chameleon web components
A library of white-label, highly-customizable and reusable web components
Getting Started
npm install
npm start
Running the tests
To run the unit tests for the custom elements, run:
npm test
Building for production
To build the design for production, run:
npm run build
Using this library
There are three strategies we recommend for using these web components.
Script tag
- Put a script tag similar to this
<script src='https://unpkg.com/@genexus/chameleon@0.0.1/dist/chameleon/chameleon.esm.js'></script>
in the head of your index.html
- Then you can use the web components anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
Node Modules
- Run
npm install @genexus/chameleon --save
- Put a script tag similar to this
<script src='node_modules/@genexus/chameleon/dist/chameleon/chameleon.esm.js'></script>
in the head of your index.html
- Then you can use the web components anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
In a Stencil project
- Run
npm install @genexus/chameleon --save
- Add an import to the library inside
: import "@genexus/chameleon";
- Then you can use the web components anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc