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@karmaniverous/entity-tools - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.1 to 0.2.0



'use strict';
var defaultTranscodes = require('./defaultTranscodes.js');
var Nil = require('./Nil.js');

@@ -8,3 +9,4 @@ var sort = require('./sort.js');

exports.defaultTranscodes = defaultTranscodes.defaultTranscodes;
exports.isNil = Nil.isNil;
exports.sort = sort.sort;


* Null or undefined.
* Relates transcode keys to the types transcoded.
* @category Utilities
type Nil = null | undefined;
* Tests whether a value is {@link Nil | `Nil`}.
* @param value - Value.
* @returns true if `value` is `null` or `undefined`.
* @category Utilities
declare const isNil: (value: unknown) => value is Nil;
* The base TypeMap type. Relates types to the string token identifying the type in runtime code. All TypeMaps should extend this type.
* @example
* ```
* interface StringifiableTypes extends TypeMap {
* interface DefaultTranscodeMap extends TranscodeMap {
* bigint20: bigint;
* boolean: boolean;
* fix6: number;
* int: number;
* string: string;
* number: number;
* boolean: boolean;
* bigint: bigint;
* }
* ```
* @category Type Maps
* @category Transcoding
type TypeMap = Record<string, unknown>;
type TranscodeMap = Record<string, unknown>;
* The default {@link TypeMap | `TypeMap`} representing indexable types.
* Default {@link TranscodeMap | `TranscodeMap`} supporting {@link defaultTranscodes | `defaultTranscodes`}.
* @category Type Maps
* @see {@link Transcodes | `Transcodes`}
* @category Transcoding
interface StringifiableTypes extends TypeMap {
interface DefaultTranscodeMap extends TranscodeMap {
* Supports transcoding of `BigInt` values of up to 20 digits. See {@link defaultTranscodes | `defaultTranscodes`} for implementation details.
bigint20: bigint;
* Supports transcoding of `boolean` values. See {@link defaultTranscodes | `defaultTranscodes`} for implementation details.
boolean: boolean;
* Supports transcoding of fixed `number` values with up to 6 decimal places. See {@link defaultTranscodes | `defaultTranscodes`} for implementation details.
fix6: number;
* Supports transcoding of integer values. See {@link defaultTranscodes | `defaultTranscodes`} for implementation details.
int: number;
* Supports transcoding of `string` values. See {@link defaultTranscodes | `defaultTranscodes`} for implementation details.
string: string;
number: number;
boolean: boolean;
bigint: bigint;

@@ -57,3 +61,76 @@ * Strips the generic `[x: string]: unknown` property from `Record<string, unknown>` type.

* Maps transcode keys to their respective encoding and decoding functions.
* @typeParam T - The {@link TranscodeMap | `TranscodeMap`} type.
* @remarks
* The keys of this object must exactly match the keys of the {@link TranscodeMap | `TranscodeMap`}.
* Each `encode` function must take the mapped type as an argument and return a `string`. Invalid values should throw an error.
* Each `decode` function must take a `string` as an argument and return the mapped type.
* Encoded strings should be articulated such that they sort alphanumerically is the same order as the mapped type. Numerical values should therefore be encoded at a foxed length.
* @example
* ```
* interface MyTranscodeMap extends TranscodeMap {
* fix6: number;
* }
* const myTranscodes extends Transcodes<MyTranscodeMap> = {
* fix6: {
* encode: (value) => {
* if (
* !isNumber(value) ||
* value > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER / 1000000 ||
* value < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER / 1000000
* )
* throw new Error('invalid fix6');
* const [prefix, abs] = value < 0 ? ['n', -value] : ['p', value];
* return `${prefix}${abs.toFixed(6).padStart(17, '0')}`;
* },
* decode: (value) => {
* if (!isString(value) || !/^[np][0-9]{10}\.[0-9]{6}$/.test(value))
* throw new Error('invalid encoded fix6');
* return (value.startsWith('n') ? -1 : 1) * Number(value.slice(1));
* },
* },
* };
* console.log(myTranscodes.fix6.encode(-123.45)); // n0000000123.450000
* console.log(myTranscodes.fix6.encode(123.45)); // p0000000123.450000
* console.log(myTranscodes.fix6.encode(100000000000123.45)); // throws error
* console.log(myTranscodes.fix6.encode('foo')); // throws error
* console.log(myTranscodes.fix6.decode('n0000000123.450000')); // -123.45 (number)
* console.log(myTranscodes.fix6.decode('p0000000123.450000')); // 123 (number)
* console.log(myTranscodes.fix6.decode('q0000000123.450000')); // throws error
* console.log(myTranscodes.fix6.decode('foo')); // throws error
* ```
* @category Transcoding
type Transcodes<T extends TranscodeMap> = {
[P in keyof Exactify<T>]: {
encode: (value: T[P]) => string;
decode: (value: string) => T[P];
* {@link Transcodes | `Transcodes`} for {@link DefaultTranscodeMap | `DefaultTranscodeMap`}.
* See {@link | implementation details}.
* @category Transcoding
declare const defaultTranscodes: Transcodes<DefaultTranscodeMap>;
* The base Entity type. All Entities should extend this type.

@@ -64,17 +141,22 @@ *

type Entity = Record<string, unknown>;
* Generates a union of the keys of an {@link Entity | `Entity`} type whose values are of a given type.
* Null or undefined.
* @typeParam E - The {@link Entity | `Entity`} type.
* @typeParam T - The type to filter by.
* @category Utilities
type Nil = null | undefined;
* Tests whether a value is {@link Nil | `Nil`}.
* @returns A union of the keys of {@link Entity | `Entity`} `E` whose values are of type `T`.
* @param value - Value.
* @category Entities
* @returns true if `value` is `null` or `undefined`.
* @category Utilities
type PropertiesOfType<E extends Entity, T> = keyof {
[Property in keyof Exactify<E> as [T] extends [never] ? [NonNullable<E[Property]>] extends [never] ? Property : never : [NonNullable<E[Property]>] extends [never] ? never : NonNullable<E[Property]> extends T ? Property : never]: never;
declare const isNil: (value: unknown) => value is Nil;
* Generates a union of the keys of an {@link Entity | `Entity`} type whose values are not of a given type.
* Returns the properties of {@link Entity | `Entity`} `E` of types that do not extend type `T`. Ignores `undefined` types.

@@ -84,4 +166,2 @@ * @typeParam E - The {@link Entity | `Entity`} type.

* @returns A union of the keys of {@link Entity | `Entity`} `E` whose values are not of type `T`.
* @category Entities

@@ -92,26 +172,14 @@ */

* Generates a union of the keys of an {@link Entity | `Entity`} type that are represented in a given {@link TypeMap | `TypeMap`}.
* Returns the properties of {@link Entity | `Entity`} `E` of types that extend type `T`. Ignores `undefined` types.
* @typeParam E - The {@link Entity | `Entity`} type.
* @typeParam T - The {@link TypeMap | `TypeMap`}.
* @typeParam T - The type to filter by.
* @returns A union of the keys of {@link Entity | `Entity`} `E` whose types are in {@link TypeMap | `TypeMap`} `T`.
* @category Entities
* @category Type Maps
type PropertiesInTypeMap<E extends Entity, T extends TypeMap> = PropertiesOfType<E, T[keyof Exactify<T>]>;
* Generates a union of the keys of an {@link Entity | `Entity`} type that are not represented in a given {@link TypeMap | `TypeMap`}.
* @typeParam E - The {@link Entity | `Entity`} type.
* @typeParam T - The {@link TypeMap | `TypeMap`}.
* @returns A union of the keys of {@link Entity | `Entity`} `E` whose types are not in {@link TypeMap | `TypeMap`} `T`.
* @category Entities
* @category Type Maps
type PropertiesNotInTypeMap<E extends Entity, T extends TypeMap> = PropertiesNotOfType<E, T[keyof Exactify<T>]>;
type PropertiesOfType<E extends Entity, T> = keyof {
[Property in keyof Exactify<E> as [T] extends [never] ? [NonNullable<E[Property]>] extends [never] ? Property : never : [NonNullable<E[Property]>] extends [never] ? never : NonNullable<E[Property]> extends T ? Property : never]: never;

@@ -129,2 +197,3 @@ /**


@@ -153,2 +222,24 @@ * Sort an array of `Item` progressively by `sort`.

export { type Entity, type Exactify, type Nil, type PropertiesInTypeMap, type PropertiesNotInTypeMap, type PropertiesNotOfType, type PropertiesOfType, type SortOrder, type StringifiableTypes, type TypeMap, isNil, sort };
* Returns the properties of {@link Entity | `Entity`} `E` whose types are covered by {@link TranscodeMap | `TranscodeMap`} `T`.
* @typeParam E - The {@link Entity | `Entity`} type.
* @typeParam T - The {@link TranscodeMap | `TranscodeMap`}.
* @category Transcoding
* @category Entities
type TranscodableProperties<E extends Entity, T extends TranscodeMap> = PropertiesOfType<E, T[keyof Exactify<T>]>;
* Returns the properties of {@link Entity | `Entity`} `E` whose types are not covered by {@link TranscodeMap | `TranscodeMap`} `T`.
* @typeParam E - The {@link Entity | `Entity`} type.
* @typeParam T - The {@link TranscodeMap | `TranscodeMap`}.
* @category Transcoding
* @category Entities
type UntranscodableProperties<E extends Entity, T extends TranscodeMap> = PropertiesNotOfType<E, T[keyof Exactify<T>]>;
export { type DefaultTranscodeMap, type Entity, type Exactify, type Nil, type PropertiesNotOfType, type PropertiesOfType, type SortOrder, type TranscodableProperties, type TranscodeMap, type Transcodes, type UntranscodableProperties, defaultTranscodes, isNil, sort };

@@ -0,2 +1,3 @@

export { defaultTranscodes } from './defaultTranscodes.js';
export { isNil } from './Nil.js';
export { sort } from './sort.js';

@@ -130,3 +130,3 @@ {

"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"version": "0.1.1",
"version": "0.2.0",
"dependencies": {

@@ -133,0 +133,0 @@ "radash": "^12.1.0"

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