I Message Queue CLI (@imqueue/cli)

Frees you from writing boilerplate when making @imqueue services.
As simple as:
npm i -g @imqueue/cli
To start simply run after install:
IMQ-CLI first of all provides a way to manage your IMQ-RPC based services and
clients based on desired configuration.
IMQ Command Line Interface
Version: 1.0.0-dev2
Usage: imq <command>
imq client Manage IMQ client
imq completions Generates completions script for your shell
imq config Manage IMQ CLI settings
imq service Manage IMQ service
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
Service Management
The main essence of this command-line tool is to provide simple way of
creating services based on boilerplate templates.
Currently it supports a single template default
, which provides a way to
create a service, targeted to be developed under GitHub version control
system, integrated with TravisCI and docker builds. By simply running a single
command it will create a ready-to-run service and all you will need is to
write it's implementation.
It is recommended to run imq config init
right after installation of this
command-line tool and before running imq service create
imq service create [name] [path]
Creates new service package with the given service name under given path.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
-a, --author Service author full name (person or organization)
-e, --email Service author's contact email
-g, --use-git Turns on automatic git repo creation [boolean]
-u, --github-namespace GitHub namespace (usually user name or organization
--no-install Do not install npm packages automatically on service
creation [boolean]
-V, --service-version Initial service version [default: "1.0.0"]
-H, --homepage Homepage URL for service, if required
-B, --bugs-url Bugs url for service, if required
-l, --license License for created service, should be either license
name in SPDX format or path to a custom license file
-t, --template Template used to create service (should be either
template name, git url or file system directory)
-d, --description Service description
-n, --node-versions Node version tags to use for builds, separated by
comma if multiple. First one will be used for docker
build, if dockerize option enabled.
-D, --dockerize Enable service dockerization with CI builds [boolean]
-L, --node-docker-tag Node docker tag to use as base docker image for docker
-N, --docker-namespace Docker hub namespace
-T, --github-token GitHub auth token
-p, --private Service repository will be private at GitHub [boolean]
--name Service name to create with
--path Path to directory where service will be generated to
Client Management
Generating Clients:
To generate a client related service should be started, otherwise generation
will fail.
This command will expect service name as mandatory option.
imq client generate <name> [path]
Generates IMQ-RPC client for a specified service
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
-o, --overwrite Overwrite existing client without prompt [boolean]
--path Directory where client file should be placed [default: "."]
Managing IMQ-CLI Configuration
IMQ-CLI can be used with a pre-configured options to shorten commands usage.
Global base configurations options usually stored in ~/.imq/config.json
This file can be managed manually, but it is recommended to use special
imq config init
which will guide you through configuration process.
There are also useful commands to retrieve and set specific configuration
values, stored in a configuration file:
imq config get
will print all upset configuration options in option = value
imq config get [option_name]
will print a single requested option value.
imq config set [option_name] [new_value]
will set requested option to a given new value.
IMQ-CLI Completions For Your Shell
IMQ-CLI supports completions for your shell. It provide a way to generate
completions script and add it to your shell configuration, as far as
allows to remove previously added completion script just running the
corresponding commands:
imq completions on
imq completions off
Currently it supports both zsh
and bash
Controlling Local Services
For comfortable local development @imqueue provides couple of useful
command-line tools, allowing developers to manage local set of services.
Like starting/stopping/restarting them with a single command line or managing
services logs.
Please, note, there are many different ways to manage local services.
You may consider pulling and starting pre-build docker images, or even
use docker compose for managing them, or may utilize such tools as
vagrant to organize local environment setup. BTW, you may suggest to
run your services locally on host OS, which is really useful scenario
during development and the tools below will dramatically improve your
experience, especially, when the number of services to manage significant.
Usage: imqctl <command> [-p path] [-s services] [-hu]
<command> is one of start|stop|restart
[-p path] - path to a directory with services repositories, by default is
current directory
[-s services] - comma-separated services list (repositories names),
if not passed will scan path for a services presence
[-u] - if passed service will be updated using 'git pull' before start
[-c] - calm down services start - wait before staring next
[-v] - verbose mode, shows command execution time
[-h] - print this usage information
Usage: ./bin/log.sh [-c] [service1, ...serviceN]
[service1, ...serviceN] - list of service repositories directories names to
combile logs for, if omitted all existing logs are
[-c] - clean previous logs
[-h] - print this usage information