delayed-job is a horizontally scalable Node.js implementation of Ruby's delayed_job. Using semaphore locks it aims to provide an atomic interface to a federation of workers operating on the same job queue. Initial work has focussed on a Redis backed database, however more backend implementations are possible.

npm install @kev_nz/delayed-job
const Scheduler = require('@kev_nz/delayed-job')
const schedule = Scheduler.createSchedule({
url: '',
backend: {
name: 'redis',
jobHoldingBay: 'myUniqueListKey'
schedule.on('job', job => {
console.log('Received job',job);
const myJob = {
title: 'Great Gig In The Sky'
schedule.delay(myJob, 2000)
schedular.delay(job, timeout)
Schedule a job for execution
- errors thrown will result in re-establishing the scheduler [expand]
- Single atomic source of truth
- Db interactions are also atomic
- Jobs emitted have no immediate relationship to one another
Prior Art
Originally based on But that project hasn't been update in six years