February 2020
Here are some highlights for this release. See the JupyterLab
milestone on GitHub for the full list of pull requests and issues
User-facing changes
- New user interface for notebook cell tags
<img alt="Notebook cell tags in the left sidebar next to an open notebook." src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/3.1.x/docs/source/getting_started/changelog_celltags.png" class="jp-screenshot">
- File info display when hovering on a file in the file browser
<img alt="The file browser with a tooltip describing a notebook's info like the name, size, and kernel." src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/3.1.x/docs/source/getting_started/changelog_fileinfo.png" class="jp-screenshot">
- Support for searching outputs in notebooks
<img alt="A notebook with multiple cells and the cell output searching in the upper right." src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/3.1.x/docs/source/getting_started/changelog_searchoutput.png" class="jp-screenshot">
Ctrl Shift .
and Ctrl Shift ,
shortcuts move focus to the next
and previous tab bar in the main area, respectively
Shift Home
and Shift End
shortcuts in a notebook select all
cells from the current cell to the top or bottom of a notebook,
Explicit "No Kernel" button in the kernel selection dialog for new
Notebook recordTiming
advanced setting to control whether
execution timing information is stored in notebook files
"Select current running or last run cell" command added (requires
notebook recordTiming
advanced setting to be set to true)
Codemirror lineWiseCopyCut
advanced setting to control the
behavior of the copy/cut keyboard shortcuts when there is no
Refreshed the command palette and property inspector sidebar icons
and user interfaces
"New File" and "New Markdown File" items in file browser context
menu (#7483,
"Download" item in File menu
"Restart Kernel and Run up to Selected Cell" item in notebook
Kernel menu
In extension manager, the "enable" button is now only shown for
installed extensions
Dialogs can now be closed by clicking outside of them
command to open the document find
overlay with replace. There is not currently a default keyboard
shortcut for this, but one can be assigned as a custom keyboard
shortcut in Advanced Settings.
added to the CSV Viewer delimiter options
The JSON viewer now only displays structure hints for arrays and
empty objects for a more streamlined feel
Optional platform-aware keyboard shortcut fields linuxKeys
, and winKeys
in keyboard shortcut definitions
command: "application:toggle-mode",
selector: "body",
linuxKeys: ["Ctrl Shift M"], // only linux
macKeys: ["Cmd Shift Z"], // only mac
winKeys: ["Ctrl Shift B"], // only windows
keys: ["Accel Shift U"] // default shortcut
Added options for jupyter lab clean
to clean specific parts of the
build, such as --extensions
, --settings
, --static
, and --all
Removed the vega 4 and vega-lite 2 renderers (vega 5 and vega-lite 4
is included in JupyterLab by default). These legacy renderers may be
available via custom extensions
JupyterHub users should use the c.Spawner.default_url = '/lab'
setting instead of the deprecated and now removed labhubapp
For developers
See extension_migration
for help in
migrating extensions to JupyterLab 2.0.
Backward incompatible changes
- Switch from
to @lumino
- Factor out the
and statedb
packages from
- Rework services architecture (sessions, kernels, terminals). Among
these changes,
is renamed to SessionContext
the IKernelConnection.connectToComm
method is replaced with
and IKernelConnection.hasComm
- Upgrade to TypeScript 3.7
- Remove
from coreutils in favor for @lumino/polling
- TypeScript strict null checking in core packages
- Update state database list method to query based on namespace match.
- Address code todo items and deprecations for 2.0
- Update Console panel tracker widgets
- Update contribution guide to require node v12+
- New API for the
sidebar extension
- Clean up handling of icons under unified LabIcon (
Other changes
- New property inspector used to display the properties of the
currently selected main area widget
- Allow metadata for launcher items
- Allow default file browser to restore manually.
- Upgrade bundled yarn to 1.21.1
- Make session dialogs configurable
- Support transient editor configs
- Optionally force new browser tab
- Update core dependencies (e.g.,
, xterm.js
, fontawesome
, etc.)
- Add storybook to
- Add explicit documentation encouraging people to re-use lab
- Enable TypeScript sourcemaps for debugging locally installed
- Add
example to the docs
- Add
prop to kernel options
- Add kernelspec metadata
- Allow different mimetypes for the clipboard data
- Add password dialog to apputils
- Alias phosphor packages to lumino to allow a deprecation period for
- Match react version in ui-components peerdependencies
- Fix lint-staged for both win and mac
- Update websocket workaround for node environments
- Fix handling of linked extensions
- Fix extension compatibility checks for prereleases and extensions
supporting multiple major versions of JupyterLab
- Teach update-dependency about more range specifiers and make it
adopt the current range for any tag
- Add support for giving a rank to items in the top area
- Apply all options to the initial JupyterLab application instance
- "Copy Shareable Link" in the file browser context menu now
properly works in JupyterHub
- Update Mathjax CDN in the cell and console examples
- Revert ensure-max-old-space now that Node 12+ has better default
memory ceilings
- Resolve race condition between default file browser and tree urls.
- Fix handling of code editor refresh
- Start new notebooks in edit mode
- Use consistent versions of React
- Add scrollbar styles to nbconvert-css
- Close output views when corresponding notebooks are closed
- Fixed incorrect white background for new command palette icon
- Block fetching the settings for a plugin that is disabled
- When timing metadata changes, ensure signal fires
- Prevent memory leaks in Vega renderer
- Handle cell execution cancellation when cell is disposed
- Fix dropdown option style issue on Windows
- Make sure label is linked to a control when checking for element
type (#7458)
- Refine log console message UX
- Fix multicursor backspacing
- Reset log display and count when non-notebook tab gets activated
- Fix Safari multiple tabs by working around a Safari bug.
- Skip custom click behavior on links when the download attribute is
set (#7311,
- Fix context menu hit test to deal with SVG nodes.
- Fix overwriting of target attribute of anchors rendered by
- Fix file browser location in tree view
- Stop too many fetch calls in docmanager-extension
- Ensures that
Shift Tab
dedent shortcut works correctly in the file
- Fix unexpected jump to last search result when using documentsearch
- Fixed refresh issue for html viewer
- Fix for center-aligned images with IPython.display.image
- Changes to setting editor should trigger application dirty state
- Move vega from "devdependencies" to "dependencies"
- Restore default file browser manually.
- Use default
when app_dir
is ''