Utility functions to use selectors for decoupled React components with a global Redux state.
npm install --save @modular-toolkit/selectors
Note: by default, the npm package exposes ES5-compatible code (transpiled through Babel).
If you want to use the untranspiled code (highly recommended), us the esnext version, which is
included in the same npm package (more info here).
This is a drop in replacement for reselect.createSelector and is used
to create composed, cachable selectors.
This drop-in replacement is required, because the original function provided
by Reselect does not play nicely with the registerSelectorsForUseWithGlobalState module.
This utility function allows you to register selectors that use the context of a self-contained module to
a global Redux state.
For an example, take a look at this code from the demo app:
import { registerSelectorsForUseWithGlobalState } from '@modular-toolkit/selectors';
import * as hackerNewsSelectors from '@modular-toolkit/demo-module/selectors';
export default () => registerSelectorsForUseWithGlobalState(
- The first argument is a string that denotes the path to the module's state in the global state
- The second argument is an object containing the selectors
A version of,
allows you to use the global selector mechanism described above with Sagas.
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