Release 3.15.0 (December 18, 2019)
- #6586 [BUGFIX] relationship setup for link fetch should batch (#6586)
- 1d6ce0e4 [BUGFIX] fix single-table poymorphic-type-switch
- #6449 [FIX DOCS] Docs updates for Packages to fix missing docs and broken links (#6449)
- 110712d5 [BUGFIX] only allow feature flag alterations in canary
- 22f7af03 [BUGFIX] only include version in ember-data output (#6528)
- db6967f3 [BUGFIX] Set IDs on Record Data when mutating DS Model (#6775) (#6780)
- 9492196d [BUGFIX] ensure MandatorySetter does not trigger for modelName (#6747)
- 4c6422ae [BUGFIX] Better fastboot crypto error message (#6698)
- 8942ee6f [BUGFIX adapter]: Fix problem with headers precedence #6588 (#6650)
- b8287383 [DOC] Close code block in the description
- e9d54628 [BUGFIX fetchOptions] fix fetchOptions to support POST body of all valid types (#6562)
- #6646 [CHORE] refactor: Remove runloop usage in destroy module of integration/store… (#6646)
- #6525 [CHORE] moving files into Debug package (#6525)
- #6549 [CHORE] Removing detect function (and dependence on model package) in @debug (#6549)
- #6568 [BUGFIX] Enable
in FastBoot (#6568)
- #6587 [BUGFIX] AdapterError reexport (#6587)
- #6610 [BUGFIX] modelFor should return a stable ShimModelClass (#6610)
- #6606 [FEAT links] ensures full links object support for relationships (#6606)
- #6626 [CHORE] adds infra for testing calls to Ember warn|deprecate|assert (#6626)
- #6676 [CHORE] Improve output and fail test for Asset size Check (#6676)
- #6767 [BUGFIX] fix detect usage for native class polymorphism (#6767)
- #6871 [BUGFIX] ensure handleResponse always called in rest adapter (#6871)
- ae0b9647 [BUGFIX] Octane: should not need to use get with (#6829)
- #6871 [FEAT identifiers] turn on IDENTIFIERS feature (#6366)