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@@ -1,17 +0,41 @@

export declare class ToolKitError extends Error {
details?: string;
exitCode?: number;
import type { Logger } from 'winston';
import { Schema, SchemaOutput } from './schema';
export declare abstract class Task<O extends Schema = Record<string, never>> {
static description: string;
static plugin?: Plugin;
static id?: string;
static defaultOptions: Record<string, unknown>;
options: SchemaOutput<O>;
logger: Logger;
constructor(logger: Logger, options?: Partial<SchemaOutput<O>>);
abstract run(files?: string[]): Promise<void>;
export interface ConflictingTask {
task: string;
plugin: string;
export declare type TaskClass = typeof Task;
export declare abstract class Hook {
id?: string;
plugin?: Plugin;
logger: Logger;
static description?: string;
constructor(logger: Logger);
abstract check(): Promise<boolean>;
abstract install(): Promise<void>;
export interface HookTaskConflict {
hook: string;
conflictingTasks: ConflictingTask[];
export interface Plugin {
id: string;
root: string;
parent?: Plugin;
tasks?: TaskClass[];
hooks?: {
[id: string]: Hook;
export declare class ToolKitConflictError extends ToolKitError {
conflicts: HookTaskConflict[];
constructor(message: string, conflicts: HookTaskConflict[]);
export interface RawPlugin extends Omit<Plugin, 'parent' | 'hooks'> {
parent?: RawPlugin;
hooks?: {
[id: string]: {
new (logger: Logger): Hook;
export declare function instantiatePlugin(plugin: unknown, logger: Logger): Plugin;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ToolKitConflictError = exports.ToolKitError = void 0;
class ToolKitError extends Error {
exports.instantiatePlugin = exports.Hook = exports.Task = void 0;
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
const error_1 = require("@dotcom-tool-kit/error");
const lodash_isplainobject_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("lodash.isplainobject"));
const lodash_mapvalues_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("lodash.mapvalues"));
class Task {
constructor(logger, options = {}) {
const staticThis = this.constructor;
this.options = Object.assign({}, staticThis.defaultOptions, options);
this.logger = logger.child({ task: });
exports.ToolKitError = ToolKitError;
class ToolKitConflictError extends ToolKitError {
constructor(message, conflicts) {
this.conflicts = conflicts;
exports.Task = Task;
Task.defaultOptions = {};
class Hook {
constructor(logger) {
this.logger = logger.child({ hook: });
exports.ToolKitConflictError = ToolKitConflictError;
exports.Hook = Hook;
function instantiatePlugin(plugin, logger) {
const rawPlugin = plugin;
const parent = rawPlugin.parent && instantiatePlugin(rawPlugin.parent, logger);
if (rawPlugin.tasks &&
!(Array.isArray(rawPlugin.tasks) && rawPlugin.tasks.every((task) => task.prototype instanceof Task))) {
throw new error_1.ToolKitError('tasks are not valid');
if (rawPlugin.hooks &&
!((0, lodash_isplainobject_1.default)(rawPlugin.hooks) &&
Object.values(rawPlugin.hooks).every((hook) => hook.prototype instanceof Hook))) {
throw new error_1.ToolKitError('hooks are not valid');
const hooks = (0, lodash_mapvalues_1.default)(rawPlugin.hooks, (Hook) => {
return new Hook(logger);
return { ...rawPlugin, parent, hooks };
exports.instantiatePlugin = instantiatePlugin;

@@ -0,4 +1,7 @@

import type prompts from 'prompts';
import type { Logger } from 'winston';
export declare type ScalarSchemaType = 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | `|${string},${string}` | 'unknown';
export declare type SchemaType = ScalarSchemaType | `array.${ScalarSchemaType}` | `record.${ScalarSchemaType}`;
export declare type ModifiedSchemaType = SchemaType | `${SchemaType}?`;
export declare type SchemaPromptGenerator<T> = (logger: Logger, prompt: typeof prompts, onCancel: () => void) => Promise<T>;
export declare type ModifiedSchemaType = SchemaType | `${SchemaType}?` | SchemaPromptGenerator<unknown>;
export declare type Schema = {

@@ -12,4 +15,32 @@ readonly [option: string]: ModifiedSchemaType;

-readonly [option in keyof T as T[option] extends `${string}?` ? option : never]?: T[option] extends `${infer S}?` ? S extends SchemaType ? SchemaTypeOutput<S> : never : never;
} & {
-readonly [option in keyof T as T[option] extends SchemaPromptGenerator<unknown> ? option : never]: T[option] extends SchemaPromptGenerator<infer R> ? R : never;
import type { ESLintOptions } from './schema/eslint';
import type { HerokuOptions } from './schema/heroku';
import type { MochaOptions } from './schema/mocha';
import type { SmokeTestOptions } from './schema/n-test';
import type { UploadAssetsToS3Options } from './schema/upload-assets-to-s3';
import type { VaultOptions } from './schema/vault';
import type { WebpackOptions } from './schema/webpack';
import type { NodeOptions } from './schema/node';
import type { NextRouterOptions } from './schema/next-router';
import type { PrettierOptions } from './schema/prettier';
import type { LintStagedNpmOptions } from './schema/lint-staged-npm';
import type { BabelOptions } from './schema/babel';
export declare type Options = {
'@dotcom-tool-kit/eslint'?: ESLintOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/heroku'?: HerokuOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/mocha'?: MochaOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/n-test'?: SmokeTestOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/upload-assets-to-s3'?: UploadAssetsToS3Options;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/vault'?: VaultOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/webpack'?: WebpackOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/node'?: NodeOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/next-router'?: NextRouterOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/prettier'?: PrettierOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/lint-staged-npm'?: LintStagedNpmOptions;
'@dotcom-tool-kit/babel'?: BabelOptions;
export {};

@@ -1,15 +0,21 @@

import { SchemaOutput } from '../schema';
import { SchemaOutput, SchemaPromptGenerator } from '../schema';
export interface HerokuScaling {
[app: string]: {
[processType: string]: {
size: string;
quantity: number;
export declare const HerokuSchema: {
readonly pipeline: "string?";
readonly vaultTeam: "string?";
readonly vaultApp: "string?";
readonly systemCode: "string?";
readonly pipeline: "string";
readonly systemCode: "string";
readonly scaling: SchemaPromptGenerator<HerokuScaling>;
export declare type HerokuOptions = SchemaOutput<typeof HerokuSchema>;
export declare const Schema: {
readonly pipeline: "string?";
readonly vaultTeam: "string?";
readonly vaultApp: "string?";
readonly systemCode: "string?";
readonly pipeline: "string";
readonly systemCode: "string";
readonly scaling: SchemaPromptGenerator<HerokuScaling>;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Schema = exports.HerokuSchema = void 0;
const scaling = async (logger, prompt, onCancel) => {
logger.error('You must configure the scaling for each of the Heroku apps in your pipeline.');
const scaling = {};
let allAppsConfigured = false;
while (!allAppsConfigured) {
const { app } = await prompt({
name: 'app',
type: 'text',
message: 'Enter the name of the Heroku app to configure'
}, { onCancel });
const { processType, size, quantity, moreApps } = await prompt([
name: 'processType',
type: 'text',
initial: 'web',
message: `What is the process type of ${app}?`
{ name: 'size', type: 'text', initial: 'standard-1X', message: `What should the size of ${app} be?` },
{ name: 'quantity', type: 'number', message: `What should the dyno size of ${app} be?` },
{ name: 'moreApps', type: 'confirm', message: 'Are there more Heroku apps in this pipeline?' }
], { onCancel });
scaling[app] = { [processType]: { size, quantity } };
allAppsConfigured = !moreApps;
return scaling;
exports.HerokuSchema = {
pipeline: 'string?',
vaultTeam: 'string?',
vaultApp: 'string?',
systemCode: 'string?'
pipeline: 'string',
systemCode: 'string',
exports.Schema = exports.HerokuSchema;
"name": "@dotcom-tool-kit/types",
"version": "1.0.1",
"version": "1.0.2-beta.1",
"description": "",

@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ "main": "lib",

"url": "",
"directory": "packages/types"
"directory": "lib/types"
"bugs": "",
"homepage": "",
"homepage": "",
"files": [

@@ -25,3 +25,15 @@ "/lib"

"extends": "../../package.json"
"dependencies": {
"@dotcom-tool-kit/error": "^1.0.2-beta.1",
"lodash.isplainobject": "^4.0.6",
"lodash.mapvalues": "^4.6.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@jest/globals": "^27.4.6",
"@types/lodash.isplainobject": "^4.0.6",
"@types/lodash.mapvalues": "^4.6.6",
"@types/prompts": "^2.0.14",
"winston": "^3.5.1"

@@ -86,5 +86,5 @@ # Tool Kit Option Schemas

You should also follow the convention of storing your schema at `<tool kit root>/packages/types/schema/<package name>.ts`, and export it from the module as
You should also follow the convention of storing your schema at `<tool kit root>/lib/types/schema/<package name>.ts`, and export it from the module as
`Schema`. This allows the `create` package to dynamically read the schema and
prompt the user for options to set when they are initialising Tool Kit and its

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