A CLI tool to load command line and .env environment variables with monorepo support.
- ✅ Loading environment variables from the command line
API_BASE=/v1/ dotenv-run -- npm start
- ✅ Load environment variables from
files - ✅ Expand environment variables
- ✅ Define environment variables for a specific (e.g.
) - ✅ Load priorities of
files (e.g. .env.production
> .env
) - ✅ Supports hierarchical cascading configuration in monorepo projects (Nx, Turbo, etc.)
> apps/.env
> .env
- ✅ Supports all platforms and languages (Node.js, Python...)
dotenv-run -- python main.py
Quick Start
npm add -D @dotenv-run/cli
❯ npx dotenv-run
Usage: dotenv-run [options] -- <command>
-v, --verbose [regexp] display debug information
-u, --unsecure display environment variables values
-e, --env [environment] environment to load (default: NODE_ENV)
-r, --root root directory to search for .env files
-f, --file [.env,.secrets] .env files to load (default: .env)
-h, --help output usage information
dotenv-run -d
dotenv-run -- npm start
dotenv-run -r ../.. -f .env,.secrets -- npm start
dotenv-run -f ../.env,../.env.api -- npm start
In addition to loading environment variables, @dotenv-run/cli supports monorepo projects with multiple applications.
In a monorepo configuration, .env.*
files can be defined in the root workspace and overriden by each application.
Root workspace
will search and load .env.*
files located in the root workspace down to the current working directory.
If no root workspace is found, dotenv-run
will load environment files within the current working directory.
You can specify a root workspace with the -r
Given the following files:
├── apps
│ ├── frontend1
│ │ ├── .env.local
│ │ └── vite.config.js
│ └── frontend2
│ ├── package.json
│ └── webapp.config.mjs
├── .env.dev
├── .env.prod
├── .env
├── nx.json
└── package.json
$> cd /platform
$> dotenv-run -e prod -- bash -c 'echo "✨ $API_USERS"'
✔ /platform/.env.prod
✔ /platform/.env
✨ https://dotenv-run.app/api/v1/users
$> cd /platform/apps/frontend1
$> dotenv-run -e dev -- bash -c 'printf "✨ API_USERS $API_USERS\n✨ API_AUTH $API_AUTH"'
✔ /platform/apps/frontend1/.env.local
✔ /platform/.env.dev
✔ /platform/.env
✨ API_USERS http://localhost:3001/users
✨ API_AUTH https://dotenv-run.dev/api/v1/auth
$> cd /platform/apps/frontend2
$> API_BASE=$CI_CONTAINER_API dotenv-run -- bash -c 'echo "✨ $API_USERS"'
✔ /platform/.env
✨ https://XAE221D1DE-ci-provider.cloud/api/v1/users
-r option
$> cd /platform/apps/frontend1
$> dotenv-run -r . -- bash -c 'echo "✨ $API_USERS"'
✔ /platform/apps/frontend1/.env.local
✨ http://localhost:3001/users
Paths to the root workspace can be relative or absolute, the following are all valid :
-r ../..
-r ../...env
-r /platform
-r /platform/.env
Loading Priorities
uses dotenv to support loading environment variables from .env
loads .env
files with these specific names for the following -e ENV
value, files on the top have less priority than files on the bottom.
An env file for a specific mode (e.g. .env.production) will take higher priority than a generic one (e.g. .env).
valid .env filenames | ENV=* | ENV=test |
.env | ✔️ | ✔️ |
.env.local | ✔️ | ✖️ |
.env.${ENV} | ✔️ | ✔️ |
.env.${ENV}.local | ✔️ | ✔️ |
In addition, environment variables that already exist when the CLI is executed have the highest priority and will not be overwritten by .env files. For example, when running SOME_KEY=123 dotenv-run
Expanding .env
You can expand variables already available on your machine for use in your .env
For example:
Or expand variables local to the current .env
Command Line
Defining environment variables can vary between OSes. It’s also important to know that this manner is temporary for the life of the shell session.
Windows (cmd.exe)
set "API_URL=abcdef" && dotenv-run -- npm start
(Note: Quotes around the variable assignment are required to avoid a trailing whitespace.)
Windows (Powershell)
($env:API_URL = "abcdef") -and (dotenv-run -- npm start)
Linux, macOS (Bash)
API_URL=abcdef dotenv-run -- npm start
In the browser
In order to consume environment variables in your webapps, you need to expose them to the browser. The bundler you use will need to support replacing the environment variables at build time.
React, Vue.js...
Use Vite
Use @ngx-env/builder
MIT © Chihab Otmani