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@justeattakeaway/pie-button - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ {

"type": {
"text": "[\n 'primary', 'secondary', 'outline', 'outline-inverse', 'ghost',\n 'inverse', 'ghost-inverse', 'destructive', 'destructive-ghost',\n]"
"text": "[\r\n 'primary', 'secondary', 'outline', 'outline-inverse', 'ghost',\r\n 'inverse', 'ghost-inverse', 'destructive', 'destructive-ghost',\r\n]"
"default": "[\n 'primary', 'secondary', 'outline', 'outline-inverse', 'ghost',\n 'inverse', 'ghost-inverse', 'destructive', 'destructive-ghost',\n]"
"default": "[\r\n 'primary', 'secondary', 'outline', 'outline-inverse', 'ghost',\r\n 'inverse', 'ghost-inverse', 'destructive', 'destructive-ghost',\r\n]"

@@ -94,3 +94,3 @@ {

"default": "{\n tag: 'button',\n size: 'medium',\n type: 'submit',\n variant: 'primary',\n iconPlacement: 'leading',\n disabled: false,\n isLoading: false,\n isFullWidth: false,\n isResponsive: false,\n}"
"default": "{\r\n tag: 'button',\r\n size: 'medium',\r\n type: 'submit',\r\n variant: 'primary',\r\n iconPlacement: 'leading',\r\n disabled: false,\r\n isLoading: false,\r\n isFullWidth: false,\r\n isResponsive: false,\r\n}"

@@ -366,3 +366,3 @@ ],

"description": "This method creates an invisible button of the same type as pie-button. It is then clicked, and immediately removed from the DOM.\nThis is done so that we trigger native form actions, such as submit and reset in the browser. The performance impact of adding and removing a single button to the DOM\nshould be neglible, however this should be monitored.\nThis is the only viable way of guaranteeing native button behaviour when using a web component in place of an actual HTML button.\n\nTODO: if we need to repeat this logic elsewhere, then we should consider moving this code to a shared class or mixin."
"description": "This method creates an invisible button of the same type as pie-button. It is then clicked, and immediately removed from the DOM.\r\nThis is done so that we trigger native form actions, such as submit and reset in the browser. The performance impact of adding and removing a single button to the DOM\r\nshould be neglible, however this should be monitored.\r\nThis is the only viable way of guaranteeing native button behaviour when using a web component in place of an actual HTML button.\r\n\r\nTODO: if we need to repeat this logic elsewhere, then we should consider moving this code to a shared class or mixin."

@@ -369,0 +369,0 @@ {

@@ -1,10 +0,10 @@

import { LitElement as Ft, html as M, nothing as F, unsafeCSS as At } from "lit";
import { classMap as bt } from "lit/directives/class-map.js";
import { LitElement as At, html as M, nothing as F, unsafeCSS as It } from "lit";
import { classMap as vt } from "lit/directives/class-map.js";
import { ifDefined as K } from "lit/directives/if-defined.js";
import { property as v } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { FormControlMixin as It, validPropertyValues as A, defineCustomElement as Tt } from "@justeattakeaway/pie-webc-core";
import { FormControlMixin as Lt, validPropertyValues as A, defineCustomElement as Tt } from "@justeattakeaway/pie-webc-core";
import "@justeattakeaway/pie-spinner";
(function() {
(function(E) {
const a = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), n = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), d = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), c = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), m = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), g = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), S = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), k = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), j = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), I = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), U = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), q = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), G = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), J = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), T = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), L = {
(function(k) {
const a = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), r = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), b = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), c = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), m = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), y = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), S = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), E = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), j = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), I = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), q = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), G = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), J = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Q = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), L = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), T = {
ariaAtomic: "aria-atomic",

@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ ariaAutoComplete: "aria-autocomplete",

role: "role"
}, vt = (e, t) => {
for (let o in L) {
}, ht = (e, t) => {
for (let o in T) {
t[o] = null;
let i = null;
const r = L[o];
const n = T[o];
Object.defineProperty(t, o, {

@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ get() {

set(s) {
i = s, e.isConnected ? e.setAttribute(r, s) : I.set(e, t);
i = s, e.isConnected ? e.setAttribute(n, s) : I.set(e, t);

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ });

function Q(e) {
function X(e) {
const t = c.get(e), { form: o } = t;
ot(e, o, t), et(e, t.labels);
it(e, o, t), ot(e, t.labels);
const X = (e, t = !1) => {
const Y = (e, t = !1) => {
const o = document.createTreeWalker(e, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {

@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ acceptNode(s) {

let i = o.nextNode();
const r = !t || e.disabled;
const n = !t || e.disabled;
for (; i; )
i.formDisabledCallback && r && $(i, e.disabled), i = o.nextNode();
}, Y = { attributes: !0, attributeFilter: ["disabled", "name"] }, V = O() ? new MutationObserver((e) => {
i.formDisabledCallback && n && $(i, e.disabled), i = o.nextNode();
}, Z = { attributes: !0, attributeFilter: ["disabled", "name"] }, V = O() ? new MutationObserver((e) => {
for (const t of e) {
const o =;
if (t.attributeName === "disabled" && (o.constructor.formAssociated ? $(o, o.hasAttribute("disabled")) : o.localName === "fieldset" && X(o)), t.attributeName === "name" && o.constructor.formAssociated) {
const i = c.get(o), r = j.get(o);
if (t.attributeName === "disabled" && (o.constructor.formAssociated ? $(o, o.hasAttribute("disabled")) : o.localName === "fieldset" && Y(o)), t.attributeName === "name" && o.constructor.formAssociated) {
const i = c.get(o), n = j.get(o);

@@ -96,17 +96,17 @@ }

e.forEach((t) => {
const { addedNodes: o, removedNodes: i } = t, r = Array.from(o), s = Array.from(i);
r.forEach((l) => {
const { addedNodes: o, removedNodes: i } = t, n = Array.from(o), s = Array.from(i);
n.forEach((l) => {
var u;
if (c.has(l) && l.constructor.formAssociated && Q(l), I.has(l)) {
if (c.has(l) && l.constructor.formAssociated && X(l), I.has(l)) {
const p = I.get(l);
Object.keys(L).filter((y) => p[y] !== null).forEach((y) => {
l.setAttribute(L[y], p[y]);
Object.keys(T).filter((g) => p[g] !== null).forEach((g) => {
l.setAttribute(T[g], p[g]);
}), I.delete(l);
if (T.has(l)) {
const p = T.get(l);
l.setAttribute("internals-valid", p.validity.valid.toString()), l.setAttribute("internals-invalid", (!p.validity.valid).toString()), l.setAttribute("aria-invalid", (!p.validity.valid).toString()), T.delete(l);
if (L.has(l)) {
const p = L.get(l);
l.setAttribute("internals-valid", p.validity.valid.toString()), l.setAttribute("internals-invalid", (!p.validity.valid).toString()), l.setAttribute("aria-invalid", (!p.validity.valid).toString()), L.delete(l);
if (l.localName === "form") {
const p = k.get(l), x = document.createTreeWalker(l, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
const p = E.get(l), x = document.createTreeWalker(l, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
acceptNode(B) {

@@ -116,26 +116,26 @@ return c.has(B) && B.constructor.formAssociated && !(p && p.has(B)) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;

let y = x.nextNode();
for (; y; )
Q(y), y = x.nextNode();
let g = x.nextNode();
for (; g; )
X(g), g = x.nextNode();
l.localName === "fieldset" && ((u = V.observe) === null || u === void 0 ||, l, Y), X(l, !0));
l.localName === "fieldset" && ((u = V.observe) === null || u === void 0 ||, l, Z), Y(l, !0));
}), s.forEach((l) => {
const u = c.get(l);
u && d.get(u) && Z(u), S.has(l) && S.get(l).disconnect();
u && b.get(u) && tt(u), S.has(l) && S.get(l).disconnect();
function ht(e) {
function pt(e) {
e.forEach((t) => {
const { removedNodes: o } = t;
o.forEach((i) => {
const r = G.get(;
c.has(i) && rt(i), r.disconnect();
const n = J.get(;
c.has(i) && nt(i), n.disconnect();
const pt = (e) => {
const mt = (e) => {
var t, o;
const i = new MutationObserver(ht);
!((t = window == null ? void 0 : window.ShadyDOM) === null || t === void 0) && t.inUse && e.mode && && (e =, (o = i.observe) === null || o === void 0 ||, e, { childList: !0 }), G.set(e, i);
const i = new MutationObserver(pt);
!((t = window == null ? void 0 : window.ShadyDOM) === null || t === void 0) && t.inUse && e.mode && && (e =, (o = i.observe) === null || o === void 0 ||, e, { childList: !0 }), J.set(e, i);

@@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ O() && new MutationObserver(_);

e.toggleAttribute("internals-disabled", t), t ? e.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true") : e.removeAttribute("aria-disabled"), e.formDisabledCallback && e.formDisabledCallback.apply(e, [t]);
}, Z = (e) => {
d.get(e).forEach((o) => {
}, tt = (e) => {
b.get(e).forEach((o) => {
}), d.set(e, []);
}, tt = (e, t) => {
}), b.set(e, []);
}, et = (e, t) => {
const o = document.createElement("input");
return o.type = "hidden", = e.getAttribute("name"), e.after(o), d.get(t).push(o), o;
}, mt = (e, t) => {
return o.type = "hidden", = e.getAttribute("name"), e.after(o), b.get(t).push(o), o;
}, ut = (e, t) => {
var o;
d.set(t, []), (o = V.observe) === null || o === void 0 ||, e, Y);
}, et = (e, t) => {
b.set(t, []), (o = V.observe) === null || o === void 0 ||, e, Z);
}, ot = (e, t) => {
if (t.length) {

@@ -166,33 +166,33 @@ Array.from(t).forEach((i) => i.addEventListener("click",;

}, N = (e) => {
const t = Array.from(e.elements).filter((s) => !s.tagName.includes("-") && s.validity).map((s) => s.validity.valid), o = k.get(e) || [], i = Array.from(o).filter((s) => s.isConnected).map((s) => c.get(s).validity.valid), r = [...t, ...i].includes(!1);
e.toggleAttribute("internals-invalid", r), e.toggleAttribute("internals-valid", !r);
}, ut = (e) => {
const t = Array.from(e.elements).filter((s) => !s.tagName.includes("-") && s.validity).map((s) => s.validity.valid), o = E.get(e) || [], i = Array.from(o).filter((s) => s.isConnected).map((s) => c.get(s).validity.valid), n = [...t, ...i].includes(!1);
e.toggleAttribute("internals-invalid", n), e.toggleAttribute("internals-valid", !n);
}, ft = (e) => {
}, gt = (e) => {
}, yt = (e) => {
const t = ["button[type=submit]", "input[type=submit]", "button:not([type])"].map((o) => `${o}:not([disabled])`).map((o) => `${o}:not([form])${ ? `,${o}[form='${}']` : ""}`).join(",");
e.addEventListener("click", (o) => {
if ( {
const r = k.get(e);
const n = E.get(e);
if (e.noValidate)
r.size && Array.from(r).reverse().map((u) => c.get(u).reportValidity()).includes(!1) && o.preventDefault();
n.size && Array.from(n).reverse().map((u) => c.get(u).reportValidity()).includes(!1) && o.preventDefault();
}, yt = (e) => {
const t = k.get(;
}, wt = (e) => {
const t = E.get(;
t && t.size && t.forEach((o) => {
o.constructor.formAssociated && o.formResetCallback && o.formResetCallback.apply(o);
}, ot = (e, t, o) => {
}, it = (e, t, o) => {
if (t) {
const i = k.get(t);
const i = E.get(t);
if (i)
else {
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
r.add(e), k.set(t, r), gt(t), t.addEventListener("reset", yt), t.addEventListener("input", ut), t.addEventListener("change", ft);
const n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
n.add(e), E.set(t, n), yt(t), t.addEventListener("reset", wt), t.addEventListener("input", ft), t.addEventListener("change", gt);
g.set(t, { ref: e, internals: o }), e.constructor.formAssociated && e.formAssociatedCallback && setTimeout(() => {
y.set(t, { ref: e, internals: o }), e.constructor.formAssociated && e.formAssociatedCallback && setTimeout(() => {
e.formAssociatedCallback.apply(e, [t]);

@@ -207,11 +207,11 @@ }, 0), N(t);

throw new o(t);
}, it = (e, t, o) => {
const i = k.get(e);
return i && i.size && i.forEach((r) => {
c.get(r)[o]() || (t = !1);
}, rt = (e, t, o) => {
const i = E.get(e);
return i && i.size && i.forEach((n) => {
c.get(n)[o]() || (t = !1);
}), t;
}, rt = (e) => {
}, nt = (e) => {
if (e.constructor.formAssociated) {
const t = c.get(e), { labels: o, form: i } = t;
et(e, o), ot(e, i, t);
ot(e, o), it(e, i, t);

@@ -222,3 +222,3 @@ };

class wt {
class xt {
constructor() {

@@ -228,3 +228,3 @@ this.badInput = !1, this.customError = !1, this.patternMismatch = !1, this.rangeOverflow = !1, this.rangeUnderflow = !1, this.stepMismatch = !1, this.tooLong = !1, this.tooShort = !1, this.typeMismatch = !1, this.valid = !0, this.valueMissing = !1, Object.seal(this);

const xt = (e) => (e.badInput = !1, e.customError = !1, e.patternMismatch = !1, e.rangeOverflow = !1, e.rangeUnderflow = !1, e.stepMismatch = !1, e.tooLong = !1, e.tooShort = !1, e.typeMismatch = !1, e.valid = !0, e.valueMissing = !1, e), Et = (e, t, o) => (e.valid = kt(t), Object.keys(t).forEach((i) => e[i] = t[i]), o && N(o), e), kt = (e) => {
const Et = (e) => (e.badInput = !1, e.customError = !1, e.patternMismatch = !1, e.rangeOverflow = !1, e.rangeUnderflow = !1, e.stepMismatch = !1, e.tooLong = !1, e.tooShort = !1, e.typeMismatch = !1, e.valid = !0, e.valueMissing = !1, e), kt = (e, t, o) => (e.valid = Mt(t), Object.keys(t).forEach((i) => e[i] = t[i]), o && N(o), e), Mt = (e) => {
let t = !0;

@@ -235,3 +235,3 @@ for (let o in e)

}, D = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function nt(e, t) {
function at(e, t) {
e.toggleAttribute(t, !0), e.part && e.part.add(t);

@@ -251,5 +251,5 @@ }

throw new DOMException(`Failed to execute 'add' on 'CustomStateSet': The specified value ${t} must start with '--'.`);
const o = super.add(t), i = D.get(this), r = `state${t}`;
return i.isConnected ? nt(i, r) : setTimeout(() => {
nt(i, r);
const o = super.add(t), i = D.get(this), n = `state${t}`;
return i.isConnected ? at(i, n) : setTimeout(() => {
at(i, n);
}), o;

@@ -269,22 +269,15 @@ }

function at(e, t, o, i) {
if (o === "a" && !i)
throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof t == "function" ? e !== t || !i : !t.has(e))
throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
function st(e, t, o, i) {
if (o === "a" && !i) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof t == "function" ? e !== t || !i : !t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return o === "m" ? i : o === "a" ? : i ? i.value : t.get(e);
function Mt(e, t, o, i, r) {
if (i === "m")
throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
if (i === "a" && !r)
throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
if (typeof t == "function" ? e !== t || !r : !t.has(e))
throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
return i === "a" ?, o) : r ? r.value = o : t.set(e, o), o;
function St(e, t, o, i, n) {
if (typeof t == "function" ? e !== t || !n : !t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
return t.set(e, o), o;
var z;
class St {
class Ct {
constructor(t) {
z.set(this, void 0), Mt(this, z, t, "f");
z.set(this, void 0), St(this, z, t);
for (let o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {

@@ -297,6 +290,6 @@ let i = t[o];

get length() {
return at(this, z, "f").length;
return st(this, z, "f").length;
[(z = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Symbol.iterator)]() {
return at(this, z, "f")[Symbol.iterator]();
return st(this, z, "f")[Symbol.iterator]();

@@ -310,3 +303,3 @@ item(t) {

function Ct() {
function zt() {
const e = HTMLFormElement.prototype.checkValidity;

@@ -318,20 +311,20 @@ HTMLFormElement.prototype.checkValidity = o;

let l = e.apply(this, s);
return it(this, l, "checkValidity");
return rt(this, l, "checkValidity");
function i(...s) {
let l = t.apply(this, s);
return it(this, l, "reportValidity");
return rt(this, l, "reportValidity");
const { get: r } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLFormElement.prototype, "elements");
const { get: n } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLFormElement.prototype, "elements");
Object.defineProperty(HTMLFormElement.prototype, "elements", {
get(...s) {
const l =, ...s), u = Array.from(k.get(this) || []);
const l =, ...s), u = Array.from(E.get(this) || []);
if (u.length === 0)
return l;
const p = Array.from(l).concat(u).sort((x, y) => x.compareDocumentPosition ? x.compareDocumentPosition(y) & 2 ? 1 : -1 : 0);
return new St(p);
const p = Array.from(l).concat(u).sort((x, g) => x.compareDocumentPosition ? x.compareDocumentPosition(g) & 2 ? 1 : -1 : 0);
return new Ct(p);
class st {
class lt {
static get isPolyfilled() {

@@ -343,4 +336,4 @@ return !0;

throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor");
const o = t.getRootNode(), i = new wt();
this.states = new W(t), a.set(this, t), n.set(this, i), c.set(t, this), vt(t, this), mt(t, this), Object.seal(this), o instanceof DocumentFragment && pt(o);
const o = t.getRootNode(), i = new xt();
this.states = new W(t), a.set(this, t), r.set(this, i), c.set(t, this), ht(t, this), ut(t, this), Object.seal(this), o instanceof DocumentFragment && mt(o);

@@ -351,3 +344,3 @@ checkValidity() {

return !0;
const o = n.get(this);
const o = r.get(this);
if (!o.valid) {

@@ -379,3 +372,3 @@ const i = new Event("invalid", {

return !0;
const o = this.checkValidity(), i = q.get(this);
const o = this.checkValidity(), i = G.get(this);
if (i && !t.constructor.formAssociated)

@@ -387,34 +380,33 @@ throw new DOMException("Failed to execute 'reportValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.");

const o = a.get(this);
if (w(o, "Failed to execute 'setFormValue' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element."), Z(this), t != null && !(t instanceof FormData)) {
if (w(o, "Failed to execute 'setFormValue' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element."), tt(this), t != null && !(t instanceof FormData)) {
if (o.getAttribute("name")) {
const i = tt(o, this);
const i = et(o, this);
i.value = t;
} else
t != null && t instanceof FormData && Array.from(t).reverse().forEach(([i, r]) => {
if (typeof r == "string") {
const s = tt(o, this); = i, s.value = r;
} else t != null && t instanceof FormData && Array.from(t).reverse().forEach(([i, n]) => {
if (typeof n == "string") {
const s = et(o, this); = i, s.value = n;
j.set(o, t);
setValidity(t, o, i) {
const r = a.get(this);
if (w(r, "Failed to execute 'setValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element."), !t)
const n = a.get(this);
if (w(n, "Failed to execute 'setValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element."), !t)
throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'setValidity' on 'ElementInternals': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
q.set(this, i);
const s = n.get(this), l = {};
G.set(this, i);
const s = r.get(this), l = {};
for (const x in t)
l[x] = t[x];
Object.keys(l).length === 0 && xt(s);
Object.keys(l).length === 0 && Et(s);
const u = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s), l);
delete u.valid;
const { valid: p } = Et(s, u, this.form);
const { valid: p } = kt(s, u, this.form);
if (!p && !o)
throw new DOMException("Failed to execute 'setValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The second argument should not be empty if one or more flags in the first argument are true.");
m.set(this, p ? "" : o), r.isConnected ? (r.toggleAttribute("internals-invalid", !p), r.toggleAttribute("internals-valid", p), r.setAttribute("aria-invalid", `${!p}`)) : T.set(r, this);
m.set(this, p ? "" : o), n.isConnected ? (n.toggleAttribute("internals-invalid", !p), n.toggleAttribute("internals-valid", p), n.setAttribute("aria-invalid", `${!p}`)) : L.set(n, this);
get shadowRoot() {
const t = a.get(this), o = U.get(t);
const t = a.get(this), o = q.get(t);
return o || null;

@@ -428,3 +420,3 @@ }

const t = a.get(this);
return w(t, "Failed to read the 'validity' property from 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element."), n.get(this);
return w(t, "Failed to read the 'validity' property from 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element."), r.get(this);

@@ -436,3 +428,3 @@ get willValidate() {

function zt() {
function Ft() {
if (typeof window > "u" || !window.ElementInternals || !HTMLElement.prototype.attachInternals)

@@ -461,5 +453,5 @@ return !1;

let lt = !1, ct = !1;
let ct = !1, dt = !1;
function H(e) {
ct || (ct = !0, window.CustomStateSet = W, e && (HTMLElement.prototype.attachInternals = function(...t) {
dt || (dt = !0, window.CustomStateSet = W, e && (HTMLElement.prototype.attachInternals = function(...t) {
const o =, t);

@@ -469,14 +461,14 @@ return o.states = new W(this), o;

function dt(e = !0) {
if (!lt) {
if (lt = !0, typeof window < "u" && (window.ElementInternals = st), typeof CustomElementRegistry < "u") {
function bt(e = !0) {
if (!ct) {
if (ct = !0, typeof window < "u" && (window.ElementInternals = lt), typeof CustomElementRegistry < "u") {
const t = CustomElementRegistry.prototype.define;
CustomElementRegistry.prototype.define = function(o, i, r) {
CustomElementRegistry.prototype.define = function(o, i, n) {
if (i.formAssociated) {
const s = i.prototype.connectedCallback;
i.prototype.connectedCallback = function() {
J.has(this) || (J.set(this, !0), this.hasAttribute("disabled") && $(this, !0)), s != null && s.apply(this), rt(this);
Q.has(this) || (Q.set(this, !0), this.hasAttribute("disabled") && $(this, !0)), s != null && s.apply(this), nt(this);
}, o, i, r);, o, i, n);

@@ -488,15 +480,14 @@ }

throw new Error("Failed to execute 'attachInternals' on 'HTMLElement': Unable to attach ElementInternals to non-custom elements.");
} else
return {};
} else return {};
if (c.has(this))
throw new DOMException("DOMException: Failed to execute 'attachInternals' on 'HTMLElement': ElementInternals for the specified element was already attached.");
return new st(this);
return new lt(this);
}), typeof Element < "u") {
let t = function(...i) {
const r = o.apply(this, i);
if (U.set(this, r), O()) {
const n = o.apply(this, i);
if (q.set(this, n), O()) {
const s = new MutationObserver(_);
window.ShadyDOM ? s.observe(this, R) : s.observe(r, R), S.set(this, s);
window.ShadyDOM ? s.observe(this, R) : s.observe(n, R), S.set(this, s);
return r;
return n;

@@ -506,9 +497,9 @@ const o = Element.prototype.attachShadow;

O() && typeof document < "u" && new MutationObserver(_).observe(document.documentElement, R), typeof HTMLFormElement < "u" && Ct(), (e || typeof window < "u" && !window.CustomStateSet) && H();
O() && typeof document < "u" && new MutationObserver(_).observe(document.documentElement, R), typeof HTMLFormElement < "u" && zt(), (e || typeof window < "u" && !window.CustomStateSet) && H();
return !!customElements.polyfillWrapFlushCallback || (zt() ? typeof window < "u" && !window.CustomStateSet && H(HTMLElement.prototype.attachInternals) : dt(!1)), E.forceCustomStateSetPolyfill = H, E.forceElementInternalsPolyfill = dt, Object.defineProperty(E, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), E;
return !!customElements.polyfillWrapFlushCallback || (Ft() ? typeof window < "u" && !window.CustomStateSet && H(HTMLElement.prototype.attachInternals) : bt(!1)), k.forceCustomStateSetPolyfill = H, k.forceElementInternalsPolyfill = bt, Object.defineProperty(k, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), k;
const Lt = ["button", "a"], Vt = ["xsmall", "small-productive", "small-expressive", "medium", "large"], qt = ["productive", "expressive"], Nt = ["submit", "button", "reset"], Pt = [
const Vt = ["button", "a"], Nt = ["xsmall", "small-productive", "small-expressive", "medium", "large"], qt = ["productive", "expressive"], Pt = ["submit", "button", "reset"], Ot = [

@@ -523,3 +514,3 @@ "secondary",

], Ot = ["leading", "trailing"], Gt = ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"], Jt = ["post", "get", "dialog"], Qt = ["_self", "_blank", "_parent", "_top"], f = {
], _t = ["leading", "trailing"], Gt = ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"], Jt = ["post", "get", "dialog"], Qt = ["_self", "_blank", "_parent", "_top"], f = {
tag: "button",

@@ -534,11 +525,9 @@ size: "medium",

isResponsive: !1
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block;position:relative;display:inline-flex;gap:var(--dt-spacing-b);align-items:center;justify-content:center;height:var(--btn-height);padding:var(--btn-padding);border:none;border-radius:var(--btn-border-radius);outline:none;background-color:var(--btn-bg-color);font-family:var(--btn-font-family);font-size:var(--btn-font-size);font-weight:var(--btn-font-weight);color:var(--btn-text-color);line-height:var(--btn-line-height);cursor:pointer;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;text-decoration:none;inline-size:var(--btn-inline-size)}.o-btn.o-btn--primary:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-l) + var(--hover-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--primary:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-s), 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var(--dt-color-hover-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--hover-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--outline:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--active-modifier: var(--dt-color-active-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--active-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost{--btn-bg-color: transparent;--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-link)}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--hover-modifier: var(--dt-color-hover-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--hover-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--active-modifier: var(--dt-color-active-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--active-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--inverse{--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse);--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-secondary)}.o-btn.o-btn--inverse:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-l) + var(--hover-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--inverse:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-l) + var(--active-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost-inverse,.o-btn.o-btn--outline-inverse{--btn-bg-color: transparent;--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-primary)}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost-inverse:hover:not(:disabled),.o-btn.o-btn--outline-inverse:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--hover-modifier: var(--dt-color-hover-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-container-default-h), var(--dt-color-container-default-s), var(--dt-color-container-default-l), var(--hover-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost-inverse:active:not(:disabled),,.o-btn.o-btn--outline-inverse:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--active-modifier: var(--dt-color-active-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-container-default-h), var(--dt-color-container-default-s), var(--dt-color-container-default-l), var(--active-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--outline-inverse:not([disabled]){border:1px solid var(--dt-color-border-strong)}.o-btn.o-btn--destructive{--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-support-error)}.o-btn.o-btn--destructive:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-support-error-h), var(--dt-color-support-error-s), calc(var(--dt-color-support-error-l) + 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var(--btn-height--xsmall);--btn-padding: 6px var(--dt-spacing-b);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-14) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-14-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 16px}@media (min-width: 769px){.o-btn.o-btn--xsmall.o-btn--responsive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--small);--btn-padding: 8px var(--dt-spacing-d);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-16) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-16-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 20px}.o-btn.o-btn--xsmall.o-btn--responsive.o-btn--expressive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--small);--btn-padding: 6px var(--dt-spacing-d);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 20px}}.o-btn.o-btn--small-expressive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--small);--btn-padding: 6px var(--dt-spacing-d);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 20px}@media (min-width: 769px){.o-btn.o-btn--small-expressive.o-btn--responsive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--medium);--btn-padding: 10px var(--dt-spacing-e);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 24px}}.o-btn.o-btn--small-productive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--small);--btn-padding: 8px var(--dt-spacing-d);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-16) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-16-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 20px}@media (min-width: 769px){.o-btn.o-btn--small-productive.o-btn--responsive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--medium);--btn-padding: 10px var(--dt-spacing-e);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 24px}}.o-btn.o-btn--medium{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--medium);--btn-padding: 10px 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!important}.o-btn[disabled].o-btn--outline{border-color:var(--dt-color-disabled-01)!important}>*:not(pie-spinner){visibility:hidden} pie-spinner{position:absolute}.o-btn:focus-visible{box-shadow:0 0 0 2px var(--dt-color-focus-inner),0 0 0 4px var(--dt-color-focus-outer);outline:none}::slotted(svg){height:var(--icon-size-override);width:var(--icon-size-override)}
var Rt = Object.defineProperty, $t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, h = (E, a, n, d) => {
for (var c = d > 1 ? void 0 : d ? $t(a, n) : a, m = E.length - 1, g; m >= 0; m--)
(g = E[m]) && (c = (d ? g(a, n, c) : g(c)) || c);
return d && c && Rt(a, n, c), c;
}, Rt = "*,*:after,*:before{box-sizing:inherit}.o-btn{--btn-border-radius: var(--dt-radius-rounded-e);--btn-font-family: var(--dt-font-interactive-l-family);--btn-font-weight: var(--dt-font-interactive-l-weight);--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-interactive-brand);--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-primary);--btn-height--xsmall: 32px;--btn-height--small: 40px;--btn-height--medium: 48px;--btn-height--large: 56px;--icon-display-override: block;position:relative;display:inline-flex;gap:var(--dt-spacing-b);align-items:center;justify-content:center;height:var(--btn-height);padding:var(--btn-padding);border:none;border-radius:var(--btn-border-radius);outline:none;background-color:var(--btn-bg-color);font-family:var(--btn-font-family);font-size:var(--btn-font-size);font-weight:var(--btn-font-weight);color:var(--btn-text-color);line-height:var(--btn-line-height);cursor:pointer;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;text-decoration:none;inline-size:var(--btn-inline-size)}.o-btn.o-btn--primary:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-l) + var(--hover-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--primary:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-l) + var(--active-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--xsmall,.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--small-productive{--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-interactive-primary)}.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--xsmall:hover:not(:disabled),.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--small-productive:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: var(--dt-color-hover-02);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-primary-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-primary-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-primary-l) + var(--hover-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--xsmall:active:not(:disabled),,.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--small-productive:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: var(--dt-color-active-02);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-primary-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-primary-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-primary-l) + var(--active-modifier)))}@media (min-width: 769px){.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--xsmall.o-btn--expressive.o-btn--responsive,.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--small-productive.o-btn--responsive{--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-interactive-brand)}.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--xsmall.o-btn--expressive.o-btn--responsive:hover:not(:disabled),.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--small-productive.o-btn--responsive:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-l) + var(--hover-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--xsmall.o-btn--expressive.o-btn--responsive:active:not(:disabled),,.o-btn.o-btn--primary.o-btn--small-productive.o-btn--responsive:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-brand-l) + var(--active-modifier)))}}.o-btn.o-btn--secondary{--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-interactive-secondary);--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-secondary)}.o-btn.o-btn--secondary:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-secondary-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-secondary-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-secondary-l) + var(--hover-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--secondary:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-secondary-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-secondary-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-secondary-l) + var(--active-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--outline{--btn-bg-color: transparent;--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-secondary);border:1px solid var(--dt-color-border-strong)}.o-btn.o-btn--outline:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--hover-modifier: var(--dt-color-hover-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--hover-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--outline:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--active-modifier: var(--dt-color-active-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--active-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost{--btn-bg-color: transparent;--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-link)}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--hover-modifier: var(--dt-color-hover-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--hover-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--active-modifier: var(--dt-color-active-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--active-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--inverse{--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse);--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-secondary)}.o-btn.o-btn--inverse:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-l) + var(--hover-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--inverse:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-h), var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-s), calc(var(--dt-color-interactive-inverse-l) + var(--active-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost-inverse,.o-btn.o-btn--outline-inverse{--btn-bg-color: transparent;--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-primary)}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost-inverse:hover:not(:disabled),.o-btn.o-btn--outline-inverse:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--hover-modifier: var(--dt-color-hover-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-container-default-h), var(--dt-color-container-default-s), var(--dt-color-container-default-l), var(--hover-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--ghost-inverse:active:not(:disabled),,.o-btn.o-btn--outline-inverse:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--active-modifier: var(--dt-color-active-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-container-default-h), var(--dt-color-container-default-s), var(--dt-color-container-default-l), var(--active-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--outline-inverse:not([disabled]){border:1px solid var(--dt-color-border-strong)}.o-btn.o-btn--destructive{--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-support-error)}.o-btn.o-btn--destructive:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-support-error-h), var(--dt-color-support-error-s), calc(var(--dt-color-support-error-l) + var(--hover-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--destructive:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-support-error-h), var(--dt-color-support-error-s), calc(var(--dt-color-support-error-l) + var(--active-modifier)))}.o-btn.o-btn--destructive-ghost{--btn-bg-color: transparent;--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-error)}.o-btn.o-btn--destructive-ghost:hover:not(:disabled){--hover-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-hover-01));--hover-modifier: var(--dt-color-hover-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--hover-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--destructive-ghost:active:not(:disabled),{--active-modifier: calc(-1 * var(--dt-color-active-01));--active-modifier: var(--dt-color-active-01);--btn-bg-color: hsl(var(--dt-color-black-h), var(--dt-color-black-s), var(--dt-color-black-l), var(--active-modifier))}.o-btn.o-btn--xsmall{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--xsmall);--btn-padding: 6px var(--dt-spacing-b);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-14) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-14-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 16px}@media (min-width: 769px){.o-btn.o-btn--xsmall.o-btn--responsive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--small);--btn-padding: 8px var(--dt-spacing-d);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-16) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-16-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 20px}.o-btn.o-btn--xsmall.o-btn--responsive.o-btn--expressive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--small);--btn-padding: 6px var(--dt-spacing-d);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 20px}}.o-btn.o-btn--small-expressive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--small);--btn-padding: 6px var(--dt-spacing-d);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 20px}@media (min-width: 769px){.o-btn.o-btn--small-expressive.o-btn--responsive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--medium);--btn-padding: 10px var(--dt-spacing-e);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 24px}}.o-btn.o-btn--small-productive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--small);--btn-padding: 8px var(--dt-spacing-d);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-16) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-16-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 20px}@media (min-width: 769px){.o-btn.o-btn--small-productive.o-btn--responsive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--medium);--btn-padding: 10px var(--dt-spacing-e);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 24px}}.o-btn.o-btn--medium{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--medium);--btn-padding: 10px var(--dt-spacing-e);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 24px}@media (min-width: 769px){.o-btn.o-btn--medium.o-btn--responsive{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--large);--btn-padding: 14px var(--dt-spacing-e);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 24px}}.o-btn.o-btn--large{--btn-height: var(--btn-height--large);--btn-padding: 14px var(--dt-spacing-e);--btn-font-size: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20) * 1px);--btn-line-height: calc(var(--dt-font-size-20-line-height) * 1px);--icon-size-override: 24px}.o-btn.o-btn--fullWidth{--btn-inline-size: 100%}.o-btn[disabled]{--btn-text-color: var(--dt-color-content-disabled) !important;cursor:not-allowed}.o-btn[disabled]:not(.o-btn--ghost,.o-btn--ghost-inverse,.o-btn--destructive-ghost){--btn-bg-color: var(--dt-color-disabled-01) !important}.o-btn[disabled].o-btn--outline{border-color:var(--dt-color-disabled-01)!important}>*:not(pie-spinner){visibility:hidden} pie-spinner{position:absolute}.o-btn:focus-visible{box-shadow:0 0 0 2px var(--dt-color-focus-inner),0 0 0 4px var(--dt-color-focus-outer);outline:none}::slotted(svg){height:var(--icon-size-override);width:var(--icon-size-override)}";
var $t = Object.defineProperty, h = (k, a, r, b) => {
for (var c = void 0, m = k.length - 1, y; m >= 0; m--)
(y = k[m]) && (c = y(a, r, c) || c);
return c && $t(a, r, c), c;
const C = "pie-button";
class b extends It(Ft) {
const C = "pie-button", U = class U extends Lt(At) {
constructor() {

@@ -548,4 +537,4 @@ super(...arguments), this.tag = f.tag, this.size = f.size, this.type = f.type, this.variant = f.variant, this.iconPlacement = f.iconPlacement, this.disabled = f.disabled, this.isLoading = f.isLoading, this.isFullWidth = f.isFullWidth, this.isResponsive = f.isResponsive, this._handleFormKeyDown = (a) => {

if ( instanceof HTMLElement) {
const n =;
if (n === "button" || n === "pie-button")
const r =;
if (r === "button" || r === "pie-button")

@@ -566,4 +555,4 @@ }

updated(a) {
var n, d;
a.has("type") && (this.type === "submit" ? (n = this.form) == null || n.addEventListener("keydown", this._handleFormKeyDown) : (d = this.form) == null || d.removeEventListener("keydown", this._handleFormKeyDown));
var r, b;
a.has("type") && (this.type === "submit" ? (r = this.form) == null || r.addEventListener("keydown", this._handleFormKeyDown) : (b = this.form) == null || b.removeEventListener("keydown", this._handleFormKeyDown));

@@ -579,6 +568,5 @@ /**

_simulateNativeButtonClick(a) {
if (!this.form)
const n = document.createElement("button");
n.type = a, = "absolute", = "1px", = "1px", = "0", = "-1px", = "hidden", = "0", = "nowrap", a === "submit" && ( && ( =, this.value && (n.value = this.value), this.formaction && n.setAttribute("formaction", this.formaction), this.formenctype && n.setAttribute("formenctype", this.formenctype), this.formmethod && n.setAttribute("formmethod", this.formmethod), this.formnovalidate && n.setAttribute("formnovalidate", "formnovalidate"), this.formtarget && n.setAttribute("formtarget", this.formtarget)), this.form.append(n),, n.remove();
if (!this.form) return;
const r = document.createElement("button");
r.type = a, = "absolute", = "1px", = "1px", = "0", = "-1px", = "hidden", = "0", = "nowrap", a === "submit" && ( && ( =, this.value && (r.value = this.value), this.formaction && r.setAttribute("formaction", this.formaction), this.formenctype && r.setAttribute("formenctype", this.formenctype), this.formmethod && r.setAttribute("formmethod", this.formmethod), this.formnovalidate && r.setAttribute("formnovalidate", "formnovalidate"), this.formtarget && r.setAttribute("formtarget", this.formtarget)), this.form.append(r),, r.remove();

@@ -594,5 +582,5 @@ _handleClick() {

renderSpinner() {
const { size: a, variant: n, disabled: d } = this, c = a && a.includes("small") ? "small" : "medium";
const { size: a, variant: r, disabled: b } = this, c = a && a.includes("small") ? "small" : "medium";
let m;
return d ? m = n === "ghost-inverse" ? "inverse" : "secondary" : m = ["primary", "destructive", "outline-inverse", "ghost-inverse"].includes(this.variant) ? "inverse" : "secondary", M`
return b ? m = r === "ghost-inverse" ? "inverse" : "secondary" : m = ["primary", "destructive", "outline-inverse", "ghost-inverse"].includes(this.variant) ? "inverse" : "secondary", M`

@@ -605,4 +593,4 @@ size="${c}"

const {
href: n,
iconPlacement: d,
href: r,
iconPlacement: b,
rel: c,

@@ -613,9 +601,9 @@ target: m

${d === "leading" ? M`<slot name="icon"></slot>` : F}
${b === "leading" ? M`<slot name="icon"></slot>` : F}
${d === "trailing" ? M`<slot name="icon"></slot>` : F}
${b === "trailing" ? M`<slot name="icon"></slot>` : F}

@@ -625,7 +613,7 @@ }

const {
disabled: n,
iconPlacement: d,
disabled: r,
iconPlacement: b,
isLoading: c,
type: m
} = this, g = {
} = this, y = {

@@ -637,9 +625,9 @@ "is-loading": c

${c ? this.renderSpinner() : F}
${d === "leading" ? M`<slot name="icon"></slot>` : F}
${b === "leading" ? M`<slot name="icon"></slot>` : F}
${d === "trailing" ? M`<slot name="icon"></slot>` : F}
${b === "trailing" ? M`<slot name="icon"></slot>` : F}

@@ -650,13 +638,13 @@ }

isFullWidth: a,
isResponsive: n,
responsiveSize: d,
isResponsive: r,
responsiveSize: b,
size: c,
tag: m,
variant: g
variant: y
} = this, S = {
"o-btn": !0,
"o-btn--fullWidth": a,
"o-btn--responsive": n,
[`o-btn--${d}`]: !!(n && d),
[`o-btn--${g}`]: !0,
"o-btn--responsive": r,
[`o-btn--${b}`]: !!(r && b),
[`o-btn--${y}`]: !0,
[`o-btn--${c}`]: !0

@@ -667,75 +655,76 @@ };

focus() {
var a, n;
(n = (a = this.shadowRoot) == null ? void 0 : a.querySelector("button")) == null || n.focus();
var a, r;
(r = (a = this.shadowRoot) == null ? void 0 : a.querySelector("button")) == null || r.focus();
b.styles = At(_t);
U.styles = It(Rt);
let d = U;
v({ type: String }),
A(C, Lt, f.tag)
], b.prototype, "tag", 2);
A(C, Vt, f.tag)
], d.prototype, "tag");
v({ type: String }),
A(C, Vt, f.size)
], b.prototype, "size", 2);
A(C, Nt, f.size)
], d.prototype, "size");
v({ type: String }),
A(C, Nt, f.type)
], b.prototype, "type", 2);
A(C, Pt, f.type)
], d.prototype, "type");
v({ type: String }),
A(C, Pt, f.variant)
], b.prototype, "variant", 2);
A(C, Ot, f.variant)
], d.prototype, "variant");
v({ type: String }),
A(C, Ot, f.iconPlacement)
], b.prototype, "iconPlacement", 2);
A(C, _t, f.iconPlacement)
], d.prototype, "iconPlacement");
v({ type: Boolean })
], b.prototype, "disabled", 2);
], d.prototype, "disabled");
v({ type: Boolean, reflect: !0 })
], b.prototype, "isLoading", 2);
], d.prototype, "isLoading");
v({ type: Boolean })
], b.prototype, "isFullWidth", 2);
], d.prototype, "isFullWidth");
v({ type: Boolean })
], b.prototype, "isResponsive", 2);
], d.prototype, "isResponsive");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "name", 2);
], d.prototype, "name");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "value", 2);
], d.prototype, "value");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "formaction", 2);
], d.prototype, "formaction");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "formenctype", 2);
], d.prototype, "formenctype");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "formmethod", 2);
], d.prototype, "formmethod");
v({ type: Boolean })
], b.prototype, "formnovalidate", 2);
], d.prototype, "formnovalidate");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "formtarget", 2);
], d.prototype, "formtarget");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "responsiveSize", 2);
], d.prototype, "responsiveSize");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "href", 2);
], d.prototype, "href");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "rel", 2);
], d.prototype, "rel");
v({ type: String })
], b.prototype, "target", 2);
Tt(C, b);
], d.prototype, "target");
Tt(C, d);
export {
b as PieButton,
d as PieButton,
f as defaultProps,

@@ -745,8 +734,8 @@ Gt as formEncodingtypes,

Qt as formTargetTypes,
Ot as iconPlacements,
_t as iconPlacements,
qt as responsiveSizes,
Vt as sizes,
Lt as tags,
Nt as types,
Pt as variants
Nt as sizes,
Vt as tags,
Pt as types,
Ot as variants
import * as t from "react";
import { createComponent as e } from "@lit/react";
import { PieButton as o } from "./index.js";
import { defaultProps as y, formEncodingtypes as B, formMethodTypes as d, formTargetTypes as g, iconPlacements as v, responsiveSizes as T, sizes as x, tags as z, types as C, variants as N } from "./index.js";
import "lit";
import "lit/directives/class-map.js";
import "lit/directives/if-defined.js";
import "lit/decorators.js";
import "@justeattakeaway/pie-webc-core";
import "@justeattakeaway/pie-spinner";
const r = e({
import { defaultProps as p, formEncodingtypes as c, formMethodTypes as f, formTargetTypes as u, iconPlacements as P, responsiveSizes as l, sizes as y, tags as B, types as d, variants as g } from "./index.js";
const s = e({
displayName: "PieButton",

@@ -17,15 +11,15 @@ elementClass: o,

events: {}
}), u = r;
}), a = s;
export {
u as PieButton,
y as defaultProps,
B as formEncodingtypes,
d as formMethodTypes,
g as formTargetTypes,
v as iconPlacements,
T as responsiveSizes,
x as sizes,
z as tags,
C as types,
N as variants
a as PieButton,
p as defaultProps,
c as formEncodingtypes,
f as formMethodTypes,
u as formTargetTypes,
P as iconPlacements,
l as responsiveSizes,
y as sizes,
B as tags,
d as types,
g as variants
"name": "@justeattakeaway/pie-button",
"version": "0.0.0-snapshot-release-20240902111409",
"version": "0.0.0-snapshot-release-20240927094312",
"description": "PIE design system button built using web components",

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ "type": "module",

"@justeattakeaway/pie-components-config": "0.18.0",
"@justeattakeaway/pie-css": "0.12.1",
"@justeattakeaway/pie-css": "0.13.0",
"@justeattakeaway/pie-wrapper-react": "0.14.1",

@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ "cem-plugin-module-file-extensions": "0.0.5"

"dependencies": {
"@justeattakeaway/pie-spinner": "0.0.0-snapshot-release-20240902111409",
"@justeattakeaway/pie-webc-core": "0.24.0",
"@justeattakeaway/pie-spinner": "0.0.0-snapshot-release-20240927094312",
"@justeattakeaway/pie-webc-core": "0.0.0-snapshot-release-20240927094312",
"element-internals-polyfill": "1.3.11"