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Malicious npm Package Targets Solana Developers and Hijacks Funds
A malicious npm package targets Solana developers, rerouting funds in 2% of transactions to a hardcoded address.
Advanced tools
Language detection with facebook fast-text model
In a search for the best option for predicting a language from text which didn't require a large machine learning model, it appeared that fast-text, created by FaceBook, was the best option (
npm i --save @smodin/fast-text-language-detection
Note: This will install the fast-text model by facebook which is about 150MB. You also need python installed, if you're running an alipine docker see how to easily do this here
;(async () => {
const LanguageDetection = require('@smodin/fast-text-language-detection')
const lid = new LanguageDetection()
console.log(await lid.predict('FastText-LID provides a great language identification'))
console.log(await lid.predict('FastText-LID bietet eine hervorragende Sprachidentifikation'))
console.log(await lid.predict('FastText-LID fornisce un ottimo linguaggio di identificazione'))
console.log(await lid.predict('FastText-LID fournit une excellente identification de la langue'))
console.log(await lid.predict('FastText-LID proporciona una gran identificación de idioma'))
console.log(await lid.predict('FastText-LID обеспечивает отличную идентификацию языка'))
console.log(await lid.predict('FastText-LID提供了很好的語言識別'))
The second argument is the number of returned responses, i.e.
lid.predict(text, 10)
will return an array of 10 results
[ { lang: 'en', prob: 0.6313226222991943, isReliableLanguage: true } ]
[ { lang: 'de', prob: 0.9137917160987854, isReliableLanguage: true } ]
[ { lang: 'it', prob: 0.974501371383667, isReliableLanguage: true } ]
[ { lang: 'fr', prob: 0.7358829379081726, isReliableLanguage: true } ]
[ { lang: 'es', prob: 0.9211937189102173, isReliableLanguage: true } ]
[ { lang: 'ru', prob: 0.9899846911430359, isReliableLanguage: true } ]
[ { lang: 'zh', prob: 0.8515647649765015, isReliableLanguage: true } ]
is true if there were 10 + test results and accuracy was 95% or more
const LanguageDetection = require('@smodin/fast-text-language-detection')
const lid = new LanguageDetection()
const languageIsoCodes = lid.languageIsoCodes // ['af', 'als', 'am', 'an', 'ar', ...]
FastText has been used and implemented in other computer languages.
Translated sentence data was obtained from Additional meta data can be found in benchmark-testing/results/RESULTS_with_metadata.csv
Testing the 550k sentences of 30 - 250 characters took less than 30 seconds (personal macbook Pro).
Language (101) | Symbol (alternates) | Count (558260) | Accuracy (30 - 250 chars) | Mislabels | False Positives |
English | en | 22428 | 1 | 120 | |
Greek | el | 12039 | 1 | 0 | |
Hebrew | he | 8616 | 1 | 0 | |
Japanese | ja | 2169 | 1 | 0 | |
Georgian | ka | 1973 | 1 | 0 | |
Bengali | bn | 1164 | 1 | 131 | |
Thai | th | 572 | 1 | 0 | |
Mandarin Chinese | zh | 568 | 1 | 0 | |
Malayalam | ml | 517 | 1 | 0 | |
Korean | ko | 482 | 1 | 7 | |
Burmese | my | 216 | 1 | 0 | |
Tamil | ta | 205 | 1 | 0 | |
Kannada | kn | 118 | 1 | 1 | |
Telugu | te | 102 | 1 | 0 | |
Punjabi (Eastern) | pa | 88 | 1 | 0 | |
Lao | lo | 70 | 1 | 0 | |
Gujarati | gu | 57 | 1 | 0 | |
Tibetan | bo | 20 | 1 | 0 | |
Divehi, Dhivehi, Maldivian | dv | 15 | 1 | 0 | |
Sinhala | si | 9 | 1 | 0 | |
Amharic | am | 3 | 1 | 0 | |
German | de | 22014 | 0.9998637230853094 | en | 64 |
Polish | pl | 17768 | 0.999718595227375 | en,eo,de,ro | 88 |
Russian | ru | 17329 | 0.9997114663281205 | bg,kk,uk,mk | 241 |
Hungarian | hu | 17942 | 0.9996655891204994 | tr,br,it,de,en | 43 |
Hindi | hi | 5362 | 0.999627004848937 | mr | 0 |
Vietnamese | vi | 13000 | 0.9996153846153846 | eo,hu,fr | 9 |
Turkish | tr | 19919 | 0.9995983734123199 | eo,en,it,fr,nds | 1092 |
Esperanto | eo | 17841 | 0.999551594641556 | it,es,pt,fr,ceb | 13 |
French | fr | 23076 | 0.999523314265904 | en,es,it,ru | 238 |
Marathi | mr | 10461 | 0.9995220342223496 | hi | 2 |
Uyghur | ug | 3692 | 0.9991874322860238 | ba,ru,hu | 0 |
Finnish | fi | 17406 | 0.9990807767436516 | it,et,en,hr,de | 37 |
Italian | it | 18326 | 0.9989632216522972 | es,de,fr,en,la | 2207 |
Spanish | es | 18227 | 0.998134635430954 | pt,it,io,ca,ia | 3476 |
Armenian | hy | 518 | 0.9980694980694981 | de | 0 |
Arabic | ar | 8761 | 0.9978312977970552 | arz,fa,es,mzn,en | 0 |
Ukrainian | uk | 14285 | 0.9963598179908996 | ru,sr | 133 |
Macedonian | mk | 14465 | 0.9959903214656066 | bg,sr,ru | 93 |
Dutch | nl | 19626 | 0.9934780393355752 | en,af,de,nds,fr | 382 |
Lithuanian | lt | 13835 | 0.9933501987712324 | fi,pl,eo,pt,sr | 20 |
Portuguese | pt | 20174 | 0.9933082184990581 | es,gl,it,en,fr | 1149 |
Khmer | km | 379 | 0.9920844327176781 | az,et | 0 |
Urdu | ur | 963 | 0.9906542056074766 | pnb,fa,ro,en | 9 |
Czech | cs | 10863 | 0.9898738838258307 | sk,pl,hu,sl,en | 1 |
Swedish | sv | 12188 | 0.9886773875943551 | no,da,en,fi,id | 174 |
Romanian | ro | 13560 | 0.9886430678466077 | es,fr,it,en,pt | 133 |
Bulgarian | bg | 11144 | 0.9869885139985642 | mk,ru,uk,sr | 2 |
Ossetian | os | 59 | 0.9830508474576272 | ru | 0 |
Icelandic | is | 6364 | 0.9803582652419862 | et,no,da,hu,cs | 4 |
Kazakh | kk | 2232 | 0.9802867383512545 | ru,tr,tt,uk,ky | 4 |
Tagalog | tl | 10351 | 0.9737223456670853 | ceb,en,id,es,war | 21 |
Tatar | tt | 8178 | 0.9680851063829787 | az,tr,ru,fi,kk | 13 |
Basque | eu | 2999 | 0.9676558852950984 | it,nl,id,en,io | 14 |
Tajik | tg | 30 | 0.9666666666666667 | ru | 0 |
Belarusian | be | 6253 | 0.9625779625779626 | uk,ru,pl,bg,sr | 0 |
Latvian | lv | 1243 | 0.9597747385358005 | lt,hr,sr,fi,eo | 4 |
Chuvash | cv | 460 | 0.9543478260869566 | ru,uk,ba,sr | 0 |
Breton | br | 2451 | 0.9543043655650755 | fr,nl,eu,de,pt | 0 |
Bashkir | ba | 120 | 0.95 | tt,av | 0 |
Indonesian | id | 9372 | 0.949637217242851 | ms,it,en,eo,tr | 16 |
Danish | da | 15299 | 0.948035819334597 | no,sv,de,en,nn | 2 |
Estonian | et | 1227 | 0.9356153219233904 | fi,en,hu,it,nl | 5 |
Latin | la | 11437 | 0.9206085511934948 | fr,it,en,es,pt | 292 |
Irish | ga | 867 | 0.9065743944636678 | en,gd,ca,kv,cs | 14 |
Scottish Gaelic | gd | 542 | 0.8966789667896679 | en,ga,de,fr,pam | 2 |
Welsh | cy | 619 | 0.8917609046849758 | es,en,la,kw,de | 8 |
Catalan | ca | 4725 | 0.8833862433862434 | es,pt,fr,it,ro | 0 |
Kyrgyz | ky | 66 | 0.8787878787878788 | ru,kk | 4 |
Cornish | kw | 426 | 0.8779342723004695 | en,cy,de,br,sq | 1 |
Assamese | as | 960 | 0.8635416666666667 | bn | 0 |
Volapük | vo | 806 | 0.8511166253101737 | id,de,fi,en,eo | 15 |
Serbian | sr | 13494 | 0.8489699125537276 | hr,sh,mk,bs,sl | 1050 |
Slovak | sk | 4370 | 0.8263157894736842 | cs,pl,sl,no,sr | 45 |
Maltese | mt | 52 | 0.8076923076923077 | es,cs,pt,sr,eo | 7 |
Norwegian Nynorsk | nn (no) | 657 | 0.7990867579908676 | da,sv,de,es,fi | 29 |
Afrikaans | af | 1632 | 0.7879901960784313 | nl,en,fr,de,nds | 0 |
Occitan | oc | 2861 | 0.7679133170220203 | ca,es,fr,pt,it | 27 |
Interlingua | ia | 18782 | 0.7500798636992866 | es,it,fr,la,pt | 82 |
Sanskrit | sa | 11 | 0.7272727272727273 | hi,ne | 0 |
Chechen | ce | 7 | 0.7142857142857143 | mn,ru | 0 |
Slovenian | sl | 372 | 0.6774193548387096 | sr,hr,bs,pl,eo | 62 |
Frisian | fy | 107 | 0.6635514018691588 | nl,en,de,af,fr | 8 |
Javanese | jv | 260 | 0.6461538461538462 | id,en,ms,ko,su | 5 |
Yoruba | yo | 5 | 0.6 | sk,rm | 1 |
Luxembourgish | lb | 217 | 0.5944700460829493 | de,nds,sv,fr,nl | 3 |
Galician | gl | 2618 | 0.5790679908326967 | pt,es,it,fr,ca | 8 |
Turkmen | tk | 3793 | 0.5710519377801213 | tr,uz,en,et,io | 0 |
Croatian | hr | 2222 | 0.5333033303330333 | sr,sh,bs,sl,pl | 45 |
Aragonese | an | 4 | 0.5 | es | 0 |
Ido | io | 2905 | 0.48055077452667816 | eo,es,it,pt,tr | 7 |
Interlingue | ie | 2007 | 0.4718485301444943 | es,it,fr,en,ia | 7 |
Limburgan, Limburger, Limburgish | li | 3 | 0.3333333333333333 | de | 1 |
Walloon | wa | 16 | 0.3125 | fr,pt,tl,oc,en | 1 |
Somali | so | 32 | 0.21875 | fi,eo,cy,en,az | 1 |
Corsican | co | 5 | 0.2 | it,fr | 0 |
Sundanese | su | 11 | 0.18181818181818182 | id,ms,es | 19 |
Haitian Creole | ht | 15 | 0.06666666666666667 | br,fr,su,diq,no | 3 |
Romansh | rm | 16 | 0.0625 | it,fr,en,tl,qu | 3 |
Bosnian | bs | 139 | 0.03597122302158273 | sr,hr,sh,pl,sl | 0 |
Manx | gv | 6 | 0 | cy,fr,nl,et,en | 0 |
As a test of accuracy on shorter phrases, the min and max character count was changed to 10 - 40, and similar results can be seen for major languages, but less known languages suffer significantly:
Language (102) | Symbol (alternates) | Count (837539) | Accuracy (10 - 40 chars) | Mislabels |
Thai | th | 3399 | 1 | |
Malayalam | ml | 525 | 1 | |
Burmese | my | 243 | 1 | |
Tamil | ta | 229 | 1 | |
Telugu | te | 220 | 1 | |
Punjabi (Eastern) | pa | 156 | 1 | |
Amharic | am | 154 | 1 | |
Kannada | kn | 126 | 1 | |
Gujarati | gu | 116 | 1 | |
Sinhala | si | 37 | 1 | |
Tibetan | bo | 29 | 1 | |
Divehi, Dhivehi, Maldivian | dv | 15 | 1 | |
Japanese | ja | 28060 | 0.9999643620812545 | zh |
Greek | el | 24980 | 0.9999599679743795 | en |
Hebrew | he | 26461 | 0.9999244170666264 | en,yi |
Korean | ko | 6128 | 0.9996736292428199 | tr,ja |
Armenian | hy | 1855 | 0.9994609164420485 | de |
Bengali | bn | 4132 | 0.9992739593417231 | bpy,as |
Marathi | mr | 25633 | 0.9989466703078064 | hi,gom,pt,new |
English | en | 17094 | 0.9986544986544986 | nl,it,hu,eo,es |
Mandarin Chinese | zh | 17801 | 0.9978652884669401 | wuu,yue,ja,sr,pt |
Turkish | tr | 18879 | 0.9978282748026909 | en,eo,az,es,it |
Russian | ru | 20855 | 0.9977942939343083 | uk,bg,mk,sr,be |
German | de | 17223 | 0.9974452766649248 | en,it,fr,es,sv |
Uyghur | ug | 6135 | 0.9973920130399349 | ar,ba,tt,ca,hu |
Vietnamese | vi | 13130 | 0.9971058644325971 | it,pms,eo,pt,fr |
Esperanto | eo | 21641 | 0.9966729818400258 | it,es,tr,pt,pl |
Georgian | ka | 4550 | 0.996043956043956 | xmf,en |
Hindi | hi | 11497 | 0.9958249978255197 | mr,dty,new,bh,ne |
Italian | it | 20449 | 0.995598806787618 | es,en,fr,eo,pt |
Arabic | ar | 25531 | 0.9955348399984333 | arz,fa,en,mzn,ps |
French | fr | 16040 | 0.9953865336658354 | en,it,ia,es,pt |
Hungarian | hu | 20843 | 0.9952502039053879 | en,pt,it,nl,eo |
Lao | lo | 183 | 0.994535519125683 | el |
Polish | pl | 21386 | 0.9940147760216964 | en,it,eo,de,cs |
Khmer | km | 1252 | 0.9920127795527156 | az,ru,sr,et |
Spanish | es | 20498 | 0.9895599570689824 | pt,it,fr,ca,en |
Finnish | fi | 20731 | 0.9849500747672567 | it,en,eo,et,nl |
Portuguese | pt | 18352 | 0.9833805579773321 | es,it,gl,fr,en |
Macedonian | mk | 23602 | 0.9830099144140327 | ru,bg,sr,uk |
Ukrainian | uk | 23251 | 0.982667412154316 | ru,mk,bg,be,sr |
Urdu | ur | 1583 | 0.9797852179406191 | pnb,fa,ug,en,ro |
Dutch | nl | 19349 | 0.9720915809602564 | en,de,nds,af,fr |
Lithuanian | lt | 24184 | 0.9597667879589812 | eo,fi,sr,pt,pl |
Czech | cs | 25189 | 0.951605859700663 | sk,pl,hu,en,sl |
Chuvash | cv | 1332 | 0.9481981981981982 | ru,uk,krc,ba,sr |
Tatar | tt | 8283 | 0.9471206084751902 | ru,tr,az,kk,ky |
Swedish | sv | 24466 | 0.9464563067113545 | da,no,en,de,eo |
Icelandic | is | 7745 | 0.9449967721110394 | da,et,cs,no,de |
Bulgarian | bg | 19328 | 0.9352235099337748 | mk,ru,uk,sr,tg |
Sanskrit | sa | 135 | 0.9259259259259259 | hi,ne,mr |
Kazakh | kk | 2373 | 0.9258322798145807 | uk,tt,tr,ru,ky |
Romanian | ro | 18367 | 0.9235041106332008 | it,es,en,fr,pt |
Tagalog | tl | 11133 | 0.9193389023623462 | ceb,en,it,id,es |
Ossetian | os | 205 | 0.9170731707317074 | ru,hy,sr,kv,mrj |
Indonesian | id | 9707 | 0.9138765839085197 | ms,en,it,eo,tr |
Danish | da | 22539 | 0.9081591907360576 | no,sv,de,en,fr |
Latin | la | 24699 | 0.8979310903275436 | it,fr,en,es,pt |
Basque | eu | 4570 | 0.8851203501094091 | it,id,hu,nl,eo |
Belarusian | be | 9005 | 0.8785119378123265 | ru,uk,bg,mk,pl |
Cornish | kw | 3757 | 0.8759648655842428 | en,de,cy,es,br |
Tajik | tg | 48 | 0.875 | ru,uk |
Latvian | lv | 2198 | 0.8735213830755232 | lt,es,sr,en,fr |
Breton | br | 5468 | 0.8579005120702268 | en,fr,pt,de,eu |
Irish | ga | 1977 | 0.840161861406171 | en,pt,es,ca,gd |
Bashkir | ba | 128 | 0.8359375 | tt,ru,sr,av,kk |
Sindhi | sd | 6 | 0.8333333333333334 | ur |
Serbian | sr | 23128 | 0.8054738844690419 | hr,mk,sh,ru,sl |
Estonian | et | 3077 | 0.8043548911277218 | fi,en,hu,tr,it |
Scottish Gaelic | gd | 753 | 0.7822045152722443 | en,ga,de,fr,pam |
Welsh | cy | 1167 | 0.7660668380462725 | en,es,kw,la,it |
Volapük | vo | 3941 | 0.7609743719868054 | id,en,eo,fi,de |
Kyrgyz | ky | 227 | 0.7533039647577092 | ru,kk,tt,mn,bg |
Catalan | ca | 5313 | 0.7504234895539243 | es,pt,it,fr,en |
Assamese | as | 2635 | 0.7127134724857686 | bn,bpy,en,tl,bh |
Yoruba | yo | 31 | 0.7096774193548387 | ga,pl,en,qu,ckb |
Occitan | oc | 4096 | 0.70751953125 | es,fr,ca,pt,it |
Interlingua | ia | 14949 | 0.7073382834972239 | it,es,fr,en,la |
Afrikaans | af | 3299 | 0.6808123673840558 | nl,en,de,fr,nds |
Norwegian Nynorsk | nn (no) | 1287 | 0.6798756798756799 | da,sv,de,es,hu |
Maltese | mt | 165 | 0.6727272727272727 | hu,en,es,it,pl |
Slovak | sk | 13877 | 0.6105786553289616 | cs,pl,sl,no,sr |
Chechen | ce | 25 | 0.6 | bg,sr,mn,ba,uk |
Interlingue | ie | 6538 | 0.5183542367696543 | es,it,en,fr,eo |
Ido | io | 6495 | 0.4857582755966128 | eo,es,it,pt,tr |
Slovenian | sl | 908 | 0.46255506607929514 | sr,hr,cs,pl,bs |
Javanese | jv | 548 | 0.45255474452554745 | id,en,ko,ms,hu |
Turkmen | tk | 4585 | 0.45169029443838604 | tr,en,uz,et,pl |
Croatian | hr | 4186 | 0.4362159579550884 | sr,sh,bs,sl,pl |
Galician | gl | 3245 | 0.4200308166409861 | pt,es,it,en,fr |
Luxembourgish | lb | 732 | 0.3975409836065574 | de,fr,en,nds,nl |
Frisian | fy | 282 | 0.36879432624113473 | nl,en,nds,de,fr |
Walloon | wa | 37 | 0.2972972972972973 | fr,en,no,it,gn |
Corsican | co | 13 | 0.23076923076923078 | it,min,ro,ilo,id |
Sundanese | su | 18 | 0.2222222222222222 | id,es,en,it,lmo |
Somali | so | 61 | 0.14754098360655737 | en,fi,et,cy,su |
Limburgan, Limburger, Limburgish | li | 34 | 0.14705882352941177 | de,nl,en,no,is |
Haitian Creole | ht | 58 | 0.1206896551724138 | en,fr,br,la,de |
Manx | gv | 30 | 0.06666666666666667 | en,it,pt,fr,kw |
Bosnian | bs | 520 | 0.04423076923076923 | sr,hr,sh,it,pl |
Aragonese | an | 73 | 0.0136986301369863 | es,pt,it,en,fr |
Romansh | rm | 11 | 0 | it,pt,fr,en,tl |
During testing, the highest incorrect probability was often near 1, which means it's not possible to use a high possibility to suggest a correct assessment
The lowest probability for a correct assessment varried widely. Although these were good predictors for some of the very accurate languages (99.9%), other languages were sometimes as low as a .09 probability. This means it's not possible to use a low probability as an accurate assessment of a false positive.
To improve expectations of an incorrect result, you can use the difference in probability of result 1 and 2. It appears that the verage probability difference between 1 and 2 is somewhat of an indicator of a potentially incorrect prediction.
Anything over 100 characters is strongly accurate, though there isn't enough sentences for test data to assure this for all the test languages. 55 out of 82 languages that had this data had a 99% or better accuracy, 63 had 90%+ accuracy, 72 had 75%+ accuracy. For 200+ characters, 42 of 47 languages had a perfect score, though most had less than 10 test cases.
Spanish tends to give the most false positives based on sheer quantity of percentage of false positives.
In attempting to add a second check with franc
for a smaller difference in probabilities between language 1 and 2 (i.e. less than 0.2), only the worst performing languages showed significant benefit. There doesn't seem to be a trend for any other languages. You can see this data on the
Most incorrect suggestions are due to non-text characters (i.e. punctuation) that should be filtered out to provide better results. Please submit an issue for incorrect suggestions so we can work on improving the accuracy.
Success benchmarking has been checked with other popular libraries (notably franc
and languagedetect
) and results are included in benchmark-testing/results/
Note: You need to have python installed to make this work in alpine-node
FROM mhart/alpine-node:14
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .gyp \
python \
make \
g++ \
&& npm ci --only=production \
&& apk del .gyp
COPY . ./
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
function by strategically choosing punctuation / non-text characters.This is an improved modification of
Created with <3 for
Language detection with facebook fast-text model
The npm package @genesys225/fast-text-language-detection receives a total of 0 weekly downloads. As such, @genesys225/fast-text-language-detection popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @genesys225/fast-text-language-detection demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
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A malicious npm package targets Solana developers, rerouting funds in 2% of transactions to a hardcoded address.
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Socket researchers have discovered malicious npm packages targeting crypto developers, stealing credentials and wallet data using spyware delivered through typosquats of popular cryptographic libraries.
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