Environment variables from process into Angular app
Angular already has his own environment system, can configure everything in src/environments/environment.ts
and you can create as many environments as you want.
The problem is, sometimes you want to use the System Environment variables,
for example, some configuration from the CI server or if build process is running "on-premise" server,
in this case, Angular environment system will not help.
ng-process-env will help you to retrieve values from System Environment variables and update relevant environment.ts
Just add it into your app.
ng add ng-process-env
You will be prompted to insert relevant project name project name.
You can skip it and use schematics generator later by running:
ng g ng-process-env:process-env
Insert project name
? Project name to update angular.json config.
(you can skip and do it later using schematics or manually) my-app
Project my-app will be updated
Env File will be created at apps/my-app/src/environments
Define environment name
? You can set name for config to be updated or added as a new one, 'onprem' - default
#Collect Vars
To update the created environment ts file with variables from process.env:
ng run my-app:collect-vars
#More details
Navigate to apps/my-app/src/environments
Open a new created file environment.onprem.ts
Should looks similar to:
export const environment = {
production: false,
envVar: {
Add variable names you want to be retrieved from process.env
We suggest you to add default values too.
export const environment = {
production: false,
envVar: {
API_URL: 'http://localhost:3000',
servePort: 4200,
customer_id: '700',
otherKey: 'defaultValue'
Collect vars
To update environment.onprem.ts with variables from environment run:
ng run my-app:collect-vars
Updated environment.onprem.ts.
export const environment = {
production: false,
envVar: {
otherKey: 'defaultValue',
API_URL: "api.domain.com",
servePort: 5000 as number,
customer_id: "1234"
API_URL: 'localhost:3000' | string | 'api.domain.com' | API_URL: 'api.domain.com' |
servePort: 4200 | number | 5000 | servePort: 5000 as number |
customer_id: '700' | string | 1234 | customer_id: '1234' |
otherKey: 'defaultValue' | string | null or undefined | otherKey: 'defaultValue' |