4.0.0 (2021-02-10)
Bug Fixes
- version: Ensure --create-release environment variables are present during initialization (2d0a97a)
- Improve accuracy of JSDoc type annotations (1ec69f0)
- create: Use main as default Github branch (1a951e9)
- import: Better handling of "Patch is empty" (#2588) (0497bc7)
Code Refactoring
- describe-ref: Add JSDoc types, remove test-only export (e5cf30c)
- package: Move Package.lazy() to static method (e52108e)
- child-process: Add JSDoc types (1840492)
- collect-uncommitted: Remove figgy-pudding (621b382)
- collect-updates: Add JSDoc type annotations to primary export (a4e7c78)
- conventional-commits: Add JSDoc types to named exports (81a591c)
- deps: @evocateur/libnpmaccess -> libnpmaccess@^4.0.1 (7974b35)
- deps: @evocateur/libnpmpublish -> libnpmpublish@^4.0.0 (341146e)
- deps: @evocateur/npm-registry-fetch -> npm-registry-fetch@^9.0.0 (6df42f2)
- deps: @evocateur/pacote -> pacote@^11.1.13 (99b4217)
- deps: @octokit/rest@^18.0.9 (f064a55)
- deps: @zkochan/cmd-shim -> cmd-shim@^4.0.2 (179e2c3)
- deps: Bump dependencies (affed1c)
- deps: byte-size@^7.0.0 (a1b2555)
- deps: camelcase -> yargs-parser/camelCase (d966e8b)
- deps: chalk@^4.1.0 (d2a9ed5)
- deps: conventional-changelog-core@^4.2.1 (54e2b98)
- deps: conventional-recommended-bump@^6.0.11 (4ff481c)
- deps: cosmiconfig@^7.0.0 (2958fe6)
- deps: dot-prop@^6.0.0 (5f31d3b)
- deps: execa@^4.1.0 (9051dca)
- deps: execa@^5.0.0 (d8100fd)
- deps: fs-extra@^9.0.1 (2f6f4e0)
- deps: get-port@^5.1.1 (b1b2275)
- deps: get-stream@^6.0.0 (ddf2ab5)
- deps: globby@^11.0.1 (6cb5bbe)
- deps: import-local@^3.0.2 (e0e74d4)
- deps: init-package-json@^2.0.1 (4042e8e)
- deps: inquirer@^7.3.3 (0b37795)
- deps: load-json-file@^6.2.0 (239f54b)
- deps: multimatch@^5.0.0 (0172526)
- deps: npm-package-arg@^8.1.0 (12c8923)
- deps: npm-packlist@^2.1.4 (c63fabd)
- deps: p-finally -> Promise.prototype.finally() (028db04)
- deps: p-finally@^2.0.1 (165e47e)
- deps: p-map-series@^2.1.0 (7f68076)
- deps: p-map@^4.0.0 (92b1364)
- deps: p-pipe@^3.1.0 (489f59e)
- deps: p-queue@^6.6.2 (ed76cdd)
- deps: p-reduce@^2.1.0 (fd4289a)
- deps: p-waterfall@^2.1.0 (7b7ea50)
- deps: path-exists@^4.0.0 (3fb6304)
- deps: pify@^5.0.0 (6b34452)
- deps: read-cmd-shim@^2.0.0 (9f78eee)
- deps: read-package-json@^3.0.0 (2a02865)
- deps: read-package-tree@^5.3.1 (3311780)
- deps: resolve-from@^5.0.0 (d414462)
- deps: rimraf@^3.0.2 (cda2e18)
- deps: semver@^7.3.2 (003ad66)
- deps: slash@^3.0.0 (5dec383)
- deps: ssri@^8.0.0 (41729b4)
- deps: tar@^6.0.5 (fce3e77)
- deps: temp-write@^4.0.0 (7bbfb70)
- deps: upath@^2.0.1 (28ecc48)
- deps: whatwg-url@^8.4.0 (5dfb7f0)
- deps: write-file-atomic@^3.0.3 (61f341b)
- deps: write-json-file@^4.3.0 (d552c53)
- deps: write-pkg@^4.0.0 (34db21c)
- deps: yargs@^16.1.1 (53d432b)
- filter-options: Remove figgy-pudding (7d90289)
- has-npm-version: Remove unused makePredicate() export (56cba2f)
- npm-dist-tag: Remove figgy-pudding (1158f8e)
- npm-publish: Remove figgy-pudding (bdc162d)
- otplease: Remove figgy-pudding (45ee52e)
- pack-directory: Remove figgy-pudding (640faa5)
- package: Improve JSDoc-inferred types, encapsulation (4d80c38)
- package-graph: Improve JSDoc-inferred types, encapsulation (fae9e8d)
- prerelease-id-from-version: Add JSDoc types (53cdad9)
- profiler: Remove figgy-pudding (69d4704)
- project: Add JSDoc type annotations to primary export (8443ad3)
- prompt: Add JSDoc types (0406568)
- prompt: Add unambiguous exports (46fa111)
- prompt: Remove ambiguous exports (42ab453)
- Consume named exports of sibling modules (63499e3)
- Expose named export (c1303f1)
- Remove default export (e2f1ec3)
- publish: Remove figgy-pudding (caf823e)
- query-graph: Remove figgy-pudding (3b0e2fe)
- run-lifecycle: Remove figgy-pudding (1093f87)
- run-topologically: Remove figgy-pudding (f3a73db)
- Drop support for Node v6.x & v8.x (ff4bb4d)
- prompt: The ambiguous 'confirm', 'select', and 'input' exports have been removed. Please use the renamed exports 'promptConfirmation', 'promptSelectOne', and 'promptTextInput' (respectively).
- has-npm-version: The makePredicate() export has been removed, memoization is now the responsibility of the caller.
- The default export has been removed, please use a named export instead.
- describe-ref: The test-only 'parse()' export has been removed.
- package: The
named export is now a proper static method of Package
- Node v6.x & v8.x are no longer supported. Please upgrade to the latest LTS release.
Here's the gnarly one-liner I used to make these changes:
npx lerna exec --concurrency 1 --stream -- 'json -I -f package.json -e '"'"'this.engines=this.engines||{};this.engines.node=">= 10.18.0"'"'"
(requires npm i -g json