To use @gluestack-ui/provider
, all you need to do is install the
$ yarn add @gluestack-ui/provider
$ npm i @gluestack-ui/provider
Provider component that can be used to configure the library. It consists of StyledProvider, OverlayProvider and ToastProvider internally.
Default theme can be found in the gluestack-ui.config
file. For reference, you can view the source code.
import { createProvider } from '@gluestack-ui/provider';
import { config } from '../gluestack.config';
import { StyledProvider } from '@gluestack-style/react';
export const Provider = createProvider({
export default () => (
<Provider config={config.theme}>
<Text />
You can also create GluestackUIProvider component which can be used to wrap your entire application. This will make sure that all the components are wrapped with the provider with styling and other providers like OverlayProvider and ToastProvider.
import { StyledProvider } from '@gluestack-style/react';
import { OverlayProvider } from '@gluestack-ui/overlay';
import { ToastProvider } from '@gluestack-ui/toast';
const GluestackUIStyledProvider = createProvider({ StyledProvider });
const GluestackUIProvider = ({ children, ...props }: any) => {
return (
<GluestackUIStyledProvider {...props}>