What is @graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request?
@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request is a plugin for GraphQL Code Generator that generates TypeScript typings and a GraphQL client using `graphql-request`. It helps in creating strongly-typed GraphQL queries and mutations, making it easier to work with GraphQL APIs in a TypeScript environment.
What are @graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request's main functionalities?
Generate TypeScript Types
This configuration generates TypeScript types for your GraphQL schema and operations. It uses the `typescript`, `typescript-operations`, and `typescript-graphql-request` plugins to create a strongly-typed client.
"schema": "https://my-graphql-api.com/schema",
"documents": "src/**/*.graphql",
"generates": {
"src/generated/graphql.ts": {
"plugins": [
GraphQL Client Generation
This code demonstrates how to use the generated SDK to make a GraphQL request. The `getSdk` function creates a client instance that can be used to execute queries and mutations with full TypeScript support.
import { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
import { getSdk } from './generated/graphql';
const client = new GraphQLClient('https://my-graphql-api.com/graphql');
const sdk = getSdk(client);
async function fetchData() {
const data = await sdk.MyQuery();
Other packages similar to @graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request
Apollo Client is a comprehensive state management library for JavaScript that enables you to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL. Compared to `@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request`, Apollo Client offers more features like caching, local state management, and advanced error handling.
urql is a highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client for React. It provides a set of hooks and utilities to manage GraphQL queries and mutations. While `@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request` focuses on generating TypeScript types and a simple client, urql offers more flexibility and integration with React.
Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications with GraphQL. It emphasizes performance and scalability, offering advanced features like data normalization and efficient data fetching. Unlike `@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request`, Relay is more opinionated and requires a specific setup.