Modern NodeJS API wrapper for Anticaptcha service
This library is a NodeJS wrapper that expose an modern API in order to exploit the service.
Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress and it only support Proxyless Recaptcha breaker at the moment.
Install using npm i @kalkih/anticaptcha
For the example, we will use the nice feature that are ES7 Async Function this will make the syntax more concise, but feel free to use good old Promises.
Caution : Keep in mind that real people are working behind the network to break the hash. This can lead to some delay depending on the service charge's load, therefore you might require to set a greater timeout for your calls if you're using this through an REST API.
import { AntiCaptcha } from "@kalkih/anticaptcha";
const AntiCaptchaAPI = new AntiCapcha("<your_client_ID>");
const mainProcess = async () => {
if (await !AntiCaptchaAPI.isBalanceGreaterThan(10)) {
console.warn("Take care, you're running low on money !")
const taskId = await AntiCaptchaAPI.createTask(
proxyType: "http",
proxyAddress: "",
proxyPort: 80,
userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36"
const response = await AntiCaptchaAPI.getTaskResult(taskId);
The response object looks like this, feel free to check Typescript definition file that are given. This will give you nice view of the object properties.
status: "ready" | "processing";
solution: { gRecaptchaResponse: string };
cost: number;
ip: string;
createTime: number;
endTime: number;
solveCount: number;