
Type declaration and value checker
Type declaration
import { check } from '@markuplint/types';
check('2020-01-01', 'DateTime');
check('2020-02-30', 'DateTime');
Type Identifiers
Any | Some attributes | | ✅ |
NoEmptyAny | Some attributes | | ✅ |
OneLineAny | Some attributes | | ✅ |
Zero | Some attributes | | ✅ |
Number | Some attributes | | ✅ |
Uint | Some attributes | | ✅ |
JSON | Attributes on some frameworks etc. | | ✅ |
XMLName | svg|[attributeName] and more | XML | ✅ |
DOMID | The id attribute and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
FunctionBody | Event handler attributes | | 🚧 |
Pattern | input[pattern] | WHATWG | ✅ |
DateTime | time[datetime] and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
TabIndex | The tabindex attribute | WHATWG | ✅ |
BCP47 | The lang attribute and more | RFC | ✅ |
URL | Some attributes | WHATWG | ✅ |
AbsoluteURL | The itemtype attribute (as list) | WHATWG | ✅ |
HashName | img[usemap] | WHATWG | ✅ |
OneCodePointChar | The accesskey attribute (as list) | WHATWG | ✅ |
CustomElementName | The is attribute | WHATWG | ✅ |
BrowsingContextName | Use NavigableTargetName instead. | Obsolated | ✅ |
BrowsingContextNameOrKeyword | Use NavigableTargetNameOrKeyword instead. | Obsolated | ✅ |
NavigableTargetName | iframe[name] and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
NavigableTargetNameOrKeyword | a[target] and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
HTTPSchemaURL | a[ping] (as list) and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
MIMEType | embed[type] and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
ItemProp | The itemprop attribute (as list) | WHATWG | ✅ |
Srcset | img[srcset] and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
SourceSizeList | img[sizes] and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
IconSize | link[sizes] (as list) | WHATWG | ✅ |
AutoComplete | input[autocomplete] and more | WHATWG | ✅ |
Accept | input[accept] | WHATWG | ✅ |
SerializedPermissionsPolicy | iframe[allow] | W3C | ✅ |
<css-declaration-list> | The style attribute | CSS | ✅ |
<class-list> | The class attribute | SVG | ✅ |
<svg-font-size> | Some attributes for SVG | CSS | 🚧 |
<svg-font-size-adjust> | Some attributes for SVG | CSS | 🚧 |
<'color-profile'> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<'color-rendering'> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<'enable-background'> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<list-of-svg-feature-string> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<animatable-value> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<begin-value-list> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<end-value-list> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<list-of-value> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<clock-value> | Some attributes for SVG | SMIL | 🚧 |
<color-matrix> | Some attributes for SVG | W3C | ✅ |
<dasharray> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<key-points> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<key-splines> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<key-times> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<system-language> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<origin> | Some attributes for SVG | SMIL | ✅ |
<svg-path> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | 🚧 |
<points> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<preserve-aspect-ratio> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<view-box> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<rotate> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<text-coordinate> | Some attributes for SVG | SVG | ✅ |
<list-of-lengths> | Some attributes for SVG | | ✅ |
<list-of-numbers> | Some attributes for SVG | | ✅ |
<list-of-percentages> | Some attributes for SVG | | ✅ |
<number-optional-number> | Some attributes for SVG | | ✅ |
In addition, you can use types CSSTree defined.
$ npm install @markuplint/types
$ yarn add @markuplint/types