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@enact/core - npm Package Versions


published 1.0.0-beta.4 •



[1.0.0-beta.4] - 2017-03-10


  • core/kind support for contextTypes
  • core/utils function extractAriaProps() for redirecting ARIA props when the root node of a component isn't focusable
  • moonstone/VirtualList indexToFocus option to scrollTo method to focus on item with specified index
  • moonstone/IconButton and moonstone/Button color property to add a remote control key color to the button
  • moonstone/Scrollbar property disabled to disable both paging controls when it is true
  • moonstone/VirtualList parameter moreInfo to pass firstVisibleIndex and lastVisibleIndex when scroll events are firing
  • Accessibility support to UI components
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property onUMSMediaInfo to support the custom webOS “umsmediainfo” event
  • moonstone/Region component which encourages wrapping components for improved accessibility rather than only preceding the components with a moonstone/Divider
  • moonstone/Slider tooltip. It's enabled by default and comes with options like noTooltip, tooltipAsPercent, and tooltipSide. See the component docs for more details.
  • moonstone/Spinner properties blockClickOn and scrim to block click events behind spinner
  • ui/A11yDecorator to facilitate adding pre/post hints to components
  • ui/AnnounceDecorator to facilitate announcing actions for accessibility
  • webos/pmloglib logging method perfLog which calls PmLogInfoWithClock


  • core/handle to allow binding to components. This also introduces a breaking change in the return value of handle methods.
  • moonstone/VirtualGridImageItem styles to reduce redundant style code app side
  • moonstone/VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualGridList to add essential CSS for list items automatically
  • moonstone/VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualGridList to not add data-index to their item DOM elements directly, but to pass data-index as the parameter of their component prop like the key parameter of their component prop
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem and derivatives to defer focusing the contents until animation completes
  • moonstone/LabeledItem, moonstone/ExpandableItem, moonstone/ExpandableList to each support the node type in their label property. Best used with ui/Slottable.
  • spotlight.Spottable to prevent emulating mouse events for repeated key events


  • moonstone/VirtualList.GridListImageItem to have proper padding size according to the existence of caption/subcaption
  • moonstone/Scrollable to display scrollbars with proper size
  • moonstone/VirtualGridList to not be truncated
  • webos/LS2Request to return failure in isomorphic mode
published 1.0.0-beta.3 •



[1.0.0-beta.3] - 2017-02-21

NOTE - The change to support caching of iLib locales requires an update to the enact-dev tool. This change is not backwards compatible with 1.0.0-beta.2. Be sure to update both at the same time and reinstall/re-bootstrap the modules.


  • ui/Resizable Higher-order Component to facilitate notification of resized components
  • core/handle function forEventProp to test properties on an event
  • localStorage caching support for ilib resource files
  • Support for 5-way operation of moonstone/Slider and moonstone/VideoPlayer.MediaSlider
  • moonstone/Slider now supports children which are added to the Slider's knob, and follow it as it moves
  • moonstone/ExpandableInput properties iconAfter and iconBefore to display icons after and before the input, respectively
  • moonstone/Dialog property preserveCase, which affects title text


  • moonstone/Marquee to allow disabled marquees to animate
  • moonstone/Dialog to marquee title and titleBelow
  • moonstone/Marquee.MarqueeController config option startOnFocus to marqueeOnFocus. startOnFocus is deprecated and will be removed in a future update.
  • moonstone/Button, moonstone/IconButton, moonstone/Item to not forward onClick when disabled


  • moonstone/Scroller to recalculate when an expandable child opens
  • moonstone/Popup and moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator so that when the popup is closed, spotlight focus returns to the control that had focus prior to the popup opening
  • moonstone/Input to not get focus when disabled
  • spotlight.Spotlight behavior to follow container config rules when navigating between containers
  • spotlight.Spotlight behavior to not set focus on spottable components animating past the pointer when not in pointer-mode
  • spotlight.Spotlight 5-way behavior where selecting a spottable component may require multiple attempts before performing actions
  • spotlight.Spotlight to not unfocus elements on scroll
  • spotlightDisabled property support for spottable moonstone components
published 1.0.0-beta.2 •



[1.0.0-beta.2] - 2017-01-30


  • Support for a new handlers block for components created with core/kind to allow cached event handlers
  • core/handle handler forKey
  • core/keymap module to abstract keyboard key codes behind common names (e.g. 'up' and 'down')
  • moonstone/Panels.Panel property showChildren to support deferring rendering the panel body until animation completes
  • moonstone/MarqueeDecorator property invalidateProps that specifies which props cause the marquee distance to be invalidated
  • developer-mode warnings to several components to warn when values are out-of-range
  • moonstone/Divider property spacing which adjusts the amount of empty space above and below the Divider. 'normal', 'small', 'medium', 'large', and 'none' are available.
  • moonstone/Picker when joined the ability to be incremented and decremented by arrow keys
  • onSpotlightDisappear event property support for spottable moonstone components
  • spotlight.SpotlightContainerDecorator support for spotlightDisabled prop
  • spotlight.Spottable support for onSpotlightDown, onSpotlightLeft, onSpotlightRight, and onSpotlightUp properties
  • spotlight.Spotlight method getDirection to replace spotlightDirections
  • ui/ViewManager properties enteringDelay and enteringProp to aid deferred rendering of views
  • ui/resolution function scaleToRem for those times when you have a size in pixels that you want to convert directly to rem to support automatic dynamic resizing


  • moonstone/Panels.Panels and variations to defer rendering the children of contained Panel instances until animation completes
  • moonstone/ProgressBar properties progress and backgroundProgress to accept a number between 0 and 1
  • moonstone/Slider and moonstone/IncrementSlider property backgroundPercent to backgroundProgress which now accepts a number between 0 and 1
  • moonstone/Slider to not ignore value prop when it is the same as the previous value
  • moonstone/Picker component's buttons to reverse their operation such that 'up' selects the previous item and 'down' the next
  • moonstone/Picker and derivatives may now use numeric width, which represents the amount of characters to use for sizing. width={4} represents four characters, 2 for two characters, etc. width still accepts the size-name strings.
  • moonstone/Divider to now behave as a simple horizontal line when no text content is provided
  • moonstone/Scrollable to not display scrollbar controls by default
  • moonstone/DatePicker and moonstone/TimePicker to emit onChange event whenever the value is changed, not just when the component is closed


  • core/handle.withArgs helper function which is no longer needed with the addition of the handlers support in kind()
  • moonstone/ProgressBar properties min and max
  • spotlight spotlightDirections


  • moonstone/IncrementSlider so that the knob is spottable via pointer, and 5-way navigation between the knob and the increment/decrement buttons is functional
  • moonstone/Slider and moonstone/IncrementSlider to not fire onChange for value changes from props
published 1.0.0-beta.1 •



[1.0.0-beta.1] - 2016-12-30


  • core/factory which provides the means to support design-time customization of components
  • Moonstone/VideoPlayer and moonstone/TooltipDecorator components
  • moonstone/Panels.Panels property onBack to support ui/Cancelable
  • moonstone/VirtualFlexList Work-In-Progress component (with sample) to support variably sized rows or columns
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem properties autoClose and lockBottom
  • moonstone/ExpandableList properties noAutoClose and noLockBottom
  • moonstone/ContextualPopup property noAutoDismiss
  • moonstone/Dialog property scrimType
  • moonstone/Popup property spotlightRestrict
  • spotlight.Spotlight methods isPaused(), isSpottable(), getCurrent(), and isMuted()
  • spotlight.SpotlightContainerDecorator property spotlightMuted
  • spotlight.spotlightDirections export
  • ui/RadioDecorator and ui/RadioControllerDecorator to support radio group-style management of components
  • ui/Holdable Higher-order Component
  • ui/ViewManager events onAppear, onEnter, onLeave, onStay, onTransition, and onWillTransition
  • ui/FloatingLayer scrimType prop value none
  • ui/Pressable config option onMouseLeave


  • moonstone/Panels.Routable to require a navigate configuration property indicating the event callback for back or cancel actions
  • moonstone/MarqueeController focus/blur handling to start and stop synchronized moonstone/Marquee components
  • moonstone/ExpandableList property autoClose to closeOnSelect to disambiguate it from the added autoClose on 5-way up
  • moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator.ContextualPopupDecorator component's onCloseButtonClick property to onClose
  • moonstone/Spinner component's center and middle properties to a single centered property that applies both horizontal and vertical centering
  • moonstone/Popup.PopupBase component's onCloseButtonClicked property to onCloseButtonClick
  • moonstone/Item.ItemOverlay component's autoHide property to remove the 'no' option. The same effect can be achieved by omitting the property or passing null.
  • moonstone/VirtualGridList to be scrolled by page when navigating with a 5-way direction key
  • moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualGridList, and moonstone/Scrollable to no longer respond to mouse down/move/up events
  • all Expandables to include a state arrow UI element
  • moonstone/LabeledItem to support a titleIcon property which positions just after the title text
  • moonstone/Button to include moonstone/TooltipDecorator
  • moonstone/Expandable to support being managed, radio group-style, by a component wrapped with RadioControllerDecorator from ui/RadioDecorator
  • moonstone/Picker to animate moonstone/Marquee children when any part of the moonstone/Picker is focused
  • moonstone/VirtualList to mute its container instead of disabling it during scroll events
  • moonstone/VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualGridList, and moonstone/Scroller to continue scrolling when holding down the paging controls
  • moonstone/VirtualList to require a component prop and not have a default value
  • moonstone/Picker to continuously change when a button is held down by adding ui/Holdable.
  • ui/FloatingLayer property autoDismiss to handle both ESC key and click events


  • ui/Transition prop fit in favor of using className


  • i18n/I18nDecorator issue causing multiple requests for ilibmanifest.
  • moonstone/Popup and moonstone/ContextualPopup 5-way navigation behavior using spotlight.
  • Bug where a synchronized marquee whose content fit the available space would prevent restarting of the marquees
  • moonstone/Input to show an ellipsis on the correct side based on the text directionality of the value or placeholder content.
  • moonstone/VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualGridList to prevent unwanted scrolling when focused with the pointer
  • moonstone/Picker to remove fingernail when a the pointer is held down, but the pointer is moved off the joined picker.
  • moonstone/LabeledItem to include marquee on both title and label, and be synchronized
published 1.0.0-alpha.5 •



[1.0.0-alpha.5] - 2016-12-16


  • core/dispatcher to support pre-rendering
published 1.0.0-alpha.4 •



[1.0.0-alpha.4] - 2016-12-2

NOTE: The framework was updated to support React 15.4


  • moonstone/Popup, moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator, moonstone/Notification, moonstone/Dialog, moonstone/ExpandableInput, moonstone/Item.ItemOverlay, ui/FloatingLayer and ui/FloatingLayer.FloatingLayerDecorator components
  • moonstone/Popup, moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator, moonstone/Notification, moonstone/Dialog, moonstone/Item.ItemOverlay, moonstone/ExpandableInput and ui/Group samples
  • marqueeCentered prop to moonstone/MarqueeDecorator and moonstone/MarqueeText
  • placeholder prop to moonstone/Image
  • moonstone/MarqueeController component to synchronize multiple moonstone/Marquee components
  • Non-latin locale support to all existing Moonstone components
  • Language-specific font support
  • setPointerMode() and setActiveContainer() methods to @enact/spotlight export
  • fit, noAnimation props to ui/TransitionBase
  • onHide prop to ui/Transition


  • moonstone/Input component's iconStart and iconEnd properties to be iconBefore and iconAfter, respectively, for consistency with moonstone/Item.ItemOverlay naming
  • moonstone/Icon and moonstone/IconButton so the children property supports both font-based icons and images. This removes support for the src property.
  • the checked property to selected for consistency across the whole framework. This allows better interoperability when switching between various components. Affects the following: CheckboxItem, RadioItem, SelectableItem, Switch, SwitchItem, and ToggleItem. Additionally, these now use moonstone/Item.ItemOverlay to position and handle their Icons.
  • documentation to support our doc generation tool
  • moonstone/Slider and moonstone/IncrementSlider to be more performant. No changes were made to the public API.
  • moonstone/GridListImageItem so that a placeholder image displays while loading the image, and the caption and subcaption support marqueeing
  • moonstone/MoonstoneDecorator to add FloatingLayerDecorator


  • the src property from moonstone/Icon and moonstone/IconButton. Use the support for URLs in the children property as noted above.


  • Addressed many bugs and performance issues
published 1.0.0-alpha.3 •



[1.0.0-alpha.3] - 2016-11-8

Note: For those who are using eslint-config-enact for in-editor linting, there have been some important changes and reinstallation is necessary. Refer to for install instructions or reinstall via:

npm install -g eslint eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-babel babel-eslint enactjs/eslint-plugin-enact enactjs/eslint-config-enact

If you don't use in-editor linting or use a different linting configuration, you can safely ignore this notice.


  • core/dispatcher - an event dispatcher for global events (e.g. window and document events) that fire outside of the React tree
  • Support for detecting browser locale change events through languagechange event in i18n/I18nDecorator
  • moonstone/BodyText, moonstone/DatePicker, moonstone/DayPicker, moonstone/ExpandableItem, moonstone/Image, and moonstone/TimePicker components
  • fullBleed prop to moonstone/Panels/Header. When true, the header content is indented and the header lines are removed.
  • Application close button to moonstone/Panels. Fires onApplicationClose when clicked. Can be omitted with the noCloseButton prop.
  • Samples for moonstone/BodyText, moonstone/DatePicker, moonstone/DayPicker, moonstone/ExpandableItem, moonstone/Image, moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/TimePicker, moonstone/VirtualList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList
  • spotlightDefaultClass to @enact/spotlight export. Applying this class to an item in a container will cause it to be the default spotted item in that container.
  • Selection type support to ui/Group
  • Documentation on Flexbox and an Enyo to Enact component migration guide


  • data parameter passed to component prop of VirtualList.
  • moonstone/Expandable into a submodule of moonstone/ExpandableItem
  • ExpandableList to properly support selection
  • moonstone/Divider's children property to be optional
  • moonstone/ToggleItem's inline version to have a max-width of 240px
  • moonstone/Input to use <div> instead of <label> for wrapping components. No change to functionality, only markup.
  • Spotlight containers to spot the last focused element by default.
  • ui/Group prop select to childSelect and added prop select to support selection types


  • moonstone/ExpandableCheckboxItemGroup in favor of ExpandableList
  • decorated prop from @enact/spotlight/focusable as this relationship is managed implicitly by the component decorated by @enact/spotlight/focusable.


  • Spotlight stops at container boundaries when 5-way key held down
  • Several issues related to spotting controls in edge cases
published 1.0.0-alpha.2 •



[1.0.0-alpha.2] - 2016-10-21

This version includes a lot of refactoring from the previous release. Developers need to switch to the new enact-dev command-line tool.


  • New components and HOCs: moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualGridList, moonstone/Scrollable, moonstone/MarqueeText, moonstone/Spinner, moonstone/ExpandableCheckboxItemGroup, moonstone/MarqueeDecorator, ui/Cancelable, ui/Changeable, ui/Selectable
  • Support for enact-dev command-line tool.
  • fetch() polyfill to support pre-rendering
  • New options for ui/Toggleable HOC
  • Ability to adjust locale in Sampler
  • Marquee support to many components
  • Image support to moonstone/Icon and moonstone/IconButton
  • QA Sampler with test-specific samples (not to be used as examples of good coding style!)
  • Looser app-specific ESLint rules
  • webOS utility functions
  • dismissOnEnter prop for moonstone/Input
  • Many more unit tests


  • Sampler now uses port 8080
  • Removed ui/Pickable HOC
  • Some props for UI state were renamed to have default prefix where state was managed by the component. (e.g. defaultOpen)
  • Removed Babel polyfill to support future snapshot work. This may affect apps that relied on specific polyfills. Added the following specific polyfills: window.fetch (plus associated Fetch APIs), window.Promise, Math.sign, Object.assign, String.fromCodePoint, String.prototype.codePointAt
  • Computed properties in kind() no longer mutate props. In other words, changing the value of a prop in one computed property does not affect the value of that prop in another computed property.


  • Many components were fixed, polished, updated and documented
  • Inline docs updated to be more consistent and comprehensive
published 1.0.0-alpha.1 •



[1.0.0-alpha.1] - 2016-09-26

Initial release