The angular-core operates as an global and central library for the Angular 5 frontend development. Using this project you will be able to to the following things:
- easy import AngularCoreModule for including all services and components
- featured Angular DApp starting mechanisms
- IMPORTANT: use this functions for starting and stopping your nested Angular DApps to prevent memory leaks.
- dynamic routes builder for nested Angular DApps
- comfortable UI services
- Ionic alert service wrapper (smaller function calls + i18n)
- file handling and upload (HTML 5 + Ionic IOS + Ionic Android)
- modal ui handler
- picture capturing (HTML 5 + Ionic IOS + Ionic Android)
- qr-code scanning (HTML 5 + Ionic IOS + Ionic Android)
- Angular routing wrapper
- Ionic slides wrapper and helpers
- Ionic toast service wrapper (smaller function calls + i18n)
- translate (ngx-translate wrapper)
- comfortable BCC wrapper services
- address-book
- bcc
- bc
- bookmark
- core
- description
- mailbox
- onboarding
- queue handling
- value pushing & dispatcher loading
- queue-utilities (QueueId, ...)
- generalized Angular components
- blockie
- display blockie for an account id
- bootstrap-component
- global available Ionic bootstrap component
- contract-members
- generalized contract member managment
- dapp-loader
- load DApps within DApps using Angular components
- dapp-wrapper top-bar for DApps that enables
- back navigation
- url routing has as title (dynamic)
- mailbox alerts
- queue status
- dashboard-top-buttons
- dynamic buttons that will be embedded to the dapp-wrapper on large screens or to the bottom right on small screen
- dynamic-component
- creates an dynamic component with a specific template during runtime
- empty-dapp-display
- shows an generalized "Theirs no data." screen using DApp DBCP descriptions
- evan-loading
- evan-network loading icon
- file-select (under construction)
- file selector for HTML 5 &IOS & Anroid
- global-password
- global password component that is used within each Angular DApp
- will be registered in the root.ts in each featured DApp
- unlocks the current users profile
- big-picture
- shows an picture within a modal
- mail-dialog
- dialog that will be openend, before a mail is sent
- not-implemented
- qr-code-scanner
- scan qr-codes on HTML 5 & IOS & Anroid
- reload-route
- reloads the current route (only available using dapp-wrapper)
- split-pane
- create easy Dashboards
- generates an left panel using Ionic
- powerfull in combination with DApps that using dapp-wrapper
- take-snapshot
- takes an img using camera on HTML 5 & IOS & Android
- trust-dialog
- asks for permissions (used before inviting an agent)
- Angular animation helpers
- ngIf height growing
- ngIf opacity showing
- router transition management (easy to use) (eg.: route1 => route2 : swipe to the left / right / top / bottom)
- tab swiping animation
- Angular 5 Onetime binding directive
- I18N handling using ngx-translate
API Documentation and Tutorials
npm i
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"angular-core": [
*.ts file
import {
} from 'angular-core';