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@ioffice/tc-builder - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -12,5 +12,7 @@ import { TypedObject, ExitCode, IProjectResults, IProjectStatus, IFileMessages } from './Interfaces';

* @param {boolean} verbose Provide if progress bars are desired
* @param {TypedObject<number>} messageMap specifies what messages are allowed
* @param {boolean} ci Continuous Integration flag
* @return {number} Non-zero if there is a failure
declare function compileCLI(tsconfigPath: string, tslintPath?: string, verbose?: boolean, messageMap?: TypedObject<number>): ExitCode;
declare function compileCLI(tsconfigPath: string, tslintPath?: string, verbose?: boolean, messageMap?: TypedObject<number>, ci?: boolean): ExitCode;

@@ -17,0 +19,0 @@ * Process the project results along with the message map containing the allowed number of messages

@@ -139,3 +139,3 @@ "use strict";

var program = ts.createProgram(parsed.fileNames, parsed.options, host);
var results = compile(program, project.config.compilerOptions || {}, tsLintConfigPath || './tslint.json', verbose);
var results = compile(program, project.config.compilerOptions || {}, tsLintConfigPath, verbose);
var output = {

@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ results: results,

* @param {boolean} verbose Provide if progress bars are desired
* @param {TypedObject<number>} messageMap specifies what messages are allowed
* @param {boolean} ci Continuous Integration flag
* @return {number} Non-zero if there is a failure
function compileCLI(tsconfigPath, tslintPath, verbose, messageMap) {
function compileCLI(tsconfigPath, tslintPath, verbose, messageMap, ci) {
if (messageMap === void 0) { messageMap = {}; }
if (ci === void 0) { ci = false; }
var projectResults;

@@ -195,3 +198,3 @@ try {

if (projectStatus.status !== Interfaces_1.ExitCode.OK) {
process.stderr.write(Formatter_1.formatProjectResults(projectStatus, projectResults));
process.stderr.write(Formatter_1.formatProjectResults(projectStatus, projectResults, ci));

@@ -212,2 +215,3 @@ return projectStatus.status;

var failureStatus = {
needsReadjustment: false,
errorException: false,

@@ -223,4 +227,10 @@ warningException: false,

var sample = message.references[0];
var failed = message.count > messageMap[type];
if (message.references[0].message.category === 'error') {
var needsReadjustment = message.count < messageMap[type];
failureStatus.needsReadjustment = failureStatus.needsReadjustment || needsReadjustment;
if (!sample) {
// There are no errors for this type ...
else if (sample.message.category === 'error') {
failureStatus.errorCounter -= message.count;

@@ -252,4 +262,7 @@ failureStatus.errorException = failureStatus.errorException || failed;

else if (failureStatus.needsReadjustment) {
exceptionsResults.status = Interfaces_1.ExitCode.NEEDS_READJUSTMENT;
return exceptionsResults;
exports.getProjectStatus = getProjectStatus;
import { TypedObject, IFileMessages, IProjectStatus, IProjectResults } from './Interfaces';
declare function formatResults(results: TypedObject<IFileMessages>): string;
declare function formatProjectResults(projectStatus: IProjectStatus, projectResults: IProjectResults): string;
declare function formatProjectResults(projectStatus: IProjectStatus, projectResults: IProjectResults, ci?: boolean, ciLimit?: number): string;
export { formatResults, formatProjectResults };
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Interfaces_1 = require("./Interfaces");
var colors = require("colors");
function align(msg, alignment, size) {
var repeatNumber = Math.max(size - msg.length, 0);
if (alignment === 'l') {
return msg + ' '.repeat(size - msg.length);
return msg + ' '.repeat(repeatNumber);
return ' '.repeat(size - msg.length) + msg;
return ' '.repeat(repeatNumber) + msg;

@@ -114,4 +116,10 @@ function breakMsg(msg, size) {

var failed = msg[0];
var warn = msg[2] < msg[3];
buf.push(' ');
buf.push(failed ? '✗'.red : '✓'.green);
if (warn) {
else {
buf.push(failed ? '✗'.red : '✓'.green);
buf.push(' ');

@@ -121,2 +129,5 @@ if (failed) {

else if (warn) {
buf.push(align(msg[1], 'l', size).yellow);
else {

@@ -127,4 +138,8 @@ buf.push(align(msg[1], 'l', size).green);

if (failed) {
buf.push(msg[2].toString().red + " found, " + msg[3].toString().yellow + " allowed\n");
var allowed = msg[3] === -1 ? '' : ", " + msg[3].toString().yellow + " allowed";
buf.push(msg[2].toString().red + " found" + allowed + "\n");
else if (warn) {
buf.push(msg[2].toString().green + " found, " + msg[3].toString().yellow + " allowed\n");
else {

@@ -135,37 +150,58 @@ buf.push((msg[2] + " found, " + msg[3] + " allowed\n").gray);

function _formatSummary(buf, messages) {
var size = 0;
messages.forEach(function (msg) {
if (msg[0].length > size) {
size = msg[0].length;
function formatCIResults(byMessage, listLimit) {
if (listLimit === void 0) { listLimit = 5; }
var buffer = [];
var msgTypes = Object.keys(byMessage).sort();
msgTypes.forEach(function (msgType) {
var obj = byMessage[msgType];
var numMessages = obj.count;
if (!numMessages) {
var messageInfo = numMessages + " " + msgType;
buffer.push("\n" + messageInfo.magenta + ":\n");
var fileNames = (x) { return x.fileInfo.absPath; });
var uniqueFileNames = Array.from(new Set(fileNames));
var totalRefs = Math.min(listLimit, uniqueFileNames.length);
var refs = uniqueFileNames.slice(0, totalRefs);
refs.forEach(function (msg) {
buffer.push(" - " + msg + "\n");
if (totalRefs < uniqueFileNames.length) {
buffer.push(' ...\n');
messages.forEach(function (msg) {
buf.push(' ');
buf.push(align(msg[0], 'l', size).gray);
buf.push(" " + msg[1] + "\n");
return buffer.join('');
function formatProjectResults(projectStatus, projectResults) {
function formatProjectResults(projectStatus, projectResults, ci, ciLimit) {
if (ci === void 0) { ci = false; }
if (ciLimit === void 0) { ciLimit = 10; }
var buffer = [];
var allMessages = formatResults(projectResults.results);
var types = Object.keys(projectStatus.exceptions).sort();
var allMessages = '';
if (!ci || projectResults.numMessages < ciLimit) {
allMessages = formatResults(projectResults.results);
else {
allMessages = formatCIResults(projectResults.byMessage);
var allTypes = Array.from(new Set(Object.keys(projectResults.byMessage).concat(Object.keys(projectStatus.exceptions)))).sort();
var messages = [];
types.forEach(function (type) {
allTypes.forEach(function (type) {
var exception = projectStatus.exceptions[type];
messages.push([exception.failed, exception.type, exception.found, exception.allowed]);
if (exception) {
messages.push([exception.failed, exception.type, exception.found, exception.allowed]);
else {
messages.push([true, type, projectResults.byMessage[type].count, -1]);
_formatExceptions(buffer, messages);
var exceptions = messages.length ? 'EXCEPTIONS:'.magenta + "\n\n" + buffer.join('') : '';
var exceptions = messages.length ? 'STATS:'.magenta + "\n\n" + buffer.join('') : '';
buffer.length = 0;
var allTypes = Object.keys(projectResults.byMessage).sort();
var stats = [];
allTypes.forEach(function (type) {
stats.push([type, projectResults.byMessage[type].count]);
_formatSummary(buffer, stats);
var statsMsg = 'STATS:'.cyan + "\n\n" + buffer.join('');
buffer.length = 0;
return allMessages + "\n\n" + statsMsg + "\n\n" + exceptions;
if (projectStatus.status === Interfaces_1.ExitCode.NEEDS_READJUSTMENT) {
return exceptions + "\n\nPlease update 'package.json' to save our progress.\n";
return allMessages + "\n\n" + exceptions;
exports.formatProjectResults = formatProjectResults;

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ declare type MessageCategory = 'error' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'log' | 'debug';


@@ -14,0 +15,0 @@ interface ITSMessage {

@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ "use strict";

ExitCode[ExitCode["NODE_ERROR"] = 5] = "NODE_ERROR";
})(ExitCode || (ExitCode = {}));
exports.ExitCode = ExitCode;
"name": "@ioffice/tc-builder",
"version": "1.2.1",
"version": "1.3.0-beta.1806070241",
"description": "iOFFICE TeamCity Builder",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -24,2 +24,3 @@ /// <reference types="request-promise" />

readonly baseUrl: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;

@@ -110,4 +111,4 @@ preRelease: boolean;

* Create a standard iOffice pre-release of the current state of the project. This command
* will work on any machine that has the valid credentials to bartifactory.
* Create a standard pre-release of the current state of the project. This command
* will work on any machine that has the valid credentials.

@@ -114,0 +115,0 @@ makePreRelease(): void;

@@ -33,8 +33,13 @@ "use strict";

var pkg = this.readNPMPackage();
var gitUrl = pkg.repository.url;
var gitUrl = pkg.repository;
if (gitUrl && typeof gitUrl !== 'string') {
gitUrl = pkg.repository.url;
this.pkgVersion = pkg.version;
this.pkgName =;
this.isPrivate = this.pkgName.startsWith('@ioffice-internal/');
this.repo = gitUrl.match(/iOffice\/(.*)\.git$/)[1];
this.baseUrl = "" + this.repo;
var parts = gitUrl.match(/(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)\.git$/);
this.owner = parts[2];
this.repo = parts[3];
this.baseUrl = "" + this.owner + "/" + this.repo;

@@ -165,3 +170,3 @@ /**

name: "Version " + _this.pkgVersion,
body: "**See [CHANGELOG](" + _this.repo + "/blob/master/**",
body: "**See [CHANGELOG](" + _this.owner + "/" + _this.repo + "/blob/master/**",
draft: false,

@@ -226,4 +231,4 @@ prerelease: false

* Create a standard iOffice pre-release of the current state of the project. This command
* will work on any machine that has the valid credentials to bartifactory.
* Create a standard pre-release of the current state of the project. This command
* will work on any machine that has the valid credentials.

@@ -230,0 +235,0 @@ TCBuilder.prototype.makePreRelease = function () {

@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

var commands = ['setup', 'compile', 'run'];
var options = ['--no-lint', '--verbose', '--help', '-h', '--version', '-v', '-f'];
var options = ['--no-lint', '--verbose', '--help', '-h', '--version', '-v', '--ci'];
var _a = (x) { return process.argv.indexOf(x) > -1; }), setup = _a[0], compile = _a[1], run = _a[2];
var _b = (x) { return process.argv.indexOf(x) > -1; }), noLint = _b[0], verbose = _b[1], help = _b[2], h = _b[3], version = _b[4], v = _b[5];
var _b = (x) { return process.argv.indexOf(x) > -1; }), noLint = _b[0], verbose = _b[1], help = _b[2], h = _b[3], version = _b[4], v = _b[5], ci = _b[6];
var pkg = Util_1.readJSON('./package.json', __dirname) || {};
var pkgVersion = pkg['version'];
var usage = "usage: tc-builder <command> [--options]\n\nThe following commands are supported:\n\n - setup: Installs all the same dependencies as the ones in the tc-builder and creates\n configuration files if they do not exists. This command should be run when starting\n a new project or updating tc-builder.\n\n If there are any new updates to the configuration files and you wish to see them you\n can provide the name of the file right after the command.\n - compile: Looks at the 'tsconfig.json' file to compile the project. By default it will also\n lint the files unless we use the '--no-lint' option.\n - run: Main command to be run in team city. It will make sure to run all the tests and publish\n to npm if necessary.\n\nOptions:\n\n --no-lint: Skip linting.\n --verbose: Print messages of the steps for the 'compile' command.\n --help, -h: Print this message.\n --version, -v: Print the version.\n\ntc-builder@" + pkgVersion + "\n";
var usage = "usage: tc-builder <command> [--options]\n\nThe following commands are supported:\n\n - setup: Installs all the same dependencies as the ones in the tc-builder and creates\n configuration files if they do not exists. This command should be run when starting\n a new project or updating tc-builder.\n\n If there are any new updates to the configuration files and you wish to see them you\n can provide the name of the file right after the command.\n - compile: Looks at the 'tsconfig.json' file to compile the project. By default it will also\n lint the files unless we use the '--no-lint' option.\n - run: Main command to be run in team city. It will make sure to run all the tests and publish\n to npm if necessary.\n\nOptions:\n\n --no-lint: Skip linting.\n --verbose: Print messages of the steps for the 'compile' command.\n --ci: Continous Integration flag, minimizes the output in case there are too many errors.\n --help, -h: Print this message.\n --version, -v: Print the version.\n\ntc-builder@" + pkgVersion + "\n";
var exitNumber = 0;

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ if (help || h) {

var messageMap = tcBuilderOptions['allowed'] || {};
exitNumber = compileCLI('tsconfig.json', noLint ? '' : './tslint.json', verbose, messageMap);
exitNumber = compileCLI('tsconfig.json', noLint ? '' : './tslint.json', verbose, messageMap, ci);

@@ -55,0 +55,0 @@ else if (run) {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet