GoodData Datasource management
GoodData Datasource management helps you to connect your cloud data to our platform.
Getting Started
yarn (also will work with npm, but we strongly recommend yarn)
With yarn installed, go to your project directory and run
$> yarn install --frozen-lockfile
Local development
If you are developing on a Mac or Linux machine, add gd-developer-portal.local to the end of the line starting withc in your /etc/hosts file (you may need administrator/root privileges for that). Here is an example of how the /etc/hosts file may look on a Mac:
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost gdc-datasource-management.local
Create .env file according to the example and set up the REACT_APP_CUSTOM_DOMAIN
variable to domain you are using for development. Make sure CORS are enabled on your dev domain for gdc-datasource-management.local
For development, you can use hot reloading by separately command
$> yarn dev-tiger
Access the app at https://gdc-datasource-management.local:3003/
Backend usage
The components in the package are supposed to be used as a plugin in another application. Therefore, they do not have
their own SDK backend instance. The backend is expected to be provided from the app that uses the components. See the
example in chapter below about how to do that.
When you make changes to the components, do not create new instances of the backend. Either use useBackend
hook to
get the backend
or tigerSpecificFunctions
instance or define service function or utility with parameter that can
be used to provide backend to the function.
Every backend call must be done via either backend
or tigerSpecificFunctions
instance from
. The direct usage of @gooddata/api-client-tiger
(such as calling sdk.axios
making AJAX calls directly in the app) is not allowed! Such calls do not handle various errors states that
application, or in this case pluggable components, must react.
How to use
Import the styles somewhere in your app.
@import '~@gooddata/data-source-management/build/styles/main';
Then, use a component called "CreateEditDataSource" to create a new data source or to edit an existing one.
The component must be wrapped in a context provider that provides component with SDK backend instances and
tiger specific functions object that is created when IAnalyticalBackend is initialized.
import { CreateEditDataSource, BackendProvider, ITigerSpecificFunctions } from "@gooddata/data-source-management";
const backend: IAnalyticalBackend = { ... };
const tigerSpecificFunctions: ITigerSpecificFunctions = { ... }
<BackendProvider backend={backend} tigerSpecificFunctions={tigerSpecificFunctions}>
(c) 2022 GoodData Corporation
This repository is under a BSD 3 license available in the LICENSE file.