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“Ledger Live Common” @ledgerhq/live-common
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Ledger Live Common (@ledgerhq/live-common
) is a JavaScript library available via a NPM package.
This library depends on a bunch of ledgerjs packages and put together the core business logic behind Ledger Live Desktop and Ledger Live Mobile.
The stack is pretty standard for a ES6 and FlowType library. The notable dependencies are libraries like RxJS and BigNumber.js. There is also a bit of React and Redux but exposed in agnostic ways (meaning it's not mandatory to use – there will be dedicated entry point for them to offer utilities like React Hooks).
Table of Contents
Developing with Ledger Live Common
- Developing setup
- The different test approaches
- Unit test of live-common logic
- End-to-end tests of the
- Bridge dataset tests
- Providing mocks to implement UI tests
Are you adding the support of a blockchain to Ledger Live?
This part of the repository is where you will add most of your code.
For a smooth and quick integration:
- See the developers’ documentation on the Developer Portal and
- Go on Discord to chat with developer support and the developer community.