Advanced tools
4.22.0 (2024-05-03)
#432 remove custom node-workspace plugin (@lukekarrys)0df268d
#442 properly check for diff with multiple files from overwrite:false (#442) (@lukekarrys)2eca24b
#441 use git+https protocol for repo url (#441) (@lukekarrys)732dddc
#439 update actions workflow versions (#439) (@lukekarrys)7949ec3
#438 add node 22 to CI matrix (#438) (@lukekarrys)6d54cbf
#436 get correct exit code from npm publish/view (#436) (@lukekarrys)d0bf7c2
#435 update license (#435) (@lukekarrys)df03d8b
#433 dont create chore only PRs (#433) (@lukekarrys)Changelog
4.21.0 (2023-12-01)
#334 use upstream release-please (#334) (@lukekarrys)3d76fc4
#380 release workflow uses composite actions (#380) (@lukekarrys)fbe355c
#388 pin release-please version (#388) (@lukekarrys)4fad5d8
#387 make prerelease config switch versioning strategy (#387) (@lukekarrys)c892260
#386 fallback to default release process of 404 from hosted version (#386) (@lukekarrys)9b22b83
#384 give release integration workflow correct permissions and secrets (#384) (@lukekarrys)Changelog
4.20.0 (2023-11-15)
#371 add typescript and esm support (@lukekarrys)ea0e866
#373 update engines (#373) (@lukekarrys)74331b4
#371 remove tap 16 specific config when using tap 18 (@lukekarrys)3fca74f
#371 always lint all js-ish extensions (@lukekarrys)37e9e0e
#371 use npx semver to better determine latest npm (@lukekarrys)3e1792c
#362 add suffix to template files (#362) (@rotu)ebb48ec
#368 add PR approval to auto publish flow (#368) (@wraithgar)f065bcb
#366 prefer upstream over origin when getting remote (@lukekarrys)29bf19d
#364 Ignore transient tap test directories (#364) (@wraithgar)ec65582
#375 bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.8.1 to 18.1.0c8420a6
#374 bump @commitlint/cli from 17.8.1 to 18.2.0f2521ed
#370 bump @npmcli/arborist from 6.5.0 to 7.2.18c20554
#346 bump @npmcli/git from 4.1.0 to 5.0.3f25926a
#343 bump @npmcli/package-json from 4.0.1 to 5.0.0af30dbe
#357 bump hosted-git-info from 6.1.1 to 7.0.10b59cd6
#349 bump npm-package-arg from 10.1.0 to 11.0.1