hardhat-zksync-deploy 🚀
ZKsync Era capabilities for contract deployment are enhanced with this Hardhat plugin, specifically designed to add ZKsync-specific features to the network.

This plugin provides utilities for deploying smart contracts on ZKsync Era with artifacts built by the @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solc or @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-vyper plugins.
⚠️ Version Compatibility Warning
Ensure you are using the correct version of the plugin with ethers:
⚠️ Deployer extension inside Hardhat Runtime Environment (HRE)
To use features like the deployer extension inside Hardhat Runtime Environment (HRE), caching mechanism, and support for script paths, tags, dependencies, and priority, the plugin versions should be as follows:
- For v6, the version should be 1.2.0 or higher.
- For v5, the version should be 0.8.0 or higher.
📣 Prerequisite
- You are already familiar with deploying smart contracts on ZKsync Era. If not, please refer to the first section of the quickstart tutorail.
- You have a wallet with sufficient Sepolia or Goerli ETH on L1 to pay for bridging funds to ZKsync as well as deploying smart contracts. Use the third party faucets to get some test tokens in your account.
- You know how to get your private key from your MetaMask wallet.
📥 Installation
To install hardhat-zksync-deploy plugin, run:
npm install -D @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy
yarn add -D @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy ethers zksync-ethers
📤 Exports
The main export of this plugin is the Deployer class. It is used to wrap a zksync-ethers Wallet instance and provides a convenient interface to deploy smart contracts and account abstractions.
It's main methods are:
* @param hre Hardhat runtime environment. This object is provided to scripts by hardhat itself.
* @param zkWallet The wallet which will be used to deploy the contracts.
constructor(hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, zkWallet: zk.Wallet)
* Created a `Deployer` object on ethers.Wallet object.
* @param hre Hardhat runtime environment. This object is provided to scripts by hardhat itself.
* @param ethWallet The wallet used to deploy smart contracts.
* @param deploymentType The optional deployment type that relates to the `ContractDeployer` system contract function to be called. Defaults to deploying regular smart contracts.
static fromEthWallet(hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, ethWallet: ethers.Wallet)
* Loads an artifact and verifies that it was compiled by `zksolc`.
* @param contractNameOrFullyQualifiedName The name of the contract.
* It can be a bare contract name (e.g. "Token") if it's
* unique in your project, or a fully qualified contract name
* (e.g. "contract/token.sol:Token") otherwise.
* @throws Throws an error if a non-unique contract name is used,
* indicating which fully qualified names can be used instead.
* @throws Throws an error if an artifact was not compiled by `zksolc`.
public async loadArtifact(contractNameOrFullyQualifiedName: string): Promise<ZkSyncArtifact>
* Estimates the price of calling a deploy transaction in a certain fee token.
* @param artifact The previously loaded artifact object.
* @param constructorArguments The list of arguments to be passed to the contract constructor.
* @param deploymentType Optional deployment type that relates to the ContractDeployer system contract function to be called. Defaults to deploying regular smart contracts.
* @returns Calculated fee in ETH wei.
public async estimateDeployFee(artifact: ZkSyncArtifact, constructorArguments: any[], deploymentType?: zk.types.DeploymentType): Promise<bigint>
* Sends a deploy transaction to the ZKsync network.
* For now it uses defaults values for the transaction parameters:
* @param contractNameOrArtifact The previously loaded artifact object, or contract name that will be resolved to artifact in the background.
* @param constructorArguments The list of arguments to be passed to the contract constructor.
* @param deploymentType Optional deployment type that relates to the ContractDeployer system contract function to be called. Defaults to deploying regular smart contracts.
* @param overrides Optional object with additional deploy transaction parameters.
* @param additionalFactoryDeps Additional contract bytecodes to be added to the factory dependencies list.
* The fee amount is requested automatically from the ZKsync Era server.
* @returns A contract object.
public async deploy(contractNameOrArtifact: ZkSyncArtifact | string, constructorArguments: any[], deploymentType?: zk.types.DeploymentType, overrides?: OverridesAdditionalFactoryDeps?: ethers.BytesLike[],): Promise<zk.Contract>
* Extracts factory dependencies from the artifact.
* @param artifact Artifact to extract dependencies from
* @returns Factory dependencies in the format expected by SDK.
async extractFactoryDeps(artifact: ZkSyncArtifact): Promise<string[]>
In the method description, it's evident that contractNameOrArtifact
can accept two types of objects. One type represents a loaded artifact, while the other type is a string representing a contract name, which the deploy method will internally convert to the corresponding artifact.
const wallet = new zk.Wallet("PRIVATE_KEY");
const deployer = new Deployer(hre, zkWallet);
// Provided previously loaded artifact
const artifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("ContractName");
const contract = await deployer.deploy(artifact);
// Provided contract name
const contract = await deployer.deploy("ContractName");
Environment extensions
The plugin adds a deployer extension object to the Hardhat Runtime Environment (HRE), which allows us to access it using hre.deployer
To extend the configuration to support automatic deployment inside scripts without the need for manually creating a wallet, you can add an accounts
field to the specific network configuration in the networks
section of the hardhat.config.ts
file. This accounts field can support an array of private keys or a mnemonic object.
If the accounts
section contains an array of private keys, the deploy method will use index 0
by default unless another wallet is explicitly set in the script.
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
networks: {
sepolia: {
url: "https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/<API_KEY>"
zkTestnet: {
url: "https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev",
ethNetwork: "sepolia",
zksync: true,
accounts: ['0xac1e735be8536c6534bb4f17f06f6afc73b2b5ba84ac2cfb12f7461b20c0bbe3', '0x28a574ab2de8a00364d5dd4b07c4f2f574ef7fcc2a86a197f65abaec836d1959'],
accounts: {
mnemonic: 'stuff slice staff easily soup parent arm payment cotton trade scatter struggle'
represents a list of the private keys or mnemonic object for the account used in the deployment process.
object will be automaticly be populated with rich accounts if used network is ZKsync Era Test Node or zksync-cli Local Node
To establish a default index per network, which is by default 0
, you can include a deployerAccounts
section in your hardhat.config.ts
file. This enables the plugin to utilize the designated default indexes when accessing deploy
method in deployment scripts, thereby granting greater control over the selection of the deployment account for each network.
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
deployerAccounts: {
'zkTestnet': 1,
networks: {
sepolia: {
url: "https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/<API_KEY>"
zkTestnet: {
url: "https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev",
ethNetwork: "sepolia",
zksync: true,
accounts: ['0xac1e735be8536c6534bb4f17f06f6afc73b2b5ba84ac2cfb12f7461b20c0bbe3', '0x28a574ab2de8a00364d5dd4b07c4f2f574ef7fcc2a86a197f65abaec836d1959'],
accounts: {
mnemonic: 'stuff slice staff easily soup parent arm payment cotton trade scatter struggle'
represents an object where the default index of the accounts is provided and automatically used in the deployment scripts. If the network name is not specified inside the object, the default index of the account will be 0
. We can change and deafult index for not specified networks if we override default
name with index that we want.
The described objects work together to provide users with a better deployment experience, eliminating the need for manual wallet initialization.
Methods available for use in hre.deployer
are the same as those available in the Deployer
class object, as described above. Additionally, hre.deployer
is extended with specific methods to facilitate the deployment process, making it more straightforward.
* Set a new Wallet
* @param wallet object to be used in further deployment actions
setWallet(wallet: zk.Wallet): void
* Returns a new Wallet connected to the selected network
* @param privateKeyOrAccountNumber Optional private key or index of the account
* @returns A wallet object. If param is not provided, default wallet will be returned.
async getWallet(privateKeyOrAccountNumber?: string | number): Promise<zk.Wallet>
Transition from Deployer
object to the hre.deployer
The deployment logic remains the same, but instead of instantiating a Deployer
class, you directly access the deployer object provided by hre.deployer
. This simplifies the deployment process and enhances the developer experience.
const wallet = new zk.Wallet("PRIVATE_KEY");
const deployer = new Deployer(hre, zkWallet);
const artifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("ContractName");
const contract = await deployer.deploy(artifact, []);
const artifact = await hre.deployer.loadArtifact("ContractName");
const contract = await hre.deployer.deploy(artifact, []);
Usage of the getWallet and setWallet
To simplify and improve the user experience, you can use the getWallet
and setWallet
methods provided by hre.deployer
to generate a new wallet for deployment if that is needed and to change current wallet.
const wallet = await hre.deployer.getWallet(2);
const wallet = await hre.deployer.getWallet("0x28a574ab2de8a00364d5dd4b07c4f2f574ef7fcc2a86a197f65abaec836d1959");
const artifact = await hre.deployer.loadArtifact("ContractName");
const contract = await hre.deployer.deploy(artifact, []);
Caching mechanism
The hardhat-zksync-deploy
plugin supports a caching mechanism for contracts deployed on the same network, and by default, this feature is enabled for every deployment with specific network unless specified otherwise. For each deployment within your project, a new deployments-zk
folder is created. Inside this folder, you can find subfolders for each network specified in the hardhat.config.ts
file. Each network folder contains JSON files named after deployed contracts where caching purposes information are stored, and additionally, a .chainId
file contains the chainId specific to that network.
To explicitly use a cache mechanism or force deploy for a specific network in your hardhat.config.ts
file, you would indeed need to set the forceDeploy
flag for that network in the networks section.
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
networks: {
sepolia: {
url: "https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/<API_KEY>"
zkTestnet: {
url: "https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev",
ethNetwork: "sepolia",
zksync: true,
forceDeploy: true
If the forceDeploy
flag is set to true
for a specific network in your hardhat.config.ts
file, it indicates that the deployment process will force deploy contracts to that network, bypassing any cache mechanism.
Conversely, if the forceDeploy
flag is set to false
or not specified for a network, hardhat-zksync-deploy
will use caching mechanism during deployment. This means it will check whether the contracts have changed since the last deployment, and if not, it will reuse the already deployed contracts instead of redeploying them.
If a forceDeploy
isn't explicitly defined, it automatically defaults to true
Scripts configuration
Scripts used for deployments have additional features that can provide the better experience and efficiency of the deployment process.
Deployment scripts path
Configuring a scripts path can be achieved in two ways:
- setting up global paths used for all networks.
- configuring network-specific paths used exclusively for each network. This kind of paths overrides a global paths.
Global Deployment Paths
To enable the plugin's usage of global custom deploy scripts, specify the directory path containing these scripts within the deployPaths
section nested inside the paths
section of your hardhat.config.ts
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
paths: {
deployPaths: "deploy-ZKsync",
deployPaths: ["deploy", "deploy-ZKsync"],
networks: {
sepolia: {
url: "https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/<API_KEY>"
zkTestnet: {
url: "https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev",
ethNetwork: "sepolia",
zksync: true,
Specify deployment directories, you can use either a single object or an array structure.
The default path, if not explicitly set, is the deploy
folder inside the project's root directory.
Network-Specific Deployment Paths
To configure network-specific paths, the hardhat.config.ts
configuration needs to be extended with a deployPaths
property inside the network object inside networks
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
networks: {
sepolia: {
url: "https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/<API_KEY>"
zkTestnet: {
url: "https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev",
ethNetwork: "sepolia",
deployPaths: 'deploy-ZKsync',
deployPaths: ['deploy', 'deploy-ZKsync'],
zksync: true
Network-specific paths will override a global path, ensuring that only scripts within the directories configured for the specific network are executed.
Deployment scripts, tags, dependencies and priority
Deployment scripts can be tagged, allowing for easy categorization and organization. Dependencies between scripts can be specified to ensure proper execution order, and priority levels can be assigned to determine the sequence in which scripts are run.
An array of strings representing lables that can be assigned to scripts for categorization and organization.dependencies
An array of script tags specifying the dependencies of a script, ensuring proper execution order based on their dependencies.priority
An integer value indicating the priority level of a script, determining the sequence in which scripts are executed. If a script has a higher value for priority field, it will be executed first unless it depends on another script.
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
const deployScript = async function (_: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
console.log("Deploy script");
export default deployScript;
deployScript.priority = 800;
deployScript.tags = ["first"];
deployScript.dependencies = ["second"];
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
const deployScript = async function (_: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
console.log("Deploy script");
export default deployScript;
deployScript.priority = 650;
deployScript.tags = ["second"];
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
const deployScript = async function (_: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
console.log("Deploy script");
export default deployScript;
deployScript.priority = 1000;
For the specific scripts, we observe that 001_deploy.ts
and 002_deploys.ts
are tagged, and 001_deploy.ts
depends on deployment scripts with the tag second
. Additionally, a priority is set for all three scripts. As a result, when starting the deployment process (running scripts), the order of script execution will be as follows:
: This script has the highest priority and is not dependent on any other script.002_deploy.ts
: This script needs to be executed second because it is tagged with second
, and 001_deploy.ts
depends on that script.001_deploy.ts
: Although this script has a higher priority than 002_deploy.ts
, it depends on the latter, so it will be executed last.
The default value for tags is default
, and the default value for priority is 0
📖 Example
- hre - hardhat runtime environment
- zkWallet - instance of Wallet using zksync-ethers SDK
Deployer class usage
After installing it, add the plugin to your Hardhat config:
import "@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy";
Then you'll be able to use the Deployer class in your files.
Create your script in the deploy folder or in any folder that you have specified inside the hardhat.config.ts
Import Deployer like this:
import { Deployer } from '@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy';
const { Deployer } = require('@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy');
Create a deployer instance:
const deployer = new Deployer(hre, zkWallet);
Load your contract artifacts:
const artifact = await deployer.loadArtifact('Greeter');
Deploy your contract:
const myContract = await deployer.deploy(artifact, [...contractArguments]);
Check the deployed address:
const address = await myContract.getAddress();
hre.deployer usage
After installing it, add the plugin to your Hardhat config:
import "@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy";
Create your script in the deploy folder or in any folder that you have specified inside the hardhat.config.ts
Load your contract artifacts:
const artifact = await hre.deployer.loadArtifact('Greeter');
Deploy your contract:
const myContract = await hre.deployer.deploy(artifact, [...contractArguments]);
Check the deployed address:
const address = await myContract.getAddress();
🕹 Commands
yarn hardhat deploy-zksync
-- runs through all the scripts.
To run a specific script, add the --script
argument, e.g. yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script 001_deploy.ts
. Runs script with name 001_deploy.ts
To run a scripts with specific tags add the --tags
argument, e.g yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --tags all
. Run all scripts with tag all
yarn hardhat deploy-zksync:libraries
-- compilation and deployment of missing libraries (the list of all missing libraries is provided by the output of matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solc plugin). Read more about how ZKsync deals with libraries on this link.
The account used for deployment will be the one specified by the deployerAccount
configuration within the hardhat.config.ts
file. If no such configuration is present, the account with index 0
will be used.
yarn hardhat deploy-zksync:contract --contract-name <contract name or FQN>
This command provides an easy and fast way to deploy one contract. If the provided command for deploying a single contract is insufficient and you require additional flexibility, such as incorporating additional dependencies or overrides, it would be advisable to utilize a script-based approach.
When executed, this command deploys the provided contract on the specified network, using the provided contract constructor arguments.
- To provide a contract name or FQN, required argument in the task, add a
--contract-name <contract name or FQN>
argument, e.g. hardhat deploy-zksync:contract --contract-name SomeContract
. - To provide a constructor arguments, specify them after a
argument, e.g. hardhat deploy-zksync:contract --contract-name Greeter 'Hello'
. - To provide a complex constructor argument list, you can write a separate javascript module to export it and provide module name with
--constructor-args <module name>
argument, e.g.
hardhat deploy-zksync:contract --contract-name ComplexContract --constructor-args args.js
. Example of args.js
module.exports = [
"a string argument",
property1: "one",
property2: 2,
- To allows the task to skip the compilation process, add
argument, e.g. hardhat deploy-zksync:contract --contract-name Contract --no-compile
. - To allows the task to specify which deployer smart contract function will be called, add
argument. Permissible values for this parameter include create
, create2
, createAccount
, and create2Account
. If this parameter is omitted, the default value assumed will be create
, e.g. hardhat deploy-zksync:contract --contract-name Greeter 'Hello' --deployment-type create2
. - To specify which salt will be used in deployment, add
argument. If the salt parameters are ommited, the default value will be 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
The account used for deployment will be the one specified by the deployerAccount
configuration within the hardhat.config.ts
file. If no such configuration is present, the account with index 0
will be used.
📝 Documentation
In addition to the hardhat-zksync-deploy, ZKsync's Era website offers a variety of resources including:
Guides to get started: Learn how to start building on ZKsync Era.
Hardhat ZKsync Era plugins: Overview and guides for all Hardhat ZKsync Era plugins.
ZK Chains: Deep dive into the concept of ZK chains.
🤝 Contributing
Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to open any issue or send a pull request.
Go to CONTRIBUTING.md to learn about steps and best practices for contributing to ZKsync hardhat tooling base repository.
🙌 Feedback, help and news
ZKsync Era Discord server: for questions and feedback.
Follow ZKsync Era on Twitter
Happy building! 👷♀️👷♂️