendered under existing Popups with event click
issue 94.move
to get added multiple times in some cases issue 94.Popup.options
are not applied when using PopupObjArray
issue 94.MapOlService.zoomInOut()
of layerentry.executeUrl
no longer contains url-parameters (conform with the JavaPS reference implementation)