category: packages

yarn add @instructure/ui-icons
To use the React components:
import { IconAddLine } from '@instructure/ui-icons'
const MyComponent = () => {
return <IconAdd />
Adding and Modifying Icons
Use dashes in the name of the .svg files (e.g calendar-month
Use the same name for the "line" and "solid" variants, and save them in the respective folder, e.g. Solid/calendar-month
and Line/calendar-month
Copy the new icon files in the /svg/Solid
and /svg/Line
Run yarn export:icons
from the repository root directory to generate the SVG files.
Run yarn && yarn bootstrap
Finally, run yarn dev
from the repository root directory to start the local server and check the generated output.
Verify icons display correctly by checking under iconography
in the main nav
Guidelines for Drawing Icons
Draw your icons on the 1920 x 1920 art-boards.
Before you flatten shapes or vectorize strokes as described below, make a hidden copy of the original paths off
to the side so that you can more easily come back and make changes later.
Flatten your shapes.
Export strokes to vector.
Don’t use borders on vectors, especially not inside/outside borders which aren’t supported in SVG. Do not use clipping paths.
Make sure none of the paths go outside of the art-board. If so, the glyph in the icon font will be misaligned.
Draw inside the lines.
Fill the space edge-to-edge as much as possible. The build process will add margins as needed.