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@intlify/vue-router-bridge - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.5-96eeb2f to 0.3.5-d430dff


/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import type { ComputedRef } from '@vue/composition-api'
import type { ComputedRef, ComponentPublicInstance } from '@vue/composition-api'
import type { Route, RouterOptions } from 'vue-router'

@@ -11,6 +11,331 @@

declare type PathParserOptions = Pick<_PathParserOptions, 'end' | 'sensitive' | 'strict'>
declare interface _PathParserOptions {
* Makes the RegExp case sensitive. Defaults to false
sensitive?: boolean
* Should we disallow a trailing slash. Defaults to false
strict?: boolean
* Should the RegExp match from the beginning by prepending a `^` to it. Defaults to true
* @internal
start?: boolean
* Should the RegExp match until the end by appending a `$` to it. Defaults to true
end?: boolean
declare type Lazy<T> = () => Promise<T>
* Allowed Component definitions in route records provided by the user
declare type RawRouteComponent = RouteComponent | Lazy<RouteComponent>
declare type RouteComponent = /* Component */ any
* Possible values in normalized {@link LocationQuery}. `null` renders the query
* param but without an `=`.
* @example
* ```
* ?isNull&isEmpty=&other=other
* gives
* `{ isNull: null, isEmpty: '', other: 'other' }`.
* ```
declare type LocationQueryValue = string | null
* Normalized query object that appears in {@link RouteLocationNormalized}
declare type LocationQuery = Record<string, LocationQueryValue | LocationQueryValue[]>
* Possible values when defining a query.
declare type LocationQueryValueRaw = LocationQueryValue | number | undefined
declare type LocationQueryRaw = Record<string | number, LocationQueryValueRaw | LocationQueryValueRaw[]>
declare interface LocationAsPath {
path: string
declare interface LocationAsRelativeRaw {
name?: RouteRecordName
params?: RouteParamsRaw
declare interface RouteQueryAndHash {
query?: LocationQueryRaw
hash?: string
declare interface RouteRecordSingleView extends _RouteRecordBase {
* Component to display when the URL matches this route.
component: RawRouteComponent
components?: never
* Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by `router-view`.
props?: _RouteRecordProps
declare interface RouteRecordMultipleViews extends _RouteRecordBase {
* Components to display when the URL matches this route. Allow using named views.
components: Record<string, RawRouteComponent>
component?: never
* Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by
* `router-view`. Should be an object with the same keys as `components` or a
* boolean to be applied to every component.
props?: Record<string, _RouteRecordProps> | boolean
* Route Record that defines a redirect. Cannot have `component` or `components`
* as it is never rendered.
declare interface RouteRecordRedirect extends _RouteRecordBase {
redirect: RouteRecordRedirectOption
component?: never
components?: never
declare type _RouteRecordProps = boolean | Record<string, any> | ((to: RouteLocationNormalized) => Record<string, any>)
declare type RouteRecordRaw = RouteRecordSingleView | RouteRecordMultipleViews | RouteRecordRedirect
* Possible values for a user-defined route record's name
declare type RouteRecordName = string | symbol
declare type RouteParamValue = string
declare type RouteParamValueRaw = RouteParamValue | number | null | undefined
declare type RouteParams = Record<string, RouteParamValue | RouteParamValue[]>
declare type RouteParamsRaw = Record<string, RouteParamValueRaw | Exclude<RouteParamValueRaw, null | undefined>[]>
declare type RouteRecord = RouteRecordNormalized
type HistoryStateArray = Array<HistoryStateValue>
declare type HistoryStateValue = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | HistoryState | HistoryStateArray
* Allowed HTML history.state
declare interface HistoryState {
[x: number]: HistoryStateValue
[x: string]: HistoryStateValue
declare interface RouteLocationOptions {
* Replace the entry in the history instead of pushing a new entry
replace?: boolean
* Triggers the navigation even if the location is the same as the current one
force?: boolean
* State to save using the History API. This cannot contain any reactive
* values and some primitives like Symbols are forbidden. More info at
state?: HistoryState
* Interface to type `meta` fields in route records.
* @example
* ```ts
* // typings.d.ts or router.ts
* import 'vue-router';
* declare module 'vue-router' {
* interface RouteMeta {
* requiresAuth?: boolean
* }
* }
* ```
declare type RouteMeta = Record<string | number | symbol, unknown>
* User-level route location
declare type RouteLocationRaw =
| string
| (RouteQueryAndHash & LocationAsPath & RouteLocationOptions)
| (RouteQueryAndHash & LocationAsRelativeRaw & RouteLocationOptions)
declare type RouteRecordRedirectOption = RouteLocationRaw | ((to: RouteLocation) => RouteLocationRaw)
declare interface RouteLocation extends _RouteLocationBase {
* Array of {@link RouteRecord} containing components as they were
* passed when adding records. It can also contain redirect records. This
* can't be used directly
matched: RouteRecord[]
declare interface _RouteLocationBase {
* Percentage encoded pathname section of the URL.
path: string
* The whole location including the `search` and `hash`. This string is
* percentage encoded.
fullPath: string
* Object representation of the `search` property of the current location.
query: LocationQuery
* Hash of the current location. If present, starts with a `#`.
hash: string
* Name of the matched record
name: RouteRecordName | null | undefined
* Object of decoded params extracted from the `path`.
params: RouteParams
* Contains the location we were initially trying to access before ending up
* on the current location.
redirectedFrom: RouteLocation | undefined
* Merged `meta` properties from all of the matched route records.
meta: RouteMeta
declare interface _RouteRecordBase extends PathParserOptions {
* Path of the record. Should start with `/` unless the record is the child of
* another record.
* @example `/users/:id` matches `/users/1` as well as `/users/posva`.
path: string
* Where to redirect if the route is directly matched. The redirection happens
* before any navigation guard and triggers a new navigation with the new
* target location.
redirect?: RouteRecordRedirectOption
* Array of nested routes.
children?: RouteRecordRaw[]
* Aliases for the record. Allows defining extra paths that will behave like a
* copy of the record. Allows having paths shorthands like `/users/:id` and
* `/u/:id`. All `alias` and `path` values must share the same params.
alias?: string | string[]
* Name for the route record.
name?: RouteRecordName
* Before Enter guard specific to this record. Note `beforeEnter` has no
* effect if the record has a `redirect` property.
beforeEnter?: NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> | NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>[]
* Arbitrary data attached to the record.
meta?: RouteMeta
declare type NavigationGuardNextCallback = (vm: ComponentPublicInstance) => any
declare type NavigationGuardReturn = void | Error | RouteLocationRaw | boolean | NavigationGuardNextCallback
export declare interface NavigationGuard {
(to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized, next: NavigationGuardNext):
| NavigationGuardReturn
| Promise<NavigationGuardReturn>
declare interface NavigationGuardNext {
(): void
(error: Error): void
(location: RouteLocationRaw): void
(valid: boolean | undefined): void
(cb: NavigationGuardNextCallback): void
declare interface NavigationGuardWithThis<T> {
(this: T, to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized, next: NavigationGuardNext):
| NavigationGuardReturn
| Promise<NavigationGuardReturn>
export declare interface RouteLocationNormalized extends _RouteLocationBase {
* Array of {@link RouteRecordNormalized}
matched: RouteRecordNormalized[]
declare interface RouteLocationMatched extends RouteRecordNormalized {
components: Record<string, RouteComponent>
declare interface RouteRecordNormalized {
path: _RouteRecordBase['path']
redirect: _RouteRecordBase['redirect'] | undefined
name: _RouteRecordBase['name']
components: RouteRecordMultipleViews['components']
children: Exclude<_RouteRecordBase['children'], void>
meta: Exclude<_RouteRecordBase['meta'], void>
props: Record<string, _RouteRecordProps>
beforeEnter: _RouteRecordBase['beforeEnter']
leaveGuards: Set<NavigationGuard>
updateGuards: Set<NavigationGuard>
enterCallbacks: Record<string, NavigationGuardNextCallback[]>
instances: Record<string, ComponentPublicInstance | undefined | null>
aliasOf: RouteRecordNormalized | undefined
declare interface RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded extends _RouteLocationBase {
* Array of {@link RouteLocationMatched} containing only plain components (any
* lazy-loaded components have been loaded and were replaced inside of the
* `components` object) so it can be directly used to display routes. It
* cannot contain redirect records either
matched: RouteLocationMatched[]
declare type Router = any
declare type RouterHistory = any
declare type RouteRecordRaw = any
declare type PathParserOptions = any
declare type RouterMatcher = any

@@ -100,2 +425,3 @@

export {

@@ -110,3 +436,4 @@ useRouter,


@@ -113,0 +440,0 @@


"name": "@intlify/vue-router-bridge",
"version": "0.3.5-96eeb2f",
"version": "0.3.5-d430dff",
"description": "Vue Router bridging for Vue 2 & Vue 3",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "peerDependencies": {

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