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/// <reference types="prop-types" />
/// <reference types="react" />
import { AuthOptions, Channel, Options, PresenceChannel } from 'pusher-js';
import Pusher, { Channel, Options, PresenceChannel } from 'pusher-js';
export interface PusherContextValues {
client?: any | undefined;
triggerEndpoint?: string;
client?: React.MutableRefObject<Pusher | undefined>;
triggerEndpoint?: string;
export interface PusherProviderProps extends Options {
clientKey: string;
cluster: string;
authEndpoint?: string;
auth?: AuthOptions;
triggerEndpoint?: string;
defer?: boolean;
children: React.ReactNode;
value?: any;
clientKey: string;
cluster: 'mt1' | 'us2' | 'us3' | 'eu' | 'ap1' | 'ap2' | 'ap3' | 'ap4';
triggerEndpoint?: string;
defer?: boolean;
value?: PusherContextValues;
export declare const __PusherContext: React.Context<PusherContextValues>;
* Provider for the pusher service in an app
* Provider that creates your pusher instance and provides it to child hooks throughout your app.
* Note, you can pass in value={{}} as a prop if you'd like to override the pusher client passed.
* This is handy when simulating pusher locally, or for testing.
* @param props Config for Pusher client
export declare function PusherProvider({ clientKey, cluster, triggerEndpoint, authEndpoint, auth, defer, ...props }: PusherProviderProps): JSX.Element;
export declare const PusherProvider: React.FC<PusherProviderProps>;
* Subscribe to channel
* Provides access to the pusher client instance.
* @returns a `MutableRefObject<Pusher|undefined>`. The instance is held by a `useRef()` hook.
* @example
* useChannel("my-channel")
* ```javscript
* const { client } = usePusher();
* client.current.subscribe('my-channel');
* ```
export declare function useChannel(channelName: string): any;
export declare function usePusher(): PusherContextValues;
export declare const NOT_IN_CONTEXT_WARNING =
'No Pusher context. Did you forget to wrap your app in a <PusherProvider />?';
* Subscribe to a channel
* @param channelName The name of the channel you want to subscribe to.
* @typeparam Type of channel you're subscribing to. Can be one of Channel or PresenceChannel.
* @returns Instance of the channel you just subscribed to.
* @example
* ```javascript
* const channel = useChannel("my-channel")
* channel.bind('some-event', () => {})
* ```
export declare function useChannel<T extends Channel & PresenceChannel>(
channelName: string
): T | undefined;
* Subscribe to presence channel events and get members back
* @param channelName name of presence channel. Should have presence- suffix.
* @param eventName name of event to bind to
* @param onEvent callback to fire when event is called
* @param dependencies dependencies array that onEvent uses
* @param options optional argument to skip events
* @param channelName name of presence the channel. Should have `presence-` suffix.
* @returns Object with `channel`, `members` and `myID` properties.
* @example
* const {members} = usePresenceChannel(
* "my-channel",
* "my-event",
* (message) => console.log(message),
* )
* ```javascript
* const { channel, members, myID } = usePresenceChannel("presence-my-channel");
* ```
export declare function usePresenceChannel(channelName: string): {
channel: PresenceChannel;
members: {};
myID: any;
export declare function usePresenceChannel(
channelName: string
): {
channel: PresenceChannel | undefined;
members: {};
myID: any;

@@ -59,84 +77,102 @@ /**

* @param callback Callback to call on a new event
* @param dependencies Dependencies the callback uses.
export declare function useEvent<D>(channel: Channel | PresenceChannel | undefined, eventName: string, callback: (data?: D) => void, dependencies?: unknown[] | undefined): void;
export declare function useEvent<D>(
channel: Channel | PresenceChannel | undefined,
eventName: string,
callback: (data?: D) => void,
dependencies?: unknown[] | undefined
): void;
* Trigger events hook
* @param channel the channel you'd like to trigger clientEvents on. Get this from [[useChannel]] or [[usePresenceChannel]].
* @typeparam TData shape of the data you're sending with the event.
* @returns A memoized trigger function that will perform client events on the channel.
* @example
* ```javascript
* const channel = useChannel('my-channel');
* const trigger = useClientTrigger(channel)
* const trigger = useTrigger('my-channel');
* trigger('my-event', {message: 'hello'});
* const handleClick = () => trigger('some-client-event', {});
* ```
export declare function useTrigger(channelName: string): (eventName: string, data?: any) => Promise<Response>;
export declare function useClientTrigger(channel: Channel | PresenceChannel): (eventName: string, data?: any) => void;
export declare function useClientTrigger<TData = {}>(
channel: Channel | PresenceChannel
): (eventName: string, data: TData) => void;
* Provides access to the pusher client
* Hook to provide a trigger function that calls the server defined in `PusherProviderProps.triggerEndpoint` using `fetch`.
* Any `auth?.headers` in the config object will be passed with the `fetch` call.
* @param channelName name of channel to call trigger on
* @typeparam TData shape of the data you're sending with the event
* @example
* const {client} = usePusher();
* client.current.subscribe('my-channel');
* ```typescript
* const trigger = useTrigger<{message: string}>('my-channel');
* trigger('my-event', {message: 'hello'});
* ```
export declare function usePusher(): PusherContextValues;
export declare const NOT_IN_CONTEXT_WARNING = "No Pusher context. Did you forget to wrap your app in a <PusherProvider />?";
export declare function useTrigger<TData = {}>(
channelName: string
): (eventName: string, data?: TData | undefined) => Promise<Response>;
export declare type CallbackSignature = (data: any, metadata?: any) => void;
export declare class PusherChannelMock {
/** Initialize PusherChannelMock with callbacks object. */
callbacks: {
[name: string]: Function[];
name: string;
constructor(name?: string);
* Bind callback to an event name.
* @param {String} name - name of the event.
* @param {Function} callback - callback to be called on event.
bind(name: string, callback: Function): void;
* Unbind callback from an event name.
* @param {String} name - name of the event.
* @param {Function} callback - callback to be called on event.
unbind(name: string, callback: Function): void;
* Emit event with data.
* @param {String} name - name of the event.
* @param {*} data - data you want to pass in to callback function that gets * called.
emit(name: string, data?: any, metadata?: any): void;
trigger(): void;
/** Initialize PusherChannelMock with callbacks object. */
callbacks: {
[name: string]: CallbackSignature[];
name: string;
constructor(name?: string);
* Bind callback to an event name.
* @param {String} name - name of the event.
* @param {Function} callback - callback to be called on event.
bind(name: string, callback: CallbackSignature): void;
* Unbind callback from an event name.
* @param {String} name - name of the event.
* @param {Function} callback - callback to be called on event.
unbind(name: string, callback: CallbackSignature): void;
* Emit event with data.
* @param {String} name - name of the event.
* @param {*} data - data you want to pass in to callback function that gets * called.
emit(name: string, data?: any, metadata?: any): void;
trigger(): void;
export declare class PusherPresenceChannelMock extends PusherChannelMock {
members: any;
myID: any;
constructor(name?: string);
members: any;
myID: any;
constructor(name?: string);
export declare class PusherMock {
key: string;
config: Options;
channels: {
[name: string]: PusherChannelMock;
/** Initialize PusherMock with empty channels object. */
constructor(key: string, config: Options);
* Get channel by its name.
* @param {String} name - name of the channel.
* @returns {PusherChannelMock} PusherChannelMock object that represents channel
channel(name: string): PusherChannelMock;
* Mock subscribing to a channel.
* @param {String} name - name of the channel.
* @returns {PusherChannelMock} PusherChannelMock object that represents channel
subscribe(name: string): PusherChannelMock;
* Unsubscribe from a mocked channel.
* @param {String} name - name of the channel.
unsubscribe(name: string): void;
disconnect(): void;
key: string;
config: Options;
channels: {
[name: string]: PusherChannelMock;
/** Initialize PusherMock with empty channels object. */
constructor(key: string, config: Options);
* Get channel by its name.
* @param {String} name - name of the channel.
* @returns {PusherChannelMock} PusherChannelMock object that represents channel
channel(name: string): PusherChannelMock;
* Mock subscribing to a channel.
* @param {String} name - name of the channel.
* @returns {PusherChannelMock} PusherChannelMock object that represents channel
subscribe(name: string): PusherChannelMock;
* Unsubscribe from a mocked channel.
* @param {String} name - name of the channel.
unsubscribe(name: string): void;
disconnect(): void;
export {};

@@ -146,15 +146,16 @@ import React, { useRef, useEffect, useContext, useState, useCallback } from 'react';

* Provider for the pusher service in an app
* Provider that creates your pusher instance and provides it to child hooks throughout your app.
* Note, you can pass in value={{}} as a prop if you'd like to override the pusher client passed.
* This is handy when simulating pusher locally, or for testing.
* @param props Config for Pusher client
function PusherProvider(_a) {
var PusherProvider = function PusherProvider(_a) {
var clientKey = _a.clientKey,
cluster = _a.cluster,
triggerEndpoint = _a.triggerEndpoint,
authEndpoint = _a.authEndpoint,
auth = _a.auth,
_b = _a.defer,
defer = _b === void 0 ? false : _b,
props = __rest(_a, ["clientKey", "cluster", "triggerEndpoint", "authEndpoint", "auth", "defer"]); // errors when required props are not passed.
children = _a.children,
props = __rest(_a, ["clientKey", "cluster", "triggerEndpoint", "defer", "children"]); // errors when required props are not passed.

@@ -165,34 +166,25 @@

var children = props.children,
additionalConfig = __rest(props, ["children"]);
var config = __assign({
cluster: cluster
}, additionalConfig);
}, props);
if (authEndpoint) config.authEndpoint = authEndpoint;
if (auth) config.auth = auth;
var pusherClientRef = useRef(); // track config for comparison
var previousConfig = useRef();
var previousConfig = useRef(props);
useEffect(function () {
previousConfig.current = config;
previousConfig.current = props;
useEffect(function () {
// if client exists and options are the same, skip.
if (dequal(previousConfig.current, config) && pusherClientRef.current !== undefined) {
// Skip creation of client if deferring, a value prop is passed, or config props are the same.
if (defer || props.value || dequal(previousConfig.current, props) && pusherClientRef.current !== undefined) {
} // optional defer parameter skips creating the class.
// handy if you want to wait for something async like
// a JWT before creating it.
} // create the client and assign it to the ref
if (!defer) {
pusherClientRef.current = new Pusher(clientKey, config);
pusherClientRef.current = new Pusher(clientKey, config); // cleanup
return function () {
return pusherClientRef.current && pusherClientRef.current.disconnect();
pusherClientRef.current && pusherClientRef.current.disconnect();
}, [clientKey, config, defer, pusherClientRef]);
}, [clientKey, props, defer, pusherClientRef]);
return React.createElement(PusherContext.Provider, _extends({

@@ -205,10 +197,13 @@ value: {

}, props));
* Provides access to the pusher client
* Provides access to the pusher client instance.
* @returns a `MutableRefObject<Pusher|undefined>`. The instance is held by a `useRef()` hook.
* @example
* const {client} = usePusher();
* ```javscript
* const { client } = usePusher();
* client.current.subscribe('my-channel');
* ```

@@ -226,6 +221,13 @@ function usePusher() {

* Subscribe to channel
* Subscribe to a channel
* @param channelName The name of the channel you want to subscribe to.
* @typeparam Type of channel you're subscribing to. Can be one of Channel or PresenceChannel.
* @returns Instance of the channel you just subscribed to.
* @example
* useChannel("my-channel")
* ```javascript
* const channel = useChannel("my-channel")
* channel.bind('some-event', () => {})
* ```

@@ -241,4 +243,4 @@ function useChannel(channelName) {

var channel = pusherClient.subscribe(channelName);
var pusherChannel = pusherClient.subscribe(channelName);
}, [channelName, pusherClient]);

@@ -251,18 +253,12 @@ return channel;

* @param channelName name of presence channel. Should have presence- suffix.
* @param eventName name of event to bind to
* @param onEvent callback to fire when event is called
* @param dependencies dependencies array that onEvent uses
* @param options optional argument to skip events
* @param channelName name of presence the channel. Should have `presence-` suffix.
* @returns Object with `channel`, `members` and `myID` properties.
* @example
* const {members} = usePresenceChannel(
* "my-channel",
* "my-event",
* (message) => console.log(message),
* )
* ```javascript
* const { channel, members, myID } = usePresenceChannel("presence-my-channel");
* ```
function usePresenceChannel(channelName) {
// errors for missing arguments
invariant_1(channelName, 'channelName required to subscribe to a channel');
invariant_1(channelName.includes('presence-'), "Presence channels should use prefix 'presence-' in their name. Use the useChannel hook instead.");

@@ -272,41 +268,30 @@ // Get regular channel functionality

var _b = useState(), myID = _b[0], setMyID = _b[1];
* Get members info on subscription success
var handleSubscriptionSuccess = useCallback(function (members) {
}, []);
* Add or update member in object.
* @note not using a new Map() here to match pusher-js library.
* @param member member being added
var handleAdd = useCallback(function (member) {
setMembers(function (previousMembers) {
var _a;
return (__assign(__assign({}, previousMembers), (_a = {}, _a[] =, _a)));
}, []);
* Remove member from the state object.
* @param member Member being removed
var handleRemove = useCallback(function (member) {
setMembers(function (previousMembers) {
var nextMembers = __assign({}, previousMembers);
delete nextMembers[];
return nextMembers;
}, []);
* Bind and unbind to membership events
// bind and unbind member events events on our channel
var channel = useChannel(channelName);
useEffect(function () {
if (channel) {
// Get membership info on successful subscription
var handleSubscriptionSuccess_1 = function (members) {
// add a member to the members object
var handleAdd_1 = function (member) {
setMembers(function (previousMembers) {
var _a;
return (__assign(__assign({}, previousMembers), (_a = {}, _a[] =, _a)));
// remove a member from the members object
var handleRemove_1 = function (member) {
setMembers(function (previousMembers) {
var nextMembers = __assign({}, previousMembers);
delete nextMembers[];
return nextMembers;
// bind to all member addition/removal events
channel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', handleSubscriptionSuccess);
channel.bind('pusher:member_added', handleAdd);
channel.bind('pusher:member_removed', handleRemove);
channel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', handleSubscriptionSuccess_1);
channel.bind('pusher:member_added', handleAdd_1);
channel.bind('pusher:member_removed', handleRemove_1);
// set any members that already existed on the channel

@@ -317,15 +302,14 @@ if (channel.members) {

// cleanup
return function () {
channel.unbind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', handleSubscriptionSuccess_1);
channel.unbind('pusher:member_added', handleAdd_1);
channel.unbind('pusher:member_removed', handleRemove_1);
// cleanup
return function () {
if (channel) {
channel.unbind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', handleSubscriptionSuccess);
channel.unbind('pusher:member_added', handleAdd);
channel.unbind('pusher:member_removed', handleRemove);
}, [channel, handleSubscriptionSuccess, handleAdd, handleRemove]);
var presenceChannel = channel;
// to make typescript happy.
return function () { };
}, [channel]);
return {
channel: presenceChannel,
channel: channel,
members: members,

@@ -341,3 +325,2 @@ myID: myID,

* @param callback Callback to call on a new event
* @param dependencies Dependencies the callback uses.

@@ -359,3 +342,4 @@ function useEvent(channel, eventName, callback, dependencies) {

channel.bind(eventName, callback);
channel.bind(eventName, callback);
return function () {

@@ -368,31 +352,56 @@ channel.unbind(eventName, callback);

* Trigger events hook
* @param channel the channel you'd like to trigger clientEvents on. Get this from [[useChannel]] or [[usePresenceChannel]].
* @typeparam TData shape of the data you're sending with the event.
* @returns A memoized trigger function that will perform client events on the channel.
* @example
* ```javascript
* const channel = useChannel('my-channel');
* const trigger = useClientTrigger(channel)
* const trigger = useTrigger('my-channel');
* const handleClick = () => trigger('some-client-event', {});
* ```
function useClientTrigger(channel) {
channel &&
invariant_1(|presence-)/gi), "Channel provided to useClientTrigger wasn't private or presence channel. Client events only work on these types of channels.");
// memoize trigger so it's not being created every render
var trigger = useCallback(function (eventName, data) {
invariant_1(eventName, 'Must pass event name to trigger a client event.');
channel && channel.trigger(eventName, data);
}, [channel]);
return trigger;
* Hook to provide a trigger function that calls the server defined in `PusherProviderProps.triggerEndpoint` using `fetch`.
* Any `auth?.headers` in the config object will be passed with the `fetch` call.
* @param channelName name of channel to call trigger on
* @typeparam TData shape of the data you're sending with the event
* @example
* ```typescript
* const trigger = useTrigger<{message: string}>('my-channel');
* trigger('my-event', {message: 'hello'});
* ```
function useTrigger(channelName) {
var _a = usePusher(), client = _a.client, triggerEndpoint = _a.triggerEndpoint;
// you can't use this if you haven't supplied a triggerEndpoint.
invariant_1(triggerEndpoint, 'No trigger endpoint specified to <PusherProvider />. Cannot trigger an event.');
// subscribe to the channel we'll be triggering to.
invariant_1(channelName, "No channel specified to trigger to.");
invariant_1(triggerEndpoint, "No trigger endpoint specified to <PusherProvider />. Cannot trigger an event.");
* Memoized trigger function
// memoized trigger function to return
var trigger = useCallback(function (eventName, data) {
var fetchOptions = {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({ channelName: channelName, eventName: eventName, data: data })
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ channelName: channelName, eventName: eventName, data: data }),
if (client.current && client.current.config.auth) {
if (client && client.current && client.current.config.auth) {
fetchOptions.headers = client.current.config.auth.headers;
else {
console.warn("No auth parameters supplied to <PusherProvider />. Your events will be unauthenticated.");
console.warn('No auth parameters supplied to <PusherProvider />. Your events will be unauthenticated.');
// forcing triggerEndpoint to exist for TS here
// because invariant will throw during dev
return fetch(triggerEndpoint, fetchOptions);

@@ -403,14 +412,2 @@ }, [client, triggerEndpoint, channelName]);

function useClientTrigger(channel) {
channel &&
invariant_1(|presence-)/gi), "Channel provided to useClientTrigger wasn't private or presence channel. Client events only work on these types of channels.");
// memoize trigger so it's not being created every render
var trigger = useCallback(function (eventName, data) {
if (data === void 0) { data = {}; }
invariant_1(eventName, 'Must pass event name to trigger a client event.');
channel && channel.trigger(eventName, data);
}, [channel]);
return trigger;
var PusherChannelMock = /** @class */ (function () {

@@ -417,0 +414,0 @@ function PusherChannelMock(name) {

@@ -1,11 +0,4 @@

'use strict';
import React, { useRef, useEffect, useContext, useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import Pusher from 'pusher-js';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
var React = require('react');
var React__default = _interopDefault(React);
var Pusher = _interopDefault(require('pusher-js'));
function _extends() {

@@ -150,18 +143,19 @@ _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {

var PusherContext = React__default.createContext({});
var PusherContext = React.createContext({});
var __PusherContext = PusherContext;
* Provider for the pusher service in an app
* Provider that creates your pusher instance and provides it to child hooks throughout your app.
* Note, you can pass in value={{}} as a prop if you'd like to override the pusher client passed.
* This is handy when simulating pusher locally, or for testing.
* @param props Config for Pusher client
function PusherProvider(_a) {
var PusherProvider = function PusherProvider(_a) {
var clientKey = _a.clientKey,
cluster = _a.cluster,
triggerEndpoint = _a.triggerEndpoint,
authEndpoint = _a.authEndpoint,
auth = _a.auth,
_b = _a.defer,
defer = _b === void 0 ? false : _b,
props = __rest(_a, ["clientKey", "cluster", "triggerEndpoint", "authEndpoint", "auth", "defer"]); // errors when required props are not passed.
children = _a.children,
props = __rest(_a, ["clientKey", "cluster", "triggerEndpoint", "defer", "children"]); // errors when required props are not passed.

@@ -172,35 +166,26 @@

var children = props.children,
additionalConfig = __rest(props, ["children"]);
var config = __assign({
cluster: cluster
}, additionalConfig);
}, props);
if (authEndpoint) config.authEndpoint = authEndpoint;
if (auth) config.auth = auth;
var pusherClientRef = React.useRef(); // track config for comparison
var pusherClientRef = useRef(); // track config for comparison
var previousConfig = React.useRef();
React.useEffect(function () {
previousConfig.current = config;
var previousConfig = useRef(props);
useEffect(function () {
previousConfig.current = props;
React.useEffect(function () {
// if client exists and options are the same, skip.
if (dequal(previousConfig.current, config) && pusherClientRef.current !== undefined) {
useEffect(function () {
// Skip creation of client if deferring, a value prop is passed, or config props are the same.
if (defer || props.value || dequal(previousConfig.current, props) && pusherClientRef.current !== undefined) {
} // optional defer parameter skips creating the class.
// handy if you want to wait for something async like
// a JWT before creating it.
} // create the client and assign it to the ref
if (!defer) {
pusherClientRef.current = new Pusher(clientKey, config);
pusherClientRef.current = new Pusher(clientKey, config); // cleanup
return function () {
return pusherClientRef.current && pusherClientRef.current.disconnect();
pusherClientRef.current && pusherClientRef.current.disconnect();
}, [clientKey, config, defer, pusherClientRef]);
return React__default.createElement(PusherContext.Provider, _extends({
}, [clientKey, props, defer, pusherClientRef]);
return React.createElement(PusherContext.Provider, _extends({
value: {

@@ -212,14 +197,17 @@ client: pusherClientRef,

}, props));
* Provides access to the pusher client
* Provides access to the pusher client instance.
* @returns a `MutableRefObject<Pusher|undefined>`. The instance is held by a `useRef()` hook.
* @example
* const {client} = usePusher();
* ```javscript
* const { client } = usePusher();
* client.current.subscribe('my-channel');
* ```
function usePusher() {
var context = React.useContext(__PusherContext);
React.useEffect(function () {
var context = useContext(__PusherContext);
useEffect(function () {
if (!context)

@@ -233,6 +221,13 @@ console.warn(NOT_IN_CONTEXT_WARNING);

* Subscribe to channel
* Subscribe to a channel
* @param channelName The name of the channel you want to subscribe to.
* @typeparam Type of channel you're subscribing to. Can be one of Channel or PresenceChannel.
* @returns Instance of the channel you just subscribed to.
* @example
* useChannel("my-channel")
* ```javascript
* const channel = useChannel("my-channel")
* channel.bind('some-event', () => {})
* ```

@@ -244,8 +239,8 @@ function useChannel(channelName) {

var pusherClient = client && client.current;
var _a = React.useState(), channel = _a[0], setChannel = _a[1];
React.useEffect(function () {
var _a = useState(), channel = _a[0], setChannel = _a[1];
useEffect(function () {
if (!pusherClient)
var channel = pusherClient.subscribe(channelName);
var pusherChannel = pusherClient.subscribe(channelName);
}, [channelName, pusherClient]);

@@ -258,61 +253,44 @@ return channel;

* @param channelName name of presence channel. Should have presence- suffix.
* @param eventName name of event to bind to
* @param onEvent callback to fire when event is called
* @param dependencies dependencies array that onEvent uses
* @param options optional argument to skip events
* @param channelName name of presence the channel. Should have `presence-` suffix.
* @returns Object with `channel`, `members` and `myID` properties.
* @example
* const {members} = usePresenceChannel(
* "my-channel",
* "my-event",
* (message) => console.log(message),
* )
* ```javascript
* const { channel, members, myID } = usePresenceChannel("presence-my-channel");
* ```
function usePresenceChannel(channelName) {
// errors for missing arguments
invariant_1(channelName, 'channelName required to subscribe to a channel');
invariant_1(channelName.includes('presence-'), "Presence channels should use prefix 'presence-' in their name. Use the useChannel hook instead.");
// Get regular channel functionality
var _a = React.useState({}), members = _a[0], setMembers = _a[1];
var _b = React.useState(), myID = _b[0], setMyID = _b[1];
* Get members info on subscription success
var handleSubscriptionSuccess = React.useCallback(function (members) {
}, []);
* Add or update member in object.
* @note not using a new Map() here to match pusher-js library.
* @param member member being added
var handleAdd = React.useCallback(function (member) {
setMembers(function (previousMembers) {
var _a;
return (__assign(__assign({}, previousMembers), (_a = {}, _a[] =, _a)));
}, []);
* Remove member from the state object.
* @param member Member being removed
var handleRemove = React.useCallback(function (member) {
setMembers(function (previousMembers) {
var nextMembers = __assign({}, previousMembers);
delete nextMembers[];
return nextMembers;
}, []);
* Bind and unbind to membership events
var _a = useState({}), members = _a[0], setMembers = _a[1];
var _b = useState(), myID = _b[0], setMyID = _b[1];
// bind and unbind member events events on our channel
var channel = useChannel(channelName);
React.useEffect(function () {
useEffect(function () {
if (channel) {
// Get membership info on successful subscription
var handleSubscriptionSuccess_1 = function (members) {
// add a member to the members object
var handleAdd_1 = function (member) {
setMembers(function (previousMembers) {
var _a;
return (__assign(__assign({}, previousMembers), (_a = {}, _a[] =, _a)));
// remove a member from the members object
var handleRemove_1 = function (member) {
setMembers(function (previousMembers) {
var nextMembers = __assign({}, previousMembers);
delete nextMembers[];
return nextMembers;
// bind to all member addition/removal events
channel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', handleSubscriptionSuccess);
channel.bind('pusher:member_added', handleAdd);
channel.bind('pusher:member_removed', handleRemove);
channel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', handleSubscriptionSuccess_1);
channel.bind('pusher:member_added', handleAdd_1);
channel.bind('pusher:member_removed', handleRemove_1);
// set any members that already existed on the channel

@@ -323,15 +301,14 @@ if (channel.members) {

// cleanup
return function () {
channel.unbind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', handleSubscriptionSuccess_1);
channel.unbind('pusher:member_added', handleAdd_1);
channel.unbind('pusher:member_removed', handleRemove_1);
// cleanup
return function () {
if (channel) {
channel.unbind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', handleSubscriptionSuccess);
channel.unbind('pusher:member_added', handleAdd);
channel.unbind('pusher:member_removed', handleRemove);
}, [channel, handleSubscriptionSuccess, handleAdd, handleRemove]);
var presenceChannel = channel;
// to make typescript happy.
return function () { };
}, [channel]);
return {
channel: presenceChannel,
channel: channel,
members: members,

@@ -347,3 +324,2 @@ myID: myID,

* @param callback Callback to call on a new event
* @param dependencies Dependencies the callback uses.

@@ -355,3 +331,3 @@ function useEvent(channel, eventName, callback, dependencies) {

// deprecate dependencies
React.useEffect(function () {
useEffect(function () {
if (dependencies) {

@@ -362,7 +338,8 @@ console.warn('The useEvent callback is no longer memoized - dependencies are deprecated and its up to you to memoize the callback if you want to.');

// bind and unbind events whenever the channel, eventName or callback changes.
React.useEffect(function () {
useEffect(function () {
if (channel === undefined) {
channel.bind(eventName, callback);
channel.bind(eventName, callback);
return function () {

@@ -375,31 +352,56 @@ channel.unbind(eventName, callback);

* Trigger events hook
* @param channel the channel you'd like to trigger clientEvents on. Get this from [[useChannel]] or [[usePresenceChannel]].
* @typeparam TData shape of the data you're sending with the event.
* @returns A memoized trigger function that will perform client events on the channel.
* @example
* ```javascript
* const channel = useChannel('my-channel');
* const trigger = useClientTrigger(channel)
* const trigger = useTrigger('my-channel');
* const handleClick = () => trigger('some-client-event', {});
* ```
function useClientTrigger(channel) {
channel &&
invariant_1(|presence-)/gi), "Channel provided to useClientTrigger wasn't private or presence channel. Client events only work on these types of channels.");
// memoize trigger so it's not being created every render
var trigger = useCallback(function (eventName, data) {
invariant_1(eventName, 'Must pass event name to trigger a client event.');
channel && channel.trigger(eventName, data);
}, [channel]);
return trigger;
* Hook to provide a trigger function that calls the server defined in `PusherProviderProps.triggerEndpoint` using `fetch`.
* Any `auth?.headers` in the config object will be passed with the `fetch` call.
* @param channelName name of channel to call trigger on
* @typeparam TData shape of the data you're sending with the event
* @example
* ```typescript
* const trigger = useTrigger<{message: string}>('my-channel');
* trigger('my-event', {message: 'hello'});
* ```
function useTrigger(channelName) {
var _a = usePusher(), client = _a.client, triggerEndpoint = _a.triggerEndpoint;
// you can't use this if you haven't supplied a triggerEndpoint.
invariant_1(triggerEndpoint, 'No trigger endpoint specified to <PusherProvider />. Cannot trigger an event.');
// subscribe to the channel we'll be triggering to.
invariant_1(channelName, "No channel specified to trigger to.");
invariant_1(triggerEndpoint, "No trigger endpoint specified to <PusherProvider />. Cannot trigger an event.");
* Memoized trigger function
var trigger = React.useCallback(function (eventName, data) {
// memoized trigger function to return
var trigger = useCallback(function (eventName, data) {
var fetchOptions = {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({ channelName: channelName, eventName: eventName, data: data })
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ channelName: channelName, eventName: eventName, data: data }),
if (client.current && client.current.config.auth) {
if (client && client.current && client.current.config.auth) {
fetchOptions.headers = client.current.config.auth.headers;
else {
console.warn("No auth parameters supplied to <PusherProvider />. Your events will be unauthenticated.");
console.warn('No auth parameters supplied to <PusherProvider />. Your events will be unauthenticated.');
// forcing triggerEndpoint to exist for TS here
// because invariant will throw during dev
return fetch(triggerEndpoint, fetchOptions);

@@ -410,14 +412,2 @@ }, [client, triggerEndpoint, channelName]);

function useClientTrigger(channel) {
channel &&
invariant_1(|presence-)/gi), "Channel provided to useClientTrigger wasn't private or presence channel. Client events only work on these types of channels.");
// memoize trigger so it's not being created every render
var trigger = React.useCallback(function (eventName, data) {
if (data === void 0) { data = {}; }
invariant_1(eventName, 'Must pass event name to trigger a client event.');
channel && channel.trigger(eventName, data);
}, [channel]);
return trigger;
var PusherChannelMock = /** @class */ (function () {

@@ -510,14 +500,3 @@ function PusherChannelMock(name) {

exports.PusherChannelMock = PusherChannelMock;
exports.PusherMock = PusherMock;
exports.PusherPresenceChannelMock = PusherPresenceChannelMock;
exports.PusherProvider = PusherProvider;
exports.__PusherContext = __PusherContext;
exports.useChannel = useChannel;
exports.useClientTrigger = useClientTrigger;
exports.useEvent = useEvent;
exports.usePresenceChannel = usePresenceChannel;
exports.usePusher = usePusher;
exports.useTrigger = useTrigger;
export { NOT_IN_CONTEXT_WARNING, PusherChannelMock, PusherMock, PusherPresenceChannelMock, PusherProvider, __PusherContext, useChannel, useClientTrigger, useEvent, usePresenceChannel, usePusher, useTrigger };
"name": "@harelpls/use-pusher",
"version": "3.1.3",
"version": "3.2.0",
"description": "A wrapper around pusher-js for easy-as hooks in React.",

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ "author": "@mayteio",

"jsnext:main": "dist/",
"typings": "dist/index.d.ts",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"engines": {

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ "node": ">=8",

"test:watch": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
"build": "rollup -c",
"build": "rimraf dist && rollup -c",
"start": "rollup -c -w",
"types": "dts-bundle-generator -o ./dist/index.d.ts ./src/index.ts --external-imports pusher-js",
"docs": "typedoc --options ./typedoc.js ./src",
"release": "yarn test && yarn build && yarn types && yarn publish"
"release": "yarn test && yarn build && yarn types && yarn publish && ntl deploy"

@@ -69,2 +69,3 @@ "dependencies": {

"react-test-renderer": "^16.9.0",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"rollup": "^1.20.0",

@@ -71,0 +72,0 @@ "rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.3.3",

@@ -21,3 +21,2 @@ # use-pusher

- [`useTrigger`](#usetrigger)
- [`useClientTrigger`](#useclienttrigger)
- [`usePusher`](#usepusher)

@@ -162,4 +161,2 @@

## `useClientTrigger`
> _I don't want a server though_

@@ -191,3 +188,3 @@

Testing emitted events with jest can be achieved using `jest.mock` and `@testing-library/react` (or `enzyme`, though your tests should reflect what the user should see **NOT** how the component handles events internally):
Testing emitted events with jest can be achieved using `jest.mock` and `react-testing-library` (or `enzyme`, though your tests should reflect what the user should see **NOT** how the component handles events internally):

@@ -194,0 +191,0 @@ ```typescript

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet