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Synthetics SDK API
Note: This is an experimental package under active development. New releases may include breaking changes.
npm install --save @google-cloud/synthetics-sdk-api
Usage With Cloud Function V2
Google Cloud Monitoring Synthetics requires a Cloud Function v2 target, and as such, this guide explains how to set up a simple function that uses the @google-cloud/synthetics-sdk-api
$ npm init
$ npm install --save @google-cloud/synthetics-sdk-api
$ npm install --save @google-cloud/functions-framework
$ npm install --save node-fetch
Usage With runSyntheticHandler Middleware
This package provides an easy to use express compatible middleware for writing code that is invoked by Google Cloud Monitoring Synthetics. When a user written function is provided to it, a response is sent that may be consumed by Google's services. The following is an example index.js
file that can be used as the entrypoint for a cloud function.
const assert = require("node:assert");
const functions = require('@google-cloud/functions-framework');
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const GcmSynthetics = require('@google-cloud/synthetics-sdk-api');
functions.http('SyntheticFunction', GcmSynthetics.runSyntheticHandler(async () => {
const url = 'https://www.google.com/';
return await assert.doesNotReject(fetch(url));
Usage Without Framework
As long as a Google Cloud Function exposes an http endpoint that complies with the API spec as defined in the Synthetics SDK API package, the Cloud Function will work as a target for a Synthetic Monitor. As such, this package includes a proto definition that contains the api spec, as well as typescript types that are generated from that proto.
This is predominantly important if you want to run a programmatic workflow for which other SyntheticSDKs are not a good fit, or if you want to use another language for your Google Cloud function for which there is no direct support.
const functions = require('@google-cloud/functions-framework');
const { SyntheticResult, GenericResultV1 } = require('@google-cloud/synthetics-sdk-api');
Useful Links