Create resources necessary to use EventScout.
This repository is part of EventScout.
pnpm add -D @event-scout/construct
or if using yarn
yarn add --dev @event-scout/construct
or if using npm
npm install --save-dev @event-scout/construct
Deploy the resources
The resources for EventScout are only available through a CDK construct for the moment.
Instantiate the CDK construct:
import { EventScout } from '@event-scout/construct';
import { CfnOutput } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { EventBus } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-events';
const { httpEndpoint } = new EventScout(this, 'EventScout', {
eventBus: EventBus.fromEventBusName(this, 'EventBus', eventBusName),
new CfnOutput(this, 'EventScoutEndpoint', {
value: httpEndpoint,
description: 'EventScout endpoint',
exportName: '<your export name>',
The export here will be useful to retrieve the EventScout endpoint for your tests.
⚠ Since the EventScout
construct provisions Lambda, it must be deployed with the CDK and is not compatible with @swarmion/serverless-cdk-plugin