This is a proof-of-concept implementation of the Hentai@Home client in NodeJS.
The functionality is currently limited to a bare minimum, just enough to be a part of and communicate with the network.
Make sure NodeJS and NPM are installed on your system.
Install the application globally via NPM by running the command:
sudo npm install -g @e-hentai/home
If the application is already installed, it can easily be updated via NPM by running the command:
sudo npm update -g @e-hentai/home
In order to join the Hentai@Home network, you need to be a registered user with credentials to operate a Hentai@Home client.
To start the application the user needs to provide valid client credentials (ID+KEY).
The credentials can be provided either via environment variables, or directly as command line arguments.
Starting with environment variables:
export HATH_ID=123
Starting with command line arguments:
hath --id=123 --key=ABC
This project is a proof-of-concept and therefore the source code is not public available.
However, the full source code can still be shared by requests from interested developers.