LambdaTest Nodejs bindings for Tunnel
npm i @lambdatest/node-tunnel
var lambdaTunnel = require('@lambdatest/node-tunnel');
var tunnelInstance = new lambdaTunnel();
var tunnelArguments = {
user: process.env.LT_USERNAME || '<lambdatest-user>',
key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY || '<lambdatest-accesskey>'
tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments, function(error, status) {
if (!error) {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
.then(status => {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
.catch(error => {
(async function() {
try {
const istunnelStarted = await tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments);
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
} catch (error) {
tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments, callback)
Start tunnel Instance.
: credentials for secure tunnel connection.
: The username for the LambdaTest account.key
: The accessKey for the LambdaTest account.
(function(error, status)
): A callback to invoke when the API call is
tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments, function(error, status) {
if (!error) {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
.then(status => {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
.catch(error => {
(async function() {
try {
const istunnelStarted = await tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments);
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
} catch (error) {
Get Status of tunnel Instance.
tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments, function(error, status) {
if (!error) {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
var tunnelRunningStatus = tunnelInstance.isRunning();
console.log('Tunnel is Running ? ' + tunnelRunningStatus);
.then(status => {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
const tunnelRunningStatus = tunnelInstance.isRunning();
console.log('Tunnel is Running ? ' + tunnelRunningStatus);
.catch(error => {
(async function() {
try {
const istunnelStarted = await tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments);
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
const tunnelRunningStatus = tunnelInstance.isRunning();
console.log('Tunnel is Running ? ' + tunnelRunningStatus);
} catch (error) {
Get name of the Running tunnel Instance.
): A callback to invoke when the API call is
tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments, function(error, status) {
if (!error) {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
tunnelInstance.getTunnelName(function(tunnelName) {
console.log('Tunnel Name : ' + tunnelName);
.then(status => {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
tunnelInstance.getTunnelName().then(tunnelName => {
console.log('Tunnel Name : ' + tunnelName);
.catch(error => {
(async function() {
try {
const istunnelStarted = await tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments);
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
const tunnelName = await tunnelInstance.getTunnelName();
console.log('Tunnel Name : ' + tunnelName);
} catch (error) {
Stop the Running tunnel Instance.
(function(error, status)
): A callback to invoke when the API call is
tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments, function(error, status) {
if (!error) {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
tunnelInstance.stop(function(error, status) {
console.log('Tunnel is Stopped ? ' + status);
.then(status => {
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
tunnelInstance.stop().then(status => {
console.log('Tunnel is Stopped ? ' + status);
.catch(error => {
(async function() {
try {
const istunnelStarted = await tunnelInstance.start(tunnelArguments);
console.log('Tunnel is Running Successfully');
const status = await tunnelInstance.stop();
console.log('Tunnel is Stopped ? ' + status);
} catch (error) {
Every modifier except user and key is optional. Visit LambdaTest tunnel modifiers for an entire list of modifiers. Below are demonstration of some modifiers for your reference.
LambdaTest Basic Credentials
Below credentials will be used to perform basic authentication of your LambdaTest account.
- user (Username of your LambdaTest account)
- key (Access Key of your LambdaTest account)
If you wish to connect tunnel on a specific port.
- port : (optional) Local port to connect tunnel.
tunnelArguments = {
user: process.env.LT_USERNAME || '<lambdatest-user>',
key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY || '<lambdatest-accesskey>',
port: '<port>'
If you wish to perform tunnel testing using a proxy.
- proxyhost: Hostname/IP of proxy, this is a mandatory value.
- proxyport: Port for the proxy, by default it would consider 3128 if proxyhost is used For Basic Authentication, we use the below proxy options:
- proxyuser: Username for connecting to proxy, mandatory value for using 'proxypass'
- proxypass: Password for the USERNAME option.
tunnelArguments = {
user: process.env.LT_USERNAME || '<lambdatest-user>',
key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY || '<lambdatest-accesskey>',
proxyHost: '',
proxyPort: '8000',
proxyUser: 'user',
proxyPass: 'password'
Tunnel Name
Human readable tunnel identifier
- tunnelName: (Name of the tunnel)
tunnelArguments = {
user: process.env.LT_USERNAME || '<lambdatest-user>',
key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY || '<lambdatest-accesskey>',
tunnelName: '<your-tunnel-name>'
Testing Local Folder
Populate the path of the local folder you want to test in your internal server as a value in the below modifier.
- dir/localdir/localdirectory : Path of the local folder you want to test
tunnelArguments = {
user: process.env.LT_USERNAME || '<lambdatest-user>',
key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY || '<lambdatest-accesskey>',
dir: '<path of the local folder you want to test>'
Enable Verbose Logging
To log every request to stdout.
- v/verbose : true or false
tunnelArguments = {
user: process.env.LT_USERNAME || '<lambdatest-user>',
key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY || '<lambdatest-accesskey>',
v: true
Additional Arguments
You can provide a specific path to this file. If you won't provide a path then the logs would be saved in your present working directory by the filename: tunnel.log. For providing a specific path use the below argument:
tunnelArguments = {
user: process.env.LT_USERNAME || '<lambdatest-user>',
key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY || '<lambdatest-accesskey>',
logFile: '/lambdatest/logs.txt'
- egressOnly: Uses proxy settings only for outbound requests.
- ingressOnly: Uses proxy settings only for inbound requests.
- dns: Comma separated list of dns servers
- sshConnType: Specify type of ssh connection (over_22, over_443, over_ws)
- mode: Specifies in which mode tunnel should run [ssh,ws]
- nows: Force tunnel to run in non websocket mode
- mitm: MITM mode, used for testing websites with private certificates
Reporting bugs
Our GitHub Issue Tracker will help you log bug reports.
Tips for submitting an issue:
Keep in mind, you don't end up submitting two issues with the same information. Make sure you add a unique input in every issue that you submit. You could also provide a "+1" value in the comments.
Always provide the steps to reproduce before you submit a bug.
Provide the environment details where you received the issue i.e. Browser Name, Browser Version, Operating System, Screen Resolution and more.
Describe the situation that led to your encounter with bug.
Describe the expected output, and the actual output precisely.
Pull Requests
We don't want to pull breaks in case you want to customize your LambdaTest experience. Before you proceed with implementing pull requests, keep in mind the following.
Make sure you stick to coding conventions.
Once you include tests, ensure that they all pass.
Make sure to clean up your Git history, prior your submission of a pull-request. You can do so by using the interactive rebase command for committing and squashing, simultaneously with minor changes + fixes into the corresponding commits.
About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is a cloud based selenium grid infrastructure that can help you run automated cross browser compatibility tests on 2000+ different browser and operating system environments. LambdaTest supports all programming languages and frameworks that are supported with Selenium, and have easy integrations with all popular CI/CD platforms. It's a perfect solution to bring your selenium automation testing to cloud based infrastructure that not only helps you increase your test coverage over multiple desktop and mobile browsers, but also allows you to cut down your test execution time by running tests on parallel.