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@enact/i18n - npm Package Versions



published 2.0.0-beta.2 •



[2.0.0-beta.2] - 2018-05-07


  • core/dispatcher.on to not add duplicate event handlers
  • moonstone/IconButton to allow theme-style customization, like it claimed was possible
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem and related expandables to deal with disabled items and the autoClose, lockBottom and noLockBottom props
  • moonstone/Slider not to fire onChange event when 5-ways out of boundary
  • moonstone/ToggleButton layout for RTL locales
  • moonstone/Item, moonstone/SlotItem, moonstone/ToggleItem to not apply duplicate className values
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/Scroller.Scroller scrollbar button's aria-label in RTL
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to scroll properly with all disabled items
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to not scroll on focus when jumping
  • spotlight/Spottable to not add a focused state when a component had already been set as disabled
  • ui/Marquee to always marquee when marqueeOn is set to 'render'
  • ui/Item to use its natural width rather than imposing a 100% width allowing inline Items to be the correct width
  • ui/Marquee.MarqueeDecorator to correctly reset animation when children updates
published 2.0.0-beta.1 •



[2.0.0-beta.1] - 2018-04-29


  • moonstone/IncrementSlider and moonstone/Slider props tooltipAsPercent, tooltipSide, and tooltipForceSide, to be replaced by moonstone/IncrementSlider.IncrementSliderTooltip and moonstone/Slider.SliderTooltip props percent, and side
  • moonstone/IncrementSlider props detachedKnob, onDecrement, onIncrement, and scrubbing
  • moonstone/ProgressBar props tooltipSide and tooltipForceSide, to be replaced by moonstone/ProgressBar.ProgressBarTooltip prop side
  • moonstone/Slider props detachedKnob, onDecrement, onIncrement, scrubbing, and onKnobMove
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property tooltipHideDelay
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer props backwardIcon, forwardIcon, initialJumpDelay, jumpBackwardIcon, jumpButtonsDisabled, jumpDelay, jumpForwardIcon, leftComponents, moreButtonCloseLabel, moreButtonColor, moreButtonDisabled, moreButtonLabel, no5WayJump, noJumpButtons, noRateButtons, pauseIcon, playIcon, rateButtonsDisabled, and rightComponents, replaced by corresponding props on moonstone/VideoPlayer.MediaControls
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer props onBackwardButtonClick, onForwardButtonClick, onJumpBackwardButtonClick, onJumpForwardButtonClick, and onPlayButtonClick, replaced by onRewind, onFastForward, onJumpBackward, onJumpForward, onPause, and onPlay, respectively
  • webos/VoiceReadout module and replaced with webos/speech.readAlert()


  • core/snapshot module with isWindowReady method to check the window state and onWindowReady method to queue window-dependent callbacks for snapshot builds
  • moonstone/DatePicker props dayAriaLabel, dayLabel, monthAriaLabel, monthLabel, yearAriaLabel and yearLabel to configure the label set on date pickers
  • moonstone/DayPicker and moonstone/DaySelector props dayNameLength, everyDayText, everyWeekdayText, and everyWeekendText
  • moonstone/ExpandablePicker props checkButtonAriaLabel, decrementAriaLabel, incrementAriaLabel, and pickerAriaLabel to configure the label set on each button and picker
  • moonstone/MediaOverlay component
  • moonstone/Picker props aria-label, decrementAriaLabel, and incrementAriaLabel to configure the label set on each button
  • moonstone/Popup property closeButtonAriaLabel to configure the label set on popup close button
  • moonstone/ProgressBar.ProgressBarTooltip props percent to format the value as a percent and visible to control display of the tooltip
  • moonstone/TimePicker props hourAriaLabel, hourLabel, meridiemAriaLabel, meridiemLabel, minuteAriaLabel, and minuteLabel to configure the label set on time pickers
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer.MediaControls component to support additional customization of the playback controls
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer props mediaControlsComponent, onRewind, onFastForward, onJumpBackward, onJumpForward, onPause, onPlay, and preloadSource
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList role="list"
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList prop wrap to support wrap-around spotlight navigation
  • moonstone/VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualGridList and moonstone/Scroller props scrollRightAriaLabel, scrollLeftAriaLabel, scrollDownAriaLabel, and scrollUpAriaLabel to configure the aria-label set on scroll buttons in the scrollbars
  • webos/speech module with readAlert() function and VoiceControlDecorator Higher-order Component


  • moonstone/IncrementSlider and moonstone/Slider prop tooltip to support either a boolean for the default tooltip or an element or component for a custom tooltip
  • moonstone/Input to prevent pointer actions on other component when the input has focus
  • moonstone/ProgressBar.ProgressBarTooltip prop side to support either locale-aware or locale-independent positioning
  • moonstone/ProgressBar.ProgressBarTooltip prop tooltip to support custom tooltip components
  • moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/Picker, and moonstone/IncrementSlider to retain focus on moonstone/IconButton when it becomes disabled
  • spotlight/Spottable to retain focus on a component when it becomes disabled while focused
  • ui/Cancelable callback onCancel to accept an event with a stopPropagation method to prevent upstream instances from handling the event instead of using the return value from the callback to prevent propagation. When a function is passed to onCancel, it will now receive an event and a props object instead of only the props object. When a string is passed to onCancel, it will now receive an event instead of no arguments. Also when a string is passed, the event will now propagate to upstream instances unless stopPropagation is called.
  • ui/Transition property duration to now also support a numeric value representing milliseconds or a string representing any valid CSS duration value


  • core/util.memoize to forward all args to memoized function
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem and related expandable components to expand smoothly when used in a scroller
  • moonstone/GridListImageItem to show proper placeholder and selectionOverlay
  • moonstone/MoonstoneDecorator to optimize localized font loading performance
  • moonstone/Scroller and moonstone/VirtualList navigation via 5-way from paging controls
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to render bottom controls at idle after mounting
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to give initial focus
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to have the default value for dataSize, pageScroll, and spacing props
  • ui/Layout.Cell to no longer overflow when both size and shrink are set together
  • ui/Layout to correctly support two align values, allowing horizontal and vertical in one property. Previously, the transverse alignment was ignored, only allowing perpendicular alignment.
  • ui/VirtualList.VirtualList and ui/VirtualList.VirtualGridList showing blank when direction prop changed after scroll position changed
  • ui/VirtualList.VirtualList and ui/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to support RTL by dynamic language changes
published 2.0.0-alpha.8 •



[2.0.0-alpha.8] - 2018-04-17


  • core/ to invoke a named method on a bound handler
  • moonstone/Panels property closeButtonAriaLabel to configure the label set on application close button
  • background global knob to help visualize components over various background images
  • ui/Placeholder.PlaceholderControllerDecorator config property thresholdFactor


  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to set its ARIA role to "list"
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property title to accept node type
  • ui/Transition property children to not be required
  • ui/Transition to fire onShow and onHide even when there are no children


  • moonstone/TimePicker to show meridiem correctly in all locales
  • moonstone/Scrollable scroll buttons to read out out audio guidance when button pressed down
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem to show label properly when open and disabled
  • moonstone/Notification to position properly in RTL locales
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to show controls when pressing 5-way select
  • ui/ViewManager to not initially pass the wrong value for enteringProp when a view initiates a transition into the viewport
published 2.0.0-alpha.7 •



[2.0.0-alpha.7] - 2018-04-03


  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList property data
  • ui/VirtualList.VirtualList and ui/VirtualList.VirtualGridList prop data


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property noSpinner to allow apps to show/hide spinner while loading video
  • webos/LS2Request send() parameters onTimeout and timeout
  • webos/LS2Request send() default onFailure and onTimeout handlers


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to disable play/pause button when media controls are disabled
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property moreButtonColor to allow setting underline colors for more button
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList prop isItemDisabled, which accepts a function that checks if the item at the supplied index is disabled
  • moonstone/Panels.Header support for headerInput so the Header can be used as an Input. See documentation for usage examples.
  • moonstone/ProgressBar property tooltipSide to configure tooltip position relative to the progress bar
  • moonstone/ProgressBar colors (affecting moonstone/Slider as well) for light and dark theme to match the latest designs and make them more visible when drawn over arbitrary background colors


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to correctly adjust spaces when the number of components changes in leftComponents and rightComponents
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to read out audio guidance every time source changes
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to display custom thumbnail node
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to hide more icon when right components are removed
  • moonstone/Picker to correctly update pressed state when dragging off buttons
  • moonstone/Notification to display when it's opened
  • moonstone/VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualGridList to show Spotlight properly while navigating with page up and down keys
  • moonstone/Input to allow navigating via left or right to other components when the input is active and the selection is at start or end of the text, respectively
  • moonstone/Panels.ActivityPanels to correctly lay out the existing panel after adding additional panels
  • spotlight to partition and prioritize next spottable elements for more natural 5-way behavior
  • ui/Scroller horizontal scrolling in RTL locales
published 2.0.0-alpha.6 •



[2.0.0-alpha.6] - 2018-03-22


  • core/factory module, replaced by the css override feature
  • moonstone/Slider exports SliderFactory and SliderBaseFactory
  • moonstone/IncrementSlider exports IncrementSliderFactory and IncrementSliderBaseFactory
  • moonstone/ProgressBar, moonstone/Slider, moonstone/Slider.SliderTooltip, moonstone/IncrementSlider components' vertical property and replaced it with orientation
  • spotlight/SpotlightContainerDecorator prop containerId, to be replaced by spotlightId
  • ui/Transition property clipHeight
  • ui/ProgressBar property vertical and replaced it with orientation


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property component to handle custom video element
  • moonstone/IncrementSlider properties incrementAriaLabel and decrementAriaLabel to configure the label set on each button
  • moonstone/Input support for small prop
  • moonstone/ProgressBar support for tooltip and tooltipForceSide
  • moonstone/ProgressBar, moonstone/Slider, moonstone/Slider.SliderTooltip, moonstone/IncrementSlider property orientation to accept orientation strings like "vertical" and "horizontal" (replaced old vertical prop)
  • spotlight/Pause module which acts as a semaphore for spotlight pause state
  • spotlight/Spottable prop spotlightId to simplify focusing components
  • ui/Scrollable support for scrolling by touch
  • ui/ProgressBar property orientation to accept orientation strings like "vertical" and "horizontal"


  • moonstone/Input input height, vertical-align, and margins. Please verify your layouts to ensure everything lines up correctly; this change may require removal of old sizing and positioning CSS which is no longer necessary.
  • moonstone/FormCheckbox to have a small border around the circle, according to new GUI designs
  • moonstone/RadioItem dot size and added an inner-dot to selected-focused state, according to new GUI designs
  • moonstone/ContextualPopup prop popupContainerId to popupSpotlightId
  • moonstone/Popup prop containerId to spotlightId
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer prop containerId to spotlightId
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList prop component to be replaced by itemRenderer
  • spotlight/Spotlight.focus to support focusing by spotlightId
  • spotlight container attributes data-container-disabled and data-container-muted to be data-spotlight-container-disabled and data-spotlight-container-muted, respectively
  • ui/VirtualList.VirtualList and ui/VirtualList.VirtualGridList prop component to be replaced by itemRenderer


  • moonstone/ExpandableItem to be more performant when animating
  • moonstone/GridListImageItem to hide overlay checkmark icon on focus when unselected
  • moonstone/GridListImageItem to use ui/GridListImageItem
  • moonstone/VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualGridList and moonstone/Scroller components to use their base UI components
  • moonstone/VirtualList to show the selected state on hovered paging controls properly
  • moonstone/Slider to highlight knob when selected
  • moonstone/Slider to handle updates to its value prop correctly
  • moonstone/ToggleItem to accept HTML DOM node tag names as strings for its component property
  • moonstone/Popup to properly pause and resume spotlight when animating
  • ui/Transition animation for clip for "up", "left", and "right" directions. This includes a DOM addition to the Transition markup.
  • ui/ComponentOverride and ui/ToggleItem to accept HTML DOM node tag names as strings for its component property
published 2.0.0-alpha.5 •



[2.0.0-alpha.5] - 2018-03-07


  • core/util.childrenEquals which was no longer supported by React 16
  • moonstone/Marquee.MarqueeText, replaced by moonstone/Marquee.Marquee
  • moonstone/VirtualGridList.GridListImageItem, replaced by moonstone/GridListImageItem


  • core/util.memoize method to optimize the execution of expensive functions
  • ui/Touchable support for drag gesture
  • ui/Marquee component


  • moonstone/Marquee.Marquee to be moonstone/Marquee.MarqueeBase
  • moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator to not restore last-focused child


  • moonstone/Slider to correctly show localized percentage value in tooltip when tooltipAsPercent is true
  • moonstone/VirtualGridList to show or hide its scrollbars properly
  • moonstone/Button text to be properly centered
  • ui/ViewManager to suppress enteringProp for views that are rendered at mount
published 1.15.0 •



[1.15.0] - 2018-02-28


  • core/util/childrenEquals, to be removed in 2.0.0
  • moonstone/Marquee.Marquee, to be moved to moonstone/Marquee.MarqueeBase in 2.0.0
  • moonstone/Marquee.MarqueeText, to be moved to moonstone/Marquee.Marquee in 2.0.0


  • moonstone/GridListImageItem to display correctly
  • Internal method used by many components that sometimes prevented re-renders when they were needed
published 1.14.0 •



[1.14.0] - 2018-02-23


  • core/factory, to be removed in 2.0.0
  • moonstone/VirtualFlexList, to be replaced by ui/VirtualFlexList in 2.0.0
  • moonstone/VirtualGridList.GridListImageItem, to be replaced by moonstone/GridListImageItem in 2.0.0
  • moonstone/Button and moonstone/IconButton prop noAnimation, to be removed in 2.0.0
  • moonstone/Button.ButtonFactory, moonstone/Button.ButtonBaseFactory, moonstone/IconButton.IconButtonFactory, moonstone/IconButton.IconButtonBaseFactory, moonstone/IncrementSlider.IncrementSliderFactory, moonstone/IncrementSlider.IncrementSliderBaseFactory, moonstone/Slider.SliderFactory, and moonstone/Slider.SliderBaseFactory, to be removed in 2.0.0
  • moonstone/Item.ItemOverlay, to be replaced by ui/SlotItem in 2.0.0
  • moonstone/Item.Overlay and moonstone/Item.OverlayDecorator, to be removed in 2.0.0
  • ui/Holdable and ui/Pressable, to be replaced by ui/Touchable in 2.0.0


  • moonstone/DaySelector component
  • moonstone/EditableIntegerPicker component
  • moonstone/GridListImageItem component
published 2.0.0-alpha.4 •



[2.0.0-alpha.4] - 2018-02-13


  • moonstone/Button and moonstone/IconButton prop noAnimation


  • ui/BodyText, ui/Image, ui/Item, ui/ProgressBar, ui/SlotItem, ui/Spinner, ui/ToggleIcon components as unstyled base components to support UI libraries


  • core/kind to always return a component rather than either a component or an SFC depending upon the configuration
  • moonstone/Marquee to do less-costly calculations during measurement and optimized the applied styles
  • moonstone/ExpandableList to require a unique key for each object type data
  • samples to be organized by library and removed background selector
  • ui/Repeater and ui/Group to require a unique key for each object type data
  • ui/Toggleable to use 'selected' as its default prop, rather than 'active', since 'selected' is by far the most common use case
  • ui/Touchable to use global gesture configuration with instance override rather than component-level configuration via HOC configs with instance override


  • moonstone/VirtualList to render properly with fiber reconciler
  • moonstone/VirtualList focus option in scrollTo api
  • moonstone/ExpandableSpotlightDecorator to not spot the title upon collapse when in pointerMode
  • moonstone/Spinner to not unpause Spotlight unless it was the one to pause it
  • moonstone/Marquee to stop when becoming disabled
  • spotlight/Spottable to not remove tabindex from unspottable components to allow blur events to propagate as expected when a component becomes disabled
published 2.0.0-alpha.3 •



[2.0.0-alpha.3] - 2018-01-18


  • ui/Button, ui/Icon, and ui/IconButton components to support reuse by themes
  • ui/Touchable support for flick gestures


  • moonstone/MoonstoneDecorator root node to fill the entire space available, which simplifies positioning and sizing for child elements (previously always measured 0 in height)
  • moonstone/VirtualList to prevent infinite function call when a size of contents is slightly longer than a client size without a scrollbar
  • moonstone/VirtualList to sync scroll position when clientSize changed
  • ui/resolution to measure the App's rendering area instead of the entire window, and now factors-in the height as well


  • moonstone/Scroller and moonstone/VirtualList option indexToFocus in scrollTo method which is deprecated from 1.2.0
  • moonstone/Scroller props horizontal and vertical which are deprecated from 1.3.0 and replaced with direction prop