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Comparing version 1.0.0-alpha.2 to 1.0.0-beta.1



@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { TreeRoot } from "../tree-root/tree-root";
import { TreeOptions } from "./tree-options.interface";
import type { TreeRoot } from "../tree-root/tree-root";
import type { TreeOptions } from "./tree-options.interface";
declare class Configuration {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ private readonly configStorage;

@@ -1,24 +0,44 @@

import { TreeBranch } from "../tree-branch/tree-branch";
import { TreeRoot } from "../tree-root/tree-root";
import type { TreeBranch } from "../tree-branch/tree-branch";
import type { TreeRoot } from "../tree-root/tree-root";
/** The configuration options for a tree, as identified by a TreeRoot */
export interface TreeOptions {
dragAndDrop?: {
* A function to indicate whether to allow a node to be dragged. The node in
* question is passed in. Defaults to a function that always returns true. This
* function runs when DragAndDropService.dragStart runs, and before the branch
* is pruned from the tree.
* A function that determines whether to allow a node to be dragged.
* @remarks
* Runs when a drag begins, but before the branch is pruned from the tree.
* @param treeBranch - The node of the tree that is about to be dragged.
* @defaultValue A function that always returns true.
* @returns `true` if the node can be dragged; `false` if it cannot.
allowDragging?: <T>(treeBranch: TreeBranch<T>) => boolean;
* A function to determine whether a sourceNode can be dropped at a particular location.
* The sourceNode, the new proposedParent for the sourceNode, and the new proposedIndex
* for the source node are passed in. This function runs just before displaying a
* family of dropzones.
* A function to determine whether a sourceNode can be dropped at a
* particular location.
* @remarks
* This function runs just before displaying a family of dropzones.
* @param sourceBranch - The branch that is being dragged.
* @param proposedParent - The proposed new parent of the sourceBranch.
* @param proposedIndex - The proposed new index of the sourceBranch.
* @defaultValue A function that always returns true.
allowDrop?: <T>(sourceNode: TreeBranch<T>, proposedParent: TreeBranch<T> | TreeRoot<T>, proposedIndex: number) => boolean;
allowDrop?: <T>(sourceBranch: TreeBranch<T>, proposedParent: TreeBranch<T> | TreeRoot<T>, proposedIndex: number) => boolean;
* A function to indicate whether to allow "nesting" (placing a branch one level
* deeper than its parent). The node in question is passed in. Defaults to a function
* that always returns true. This function runs just before displaying a family of
* dropzones.
* A function to indicate whether to allow "nesting" (placing a branch as
* a child) of a particular branch.
* @remarks
* This function runs just before displaying a family of dropzones.
* @param treeBranch - The node of the tree whose nesting capability is being
* checked.
* @defaultValue A function that always returns true.

@@ -29,5 +49,7 @@ allowNesting?: <T>(treeBranch: TreeBranch<T>) => boolean;

* The number of pixels each level of the tree will be indented relative to
* its parent. Defaults to 16.
* its parent.
* @defaultValue 16
indentation?: number;

@@ -5,2 +5,1 @@ export * from "./tree-service/tree.service";

export * from "./configuration/tree-options.interface";
export * from "./configuration/configuration";

@@ -1,11 +0,17 @@

import { TreePlot } from "../../structure/tree-plot";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
import { TreeBranchNode } from "../../structure/tree-branch-node.interface";
import { ComponentRef, Type, ViewContainerRef, ViewRef } from "@angular/core";
import type { Observable } from "rxjs";
import type { ComponentRef, Type, ViewContainerRef, ViewRef } from "@angular/core";
import { BranchComponent } from "../../components/branch/branch.component";
import { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import { BranchOptions, FullBranchOptions } from "../branch-options.interface";
import type { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import type { BranchOptions, FullBranchOptions } from "../branch-options.interface";
import { TreeRoot } from "..";
import { TreeNode } from "../../structure";
import type { TreeNode, TreePlot, TreeEvent, TreeBranchNode } from "../../structure";
/** Represents a standard node in a tree. Renders a BranchComponent.
* @remarks
* This class renders a branch component, which does the following:
* 1. Renders a component provided by the user
* 2. Provides a container in which child branches may be rendered
* 3. Contains two Dropzones: one for dropping branches below this branch (as a
* sibling), and one for dropping branches as a first child of this branch.
export declare class TreeBranch<UserlandComponent> implements TreeBranchNode<BranchComponent<UserlandComponent>, TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>, NodeComponent> {

@@ -18,23 +24,192 @@ readonly branchOptions: FullBranchOptions<UserlandComponent>;

constructor(parent: TreeNode<TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>, NodeComponent>, branchOptions: FullBranchOptions<UserlandComponent>);
/** @returns All child branches as an array of TreeBranch instances, in order. */
branches(): Array<TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>>;
* Recursively destroys all descendant branches, as well as itself. This
* releases all resources held or consumed by this branch and its descendants.
* @remarks
* It is important to call this method when a branch is discarded, otherwise
* the branch will remain in memory and continue to consume resources.
destroy(): void;
/** Run Angular change detection on this branch */
detectChanges(): void;
* Emits the specified TreeEvent.
* @remarks
* Caution: It is not recommended to manually emit TreeEvents that are already
* provided by the library. For example, it is not recommended to emit a
* `GraftEvent`, `DestructionEvent`, etc. These events may be used by the tree,
* and emitting them manually may cause unexpected behavior. Instead, we
* recommend implementing the TreeEvent interface with your own custom events
* and dispatching those.
* @param event - The TreeEvent that will be emitted.
dispatch(event: TreeEvent): void;
* @returns
* An observable that emits TreeEvents whenever an event is dispatched
* in this branch or any of its descendant branches.
events(): Observable<TreeEvent>;
* @param index - The index of the child branch to retrieve.
* @returns
* The child branch at the specified index, or undefined if there is
* no child branch at the specified index.
getBranch(index: number): TreeBranch<UserlandComponent> | undefined;
/** @returns The ViewContainerRef in which child branches are rendered */
getBranchesContainer(): ViewContainerRef | undefined;
/** @returns The instance of BranchComponent that is rendered by this class. */
getComponentInstance(): BranchComponent<UserlandComponent>;
/** @returns The Host View in which the BranchComponent is rendered */
getHostView(): ViewRef;
/** @returns The BranchComponent as a native HTML Element */
getNativeElement(): HTMLElement;
* @returns
* A ComponentRef containing the instance of the user-provided
* component which is rendered by this branch.
getUserlandComponentRef(): ComponentRef<UserlandComponent> | undefined;
* Attaches a branch to a new parent node.
* @remarks
* If not already pruned, this method prunes (removes) this branch from its
* current position in the tree; then grafts (reattaches) it as a child of the
* specified parent branch at the specified index. If no index is specified,
* the branch is appended as the last child of the parent. This causes this
* branch's associated BranchComponent to be re-rendered in the DOM at the
* new location.
* @param newParent - The new parent branch unto which this branch will be grafted.
* @param index - The index at which this branch will be grafted. If not specified,
* this branch will be appended as the last child of the new parent.
* @returns The index at which this branch was grafted.
graftTo(newParent: TreeNode<TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>, NodeComponent>, index?: number): number;
* Appends a new child branch to this branch. The child branch will render
* the specified component according to the (optional) configuration parameter.
* @param component - The component to render in the new child branch.
* @param options - Configuration options for the new child branch.
* @returns
* The newly-created child branch.
grow(component: Type<UserlandComponent>, options?: BranchOptions<UserlandComponent>): TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>;
* Determines this branch's index in relation to its sibling branches.
* @remarks
* For example, if it is the first child of its parent, this method will return
* 0. If it is the second child of its parent, this method will return 1.
* If this branch has no parent, (eg, if this branch has been pruned) this
* method will return undefined.
* @returns
* The index of this branch in relation to its sibling branches, or undefined.
index(): number | undefined;
/** @returns `true` if the branch is destroyed, `false` otherwise */
isDestroyed(): boolean;
* @returns
* The data that was passed into the `branchOptions`' `meta` property
* at construction.
meta(): Record<string, any>;
* @returns
* This branch's parent node (which may be a TreeBranch or TreeRoot).
* If this branch has no parent, (eg, if this branch has been pruned) this
* method will return undefined.
parent(): TreeNode<TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>, NodeComponent> | undefined;
* Provides a model describing this branch's descendants.
* @returns
* A multi-dimensional Map which describes the shape of this branch's
* descendants.
* @example
* A branch with no children will return an empty Map. A branch with
* a single child will return a Map with a single entry, where the key is the index
* of the branch (zero) and the value is an empty Map. A Tree like this:
* ```
* ---Branch-------Branch
* /
* Branch-------Branch
* \
* ---Branch
* ```
* Will return a Map of matching shape:
* ```
* Map {
* 0: Map { 0: Map {}},
* 1: Map {},
* 2: Map {}
* }
* ```
plot(): TreePlot;
* Calculates the branch's position in the tree relative to the Root.
* @remarks
* The position is described as an array of numbers, where each number
* represents the index of the branch at that level of the tree.
* For example, if this branch is the first child of the Root, this method
* will return [0]. If this branch is the second child of the first child
* of the Root, this method will return [0, 1].
* If the branch is not related to a TreeRoot, (such as when it has been
* pruned,) this method will throw an error.
* @returns
* An array of numbers which describe the branch's position in the tree
* relative to the Root.
position(): Array<number>;
* Removes a branch from its tree without destroying it.
* @remarks
* Removes this branch from its parent and detaches its associated
* BranchComponent from the DOM. This puts the branch in a "pruned" state,
* which may affect the behavior of other methods.
* A pruned branch can be reattached to any other node using the `graftTo` method.
* @returns
* Itself, or undefined if it is already in a pruned state.
prune(): this | undefined;
* Get the root of the tree to which this Branch is attached.
* @returns
* The TreeRoot of the tree this branch is in. If this branch is
* does not have a root (such as when it has been pruned) this method will
* return undefined.
root(): TreeRoot<UserlandComponent> | undefined;
* Traverses this branch's descendants in depth-first pre-order, executing
* the provided callback function on each node. Traversal includes this branch.
* @param callback - A function to execute on each node.
traverse(callback: (node: TreeNode<TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>, NodeComponent>) => void): void;

@@ -41,0 +216,0 @@ private checkGraftLocationValidity;

@@ -1,10 +0,13 @@

import { TreePlot } from "../../structure/tree-plot";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
import type { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { TreeBranch } from "../tree-branch/tree-branch";
import { Type, ViewContainerRef, ViewRef } from "@angular/core";
import type { Type, ViewContainerRef, ViewRef } from "@angular/core";
import { RootComponent } from "../../components/root/root.component";
import { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import { BranchOptions } from "../branch-options.interface";
import { TreeNode } from "../../structure";
import type { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import type { BranchOptions } from "../branch-options.interface";
import type { TreeNode, TreePlot, TreeEvent } from "../../structure";
* Represents the base of the tree. It renders a very simple container for child
* branches. It has methods for creating and accessing those branches. It emits
* events when things happen in the tree.
export declare class TreeRoot<UserlandComponent> implements TreeNode<TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>, RootComponent> {

@@ -15,17 +18,107 @@ private readonly viewContainerRef;

constructor(viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef);
/** @returns All child branches as an array of TreeBranch instances */
branches(): Array<TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>>;
* Recursively destroys all branches of the tree, as well as itself.
* @remarks
* This releases all resources held or consumed by the tree.
* It is important to call this method when a tree is discarded, otherwise
* the tree will remain in memory and continue to consume resources.
destroy(): void;
/** Run Angular change detection on the root of the tree */
detectChanges(): void;
* Emits the specified TreeEvent.
* @remarks
* Caution: It is not recommended to manually emit TreeEvents that are already
* provided by the library. For example, it is not recommended to emit a
* `GraftEvent`, `DestructionEvent`, etc. These events may be used by the tree,
* and emitting them manually may cause unexpected behavior. Instead, we
* recommend implementing the TreeEvent interface with your own custom events
* and dispatching those.
* @param event - The TreeEvent that will be emitted.
dispatch(event: TreeEvent): void;
* @returns
* An observable that emits TreeEvents whenever an event is dispatched
* in the root or any of its descendant branches.
events(): Observable<TreeEvent>;
* @returns
* The child branch at the specified index, or undefined if there is
* no child branch at the specified index.
getBranch(index: number): TreeBranch<UserlandComponent> | undefined;
/** @returns The ViewContainerRef in which child branches are rendered */
getBranchesContainer(): ViewContainerRef | undefined;
* Retrieves the RootComponent.
* @remarks
* The RootComponent holds the BranchesContainer, as well as a single Dropzone
* for drag-and-drop operations.
* @returns The instance of RootComponent that is rendered by this class.
getComponentInstance(): RootComponent;
/** @returns The Host View in which the RootComponent is rendered */
getHostView(): ViewRef;
/** @returns The RootComponent as a native HTML Element */
getNativeElement(): HTMLElement;
* Appends a new child branch to this branch. The child branch will render
* the specified component according to the (optional) configuration parameter.
* @param component - The component to render in the new child branch.
* @param options - Configuration options for the new child branch.
* @returns
* The newly-created child branch.
grow(component: Type<UserlandComponent>, options?: BranchOptions<UserlandComponent>): TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>;
/** @returns `true` if the tree is destroyed, `false` otherwise */
isDestroyed(): boolean;
* Provides a model describing the shape of the tree.
* @returns A multi-dimensional Map which describes the shape of the tree.
* @example
* For example, an empty tree will return an empty Map. A tree with a single
* branch will return a Map with a single entry, where the key is the index
* of the branch (zero) and the value is an empty Map. A Tree like this:
* ```
* ---Branch-------Branch
* /
* Root-------Branch
* \
* ---Branch
* ```
* Will return a Map of matching shape:
* ```
* Map {
* 0: Map { 0: Map {}},
* 1: Map {},
* 2: Map {}
* }
* ```
plot(): TreePlot;
/** @returns Itself */
root(): this;
* Traverses the tree in depth-first pre-order, executing the provided
* callback function on each node. Traversal includes the Root.
* @param callback - A function to execute on each node.
traverse(callback: (node: TreeNode<TreeBranch<UserlandComponent>, NodeComponent>) => void): void;

@@ -1,6 +0,12 @@

import { ViewContainerRef } from "@angular/core";
import { TreeOptions } from "../configuration/tree-options.interface";
import { type ViewContainerRef } from "@angular/core";
import type { TreeOptions } from "../configuration/tree-options.interface";
import { TreeRoot } from "../tree-root/tree-root";
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
/** Responsible for the creation of new trees. */
export declare class TreeService {
* Creates a new, empty tree structure inside the provided container.
* @returns A `TreeRoot` representing the base of the new tree.
createEmptyTree<Component>(container: ViewContainerRef, options?: TreeOptions): TreeRoot<Component>;

@@ -7,0 +13,0 @@ static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeService, never>;

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

import { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import { TreeBranch } from "../../core";
import { TreeNode } from "../../structure";
import { EventConduit } from "../../structure/event-conduit.interface";
import { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
import type { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import type { TreeBranch } from "../../core";
import type { TreeNode } from "../../structure";
import type { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
/** Emitted when a drag-and-drop operation has completed */
export declare class DragEndEvent<T> implements TreeEvent {

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ private readonly _source;

private readonly _oldIndex;
constructor(source: EventConduit, endpoints: {
constructor(source: TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>, endpoints: {
oldParent: TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>;

@@ -19,8 +19,11 @@ oldIndex: number;

type(): "drag end";
source(): EventConduit;
/** @returns The new index of the dropped branch */
newIndex(): number;
/** @returns The new parent of the dropped branch */
newParent(): TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>;
/** @returns The index of the dropped branch before it was dragged */
oldIndex(): number;
/** @returns The parent of the dropped branch before it was dragged */
oldParent(): TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>;
source(): TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>;

@@ -1,8 +0,9 @@

import { EventConduit } from "../../structure/event-conduit.interface";
import { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
import type { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import type { TreeNode } from "../../structure";
import type { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
/** Emitted when a TreeBranch begins being dragged */
export declare class DragStartEvent implements TreeEvent {
private readonly _source;
constructor(source: EventConduit);
type(): "drag start";
source(): EventConduit;
constructor(source: TreeNode<unknown, NodeComponent>);
source(): TreeNode<unknown, NodeComponent>;

@@ -1,4 +0,5 @@

import { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import { TreeBranch } from "../../core";
import { TreeNode, EventConduit, TreeEvent } from "../../structure";
import type { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import type { TreeBranch } from "../../core";
import type { TreeNode, TreeEvent } from "../../structure";
/** Emitted when a TreeBranch is dropped into a valid Dropzone */
export declare class DropEvent<T> implements TreeEvent {

@@ -8,7 +9,6 @@ private readonly _source;

private readonly _index;
constructor(source: EventConduit, parent: TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>, index: number);
type(): "drag end";
source(): EventConduit;
constructor(source: TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>, parent: TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>, index: number);
source(): TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>;
index(): number;
parent(): TreeNode<TreeBranch<T>, NodeComponent>;

@@ -1,8 +0,8 @@

import { EventConduit } from "../../structure/event-conduit.interface";
import { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
import type { NodeComponent } from "../../components/node-component.interface";
import type { TreeNode, TreeEvent } from "../../structure";
/** Emitted when a node is destroyed */
export declare class DestructionEvent implements TreeEvent {
private readonly _source;
constructor(source: EventConduit);
type(): "destruction";
source(): EventConduit;
constructor(source: TreeNode<unknown, NodeComponent>);
source(): TreeNode<unknown, NodeComponent>;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { EventConduit } from "../../structure/event-conduit.interface";
import { RelationalTreeEvent } from "./relational-tree-event.interface";
import { TreeRelationship } from "../../structure/tree-relationship.interface";
import type { RelationalTreeEvent } from "./relational-tree-event.interface";
import type { TreeRelationship } from "../../structure/tree-relationship.interface";
/** Emits when a branch is grafted to another tree node */
export declare class GraftEvent<T extends TreeRelationship<any, any>> implements RelationalTreeEvent<T["parent"], T["child"]> {

@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ private readonly _source;

private readonly _index;
constructor(source: EventConduit, relationship: T);
constructor(source: T["child"], relationship: T);
child(): T["child"];
type(): "graft";
index(): number;
parent(): T["parent"];
source(): EventConduit;
source(): T["child"];

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { EventConduit } from "../../structure/event-conduit.interface";
import { RelationalTreeEvent } from "./relational-tree-event.interface";
import { TreeRelationship } from "../../structure/tree-relationship.interface";
import type { RelationalTreeEvent } from "./relational-tree-event.interface";
import type { TreeRelationship } from "../../structure/tree-relationship.interface";
/** Emitted when a branch is pruned from its parent branch */
export declare class PruneEvent<T extends TreeRelationship<any, any>> implements RelationalTreeEvent<T["parent"], T["child"]> {

@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ private readonly _source;

private readonly _index;
constructor(source: EventConduit, relationship: T);
constructor(source: T["child"], relationship: T);
child(): T["child"];
type(): "prune";
index(): number;
parent(): T["parent"];
source(): EventConduit;
source(): T["child"];

@@ -1,6 +0,10 @@

import { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
import type { TreeEvent } from "../../structure/tree-event.interface";
/** A TreeEvent which involves a parent/child relationship */
export interface RelationalTreeEvent<Parent, Child> extends TreeEvent {
/** @returns The parent branch of the relationship */
parent: () => Parent;
/** @returns The child branch of the relationship */
child: () => Child;
/** @returns The index location of the child */
index: () => number;
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
/** A module containing the entities which provide collapse functionality */
export declare class TreeCollapseModule {

@@ -3,0 +4,0 @@ static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeCollapseModule, never>;

import { TreeBranch } from "../../core";
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
/** A service that collapses and expands tree branches */
export declare class TreeCollapseService {
* Causes a TreeBranch to collapse, temporarily pruning all of its children
* from the tree.
* @param treeBranch - The branch to collapse.
collapse<T>(treeBranch: TreeBranch<T>): void;
* Causes a TreeBranch to expand, restoring all of its children which were
* previously pruned by a call to `collapse()`.
* @param treeBranch - The branch to expand.
expand<T>(treeBranch: TreeBranch<T>): void;
* Determines whether a TreeBranch currently has any children which are
* pruned from the tree due to a call to the `collapse()` method.
* @remarks
* Child branches which are pruned manually from the tree, rather than
* through the `collapse()` method, will not be considered.
* @param treeBranch - The branch to check.
* @returns `true` if the branch is currently collapsed; `false` if it is not.
isCollapsed<T>(treeBranch: TreeBranch<T>): boolean;

@@ -7,0 +32,0 @@ static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeCollapseService, never>;

import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
import * as i1 from "./draggable.directive";
import * as i2 from "./dragover-no-change-detect";
* An Angular module containing all of the entities which provide Drag-And-Drop
* functionality.
export declare class TreeDragAndDropModule {

@@ -5,0 +9,0 @@ static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeDragAndDropModule, never>;

@@ -1,8 +0,12 @@

import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { TreeBranch, TreeRoot } from "../../core";
import type { Observable } from "rxjs";
import type { TreeBranch, TreeRoot } from "../../core";
import { DragStates } from "./drag-state";
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
export declare class TreeDragAndDropService {
/** Hides all Dropzones */
clearDropzones(): void;
dragStart<T>(treeBranch: TreeBranch<T>, event: DragEvent): void;
* @returns An object that indicates which dropzones are currently being displayed.
* If no dropzones are being displayed, then null is returned.
getCurrentlyDisplayedDropzoneFamily(): {

@@ -12,3 +16,18 @@ treeBranch: TreeRoot<any> | TreeBranch<any>;

} | null;
* Causes the dropzone of the TreeRoot to be displayed.
* @remarks
* This is a useful function when you want to show the dropzone of a TreeRoot
* that has no child branches.
* @param root - The TreeRoot whose dropzone you want to show.
showRootDropzone<T>(root: TreeRoot<T>): void;
* @returns An observable that emits a number whenever the drag state changes.
* @remarks
* See the `DragStates` enum for a list of possible states.
state(): Observable<DragStates>;

@@ -15,0 +34,0 @@ static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeDragAndDropService, never>;

import { ElementRef, Renderer2 } from "@angular/core";
import { TreeBranch } from "../../core";
import { TreeDragAndDropService } from "./drag-and-drop.service";
import type { TreeBranch } from "../../core";
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
/** Makes an TreeBranch draggable when the host element is dragged */
export declare class DraggableDirective {
private readonly dragAndDropService;
limbleTreeDraggable?: TreeBranch<any> | undefined;
constructor(dragAndDropService: TreeDragAndDropService, renderer: Renderer2, hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>);
constructor(renderer: Renderer2, hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>);
onDragstart(event: DragEvent): void;

@@ -10,0 +9,0 @@ static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<DraggableDirective, never>;

@@ -1,7 +0,11 @@

import { ElementRef, EventEmitter, NgZone, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import { ElementRef, EventEmitter, NgZone, type OnDestroy, type OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
* Works just like Angular's built-in `(dragover)` event binding, but is much
* more performant. It throttles the event to a configurable rate (default once
* every 25ms) and runs outside of Angular's change detection.
export declare class DragoverNoChangeDetectDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private readonly ngZone;
private readonly el;
dragoverEventThrottle: number;
readonly dragoverNoChangeDetect: EventEmitter<DragEvent>;

@@ -13,3 +17,3 @@ private eventSubscription;

static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<DragoverNoChangeDetectDirective, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<DragoverNoChangeDetectDirective, "[dragoverNoChangeDetect]", never, { "dragoverEventThrottle": "dragoverEventThrottle"; }, { "dragoverNoChangeDetect": "dragoverNoChangeDetect"; }, never, never, true>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<DragoverNoChangeDetectDirective, "[dragoverNoChangeDetect]", never, {}, { "dragoverNoChangeDetect": "dragoverNoChangeDetect"; }, never, never, true>;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Type } from "@angular/core";
import type { Type } from "@angular/core";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ * An object that references the component to be rendered and its bindings

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { ComponentObj } from "./legacy-component-obj.interface";
import type { ComponentObj } from "./legacy-component-obj.interface";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ * An object describing a node of the tree

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { TreeBranch, TreeRoot } from "../core";
import { ComponentObj } from "./legacy-component-obj.interface";
import type { TreeBranch, TreeRoot } from "../core";
import type { ComponentObj } from "./legacy-component-obj.interface";

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * A group of settings for changing the functionality of the tree

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { ViewContainerRef } from "@angular/core";
import { TreeRoot, TreeOptions } from "../core";
import { LimbleTreeOptions as LegacyLimbleTreeOptions } from "./legacy-tree-options.interface";
import { LimbleTreeData } from "./legacy-tree-data.interface";
import type { ViewContainerRef } from "@angular/core";
import { TreeRoot, type TreeOptions } from "../core";
import type { LimbleTreeOptions as LegacyLimbleTreeOptions } from "./legacy-tree-options.interface";
import type { LimbleTreeData } from "./legacy-tree-data.interface";

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ * A shim to help with the transition from v0 to v1.

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { AfterViewInit, EventEmitter, OnChanges, OnDestroy, ViewContainerRef } from "@angular/core";
import { LimbleTreeData } from "../legacy-tree-data.interface";
import { LimbleTreeOptions } from "../legacy-tree-options.interface";
import { TreeRoot } from "../../core";
import { type AfterViewInit, EventEmitter, type OnChanges, type OnDestroy, ViewContainerRef } from "@angular/core";
import type { LimbleTreeData } from "../legacy-tree-data.interface";
import type { LimbleTreeOptions } from "../legacy-tree-options.interface";
import type { TreeRoot } from "../../core";
import { DragEndEvent } from "../../events";

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ import * as i0 from "@angular/core";

@@ -5,2 +5,6 @@ import * as i0 from "@angular/core";

import * as i3 from "./extras/drag-and-drop/drag-and-drop.module";
* Import this Angular module into your application to gain access to the
* components, directives, and services provided by Limble Tree.
export declare class LimbleTreeModule {

@@ -7,0 +11,0 @@ static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<LimbleTreeModule, never>;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { ViewContainerRef, ViewRef } from "@angular/core";
import type { ViewContainerRef, ViewRef } from "@angular/core";
export interface ComponentContainer<Component> {

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ detectChanges: () => void;

export * from "./branchable.interface";
export * from "./component-container.interface";
export * from "./event-conduit.interface";
export * from "./graftable.interface";

@@ -5,0 +4,0 @@ export * from "./tree-branch-node.interface";

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { Graftable } from "./graftable.interface";
import { TreeNode } from "./tree-node.interface";
import type { Graftable } from "./graftable.interface";
import type { TreeNode } from "./tree-node.interface";
export declare type TreeBranchNode<Contents, Children, ParentContents> = TreeNode<Children, Contents> & Graftable<TreeNode<Children, ParentContents>> & {
position: () => Array<number>;

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { EventConduit } from "./event-conduit.interface";
import type { TreeNode } from "./tree-node.interface";
/** An event emitted by a node in the tree */
export interface TreeEvent {
type: () => string;
source: () => EventConduit;
source: () => TreeNode<unknown, unknown>;

@@ -1,11 +0,14 @@

import { Branchable } from "./branchable.interface";
import { EventConduit } from "./event-conduit.interface";
import { TreePlot } from "./tree-plot";
import { TreeRoot } from "../core";
import { ComponentContainer } from "./component-container.interface";
export interface TreeNode<Children, Component> extends EventConduit, Branchable<Children>, ComponentContainer<Component> {
import type { Branchable } from "./branchable.interface";
import type { TreePlot } from "./tree-plot";
import type { TreeRoot } from "../core";
import type { ComponentContainer } from "./component-container.interface";
import type { Observable } from "rxjs";
import type { TreeEvent } from "./tree-event.interface";
export interface TreeNode<Children, Component> extends Branchable<Children>, ComponentContainer<Component> {
dispatch: (event: TreeEvent) => void;
events: () => Observable<TreeEvent>;
isDestroyed: () => boolean;
plot: () => TreePlot;
root: () => TreeRoot<any> | undefined;
traverse: (callback: (node: Branchable<Children>) => void) => void;
root: () => TreeRoot<any> | undefined;
isDestroyed: () => boolean;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { Branchable } from "./branchable.interface";
import { Graftable } from "./graftable.interface";
import type { Branchable } from "./branchable.interface";
import type { Graftable } from "./graftable.interface";
export interface TreeRelationship<Parent extends Branchable<Child>, Child extends Graftable<Parent>> {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ parent: Parent;

"name": "@limble/limble-tree",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.2",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.1",
"peerDependencies": {

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "@angular/common": "^14.2.0",

@@ -334,2 +334,6 @@ # Limble Tree

### Dragging Into Empty Trees
Dropzones appear automatically as a branch is dragged over other branches. But what if the target tree has no other branches? In this case, a dropzone will not appear automatically. You will have to manually tell the tree when to render its dropzone using the `TreeDragAndDropService`.
### Configurable Restrictions For Drag-And-Drop

@@ -336,0 +340,0 @@

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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