What is @nestjs/event-emitter?
@nestjs/event-emitter is a module for NestJS that provides an event-driven architecture. It allows you to emit and listen to events within your NestJS application, making it easier to decouple different parts of your application and improve maintainability.
What are @nestjs/event-emitter's main functionalities?
Event Emission
This feature allows you to emit events from any part of your application. In this example, the `MyService` class emits an event named 'my.event' with some data.
const { Injectable } = require('@nestjs/common');
const { EventEmitter2 } = require('@nestjs/event-emitter');
class MyService {
constructor(private eventEmitter: EventEmitter2) {}
triggerEvent() {
this.eventEmitter.emit('my.event', { data: 'some data' });
Event Listener
This feature allows you to listen to events emitted within your application. In this example, the `MyListener` class listens for the 'my.event' event and handles it by logging the payload.
const { Injectable } = require('@nestjs/common');
const { OnEvent } = require('@nestjs/event-emitter');
class MyListener {
handleMyEvent(payload) {
console.log('Event received:', payload);
Event Payload Validation
This feature allows you to validate the payload of events. In this example, the `MyEventPayload` class uses class-validator to ensure that the `data` property is a string. The `MyListener` class listens for the 'my.event' event and handles it asynchronously.
const { Injectable } = require('@nestjs/common');
const { OnEvent } = require('@nestjs/event-emitter');
const { IsString } = require('class-validator');
class MyEventPayload {
class MyListener {
@OnEvent('my.event', { async: true })
async handleMyEvent(payload: MyEventPayload) {
console.log('Validated event received:', payload);
Other packages similar to @nestjs/event-emitter
EventEmitter2 is a Node.js module that extends the EventEmitter class to provide additional features such as namespaced events, wildcards, and more. It is more general-purpose compared to @nestjs/event-emitter, which is specifically designed for NestJS applications.
RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables. It provides powerful operators for event handling, transformation, and composition. While RxJS is more complex and feature-rich, @nestjs/event-emitter offers a simpler and more straightforward API for event-driven architecture in NestJS.
Mitt is a tiny (~200 bytes) functional event emitter. It is extremely lightweight and easy to use, but lacks some of the advanced features provided by @nestjs/event-emitter, such as integration with NestJS's dependency injection system.
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.
Events module for Nest built on top of the eventemitter2 package.
$ npm i --save @nestjs/event-emitter
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