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@highlight-ui/button - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 9.0.8 to 10.0.0



export { default as Button } from './src/Button';
export type { ButtonProps, ButtonRef, ButtonState } from './src/Button';
export type { ButtonProps, ButtonRef } from './src/Button';
export { default as IconButton } from './src/IconButton';
export type { IconButtonProps, IconButtonRef } from './src/IconButton';
export type { ButtonType, ButtonState } from './src/types';



@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ 'use strict';

var styles = {"button":"Button-module__3Rp1BYXs__v9-0-8","iconButton":"Button-module__3Y8WdccY__v9-0-8","buttonInner":"Button-module__3ZNLhdsJ__v9-0-8","hiddenButtonLabel":"Button-module__iIVwFpEb__v9-0-8","loadingIcon":"Button-module__PkJtfsRC__v9-0-8","block":"Button-module__1xc1DTHJ__v9-0-8","default":"Button-module__2Kmo3l-q__v9-0-8","focus":"Button-module__39s3axLP__v9-0-8","active":"Button-module__3WXlxxv-__v9-0-8","disabled":"Button-module__yB64MUUF__v9-0-8","primary":"Button-module__2nxVbZSO__v9-0-8","success":"Button-module__2WMN2Up2__v9-0-8","info":"Button-module__3Ll-h-cW__v9-0-8","warning":"Button-module__2Ma4TaUU__v9-0-8","warning-light":"Button-module__2HCrlzv6__v9-0-8","danger":"Button-module__3Eex2siA__v9-0-8","dark":"Button-module__MqwKA-Vc__v9-0-8","light":"Button-module__iJhDdOHm__v9-0-8","defaultOutline":"Button-module__2tKStPHe__v9-0-8","hover":"Button-module__YUN3Kf-p__v9-0-8","tertiary":"Button-module__2yGbvo4L__v9-0-8"};
var styles$1 = {"button":"Button-module__3Rp1BYXs__v10-0-0","buttonInner":"Button-module__3ZNLhdsJ__v10-0-0","hiddenButtonLabel":"Button-module__iIVwFpEb__v10-0-0","loadingIcon":"Button-module__PkJtfsRC__v10-0-0","block":"Button-module__1xc1DTHJ__v10-0-0","default":"Button-module__2Kmo3l-q__v10-0-0","focus":"Button-module__39s3axLP__v10-0-0","active":"Button-module__3WXlxxv-__v10-0-0","disabled":"Button-module__yB64MUUF__v10-0-0","primary":"Button-module__2nxVbZSO__v10-0-0","success":"Button-module__2WMN2Up2__v10-0-0","info":"Button-module__3Ll-h-cW__v10-0-0","warning":"Button-module__2Ma4TaUU__v10-0-0","warning-light":"Button-module__2HCrlzv6__v10-0-0","danger":"Button-module__3Eex2siA__v10-0-0","dark":"Button-module__MqwKA-Vc__v10-0-0","light":"Button-module__iJhDdOHm__v10-0-0","defaultOutline":"Button-module__2tKStPHe__v10-0-0","hover":"Button-module__YUN3Kf-p__v10-0-0","tertiary":"Button-module__2yGbvo4L__v10-0-0"};
function ButtonWithRef(_a, ref) {
var _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
var block = _a.block, _j = _a.children, children = _j === void 0 ? null : _j, className = _a.className, _k = _a.buttonState, buttonState = _k === void 0 ? 'enabled' : _k, icon$1 = _a.icon, metadata = _a.metadata, _l = _a.onClick, onClick = _l === void 0 ? undefined : _l, outline = _a.outline, _m = _a.theme, theme = _m === void 0 ? 'default' : _m, _o = _a.type, type = _o === void 0 ? 'button' : _o, remainingProps = __rest(_a, ["block", "children", "className", "buttonState", "icon", "metadata", "onClick", "outline", "theme", "type"]);
var containerClass = classnames__default["default"](styles.button, (_b = {}, _b[styles[theme]] = !outline, _b), (_c = {}, _c[styles[theme + "Outline"]] = outline, _c), (_d = {}, _d[styles.block] = block, _d), (_e = {}, _e[styles.disabled] = buttonState === 'disabled', _e), (_f = {}, _f[styles.iconButton] = icon$1 !== undefined && children === null, _f), (_g = {}, _g[styles.tertiary] = theme === 'tertiary', _g), className);
var _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
var block = _a.block, _h = _a.children, children = _h === void 0 ? null : _h, className = _a.className, _j = _a.buttonState, buttonState = _j === void 0 ? 'enabled' : _j, metadata = _a.metadata, _k = _a.onClick, onClick = _k === void 0 ? undefined : _k, outline = _a.outline, _l = _a.theme, theme = _l === void 0 ? 'default' : _l, _m = _a.type, type = _m === void 0 ? 'button' : _m, remainingProps = __rest(_a, ["block", "children", "className", "buttonState", "metadata", "onClick", "outline", "theme", "type"]);
var containerClass = classnames__default["default"](styles$1.button, (_b = {}, _b[styles$1[theme]] = !outline, _b), (_c = {}, _c[styles$1[theme + "Outline"]] = outline, _c), (_d = {}, _d[styles$1.block] = block, _d), (_e = {}, _e[styles$1.disabled] = buttonState === 'disabled', _e), (_f = {}, _f[styles$1.tertiary] = theme === 'tertiary', _f), className);
var focusAwareOnClick = function (event) {

@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ event.currentTarget.focus();

type: type, ref: ref }), React__default["default"].createElement(React__default["default"].Fragment, null,
React__default["default"].createElement("div", { className: classnames__default["default"](styles.buttonInner, (_h = {},
_h[styles.hiddenButtonLabel] = buttonState === 'loading',
_h)) },
icon$1 && React__default["default"].createElement(icon.Icon, { name: icon$1, size: 14, type: "solid" }),
children && React__default["default"].createElement("div", { className: styles.buttonContent }, children)),
buttonState === 'loading' && (React__default["default"].createElement(icon.Icon, { name: "spinner-third", size: 16, spin: true, className: styles.loadingIcon, type: "solid" }))));
React__default["default"].createElement("div", { className: classnames__default["default"](styles$1.buttonInner, (_g = {},
_g[styles$1.hiddenButtonLabel] = buttonState === 'loading',
_g)) }, children && React__default["default"].createElement("div", null, children)),
buttonState === 'loading' && (React__default["default"].createElement(icon.Icon, { name: "spinner-third", size: 16, spin: true, className: styles$1.loadingIcon, type: "solid", metadata: utilsCommons.suffixMetadata(metadata, 'loading-icon') }))));

@@ -79,3 +77,23 @@ ButtonWithRef.displayName = 'Button';

var styles = {"iconButton":"IconButton-module__19b6ut_d__v10-0-0","default":"IconButton-module__1Nsfcgxw__v10-0-0","focus":"IconButton-module__3MskydD-__v10-0-0","active":"IconButton-module__3lHJu0cg__v10-0-0","disabled":"IconButton-module__1exwesEF__v10-0-0","primary":"IconButton-module__2Nqq71UC__v10-0-0","success":"IconButton-module__1-Iz2wRI__v10-0-0","info":"IconButton-module__3VFas9O5__v10-0-0","warning":"IconButton-module__2sEE3X5w__v10-0-0","warning-light":"IconButton-module__1lHEYNpB__v10-0-0","danger":"IconButton-module__1zSIHcAp__v10-0-0","dark":"IconButton-module__2Mys7lB4__v10-0-0","light":"IconButton-module__31COXije__v10-0-0","defaultOutline":"IconButton-module__1xwQnEPQ__v10-0-0","hover":"IconButton-module__1DIHn9ya__v10-0-0","tertiary":"IconButton-module__ccA4N6Zy__v10-0-0"};
function IconButtonWithRef(_a, ref) {
var _b, _c, _d, _e;
var className = _a.className, _f = _a.buttonState, buttonState = _f === void 0 ? 'enabled' : _f, icon$1 = _a.icon, ariaLabel = _a.ariaLabel, metadata = _a.metadata, _g = _a.onClick, onClick = _g === void 0 ? undefined : _g, outline = _a.outline, _h = _a.theme, theme = _h === void 0 ? 'default' : _h, _j = _a.type, type = _j === void 0 ? 'button' : _j, remainingProps = __rest(_a, ["className", "buttonState", "icon", "ariaLabel", "metadata", "onClick", "outline", "theme", "type"]);
var containerClass = classnames__default["default"](styles.iconButton, (_b = {}, _b[styles[theme]] = !outline, _b), (_c = {}, _c[styles[theme + "Outline"]] = outline, _c), (_d = {}, _d[styles.disabled] = buttonState === 'disabled', _d), (_e = {}, _e[styles.tertiary] = theme === 'tertiary', _e), className);
var focusAwareOnClick = function (event) {
if (onClick)
return React__default["default"].createElement('button', __assign(__assign(__assign({}, remainingProps), { className: containerClass, disabled: buttonState !== 'enabled', onClick: focusAwareOnClick,
/* eslint-disable react/button-has-type */
type: type, ref: ref, 'aria-label': ariaLabel }), utilsCommons.parseMetadata(metadata)), React__default["default"].createElement(React__default["default"].Fragment, null,
React__default["default"].createElement("div", null, buttonState === 'loading' ? (React__default["default"].createElement(icon.Icon, { name: "spinner-third", size: 16, spin: true, type: "solid", metadata: utilsCommons.suffixMetadata(metadata, 'loading-icon') })) : (React__default["default"].createElement(icon.Icon, { name: icon$1, size: 14, type: "solid", metadata: utilsCommons.suffixMetadata(metadata, 'icon') })))));
IconButtonWithRef.displayName = 'IconButton';
var IconButton = React__default["default"].forwardRef(IconButtonWithRef);
exports.Button = Button;
exports.IconButton = IconButton;
import React from 'react';
import { PropsWithMetadata, Theme } from '@highlight-ui/utils-commons';
import { ButtonType, ButtonState } from './types';
export declare type ButtonRef = React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>;
export declare type ButtonState = 'enabled' | 'disabled' | 'loading';
export declare type ButtonProps = React.PropsWithChildren<PropsWithMetadata<{

@@ -12,4 +12,2 @@ /** Makes the component behave as a block element (take up the whole available space) */

buttonState?: ButtonState;
/** Allows to provide an icon by icon's name */
icon?: string;
/** A callback that will be fired ones the button is clicked */

@@ -26,3 +24,3 @@ onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler;

/** Button Type HTML property */
type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset';
type?: ButtonType;
}>> & Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'>, 'disabled'>;

@@ -36,4 +34,2 @@ declare const Button: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<{

buttonState?: ButtonState | undefined;
/** Allows to provide an icon by icon's name */
icon?: string | undefined;
/** A callback that will be fired ones the button is clicked */

@@ -50,3 +46,3 @@ onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<Element> | undefined;

/** Button Type HTML property */
type?: "button" | "submit" | "reset" | undefined;
type?: ButtonType | undefined;
} & {

@@ -53,0 +49,0 @@ metadata?: import("@highlight-ui/utils-commons").ComponentMetadata | undefined;

export { default as Button } from './src/Button';
export type { ButtonProps, ButtonRef, ButtonState } from './src/Button';
export type { ButtonProps, ButtonRef } from './src/Button';
export { default as IconButton } from './src/IconButton';
export type { IconButtonProps, IconButtonRef } from './src/IconButton';
export type { ButtonType, ButtonState } from './src/types';
import React from 'react';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { parseMetadata } from '@highlight-ui/utils-commons';
import { parseMetadata, suffixMetadata } from '@highlight-ui/utils-commons';
import { Icon } from '@highlight-ui/icon';

@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@

var styles = {"button":"Button-module__3Rp1BYXs__v9-0-8","iconButton":"Button-module__3Y8WdccY__v9-0-8","buttonInner":"Button-module__3ZNLhdsJ__v9-0-8","hiddenButtonLabel":"Button-module__iIVwFpEb__v9-0-8","loadingIcon":"Button-module__PkJtfsRC__v9-0-8","block":"Button-module__1xc1DTHJ__v9-0-8","default":"Button-module__2Kmo3l-q__v9-0-8","focus":"Button-module__39s3axLP__v9-0-8","active":"Button-module__3WXlxxv-__v9-0-8","disabled":"Button-module__yB64MUUF__v9-0-8","primary":"Button-module__2nxVbZSO__v9-0-8","success":"Button-module__2WMN2Up2__v9-0-8","info":"Button-module__3Ll-h-cW__v9-0-8","warning":"Button-module__2Ma4TaUU__v9-0-8","warning-light":"Button-module__2HCrlzv6__v9-0-8","danger":"Button-module__3Eex2siA__v9-0-8","dark":"Button-module__MqwKA-Vc__v9-0-8","light":"Button-module__iJhDdOHm__v9-0-8","defaultOutline":"Button-module__2tKStPHe__v9-0-8","hover":"Button-module__YUN3Kf-p__v9-0-8","tertiary":"Button-module__2yGbvo4L__v9-0-8"};
var styles$1 = {"button":"Button-module__3Rp1BYXs__v10-0-0","buttonInner":"Button-module__3ZNLhdsJ__v10-0-0","hiddenButtonLabel":"Button-module__iIVwFpEb__v10-0-0","loadingIcon":"Button-module__PkJtfsRC__v10-0-0","block":"Button-module__1xc1DTHJ__v10-0-0","default":"Button-module__2Kmo3l-q__v10-0-0","focus":"Button-module__39s3axLP__v10-0-0","active":"Button-module__3WXlxxv-__v10-0-0","disabled":"Button-module__yB64MUUF__v10-0-0","primary":"Button-module__2nxVbZSO__v10-0-0","success":"Button-module__2WMN2Up2__v10-0-0","info":"Button-module__3Ll-h-cW__v10-0-0","warning":"Button-module__2Ma4TaUU__v10-0-0","warning-light":"Button-module__2HCrlzv6__v10-0-0","danger":"Button-module__3Eex2siA__v10-0-0","dark":"Button-module__MqwKA-Vc__v10-0-0","light":"Button-module__iJhDdOHm__v10-0-0","defaultOutline":"Button-module__2tKStPHe__v10-0-0","hover":"Button-module__YUN3Kf-p__v10-0-0","tertiary":"Button-module__2yGbvo4L__v10-0-0"};
function ButtonWithRef(_a, ref) {
var _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
var block = _a.block, _j = _a.children, children = _j === void 0 ? null : _j, className = _a.className, _k = _a.buttonState, buttonState = _k === void 0 ? 'enabled' : _k, icon = _a.icon, metadata = _a.metadata, _l = _a.onClick, onClick = _l === void 0 ? undefined : _l, outline = _a.outline, _m = _a.theme, theme = _m === void 0 ? 'default' : _m, _o = _a.type, type = _o === void 0 ? 'button' : _o, remainingProps = __rest(_a, ["block", "children", "className", "buttonState", "icon", "metadata", "onClick", "outline", "theme", "type"]);
var containerClass = classnames(styles.button, (_b = {}, _b[styles[theme]] = !outline, _b), (_c = {}, _c[styles[theme + "Outline"]] = outline, _c), (_d = {}, _d[styles.block] = block, _d), (_e = {}, _e[styles.disabled] = buttonState === 'disabled', _e), (_f = {}, _f[styles.iconButton] = icon !== undefined && children === null, _f), (_g = {}, _g[styles.tertiary] = theme === 'tertiary', _g), className);
var _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
var block = _a.block, _h = _a.children, children = _h === void 0 ? null : _h, className = _a.className, _j = _a.buttonState, buttonState = _j === void 0 ? 'enabled' : _j, metadata = _a.metadata, _k = _a.onClick, onClick = _k === void 0 ? undefined : _k, outline = _a.outline, _l = _a.theme, theme = _l === void 0 ? 'default' : _l, _m = _a.type, type = _m === void 0 ? 'button' : _m, remainingProps = __rest(_a, ["block", "children", "className", "buttonState", "metadata", "onClick", "outline", "theme", "type"]);
var containerClass = classnames(styles$1.button, (_b = {}, _b[styles$1[theme]] = !outline, _b), (_c = {}, _c[styles$1[theme + "Outline"]] = outline, _c), (_d = {}, _d[styles$1.block] = block, _d), (_e = {}, _e[styles$1.disabled] = buttonState === 'disabled', _e), (_f = {}, _f[styles$1.tertiary] = theme === 'tertiary', _f), className);
var focusAwareOnClick = function (event) {

@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ event.currentTarget.focus();

type: type, ref: ref }), React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,
React.createElement("div", { className: classnames(styles.buttonInner, (_h = {},
_h[styles.hiddenButtonLabel] = buttonState === 'loading',
_h)) },
icon && React.createElement(Icon, { name: icon, size: 14, type: "solid" }),
children && React.createElement("div", { className: styles.buttonContent }, children)),
buttonState === 'loading' && (React.createElement(Icon, { name: "spinner-third", size: 16, spin: true, className: styles.loadingIcon, type: "solid" }))));
React.createElement("div", { className: classnames(styles$1.buttonInner, (_g = {},
_g[styles$1.hiddenButtonLabel] = buttonState === 'loading',
_g)) }, children && React.createElement("div", null, children)),
buttonState === 'loading' && (React.createElement(Icon, { name: "spinner-third", size: 16, spin: true, className: styles$1.loadingIcon, type: "solid", metadata: suffixMetadata(metadata, 'loading-icon') }))));

@@ -70,3 +68,22 @@ ButtonWithRef.displayName = 'Button';

export { Button };
var styles = {"iconButton":"IconButton-module__19b6ut_d__v10-0-0","default":"IconButton-module__1Nsfcgxw__v10-0-0","focus":"IconButton-module__3MskydD-__v10-0-0","active":"IconButton-module__3lHJu0cg__v10-0-0","disabled":"IconButton-module__1exwesEF__v10-0-0","primary":"IconButton-module__2Nqq71UC__v10-0-0","success":"IconButton-module__1-Iz2wRI__v10-0-0","info":"IconButton-module__3VFas9O5__v10-0-0","warning":"IconButton-module__2sEE3X5w__v10-0-0","warning-light":"IconButton-module__1lHEYNpB__v10-0-0","danger":"IconButton-module__1zSIHcAp__v10-0-0","dark":"IconButton-module__2Mys7lB4__v10-0-0","light":"IconButton-module__31COXije__v10-0-0","defaultOutline":"IconButton-module__1xwQnEPQ__v10-0-0","hover":"IconButton-module__1DIHn9ya__v10-0-0","tertiary":"IconButton-module__ccA4N6Zy__v10-0-0"};
function IconButtonWithRef(_a, ref) {
var _b, _c, _d, _e;
var className = _a.className, _f = _a.buttonState, buttonState = _f === void 0 ? 'enabled' : _f, icon = _a.icon, ariaLabel = _a.ariaLabel, metadata = _a.metadata, _g = _a.onClick, onClick = _g === void 0 ? undefined : _g, outline = _a.outline, _h = _a.theme, theme = _h === void 0 ? 'default' : _h, _j = _a.type, type = _j === void 0 ? 'button' : _j, remainingProps = __rest(_a, ["className", "buttonState", "icon", "ariaLabel", "metadata", "onClick", "outline", "theme", "type"]);
var containerClass = classnames(styles.iconButton, (_b = {}, _b[styles[theme]] = !outline, _b), (_c = {}, _c[styles[theme + "Outline"]] = outline, _c), (_d = {}, _d[styles.disabled] = buttonState === 'disabled', _d), (_e = {}, _e[styles.tertiary] = theme === 'tertiary', _e), className);
var focusAwareOnClick = function (event) {
if (onClick)
return React.createElement('button', __assign(__assign(__assign({}, remainingProps), { className: containerClass, disabled: buttonState !== 'enabled', onClick: focusAwareOnClick,
/* eslint-disable react/button-has-type */
type: type, ref: ref, 'aria-label': ariaLabel }), parseMetadata(metadata)), React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,
React.createElement("div", null, buttonState === 'loading' ? (React.createElement(Icon, { name: "spinner-third", size: 16, spin: true, type: "solid", metadata: suffixMetadata(metadata, 'loading-icon') })) : (React.createElement(Icon, { name: icon, size: 14, type: "solid", metadata: suffixMetadata(metadata, 'icon') })))));
IconButtonWithRef.displayName = 'IconButton';
var IconButton = React.forwardRef(IconButtonWithRef);
export { Button, IconButton };
import React from 'react';
import { PropsWithMetadata, Theme } from '@highlight-ui/utils-commons';
import { ButtonType, ButtonState } from './types';
export declare type ButtonRef = React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement>;
export declare type ButtonState = 'enabled' | 'disabled' | 'loading';
export declare type ButtonProps = React.PropsWithChildren<PropsWithMetadata<{

@@ -12,4 +12,2 @@ /** Makes the component behave as a block element (take up the whole available space) */

buttonState?: ButtonState;
/** Allows to provide an icon by icon's name */
icon?: string;
/** A callback that will be fired ones the button is clicked */

@@ -26,3 +24,3 @@ onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler;

/** Button Type HTML property */
type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset';
type?: ButtonType;
}>> & Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'>, 'disabled'>;

@@ -36,4 +34,2 @@ declare const Button: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<{

buttonState?: ButtonState | undefined;
/** Allows to provide an icon by icon's name */
icon?: string | undefined;
/** A callback that will be fired ones the button is clicked */

@@ -50,3 +46,3 @@ onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<Element> | undefined;

/** Button Type HTML property */
type?: "button" | "submit" | "reset" | undefined;
type?: ButtonType | undefined;
} & {

@@ -53,0 +49,0 @@ metadata?: import("@highlight-ui/utils-commons").ComponentMetadata | undefined;

"name": "@highlight-ui/button",
"version": "9.0.8",
"version": "10.0.0",
"description": "The button",

@@ -50,3 +50,3 @@ "author": "Personio GmbH",

"gitHead": "e699c113929408ac7f26cc8826ea9460ed169e54"
"gitHead": "cbb124ef0257b5a69ab8dfa25807cf23d6f99c94"

@@ -14,3 +14,12 @@ # `@highlight-ui/button`

import { Button } from '@highlight-ui/button';
import {
} from '@highlight-ui/button';

@@ -26,3 +35,3 @@

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